Maybe we need a specific Doctor Who thread

almost 16 years

Christmas Special was so so but good to see Amy Pond at the end.

about 17 years

Matt Smith a great Doctor but what a terrible influence Moffat has become.

He has changed a detached, alien being, a complete chancer, a thief, who stole the Tardis, who survived many encounters just by the skin of his teeth into this Super Hero. Basically he has ruined a very interesting character.

Also the villains - The Cybermen have been rubbish for years and changed  from their fr*ggin messed up scary selves with Troughton to a side show. The Daleks are going the same way. Boring he always wins with his sonic-screwdriver that can do anything.

And now he can sort everything out when he regens.

That used to be amazing - The Doctor close to death - actually being beaten or close to it.

Horrible, horrible writing.

And Peter Capaldi looks a joke saying those words when he should be the best Doctor ever.

almost 16 years

But I would say that the weeping angels are brilliant and the farting Slitheens are great comedy.

Amy Pond is utterly fantastic too.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

But I would say that the weeping angels are brilliant and the farting Slitheens are great comedy.

Amy Pond is utterly fantastic too.

Agreed about the WA but again they became quickly over-used.

Apart from being very hot Amy became dull, very quickly and at the and was almost a pastiche of herself. A great waste of an actress and a role.
almost 16 years

Dammit FT. Take that back about Amy right now.

Or so help me I'll put a load of synthetics through on 60oC.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Dammit FT. Take that back about Amy right now.

Or so help me I'll put a load of synthetics through on 60oC.

Sorry I can't.
From being easily up there with Jo Grant, Leela and Sarah Jane. I mean a complete breath of fresh air from the Rose horror, she just became permanently loud and soulless and added nothing. Her last season was shocking - how they could have killed such a great character??? I liked Rory too and he only got a slightly better treatment. Mind you the whole "River Song" thing killed it for me.

almost 16 years
almost 16 years

Dr Who DVD Board game arrived by courier today.

Perfect timing for sucky Wgtn weather.

about 17 years

Delivered by Tardis I presume as NZ post were not to be seen today. Staff cut backs me thinks.

almost 16 years

The tardis looked like a grey and white van (courier post?).

Pretty simple board game but enjoyable and lots of clips of Amy, Sarah Jane, Tegan and Nyssa, Romana etc.

Thanks Flybuys.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

But I would say that the weeping angels are brilliant and the farting Slitheens are great comedy.

Amy Pond is utterly fantastic too.

Agreed about the WA but again they became quickly over-used.

Apart from being very hot Amy became dull, very quickly and at the and was almost a pastiche of herself. A great waste of an actress and a role.

I re-watched the original WA episode over xmas (Blink!) and I think this still rates as one of the best (and certainly my personal favourite). I would hate to see them get over-used. The Xmas special seemed to be "lets see if we can get everyone in". I'
I'm also getting a little tired of "sonic screwdriver beats all" now but did enjoy the "what are you going to do? assemble a cabinet at them?" line in the 50th Special.
I think I need some beer and an in-depth conversation with you, FT, about the role of the "Assistant".
I am hoping that the new doctor rekindles my interest in Dr Who as I lost a lot of interest when the" Amy Pond/River Song Saga" took hold a few series back.

about 17 years
capes wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

But I would say that the weeping angels are brilliant and the farting Slitheens are great comedy.

Amy Pond is utterly fantastic too.

Agreed about the WA but again they became quickly over-used.

Apart from being very hot Amy became dull, very quickly and at the and was almost a pastiche of herself. A great waste of an actress and a role.

I re-watched the original WA episode over xmas (Blink!) and I think this still rates as one of the best (and certainly my personal favourite). I would hate to see them get over-used. The Xmas special seemed to be "lets see if we can get everyone in". I'

I'm also getting a little tired of "sonic screwdriver beats all" now but did enjoy the "what are you going to do? assemble a cabinet at them?" line in the 50th Special.

I think I need some beer and an in-depth conversation with you, FT, about the role of the "Assistant".

I am hoping that the new doctor rekindles my interest in Dr Who as I lost a lot of interest when the" Amy Pond/River Song Saga" took hold a few series back.

I'd be up for that, although I've not seen them all, the assistants/companions usually fall into two broad camps. The "rescued" think most of the early companions and others like Joe Grant, Tegan, Peri, early Rose and early Amy who's job it is, is to get in trouble and be rescued by the Doctor. Also they usually get the job of being the person the Doctor explains everything too.

The other being the Comrade in Arms, Leela, Harkness, Romana, Martha, the Brigadier, Liz Shaw, etc.

You get some that blur the two camps - Turlough springs to mind.

Although very pretty and I'm guessing the writers are trying to break the mould  with her character but Clara is just a bit of a mess and her smugness is really off putting at times.

I've noticed that every man and his dog is using the term  "Deus ex Machina" when talking about the Sonic Screw driver at the mo and they have a point.

I think this is what needs to be done

1)  Although  I love Mark Gatiss - I think he and Moffat need a break from writing for the show. I'd put it out there that they are looking for writers to submit scripts, rather than just use their little circle of friends they have at the moment. It's a bastard Iain Banks died. Give Charlie Brooker, Graham Linehan, Joe Abercrombie, Philip Pulman, Edgar Wright a go like they did Neil Gaiman.

2) The Doctor needs to go back to single or double episode stories rather than following these dull themes that go on and on. River Song, the Doctor's name etc. I'm  looking at you Moffat. The best Tennant episodes were the ones with stories dealt with by one episode.

3) Get rid of the screw driver. Think it was Davidson who asks for it to be ditched when he was the Doctor and he was right.

4) Get rid of Clara she does not work. Although Catherine Tate grates on me and her hypnotic mole/growth - The idea of Donna was great,  just a less screechy version please. Gwen Cooper was very good in Torchwood too - pity she never made it to being a companion she was better than Harkness.

5) Give the Daleks, Cybermen, WA's a long break. Gone are the times when you could go whole seasons without them. Also stop making the Cybermen such pussies and bring back the 70's Cybermen they looked way cooler than these modern "Robocops".

6) Stop the love interests - the Doctor is an alien, he is no longer edgy, unknowable, aloof and deeply flawed - it's wrong. This is not Twilight ffs. It destroyed the great character of Martha. If you want a humanistic doctor then ask Peter Davidson how it's done properly.

7) Stop making the Doctor omnipotent - he's a galactic chancer and should go back to being that, only just escaping and sometimes getting so injured he needs to regenerate - not regenerating to save the universe again and again.

8) Look back at some of the old monsters and foes that have not been used for years and bring them out of retirement. What do the Ice Warriors have to do to get a gig?

Anyone else got anything to add or do you disagree?

almost 16 years

Amy is great.

Romana was pure fluff.

Sea Devils kick arse, as do the Autons.

Clara I agree with you FT, but Amy is great.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Amy is great.

Romana was pure fluff.

Sea Devils kick arse, as do the Autons.

Clara I agree with you FT, but Amy is great.

Sorry J82 not sure I get what you think of Amy? :)

I quite liked the first Romana - not so much the 2nd. I agree the character was not the best.
What do you reckon to my other points and what would you change/keep the same?
almost 16 years

Female companions in the new series are generally stronger, confident and intelligent compared with earlier ones.

Amy and Clara are also funny (and stunning). 

1) I like the story lines for the new episodes and the use of humour. Probably also reflects different social mores now compared with 70-80's dr who.

2) Not fussed either way. 

3) Agree. Dr Who is about outsmarting cunning aliens.

4) Clara needs to improve but wouldn't bench her just yet. She is our Tyler Boyd. Amy is our Marco. Leela is our Ifill.

5-8) Agree.

Did I say that Amy is great?

almost 16 years

Jnr Jnr went to the symphony orchestra concert yesterday. Got the t shirt and progamme.  The programme looks great.

Anyone (grown up) go to it and if so your thoughts?

almost 16 years

This Sunday, Prime, 7:30 - 9:30 pm.


Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I went and saw it at The Embassy on Sunday. It's good.

First Team Squad
over 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Amy is great.

Romana was pure fluff.

Sea Devils kick arse, as do the Autons.

Clara I agree with you FT, but Amy is great.

Sorry J82 not sure I get what you think of Amy? :)

I quite liked the first Romana - not so much the 2nd. I agree the character was not the best.
What do you reckon to my other points and what would you change/keep the same?

sorry gentlemen as much as I realise that Dr Who is a serious subject and I for one would not decry it. I have to put my pennyworth in and say that I loved River songs part in the whole process and being an older man than you both (possibly) think that Alex kingston is/was a babe and if ever they had planned a female Dr who (god forbid) she would have been my first choice for the part

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I enjoyed River Song in her first two episodes (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead), but I can't help but feel that her storyline would have been better if she didn't keep coming back. She didn't even really need to come back at all, they could have had the rest of her and the Doctors timelines play out in the 300 years that occurred between the two Doctors in The Impossible Astronaut and nothing would have really been lost, imo.

almost 16 years

paullt wrote:

sorry gentlemen as much as I realise that Dr Who is a serious subject and I for one would not decry it. I have to put my pennyworth in and say that I loved River songs part in the whole process and being an older man than you both (possibly) think that Alex kingston is/was a babe and if ever they had planned a female Dr who (god forbid) she would have been my first choice for the part

It's FT who is hating on River Song.  I am agnostic.

I would be OK with a female Dr Who and would nominate Sara Martins from Death in Paradise.

She would be the perfect foil for Amy Pond.

Yes, this is serious business.

First Team Squad
over 16 years

With the bbc going with the 'older doctor theme" I used to think that as an older doctor that Alun Armstrong would probabl;y have been a good choice, maybe too old these days

about 17 years

paullt wrote:

With the bbc going with the 'older doctor theme" I used to think that as an older doctor that Alun Armstrong would probabl;y have been a good choice, maybe too old these days

He is by far the best thing in New Tricks but agree not at the moment as it would be to huge a shift for people to take in. (yes I know that's sad but it's true).

Like the idea of Capaldi  because I don't think he will f*uck it up. 

River Song - I'd have rather bought leela out of retirement.

almost 16 years

patrick478 wrote:

I went and saw it at The Embassy on Sunday. It's good.

'Tis good so far.

Strax, Clara, Vastra and Jenny.  And a Scottish Dr.

Get. In.

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

I went and saw it at The Embassy on Sunday. It's good.

'Tis good so far.

Strax, Clara, Vastra and Jenny.  And a Scottish Dr.

Get. In.

It is awful beyond belief.

Moffat just f*cking leave this alone.

A mess of a script that was largely incomprehensible for the first 20 minutes. A poor story. Capaldi is very fine but with very little to work with. 

The lesbian dinosaur women and her "cor blimey guv' wife  pc rubbish that is embarrassing. The Sontaren was funny but has terrible lines. 

Annoyingly smug companion.

The leftovers and Penny Dreadful have left Dr Who for dust.

The worst I've seen since DW got canned the first time. Actually I think Silvester Mccoy's episodes were better.

I've watched this show forever.

Timelords and Monkeys ffs.

almost 17 years

Hang on a moment. Sure, there was a samey-ness with what they've done before.

But comparing it to Sylvester McCoy's Doctor is incredibly strong language and I would suggest mods take control. I take exception to that! I was very leery of Matt Smith's baby Doctor and didn't watch all of his episodes. I think I might have seen most of them now. 

I'm going to concur with J and Patrick. Also, in the hope that there is a line drawn between the Matt Smith era and the new Doctor that we see soon. I'm not necessarily happy with this 'lady in the garden' character. But she may be bluff and double bluff. 

I too wouldn't mind the introduction of either another companion simultaneous with Clara or her replacement alogether. It seems like she is popular though...

I'm going to say we had a lot of Capaldi monologues in this and from next week we might see more of the plot. Bit disappointed that they didn't go with what my friend suggested they might have- some sort of Doctor /Tardis rift- like Pertwee or where Capaldi wasn't able to control the workings of his TARDIS due to some problems in the regeneration and might skip erratically...There is actually time missing in the story line before they dropped into London via dinosaur mouth...maybe they'll go back and let us know what was going on there. 

almost 17 years

martinb wrote:

Hang on a moment. Sure, there was a samey-ness with what they've done before.

But comparing it to Sylvester McCoy's Doctor is incredibly strong language and I would suggest mods take control. I take exception to that! I was very leery of Matt Smith's baby Doctor and didn't watch all of his episodes. I think I might have seen most of them now. 

I'm going to concur with J and Patrick. Also, in the hope that there is a line drawn between the Matt Smith era and the new Doctor that we see soon. I'm not necessarily happy with this 'lady in the garden' character. But she may be bluff and double bluff. 

I too wouldn't mind the introduction of either another companion simultaneous with Clara or her replacement alogether. It seems like she is popular though...

I'm going to say we had a lot of Capaldi monologues in this and from next week we might see more of the plot. Bit disappointed that they didn't go with what my friend suggested they might have- some sort of Doctor /Tardis rift- like Pertwee or where Capaldi wasn't able to control the workings of his TARDIS due to some problems in the regeneration and might skip erratically...There is actually time missing in the story line before they dropped into London via dinosaur mouth...maybe they'll go back and let us know what was going on there. 

Would be awesome, in fact, to see the emergence or re-emergence of the Rani or of another female time lord. Was that perhaps her? Or something else?

almost 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

I went and saw it at The Embassy on Sunday. It's good.

'Tis good so far.

Strax, Clara, Vastra and Jenny.  And a Scottish Dr.

Get. In.

It is awful beyond belief.

Moffat just f*cking leave this alone.

A mess of a script that was largely incomprehensible for the first 20 minutes. A poor story. Capaldi is very fine but with very little to work with. 

The lesbian dinosaur women and her "cor blimey guv' wife  pc rubbish that is embarrassing. The Sontaren was funny but has terrible lines. 

Annoyingly smug companion.

The leftovers and Penny Dreadful have left Dr Who for dust.

The worst I've seen since DW got canned the first time. Actually I think Silvester Mccoy's episodes were better.

I've watched this show forever.

Timelords and Monkeys ffs.

I must say that last week's episode was rather underwhelming.

Clara however is growing on me, but I think Capaldi is struggling (as is the Dr).  

almost 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

I went and saw it at The Embassy on Sunday. It's good.

'Tis good so far.

Strax, Clara, Vastra and Jenny.  And a Scottish Dr.

Get. In.

I must say that last week's episode was rather underwhelming.

Clara however is growing on me, but I think Capaldi is struggling (as is the Dr).  

Capaldi is f$^&ing awesome. Think the writing is a bit shite. It was okay, but if this season is just some rubbish about 'The Promised Land' I'll be cheesed. They cast Capaldi, they need to write something for him. Some new direction for the show, not more of the same, but worse.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Wait until 'Listen' tomorrow night. Apparently it's fucking amazing.

about 17 years

Moffart just stop writing for DR WHO!!!!!!

Since the poor Gatiss robot in sherwood and the first and second episode the series has been excellent, even with Clara. Dark, a great alien Doctor, no namby-pamby stuff - loved it. This Doctor is fantastic.

*****SPOILER ALERT******

Sunday night so fucking obvious, the 3W Symbol - hmmm I wonder what that could mean???

A women with 2 hearts called Misty, hmmm this is a puzzler.....

Then the poor abused Cybermen - clanking around doing f*all as usual, just Clanking around. Where is the menace??

Mistress - silly.

The idea behind the episode was great but Moffart just makes it so mundane and boring. 

Please stop.

almost 16 years

Have missed it for the last three weeks but have been quite luke warm towards this series.

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Have missed it for the last three weeks but have been quite luke warm towards this series.

I've stuck with it because I could see Capaldi would make a great doctor and he has.

Why are you lukewarm??

A very very nice bloke Chris B I've met him in real life.

almost 16 years

Because I am a Silurian and I can't afford the home heating!

And the plots were way too introverted/self-absorbed 

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Because I am a Silurian and I can't afford the home heating!

And the plots were way too introverted/self-absorbed 

I think the plots are smaller scale and I don't think that should be a criticism. How can you say the recent plots are more self-absorbed when we had to endure the River-Song thing?

 I prefer this older more claustrophobic atmosphere rather than Tennantt/Smith "Wahey I'm the doctor/superman and I can solve everything and dontcha love me random companion?" approach of the last two. 

I don't mind either of those doctors I think this incarnation is just a little truer to what the doctor is.

almost 16 years

Christmas Special on now.

Nick Frost as Santa Claus.  Amusing.

almost 17 years
Just found this section. First of all, writing this season dropped away. You may all hate Moffat, but he is a better writter than the guys they got for this season. Overall I found it pretty meh to be honest. Best example would be Clara who went from impossible girl, to jumping into the Doctor's timeline to whiny and pathetic. I do agree though (going back to older posts) stop the damn love interest thing and bring back some of the lesser known aliens. But hey, at least Murray Gold was still on his game with the music.
almost 16 years

Surely a red card for the dalek. Goal disallowed.

Keeper's team should be ale to field a sub assuming subs not used up and the dalek goes into the match report

about 17 years

For number 2, get a tetnus shot and a test for HIV and anything else.

Maybe we need a specific Doctor Who thread

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