Film recommendation.

Starting XI
over 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Leon, starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman is a quality movie.  Really good.  Just watched it.

Was Leon a paedophile or not? The film's great unresolved question.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Try Four Lions.

Not as funny as the trailer may make it seem. But thought provoking and even poignant.
Starting XI
over 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Just watched Sin City for the first time in a few years.  Man it's a quality movie.

Love this sort of thread.

 The differing opinions.
Sin City must be one of the worst films I have ever seen. Three of us went and we walked out...

First Team Squad
over 14 years
dairyflat wrote:
Try Four Lions.

Not as funny as the trailer may make it seem. But thought provoking and even poignant.
Actually I found this hilerious and had tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing so hard in places. it is also sad and def a thought provoking movie and I hear distributors are extremly hesitant to even try and play it anywhere in the states so thats almost a recommendation in itself
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Also saw Animal Kingdom the other day and thats another movie like Hunger where you end up feeling empathetic to both sides, the cops and the crimms, the prisoners and the guards - makes you totally understand why revenge can escalute things & understandable make ea side loathe one another stealthkiwi2010-10-28 09:43:02
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
dairyflat wrote:
Try Four Lions.

Not as funny as the trailer may make it seem. But thought provoking and even poignant.
Ooh, hopefully seeing this on Sunday... Pretty keen for it, tbh!
Starting XI
over 17 years
stealthkiwi wrote:
Actually I found this hilerious and had tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing so hard in places. it is also sad and def a thought provoking movie and I hear distributors are extremly hesitant to even try and play it anywhere in the states so thats almost a recommendation in itself
NY TIMES wrote...

Mr. Morris said he did not conceive of �Four Lions� as a provocation: �It wasn�t about getting the least likely subject for a comedy and then making a film about it, but the other way around.� After 9/11 � and with greater intensity after the 2005 London bombings � he immersed himself in books and articles on Islamic history and culture, not knowing where his research would lead.

�I wanted to understand what was going on,� he said. �Once I started reading I found things that made me laugh.�

As he pieced together a ground-level view of Islamic extremism � talking to a wide spectrum of British Muslims, interviewing security experts, poring over transcripts and documents from terrorism trials � he noticed an abundance of plans gone wrong and a pattern of incongruous situations and idiotic behavior: the makings of farce, in other words.

There were the would-be terrorists who set up a training camp in the woods but slept in their van because they were afraid of mice. Recordings by the MI5 security service of a London cell turned up �reams of rubbish dialogue,� Mr. Morris said, �like debates about who�s cooler, bin Laden or Johnny Depp� and puzzled questions about the exact purpose of all that fertilizer they had purchased.


dairyflat2010-10-29 20:56:20
First Team Squad
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:
Piranha - so bad it is good

even I admired the sheer constant perkiness of Piranha's cast
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
I shall be watching Four Lions at some point this weekend.
Saw 'The Town'  the other day. Fairly solid movie but I read a review comparing it to Heat and I couldnt' get it out of my mind the entire time!
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
stealthkiwi wrote:
2ndBest wrote:
Piranha - so bad it is good

even I admired the sheer constant perkiness of Piranha's cast

So much of this.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Loving all the support for Four Lions - it is great.

Such a good idea to laugh at the things we're supposed to be afraid of ... quite a different take to Team America World Police, but still very funny.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
If anyone hasn't seen Chris Morris's TV stuff but likes Four Lions, you should check out Brass Eye.
The paedophile 'special' is an absolute cracker. Spot on satire of the utter hysteria in the media (mainly British, but you should still get it). The Drugs episode is also amazing.
over 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
loyalgunner wrote:
Leon, starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman is a quality movie.  Really good.  Just watched it.

Was Leon a paedophile or not? The film's great unresolved question.

I didn't think so.  Natalie Portman wanted him bad, though.  Regardless it's fantastic.  I'd recommend trying Sin City again, personally.  May watch Dawn of the Dead again before the Arsenal game.  Such class.  I know I'm 20 and should grow up but zombies are sweet!
Starting XI
over 14 years
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Steve-O wrote:
If anyone hasn't seen Chris Morris's TV stuff but likes Four Lions, you should check out Brass Eye.
The paedophile 'special' is an absolute cracker. Spot on satire of the utter hysteria in the media (mainly British, but you should still get it). The Drugs episode is also amazing.
I was addicted to Cake for 4 years in the 1990's. Terrible drug.
over 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
loyalgunner wrote:
Leon, starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman is a quality movie.  Really good.  Just watched it.

Was Leon a paedophile or not? The film's great unresolved question.
How was he a paedophile? How is that even a question, unresolved or not? Been a long time since I've seen it, but I don't recall any pedo scenes...
Starting XI
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:

How was he a paedophile? How is that even a question, unresolved or not? Been a long time since I've seen it, but I don't recall any pedo scenes...

There weren't any scenes as such. There was a lot inferred. A lot of critics went for it the way you might critique, say, Nabokov's Lolita.
dairyflat2010-11-01 09:45:23
First Team Squad
over 14 years
kiwi pie wrote:
dairyflat wrote:
loyalgunner wrote:
Leon, starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman is a quality movie.  Really good.  Just watched it.

Was Leon a paedophile or not? The film's great unresolved question.
How was he a paedophile? How is that even a question, unresolved or not? Been a long time since I've seen it, but I don't recall any pedo scenes...
It's not that he is a paedophile but that the film makes it seem like there is chemistry between the two. It's similar to Labyrinth which as  a young teenage female I thought there was major chemistry between Sarah and Jareth/Bowie and was at the time evn younger than the female character but thought there was romance hovering at the edges and I found that ecxiting but later on I look at it and think its kind of icky with such a big age gap. Both movies somehow make it look kind of natural that something might progress further when in the real world its just wrong
over 17 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
Four Lions = brilliant. Just loved it.
Acting was great, idea was great, but I thought there was some lazy writing in there. They were just too stupid, and so was a lot of the comedy, like when the guy thinks chickens are rabbits. I mean, come the f**k on.
over 17 years
Wow, I missed all that. I just saw two characters who loved each other. Comparing it to Lolita? I don't see it. Humbert was obsessed with Lolita as a sexual being, I didn't get that from Leon.
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Wow, I missed all that. I just saw two characters who loved each other. Comparing it to Lolita? I don't see it. Humbert was obsessed with Lolita as a sexual being, I didn't get that from Leon.
if you love someone under 16 who isn't your kid you are a pedo now it seems
Starting XI
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Wow, I missed all that. I just saw two characters who loved each other. Comparing it to Lolita? I don't see it. Humbert was obsessed with Lolita as a sexual being, I didn't get that from Leon.

Agreed. I offered a lousy comparison.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
I don't think it was like Lolita and I don't see the male older characters as being creepy but from a teenage girl perspective (teenage at the time I viewed them) both stories made the older males seem magnetic and appealing in a way that as an older female I thought hmmmm this was obv written by a guy
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Haven't seen the movie, don't even know if its out yet, but Helen Mirren looks sexy firing a .50 calibre & Heckler Koch MP5 in the trailer
Wongo2010-11-01 13:06:02
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
RED was great. Kind of reminded me of the oceans trilogy. Doesnt take itself too seriously,a bit of action,and is funny. Malkovich is hilarious.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
You beat me to it. Also saw Red on the weekend.
Not really a full on action, and not really a full on comedy, but good mix of them both.
John Malkovich is definitely all class.
over 17 years
I hate mixes, like action/comedies or horror/comedies. Usually they end up just being weak versions of both.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
hlmphil wrote:
You beat me to it. Also saw Red on the weekend.
Not really a full on action, and not really a full on comedy, but good mix of them both.

John Malkovich is definitely all class.

If you liked oceans,you'll like RED. It's pretty much just a comedy,not really a mix. But there are guns..

Edit: quote fail. Was meant to quote Cosimo.Tegal2010-11-01 15:55:04
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
hlmphil wrote:
You beat me to it. Also saw Red on the weekend.
Not really a full on action, and not really a full on comedy, but good mix of them both.

John Malkovich is definitely all class.

If you liked oceans,you'll like RED. It's pretty much just a comedy,not really a mix. But there are guns..

Edit: quote fail. Was meant to quote Cosimo.
Everyone wants to quote me bitches
over 17 years
Shaun of the Dead was a horror/comedy and it was fantastic.

I'm inclined to think that there wasn't even any question of paedophilia in Leon.  She wanted him, he said no and only went so far as to sleep in the same bed as her as a compromise.

Just saw Lethal Weapon.  Disappointingly rubbish.
over 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Shaun of the Dead was a horror/comedy and it was fantastic.

I'm inclined to think that there wasn't even any question of paedophilia in Leon.  She wanted him, he said no and only went so far as to sleep in the same bed as her as a compromise.

Just saw Lethal Weapon.  Disappointingly rubbish.
Exceptions prove my rules
about 17 years
Agree. Malkovich had the best character in Red. Hilarious.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Shaun of the Dead was a horror/comedy and it was fantastic.

I'm inclined to think that there wasn't even any question of paedophilia in Leon.  She wanted him, he said no and only went so far as to sleep in the same bed as her as a compromise.

Just saw Lethal Weapon.  Disappointingly rubbish.
ALL TIME CLASSIC MOVIE! You are obviously too old for this sh*t.
over 17 years
What was with the huge brawl at the end between Mel Gibson and the blond guy?  Talk about unnecessary and not to mention weak.  Now, I love a good action movie but this was just poor.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Cosimo wrote:
El-Ni�o wrote:
Four Lions = brilliant. Just loved it.
Acting was great, idea was great, but I thought there was some lazy writing in there. They were just too stupid, and so was a lot of the comedy, like when the guy thinks chickens are rabbits. I mean, come the f**k on.
The bit where he is telling his kid the Simba story is absolutely fantastic though.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:
hlmphil wrote:
You beat me to it. Also saw Red on the weekend.
Not really a full on action, and not really a full on comedy, but good mix of them both.

John Malkovich is definitely all class.

If you liked oceans,you'll like RED. It's pretty much just a comedy,not really a mix. But there are guns..

Edit: quote fail. Was meant to quote Cosimo.
Yeah fair enough, I guess it's more a fast paced (?) comedy with action sequences. They tend to work though. Guy Ritchie made a genre out of it (when he wasn't married to Madonna that is).
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Anyone seen I love you Phillip Morris.  Based on a true story.  Very bizarre but bloody good.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
loyalgunner wrote:
What was with the huge brawl at the end between Mel Gibson and the blond guy?  Talk about unnecessary and not to mention weak.  Now, I love a good action movie but this was just poor.
Not sure it was a 'huge brawl'? Just some one-on-one combat as they were both ex-special forces...
A classic of it's time IMO, one of my favourites.
I concede that watching it 23 years after it was released may result in a slightly different viewpoint, but back in about 88 when I first saw it, I thought it was awesome!

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