SK's & other's recentish odd music

First Team Squad
over 14 years
lol yeah I love that track and always cracks me up. I think I put it up in my other music thread before decided to split them out into old vs strange. I also have that on my FB but surprise me how many people take it seriously as they are actually a performance group taking the piss. i like this of theirs too

Zef side
Starting XI
almost 16 years
Definitely a little too alternative for me to love it, but I'll admit it is entertaining!

What is up with that weird thing in the Ninja video though? Haven't looked into it.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
well Zef is a type of hip hop slash rap big in Sth Africa... lol the YF guys might be good at it by the time they come home.

And if by weird thing you mean the little guy well thats a fairly crap way of putting it! but thats Leon Botha an artist and DJ and one of the world's oldest survivors of progeria where people age very quickly and rarely live past 13
Starting XI
almost 16 years
Oh aye. My bad :/. I swear that it was just some really good visual effects or something. I feel bad now.

I found it weird listening to the SA accent in a song tbh, never really heard any of that type of music before!
First Team Squad
over 14 years
yeah that stong Afrikaanas accent is kind of made for rap lol I certainly can't imagine it crooning love songs. actually Sth Africa is meant to have quite a big house and D&B scene

anyway this is what I'm currently listening to

Rammstein Ich Tu Dir

lol I used to have a whole bunch of mouthguards with glowsticks in them - wd give people a huge fright is you suddenly popped your mouth open at them in the dark. but man they were uncomfotable

First Team Squad
over 14 years
Another Zinc mix to wile away the afternoon with.
and for those not yet with one foot in the grave he is playing this thurs at Sandwiches - prob on about midnight
First Team Squad
over 14 years
*sigh* you guys (or most of you   ) missed the wickedest gig. DJ Zinc was outstanding

tomorrow night is Mampi Swift one of my favorites at Studio 9  Jump  that track needs to be ten times louder.

One finger  I adore this and have it on high rotate on my player esp whn driving

people don't realise how lucky we are in Welly to get all these London DJ's through who people in London pay a fortune to see at huge big events and we get them cheaply in comfy little clubs cause they love coming here. And you guys who think late nights are bad for sports well tomorrow night I shall prob dance equal to 4-5 back to back aerobic classes and my body will be ripped apart on sunday

Phoenix Academy
over 14 years
Cosimo wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
Cosimo wrote:

I'm more into noise weirdness - Fennesz, Yellow Swans, the excellent latest album Tarot Sport from f**k Buttons, Black Dice etc.

As long as we're talking about avant-garde noise weirdness what about our very own Birchville Cat Motel, Black Boned Angel and Our Love Will Destroy The World? - all the brainchild of Campbell Kneale. He lives in Wellington I think, but is way better known outside NZ than here.

Birchville Cat Motel

Black Boned Angel

Our Love Will Destroy The World

Good interview with the man here if you are interested.

Cheers - yeah I like BCM. That Black Boned Angel piece sounds a lot like Sun 0))) to me, which isn't a bad thing. Love the OLWDTW piece.

Have you heard Yellow Swans' At All Ends? so rad.
Yeah, Campbell lives in the Hutt.  I saw Black Boned Angel play at the Adelaide a year or two ago with a couple of average metal bands.  They wear the monks outfits like Sun 0))).
over 17 years

I love Alec Empire's Fire Bombing - such a rad song
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Shapeshifter playing at the town hall on Friday 23rd July. tikcets go on sale on monday $55

bring change

and don't think I put tis up early. my fave online artist Fargotten's ode to his mum for mothers day
gardyn if we were only all this clever

& thanks Term & HN & the few others. and lol bugger off to everyone else and FM if you think I'm so self indulgent than why on earth do you even look in threads started by me let alone post

& Term I like both those tho esp the dubstep one. I have a love/hate affair with dubstep as like the sounds but its so bloody hard to dance to in a club
stealthkiwi2010-05-29 15:27:37
Still Believin'
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 14 years

dubstep frm chch so it can't be a total lost cause of a city yet
Starting XI
over 14 years
The xx- non mainstream? Hmm, whatever it is, I love it so much. They're brilliant live too.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
anyway some sunday morning trance    Bio Tonic

stealthkiwi2010-05-30 16:58:33
Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
stealthkiwi wrote:
In real life EN there is no edit button. You can't let fly abuse then an hour later whn someone you like pulls you up on it go back and edit it. In real life the abuse is already out there and in real life people don't have to accept you're sorry and then forgive you. They can hold a grudge and forever have an opinion on you based on the fact you were impulsively abusive

So why the f**k wd you think you'd be welcome in a thread started by me. I told you earlier that people who impulsively attack have to learn there are consequences and in this case the consequence is I think you're a total cock and respectfully ask you stay out of my threads. I would love to be able to block the rude, the moronic, the dicks -  but the mods believe we should all be adults and get along so there is no facility for that. I will happily ignore you in other people's threads and avoid any of yours but I think you have a cheek or are naively mistaken to think water is under the bridge and all is forgiven

Dear SK,
Okay. I'm going to have a go at replying to you. Not because I expect your forgiveness, or even especially want it, but because I feel that I should defend/ justify myself. If you want to ignore me or whatever, then fine. I don't want to turn this into another argument, or a "Me against You" thing. But I think that I should explain myself.
I'm going to try to say this in a way that won't offend you.
The last month and a bit, my emotions have been extremely raw and I have come to appreciate the fragility of life. You may or may not know why, and you may or may not care why. But it has affected me greatly and the subject of death is one which I feel deserves some respect. I'm not saying I'm the only one to lose someone that I care about or anything like that, but I have been hurt badly by this and so some of my recent actions have been over the top, or 'crazy'. I'm generally a very passive person, but in the last two weeks I have almost got into two fights (getting into fights defo isn't my thing...). What I said was inappropriate. I edited it because I didn't believe that what I said was a fair reflection of who I am and what I'm about, and it was an inappropriate reply to what you said. But they are just words and it is just the internet. 
But I did mean part of what I said. Death is a serious thing. And it does have a huge impact on people's lives. Maybe I've only just come to appreciate it. Maybe you have to lose something before you realise how precious it is. But you seemed so dismissive about the fact that people had died and, at the time, I despised your attitude towards it.  
But sure, hold a grudge and be the better person. I just feel that I should say that. If not for you, then for me. However, I hope that changes your opinion of me. Because I am sorry for what I said.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
this vid makes me laugh   Pongstealthkiwi2010-05-30 16:20:05
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
Take it to PM please ladies.

Jonesy, you can behave yourself as well.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
HN I object to being called a lady... lol Have all threads got that moderated message now or just mine 

more industrial X-Rx

& PS. you shd have let EN's heartfelt well thought out & rational apology stand. many on here cd have learnt a lesson frm that
stealthkiwi2010-05-30 16:57:16
almost 15 years
Good topic, SK. 
I'm hooked on German indietronic music. Something special to me.
Lali Puna: 

Other my favourite Germans: 
Ms. John Soda - "Number One"
Stereo Total - "Supergirl"
Barbara Morgenstern - "Eine Verabredung" 
Couch - "Alles Sagt Ja"

over 17 years
Sleeper wrote:

Good topic, SK.


I�m hooked on German indietronic music. Something special to me.

Lali Puna:
Other my favourite Germans:

Barbara Morgenstern!

I saw her at Mighty Mighty. God she rules.
Cosimo2010-05-31 20:56:51
First Team Squad
over 14 years
I really like that Ms John Soda track - both the music and the neato vid

my fave german outfit Der Dritte Raum with Swing Bop   tho usually they are better known for their mad beats. I once worked a gig they did in willis st in Welly and the crew were all still going at 7am we were so pumped Tranzstance
First Team Squad
over 14 years
you gotta love looking stuff up on youtube then laterally surfing the links of who has published it. came across this gem of a vid  Laurent Garnier  crispy bacon
over 17 years
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 14 years
I like the Sleigh Bells one better

am currently going through an oldie (for electronic music) phase Mylo - Drop the pressure

The Streets - blinded by the Lights Dub Mix
First Team Squad
over 14 years
short but sweet quality Dubstep

*cough* I must be sick cause normally not a step fan
First Team Squad
over 14 years
First Team Squad
over 14 years
got no idea who this music is by but love both the song and the vid which is an arty  free diving vid
First Team Squad
over 14 years
we've been so focused on the WC (&mega tired) that music has gone by the by so to speak. some ambient music as I'm mutedly happy at the moment rath than my normal bouncy and hardcore 

Sons of Puha/Adi Dick

almost 15 years
about 17 years
Not odd but we just downloaded it again as I realized I had never upgraded it to CD let alone MP3 bollocks.

Christ I loved this album when it came out and I still love it now.

First Team Squad
over 14 years
Sleeper wrote:

Here some ethnic electronica

Natacha Atlas - Kidda

and experimental music


Really like that top song. But prefer the earlier Pan Sonic you introduced me to. lol Beck is odd but not my thing tho I'm going to some rock concert tonight I won tickets to which will be funny as are still seriously hearing bass & squeaks from an overloaded night until 4am this morning

last non dance thing I wen to this was great kiwi legend who we seem to have lost to London permanently Connan Mockasin

It's choade my dear - really wicked vid

Sneaky sneaky dog friend 

& his latest collaboration with BPA (Fatboy slim's latest outfit)  jumps the fence
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Trei who I danced like a mad thing to on Fri night so got home too late to watch the Netherlands/Brazil game
over 17 years
about 17 years
stealthkiwi wrote:
Sleeper wrote:

Here some ethnic electronica

Natacha Atlas - Kidda

and experimental music


Really like that top song. But prefer the earlier Pan Sonic you introduced me to. lol Beck is odd but not my thing tho I'm going to some rock concert tonight I won tickets to which will be funny as are still seriously hearing bass & squeaks from an overloaded night until 4am this morning

last non dance thing I wen to this was great kiwi legend who we seem to have lost to London permanently Connan Mockasin

It's choade my dear - really wicked vid

Sneaky sneaky dog friend 

& his latest collaboration with BPA (Fatboy slim's latest outfit)  jumps the fence

That Conner looks scarily like Brian Jones

That Natacha she's the same chick as the one out off Transglobal Underground right?
ForteanTimes2010-07-07 20:55:58
First Team Squad
over 14 years
ROFL had to google who Brian Jones was - last time I saw Connon playing live he was on stage at San Fran Bathouse wearing a pyjama suit with the attached feet

a summer anthem for this rainy night

SK's & other's recentish odd music

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