Is this forum fun and informative any more?

Life and death
over 17 years

My title is more an attempt to get you to open the thread than an actual statement, but I want to get a few things off my chest. 

Firstly, the positives; the forum is a great tool for the Nix fan, full of humour, good analysis, fact and reasoned opinion. On the other hand it is also completely the opposite and that is what really gets on my tits. So much so that I'm considering leaving the forum. 

I think its got worse recently, I've made the mistake of watching games at the same time as the match thread and some of the comment there is abusive, ill informed, and manic. Easy to just not do that you might say, but I am addicted as much to the forum as I am to watching big fat gypsy weddings, and what used to be annoying is now ruining my pleasure of following the club.

The counter argument will be that is what forums are for/like, people are just being passionate etc, but where do you draw the line? If in fact a line should be drawn.

I don't expect change just because Napier Phoenix doesn't like it and might leave, but do other people feel the same way?

over 17 years

I just ignore what doesn't interest me.I don't  let the stupid get to me.

"Firstly, the positives; the forum is a great tool for the Nix fan, full of humour, good analysis, fact and reasoned opinion".

This sentence sums it up for me.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

I concur 100% with Sanday.

While there is a hell of a lot of numptiness, and I can admit that I do stray down that path quite a lot,  there are still plenty of examples of well constructed opinions, great humour and some good old fashioned banter on the forums which keeps me coming back.

My thoughts are that the hardest thing to deal with on forums like these is not being in the same room as the person/people you may disagree with. When you get to know someone better away from the forum and in real life (ie meeting them at the Backbencher pre-game and sharing a craft beer or two!) itmmakes you appreciate that they are just another Phoenix supporter who may have a differing opinion to you. They are still a Phoenix supporter...

Except Junior82. He's a Twunt!

3rd XI
over 14 years

My title is more an attempt to get you to open the thread than an actual statement, but I want to get a few things off my chest. 

Firstly, the positives; the forum is a great tool for the Nix fan, full of humour, good analysis, fact and reasoned opinion. On the other hand it is also completely the opposite and that is what really gets on my tits. So much so that I'm considering leaving the forum. 

I think its got worse recently, I've made the mistake of watching games at the same time as the match thread and some of the comment there is abusive, ill informed, and manic. Easy to just not do that you might say, but I am addicted as much to the forum as I am to watching big fat gypsy weddings, and what used to be annoying is now ruining my pleasure of following the club.

The counter argument will be that is what forums are for/like, people are just being passionate etc, but where do you draw the line? If in fact a line should be drawn.

I don't expect change just because Napier Phoenix doesn't like it and might leave, but do other people feel the same way?

almost 16 years

C-Diddy wrote:

I concur 100% with Sanday.

While there is a hell of a lot of numptiness, and I can admit that I do stray down that path quite a lot,  there are still plenty of examples of well constructed opinions, great humour and some good old fashioned banter on the forums which keeps me coming back.

My thoughts are that the hardest thing to deal with on forums like these is not being in the same room as the person/people you may disagree with. When you get to know someone better away from the forum and in real life (ie meeting them at the Backbencher pre-game and sharing a craft beer or two!) itmmakes you appreciate that they are just another Phoenix supporter who may have a differing opinion to you. They are still a Phoenix supporter...

Except Junior82. He's a Twunt!

almost 16 years

If you leave, the racists have won.

about 11 years

I'm sure there a bunch of forum users like me - I read Phoenix threads all the time, I enjoy reading about Kiwi players overseas. I enjoy reading about things that I otherwise might not find out. I barely ever post (unless it's in the English league forums) - but that's just because I have nothing new to add generally, I just like to check in and see what people are saying. To answer your question, yes. I think this forum is fun and certainly informative. 

Stupid comments are everywhere, and I think you understand that's a part of the territory. Stick around, just give less fucks about comments you don't like.  

almost 13 years

I found the circle-jerk thread very informative...

about 17 years
almost 13 years

Seriously though, as far as places on the internet where people express opinions go, this site is great. Sure there's some stuff that's just stupid or people being dicks, but that's just life - if you take a large enough sample of people some of them will be dicks. And what some people think is acting like a dick, other people don't have a problem with, and vice versa. Also, the nature of communicating via text makes people more antagonistic I think, and harder to tell when people are joking or being tongue in cheek. There's a lot of laughs on here, and a lot of interesting discussion about the game. Dealing with the occassional dickhead is just the price of admission.

over 17 years

Napier, it's like you don't read other forums. 

almost 16 years

I think its got worse recently, I've made the mistake of watching games at the same time as the match thread and some of the comment there is abusive, ill informed, and manic. Easy to just not do that you might say, but I am addicted as much to the forum as I am to watching big fat gypsy weddings, and what used to be annoying is now ruining my pleasure of following the club.

Fever Top Tips for Disenchanted forumites:

#1: Come to all the home games.  That's half of the time you won't spend on the forum.

#2: Don't watch gypsy weddings. Try X-Factor instead or The Walking Dead (it's really good)

#3: Use the "ignore" button.  The special prizes are pretty naff anyway.

Starting XI
about 16 years

It is as it always has been, whenever we're shit or good the mood sways, probably more so in recent seasons. 

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I think its got worse recently, I've made the mistake of watching games at the same time as the match thread and some of the comment there is abusive, ill informed, and manic. Easy to just not do that you might say, but I am addicted as much to the forum as I am to watching big fat gypsy weddings, and what used to be annoying is now ruining my pleasure of following the club.

Yeah....Never do this. Although it is fun to read back after a win.

Unfortunately you're never going to change how miserable people are. It far easier for people to vent, than rationally sit there and analyse why a result has happened. Even half the pundits on Fox can't do it.

I read a lot of other A-league forums and I reckon most of them are worse than here. Same goes with facebook comments on Phoenix posts.

I'd like to think we mods do a half decent job and getting rid of the crap. But some people are just miserable. Unfortunately there isn't much of a way around it. Except being able to identify those people and just ignore their posts.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I'd also add that having such an active forum actually shows people care. Which is a good sign. I reckon we get the most posts on a forum that any other A-league team. While I don't agree with most people, that's pretty cool.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

sounds like your main annoyance is the match threads. I have learnt long ago to avoid them, because they are as you say. I tend to watch the match, come home (or wait a bit if it's an away game) then read the last page and work backward from there until the stupid starts. 

It does ruin it for those who like to comment sensibly while the match is on, and I used to enjoy doing that in match threads too. I now tend to use Twitter for that, and it's much better. M

I find the rest of the forum to be good. It went through a bad patch (funnily enough as the team did), but it's mostly better now. Good discussions, humour etc. 

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

I gave up reading match threads after the game has kicked off, it increased my forums experience ten fold. It's kinda like articles on stuff, never ever ever read the comments section.

over 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Unfortunately you're never going to change how miserable people are. It far easier for people to vent, than rationally sit there and analyse why a result has happened. Even half the pundits on Fox can't do it.

Tbf sometimes people just need to vent, and it's good to have somewhere they can do that, even if lots of people will strongly disagree with them.

over 10 years

Azevo wrote:

It is as it always has been, whenever we're shit or good the mood sways, probably more so in recent seasons. 

Personally this the year of the fan, time to re-establish your links, get back on the horse as it were!
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Starting XI
about 16 years

LeSinge wrote:

Azevo wrote:

It is as it always has been, whenever we're shit or good the mood sways, probably more so in recent seasons. 

Personally this the year of the fan, time to re-establish your links, get back on the horse as it were!

Are you saying I need to start drinking heavily again? 

tradition and history
over 17 years


I hope you don't quit as it is good to hear how things are going in HB.

I don't go on any other forums so I can't comment. Agree with others about going on during a game, although I do make comments about other A league games.

Try and not get hooked coming on this forum as I'm sure it might get to you.

over 10 years

Azevo wrote:

LeSinge wrote:

Azevo wrote:

It is as it always has been, whenever we're shit or good the mood sways, probably more so in recent seasons. 

Personally this the year of the fan, time to re-establish your links, get back on the horse as it were!

Are you saying I need to start drinking heavily again? 

Absolutely...why did you stop?
almost 12 years
Starting XI
about 16 years

LeSinge wrote:

Azevo wrote:

LeSinge wrote:

Azevo wrote:

It is as it always has been, whenever we're shit or good the mood sways, probably more so in recent seasons. 

Personally this the year of the fan, time to re-establish your links, get back on the horse as it were!

Are you saying I need to start drinking heavily again? 

Absolutely...why did you stop?

Lupus, it's almost always lupus.

Life and death
over 17 years

Cosimo wrote:

Napier, it's like you don't read other forums. 

Lol, I only read 2 others and while there are differing opinions, the cock quota is way lower. I hear what others are saying and they are right but 7 years of it,in varying degrees has taken its toll. Pity there isn't an ignore function. I would only use it on a handful of people and wouldn't mind betting others would too.
almost 16 years

NP if you quit it means that the balance shifts towards the crazies (or "walkers" as I like to call them).

And I will call you a Eurosnob.

Life and death
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

NP if you quit it means that the balance shifts towards the crazies (or "walkers" as I like to call them).

And I will call you a Eurosnob.

Sorry, means nothing unless it comes from one of the elite....
almost 16 years

Junior82 wrote:

NP if you quit it means that the balance shifts towards the crazies (or "walkers" as I like to call them).

And I will call you a Eurosnob.

Sorry, means nothing unless it comes from one of the elite....


*caresses season pass in plastic holder attached to lanyard, looks at fridge magnet*

Early retirement
over 17 years

Stay or we'll send the elite around. (That cover it?)

almost 13 years

Is the elite the same as the circle jerk?

Starting XI
over 17 years

The forum is great, even fun and informative at times

over 13 years

I know it's a little brutal but why doesnt every forum member write one name down on this thread that they hate and they want gone forever?. Ar the end of one week the top five rating baddies get banned/deactivated?

If its a choice of my namesake or 5 baddies, there is no choice at all.

My fingers are itching.

almost 17 years
The only thing I hate is the constant bagging on Lia and Brokie. Yes they do have absolutely stupid moments, everyone does at some point, but some of you do need to lay off them. Aside from that, this is the fourth best forum I am on. (The others are self policed and nice places to be)
Chant Savant
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Stay or we'll send the elite around. (That cover it?)

Will they bore him into submission?

Still Believin'
over 17 years
Chant Savant
over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
I like turtles

Pull your head in, terminator_x!

almost 16 years

C-Diddy wrote:

terminator_x wrote:
I like turtles

Pull your head in, terminator_x!

This is both fun and informative.

over 17 years

I've seen some forums that actually have a vent thread after their team loses. The match thread is kept pretty tame, but people can go mental in the vent thread. I think that's a good plan for people who want to vent and people who want to not read it.

almost 14 years

The only thing I hate is the constant bagging on Lia and Brokie. Yes they do have absolutely stupid moments, everyone does at some point, but some of you do need to lay off them.

Aside from that, this is the fourth best forum I am on. (The others are self policed and nice places to be)

Lia in particular should be a fan favourite, he has flourished under Merrick, seems a nice guy, and is or only playing foundation player! That alone should get respect. One your a scape goat though it appears that you can have no positive contribution from that point onwards.

Is this forum fun and informative any more?

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