Politics - a place to rant

Starting XI
almost 6 years
Probably a controversial comment. But could the shooting have been a set up. I mean multiple shots, and there were dozens of people sitting behind Trump in the firing line, where did all the bullets go. Especially the one that supposedly grazed his ear.
1 person dead and another couple injured. There's a slow motion video that I saw of Trump tilting his head as he's talking and the bullet flying past him. That slight movement saved his life.
Ok. I didn't read that anywhere. That's tragic.
Starting XI
almost 6 years

Both sides have been egging on nutters. Then heavily influenced by them. 
Doesn't matter who said what in the past (my opinion on who's been egging on who is the complete opposite of Leggy). For the good of the country they should all stop with the violent rhetoric and bashing each other and just talk about policy. 
American are all about drama though. And they love it. That's were reality TV got its beginning. This is all just next level stuff.
Not to this extent they don't, if they don't simmer down this could escalate and either their democracy collapses or they go to civil war, either way it's dreadful for us and the rest of the free world.
Yes fair comments. Sometimes it really feels like we are rapidly reaching tipping point with-in the global space. Not just with our politics either.
about 17 years
I guess you could say I’m extremely skeptical. 

We’ve seen a build up- the release of the virtually absolutist immunity doctrine from the Supreme Court. Apparently they released another decision that weakens the democracy though don’t quite understand it. Pertaining to how a department interprets laws and when they have to clarify their interpretation or something.

An American presidency with legally few hand brakes would be a valuable prize. Could easily be a move to top Trump for another Republican faction. 

On the other hand it’s hard to me to believe that Trump values his life so little he doesn’t duck down after the first shot. The photo is too perfect. I distrust that. A small dabble of blood, but he’s saluting and defiant. And we’ve seen a team that does these symbolic politics well in the US and beyond. 

There is no good that can come from the re-introduction of the gun into US politics. Even if I’m wrong about the likely motivations and the moves today. 

And as some else said about Project 2025 and the politicisation of the public service, even if it doesn’t come to pass in the USA it’s a blueprint for fascist dictatorship that can be picked up elsewhere. 

about 17 years

Both sides have been egging on nutters. Then heavily influenced by them. 
Doesn't matter who said what in the past (my opinion on who's been egging on who is the complete opposite of Leggy). For the good of the country they should all stop with the violent rhetoric and bashing each other and just talk about policy. 
American are all about drama though. And they love it. That's were reality TV got its beginning. This is all just next level stuff.
Not to this extent they don't, if they don't simmer down this could escalate and either their democracy collapses or they go to civil war, either way it's dreadful for us and the rest of the free world.
Yes fair comments. Sometimes it really feels like we are rapidly reaching tipping point with-in the global space. Not just with our politics either.


Then you realise that our parents or maybe mine at least, grew up with the Cuban missile crisis, the assassination of the Kennedys, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and Kent State. Before that there was the Civil War in the US, and then the abandonment of black people in the South to the KKK and the spread of the lost cause myth through the Reconstruction era. There was a threat of rogue nuclear weapons with any instability in the Eastern bloc. 

In short, comes around goes around and we’re cockroaches. With any luck. 

Certainly I’ve tried to vote towards minimising climate change most of my life, but it’s almost been an exercise in futility. 

And the moment of Tim B-L and an optimistic tech future seem very much on the retreat as well. 

So yeh! If you’ve got a nice farm you can manage by yourself with one or two others, close but not too close to the coast and with a few fruit trees and vege patches hardy enough to withstand a few degrees change and storms, maybe declare your own state? It’s silly, but also the New Zealand dream imo. And could be a lot worse…

And yes I’m aware of the irony of criticising survivalist preppers in the US and then recommending this! But I think this is more isolationist than the militarist prepper fantasy. 
Phoenix Academy
over 4 years
It’s amazing how simple chance can play an enormous role in world history. If Trump had not moved his head at the time the bullet wizzed past his ear he would be now dead and world history would be irrevocably changed.
This gunman missed a large static target but Kennedy was killed by the miracle shots fired from a sixth floor building at a small moving target.
Arch duke Ferdinand was murdered in 1914 by a gunman with a pistol. By sheer chance the chauffeur of the open topped car he was in  stalled the car right in front of where the assassin happened to be standing. Events cascaded from this moment which lead directly to WW1 and the deaths of more than 20 million people.
In a few years time when we are living in a world of President Trump chaos we will reflect on today’s «  what if « moment
about 17 years
Trump is about 30 points in the lead??

When Reagan was shot, he gained 20 points in popularity.
almost 14 years
Still months to go until the election, if this happened immediately before it then I'd say he's a shoe in, but there is time for it to calm down before the election happens.
almost 17 years
Still months to go until the election, if this happened immediately before it then I'd say he's a shoe in, but there is time for it to calm down before the election happens.

There's no way the republicans let this go! They will be ramping it up like you've never seen. They've even started saying that Biden has incited this attack with his language recently. 
about 17 years
Dylan Reeve does a grown up take around that false flag instinct considering the photo posted above: 


Long story short, of course it’s not don’t be silly, is his well reasoned view. 

That still leaves plenty of motivations open though! 
about 17 years
Still months to go until the election, if this happened immediately before it then I'd say he's a shoe in, but there is time for it to calm down before the election happens.

There's no way the republicans let this go! They will be ramping it up like you've never seen. They've even started saying that Biden has incited this attack with his language recently. 

Top of the thread even. 
almost 14 years
Still months to go until the election, if this happened immediately before it then I'd say he's a shoe in, but there is time for it to calm down before the election happens.

There's no way the republicans let this go! They will be ramping it up like you've never seen. They've even started saying that Biden has incited this attack with his language recently. 
sure, but they should stop politicising everything and work towards the good of the country. I know they won't.

I might drop off social media until after the election, it's going to be an untenable few months.
over 13 years
I only thought ears got nicked by bullets in war movies and drew blood  where the hero slayed dozens of enemy and never took a proper shot

 Obviously not
almost 14 years
Dylan Reeve does a grown up take around that false flag instinct considering the photo posted above: 


Long story short, of course it’s not don’t be silly, is his well reasoned view. 

That still leaves plenty of motivations open though! 
People think it was staged also because of Trumps reaction, but with adrenaline pumping through his system and the shock and confusion, no reaction is really odd. 

A friend of mine was hit by a car when running, he told the driver he was fine, because he legitimately thought he was, and ran a couple of blocks before collapsing as his pelvis was broken. People do odd things on adrenaline and when in shock.
over 17 years
"In a few years time when we are living in a world of President Trump chaos we will reflect on today’s «  what if « moment"
Thankfully we have a previous presidential term with which to inform us what trump chaos might look like. 
I'm no fan of his, or any other politician at all for that matter, and I don't have a preference for left or right, but I can tell you that this is what happened last time he was president:
No new wars. 
De-escalation with Russia and North Korea. 
No war in Gaza. 
Trump is an idiot, but he certainly focussed on peace, which I would welcome in the current climate. 

about 17 years
He’s just behind the pillow here:
IMG_0844.jpeg 34.25 KB

Big Peace Guy:
over 9 years
"In a few years time when we are living in a world of President Trump chaos we will reflect on today’s «  what if « moment"
Thankfully we have a previous presidential term with which to inform us what trump chaos might look like. 
I'm no fan of his, or any other politician at all for that matter, and I don't have a preference for left or right, but I can tell you that this is what happened last time he was president:
No new wars. 
De-escalation with Russia and North Korea. 
No war in Gaza. 
Trump is an idiot, but he certainly focussed on peace, which I would welcome in the current climate. 

Exactly. While he is intensely unlikeable, I can't remember, there being too much chaos under his previous term. Apart from the obvious January 6th crazy, nutty White House invasion.

And if we look further ahead, he is really an outlier in his own party. There is no one quite like him, well no one it seems that would ever be a serious Presidential contender. Even his own family, ain't really strong versions of him.

He's 78. Have faith the world won't end if he is elected in.  It would be an unpleasant 4 years, for any sane American with MAGA fanatic neighbours, work mates, family etc. But hey that ain't us.
almost 14 years
"In a few years time when we are living in a world of President Trump chaos we will reflect on today’s «  what if « moment"
Thankfully we have a previous presidential term with which to inform us what trump chaos might look like. 
I'm no fan of his, or any other politician at all for that matter, and I don't have a preference for left or right, but I can tell you that this is what happened last time he was president:
No new wars. 
De-escalation with Russia and North Korea. 
No war in Gaza. 
Trump is an idiot, but he certainly focussed on peace, which I would welcome in the current climate. 

He didn't focus on peace, he undermined the western alliance that has kept world peace since WW2, and legitimised dictators. Trump attacked Syria twice and Iran so there were definitely new conflicts under his watch, the fact that there wasn't an all out war was just a fluke. 
Starting XI
almost 6 years
There was a global pandemic going on last time Trump was in power. That was the only catalyst for international peaceful times during his last presidency. 
Starting XI
about 15 years
I'm just glad (if one can say that) it was a republican gun nut that was the shooter and not a person of colour or a democrat.  
over 17 years
almost 14 years
No, that was a mistake by the media. The donor has the same name but is in his 60s and is a different person. The killer did not donate to the democrats.
about 17 years
If Trump gets in, it give ALL Americans 4 years to find some much younger replacements for both Democrats & Republicans. Surely, that has to be better choices than Harris etc. 

I thought Americans would have used the last 4 years to have done this but they wasted their time on PC crap.
Starting XI
about 15 years
Biden deciding not to seek re-election.  Interesting times for the Democrats.  Not sure if any of them can topple the Orange Man though. 
almost 14 years
Why do you say that? The polls are very close, despite whatever sympathy vote Trump is getting after the assassination attempt and all the reporting on Biden's problems, and there's months until the election.

I'd say there is a very good chance that Harris flips the narrative so that the press won't focus on the candidates problems, but the achievements of the current administration. That will only boost their support, Trumps character flaws are likely to be on full show when running against a woman as well.

almost 17 years
The difficulty the Democrats now have is to support the first black woman to be president or go with an untested younger man? 
Harris may well be the best choice, but she's gonna have to do a whole lot or work to improve her personal ratings, 
over 13 years
I thought a bullet to the ear may have knocked some sense into him but Donald Trump once again showing his true moron colours, 

His rival drops out and he still calls him crooked Joe and then says he lied about having covid.

Utterly no class 
almost 14 years
The difficulty the Democrats now have is to support the first black woman to be president or go with an untested younger man? 
Harris may well be the best choice, but she's gonna have to do a whole lot or work to improve her personal ratings, 
I googled that and after the first Biden-Trump debate there was a poll of preferred president and Harris was polling about the same as Biden was, about a percent behind Trump. With more exposure, and if she does a good job, that will rise.

It's crazy that her skin colour or gender even comes into it, it should be just about capability, but that's the world we live in. But, those prejudices might work in her favour too, if Trump does his name calling and bullying on a black woman then that will alienate a lot of people in a way that doing it to an older white man or someone with the perceived baggage of Hillary Clinton didn't.
over 17 years
I thought a bullet to the ear may have knocked some sense into him but Donald Trump once again showing his true moron colours, 

His rival drops out and he still calls him crooked Joe and then says he lied about having covid.

Utterly no class 

Well, biden did recently call him a nazi.  
almost 17 years
I thought a bullet to the ear may have knocked some sense into him but Donald Trump once again showing his true moron colours, 

His rival drops out and he still calls him crooked Joe and then says he lied about having covid.

Utterly no class 

Well, biden did recently call him a nazi.  

Biden also, more recently, called Trump his VP. Trump should be more appreciative. 
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Harris as presidential nominee, might actually get a lot of people out voting Democrat that otherwise wouldn't have bothered voting at all.
almost 17 years
One can only hope that is the case.
At the end of the day, nothing is really gonna change no matter who you have at the helm, Israel is still gonna be bombing gaza, Russia is still gonna be fudgeing Ukraine. Does Harris solve that? Does Trump?
over 9 years
One can only hope that is the case.
At the end of the day, nothing is really gonna change no matter who you have at the helm, Israel is still gonna be bombing gaza, Russia is still gonna be fudgeing Ukraine. Does Harris solve that? Does Trump?

Tend to agree. Foreign policy stuff, Trump will lean heavily on his advisors and trained staff.

But he'll want to be involved very much in domestic US matters. A huge part of his support base are very insular. They want him focusing on their jobs, pension plans, cost of living, etc. He's a self styled financial wizz. If he does win he'll luckily benefit from end of worldwide very high inflationary environment, decreasing interest rates, and likely an improving economic situation

I want the Dems to win, but don't see that much to fear about how a Trump Presidency would affect our lives downunder. Not great though if you are a liberal thinking American. Would be a tough 4 years. 
Starting XI
almost 6 years
I worry what a Trump administration would mean for climate change and our environment. Down under here the excuse is often that we are such small fry our impact is insignificant. No so for a country like USA. If we are at tipping point now globally. (already at +1.5C heating) Will a Trump lead Republican government actually take it seriously. And what legacy is that going to leave for future generations.
almost 14 years
Yep, for us the biggest issue from US policy will be climate change, but our politics are increasingly informed by US and if they continue to erode democracy and liberty then we'll have the same push here.

Trump sees climate change as a Hoax by China to undermine the US economy, there is no way he takes it seriously and he will undermine states efforts to meet their obligations.

almost 14 years
Seems like the narrative has already moved on from the assassination attempt, which is crazy. The media has the attention span of a gold fish
almost 17 years
The campaigns may have moved on from it, but the media and various agencies havent. 
You'll see the Trump camp move on to linking Harris with everything that Biden has done that they disagree with over the last 4 years.
Starting XI
about 15 years
Starting XI
about 15 years
I didn't watch the debate, what was the overall feel of how it went?  
over 13 years
Honestly, I don't know how anyone could have watched it, listened to what Trump was saying and still vote for him, but they will. In fact, a lot of people will.

Harris was ok, nothing particularly special I thought, but Trump came off crazy with his ramblings about immigrants eating pets, still calling the 2020 election a hoax and his attacks on others.

With the American Electoral College, it's still going to be very close, and I don't think an easy win for Harris. Trump is still in with a good chance. The other thing that is going to see high turn out in the states is that a lot of them will be having abortion laws on the ballot, which will bring a lot of people to the polls as well. 
almost 17 years
Watched the whole thing and yes it was as cringey and horrible as you'd expect. Trump just spouted and ranted on and on about immigrants being the downfall of the country and it's all Bidons fault. Even if what he was saying was true or accurate he offered no policy about how he'd stop it - half expected him to start the "build the wall" chant again. Harris didnt offer much in policy either, but she was composed and clam and didnt fall into the "angry female politician" storyline that Trumps team would have hoped for. If anything Trump was the angry old guy yelling at the kids to get out of his back yard, while Harris was more controlled.
I note that Trump has claimed he won and that the moderators were against him - felt he was corrected too many times.

Politics - a place to rant

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