Star Wars (contains spoilers, and now contains Rogue One)

Starting XI
over 12 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

chopah wrote:

Drunk_Monk wrote:

chopah wrote:

yeah yeah whatever makes you feel better about stealing - oh wait almost stealing... i guess you have done nothing wrong then.  move along.


Dude drop it.

If you truly never pirate or have never watched a pirated movie,  or have never watched anything outside of the licence agreement (e.g. watching sky, or a DVD with a big group) or have never streamed any content that was technically piracy then good on you.

But every "anti-piracy" person I have met consumes pirated or unpaid for content but doesn't want to do the deed themselves so forgive us if we don't care about your angle.

@Patrick - why don't you care what we do with our internet connections?  I've "researched" some crazy shark over the years.

On topic - so that star wars movie was pretty great.

You said drop it and i pretty much had - but you make some interesting points, so i shall respond to those and then leave it there if you like.

Firstly I wasn't out to lynch Vader, i don't care if he or you or anyone pirates - but it's stealing so don't get offended if i call you a thief (even if it was mostly tongue in cheek).

In the movie industry pirating a movie while it's at cinema release is a big deal, studios will hunt people down - it's not the grey area (apparently) of pirating a live sports event.  It's black and white theft - which is why Patrick didn't want any links posted on this site (not that anyone was in danger of doing that).

The mere fact Vader got so upset over a couple of tongue in cheek jibes is just how he is - I certainly wasn't trying to and don't want to lecture him in the wrongs and rights of pirating, he seems to have a good grip on those (as do you) and have made a moral call to ignore the legality of it.

Just don't get all pooey if someone calls you out - it's not like i'm the one breaking the law here.

FYI Vader - this has nothing to do with my current employer, despite your suggestions to the contrary.

Actually it's not black and white theft.  It's a big messy grey area.

Black and white theft would be taking a physical copy so they are no longer in possession of something they were before.

Creating a copy means they still have everything they had before.  The only "theft" is him getting a copy from someone else.

Just like if a kid draws a picture of mickey mouse is theft as they are creating a copy of something copyrighted.  Or scanning a page of a book someone lent the kid so they can keep working on.their homework.  Copying copyrighted material.

What it is is a loss of earnings.  I.e. They didn't get money because he didn't pay them to view it the third time.  The ethics around that question relies on him not paying for the content.   Which would be very valid if he hadn't paid twice.  Maybe he was never going to pay again.  So what did the movie companies lose if he downloads a copy in the privacy of his own home and doesn't share it?
Surely if theft occurred they lost something?

And more importantly you wrote judgemental comments about his ethical standpoint.  That's wrong unless you are a stellar individual who has never watched or read pirated content in any shape or form.  which is possible but probably unlikely (based on previous experience with others sharing the same view).

You might believe that it's obvious it was tongue in cheek but it wasn't obvious to me.  It was fudgeing rude which is why you had better be perfect.

E.g never watching sky or DVD's with a group of people where the fee for the number of people watching was not paid.  Or watched a trailer someone saved or from a site not licenced.  Or if you tried to watch a video and got the message it was taken down due to copyright issues, guess what, you tried to pirate you thief. Etc.

Oh and Patrick had to make the no link rule clear because that multi trillion dollar industry has a scary amount of power and the site can be taken down.

i take it you don't want me to drop it then?

so to paraphrase your POV it's less illegal to pirate the movie if you have paid to watch it once or several times?  does it become less and less illegal the more times you have paid to watch something before you steal it?  Theft doesn't have to be of a physical item.

it's just my viewpoint on it but your way wrong - it's illegal to pirate a movie that's on cinematic release - BLACK and WHITE.

What did i write about his ethical standpoint?  that it was wrong?  that's because it's illegal.. no math required here.

In regards to the tongue in cheek comment - i apologize if you found it rude - Vader continually does the same to other people so i'm not overly concerned about offending him with an off the cuff remark.

Like i said happy to let it lie, happy to even take down the offending remark if you want me to (or edit it) to prove i wasn't trying to be the movie police, i just like many others have an opinion and expressed it.

Starting XI
about 10 years

chopah wrote:

1. i take it you don't want me to drop it then?

2. so to paraphrase your POV it's less illegal to pirate the movie if you have paid to watch it once or several times?  does it become less and less illegal the more times you have paid to watch something before you steal it?  Theft doesn't have to be of a physical item.

it's just my viewpoint on it but your way wrong - it's illegal to pirate a movie that's on cinematic release - BLACK and WHITE.

What did i write about his ethical standpoint?  that it was wrong?  that's because it's illegal.. no math required here.

3. In regards to the tongue in cheek comment - i apologize if you found it rude - Vader continually does the same to other people so i'm not overly concerned about offending him with an off the cuff remark.

Like i said happy to let it lie, happy to even take down the offending remark if you want me to (or edit it) to prove i wasn't trying to be the movie police, i just like many others have an opinion and expressed it.

I'm popping in numbers to make it easier to respond, not changing what you said, as we cant multi quote here.

1. I asked you to drop it, but you didn't.  Saying I will drop it then continuing to talk about something is in fact not dropping it.

2. Nope you didn't paraphrase me, you in fact changed what I said, by adding the word illegal.

Now I don't think because something is legal it is right, and because something is illegal, it is wrong.  

You literally said "What did i write about his ethical standpoint? that it was wrong? that's because it's illegal." Which means you believe illegal = wrong.  Now there are a lot of wrong things that legal in other countries, not limited to gay marriage in Australia.  Its illegal for a man and another man to get married, I think that's unethical, but using your explanation of illegal is wrong, black and white you must disagree.

Or more on topic:

"it's illegal to pirate a movie that's on cinematic release" - I find it weird you specified cinematic release, as its cinematic release has nothing to do with it.  Its just as illegal to do it if its on DVD, Sky TV, or on Free to air telly.  

So do you hold the same standpoint that a child drawing a picture of mickey mouse in the back of his drawing book is a thief? black and white?  Personally I don't.  The are copying intellectual property without the rights attained form the copyright holder, just like downloading star wars.

3. That's fine, it just grinds my gears as was stated in the first post as people who usually state it also watch pirated content, or have breached terms of DVD's, or Sky, or netflix, etc.

Which you haven't responded to my questions about if you have ever watched something that was pirated, or ever watched content with a bigger group than the licensing allowed?

So in summary to your response, you clearly hold the idea that illegal = wrong and I disagree wholeheartedly.  I think that something that is illegal isn't necessarily unethical.

another example would be the 3 strike rule.  In essence it is against natural justice (that they need to prove you pirated).  As If my flatmate breaks the law and downloads stuff, I am liable as my name is on the internet bill.  If I cant prove he did it, then I must face the consequences, which to me is wrong.  OR if I brute force into my neighbors wifi and then pirate on their internet, should they be liable?  But hey, legal and illegal, black and white right?

So I don't think its black and white as you think.  Especially as Vader has paid for the movie twice.  Does that means he is entitled to pirate it? Of course not.  If he gets punished for it, does he deserve it? of course, he knows the rules and is taking the risk.  But I think he has contributed more to the financial success of that movie than someone who has seen it once and not pirated, or someone who hasn't seen it or pirated it.  Which is where I place a big fudgeing grey area ethically.  (note: I said ethically and not legally).

Starting XI
over 12 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

chopah wrote:

1. i take it you don't want me to drop it then?

2. so to paraphrase your POV it's less illegal to pirate the movie if you have paid to watch it once or several times?  does it become less and less illegal the more times you have paid to watch something before you steal it?  Theft doesn't have to be of a physical item.

it's just my viewpoint on it but your way wrong - it's illegal to pirate a movie that's on cinematic release - BLACK and WHITE.

What did i write about his ethical standpoint?  that it was wrong?  that's because it's illegal.. no math required here.

3. In regards to the tongue in cheek comment - i apologize if you found it rude - Vader continually does the same to other people so i'm not overly concerned about offending him with an off the cuff remark.

Like i said happy to let it lie, happy to even take down the offending remark if you want me to (or edit it) to prove i wasn't trying to be the movie police, i just like many others have an opinion and expressed it.

I'm popping in numbers to make it easier to respond, not changing what you said, as we cant multi quote here.

1. I asked you to drop it, but you didn't.  Saying I will drop it then continuing to talk about something is in fact not dropping it.

2. Nope you didn't paraphrase me, you in fact changed what I said, by adding the word illegal.

Now I don't think because something is legal it is right, and because something is illegal, it is wrong.  

You literally said "What did i write about his ethical standpoint? that it was wrong? that's because it's illegal." Which means you believe illegal = wrong.  Now there are a lot of wrong things that legal in other countries, not limited to gay marriage in Australia.  Its illegal for a man and another man to get married, I think that's unethical, but using your explanation of illegal is wrong, black and white you must disagree.

Or more on topic:

"it's illegal to pirate a movie that's on cinematic release" - I find it weird you specified cinematic release, as its cinematic release has nothing to do with it.  Its just as illegal to do it if its on DVD, Sky TV, or on Free to air telly.  

So do you hold the same standpoint that a child drawing a picture of mickey mouse in the back of his drawing book is a thief? black and white?  Personally I don't.  The are copying intellectual property without the rights attained form the copyright holder, just like downloading star wars.

3. That's fine, it just grinds my gears as was stated in the first post as people who usually state it also watch pirated content, or have breached terms of DVD's, or Sky, or netflix, etc.

Which you haven't responded to my questions about if you have ever watched something that was pirated, or ever watched content with a bigger group than the licensing allowed?

So in summary to your response, you clearly hold the idea that illegal = wrong and I disagree wholeheartedly.  I think that something that is illegal isn't necessarily unethical.

another example would be the 3 strike rule.  In essence it is against natural justice (that they need to prove you pirated).  As If my flatmate breaks the law and downloads stuff, I am liable as my name is on the internet bill.  If I cant prove he did it, then I must face the consequences, which to me is wrong.  OR if I brute force into my neighbors wifi and then pirate on their internet, should they be liable?  But hey, legal and illegal, black and white right?

So I don't think its black and white as you think.  Especially as Vader has paid for the movie twice.  Does that means he is entitled to pirate it? Of course not.  If he gets punished for it, does he deserve it? of course, he knows the rules and is taking the risk.  But I think he has contributed more to the financial success of that movie than someone who has seen it once and not pirated, or someone who hasn't seen it or pirated it.  Which is where I place a big fudgeing grey area ethically.  (note: I said ethically and not legally).

Ok happy to agree to disagee. 

over 16 years

chopah wrote:

So who do you work for? The Fuzz?


and that does get a bit fuzzy at times when you are streaming it

over 16 years

Also boring!

thought there was some mass interest in the movie, turns out it's just some back and forth without O'Donovan being anywhere near the incident. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Back on topic please :)

Starting XI
about 10 years

patrick478 wrote:

Back on topic please :)

So who's looking forward to the next one?

The first order strikes back.

almost 15 years

I was wondering what the next title might be. Thats not a bad starter

almost 17 years

I'm looking forward to it as Luke will feature prominently and a load of questions asnwered.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Rian Johnson direction is going to make it fudgeing awesome and nothing like any other star wars film we've ever seen.

almost 15 years

Who is he? Whats he done?

over 16 years

Someone said they're looking forward to more Luke in the next one.

Now I've not seen this latest movie but having watched IV, V, I and II in the past week or so I don't understand.

I hate Luke. He's whiny and petulant. He's so irritating.

But maybe I need to see VII before making judgement?

As an aside - Anakin was super cute in I but in II he is just creepy. The looks he was giving Leia were so seedy. And he acts like a spoiled teenager when talking about how Han is jealous of him and won't give him a chance blah blah blah.

My fave character is C3PO. Not that anyone cares.

Two to go before I get to see VII.  You'll be pleased to know that we are watching the old ones which we recorded from SKY.

almost 17 years

The force is strong in this lady! Very popular will you be!

Starting XI
about 10 years

[quote=I Someone said they're looking forward to more Luke in the next one.

Now I've not seen this latest movie but having watched IV, V, I and II in the past week or so I don't understand.

I hate Luke. He's whiny and petulant. He's so irritating.

But maybe I need to see VII before making judgement?

As an aside - Anakin was super cute in I but in II he is just creepy. The looks he was giving Leia were so seedy. And he acts like a spoiled teenager when talking about how Han is jealous of him and won't give him a chance blah blah blah.

My fave character is C3PO. Not that anyone cares.

Two to go before I get to see VII.  You'll be pleased to know that we are watching the old ones which we recorded from SKY.


Nah we are stoked for Luke because of 4-6.  Love him because jedi etc.

I think your Anakin comments are getting confused (no Han, Leia etc.)

Wait how do you like 3PO more than R2?

over 16 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

[quote=I Someone said they're looking forward to more Luke in the next one.

Now I've not seen this latest movie but having watched IV, V, I and II in the past week or so I don't understand.

I hate Luke. He's whiny and petulant. He's so irritating.

But maybe I need to see VII before making judgement?

As an aside - Anakin was super cute in I but in II he is just creepy. The looks he was giving Leia were so seedy. And he acts like a spoiled teenager when talking about how Han is jealous of him and won't give him a chance blah blah blah.

My fave character is C3PO. Not that anyone cares.

Two to go before I get to see VII.  You'll be pleased to know that we are watching the old ones which we recorded from SKY.


Nah we are stoked for Luke because of 4-6.  Love him because jedi etc.

I think your Anakin comments are getting confused (no Han, Leia etc.)

Wait how do you like 3PO more than R2?

Oh God I screwed that up. I mean Obe Wan and Padme (sp?). My bad!!!
almost 17 years

You want Obi One? What about Yoda? He's very experienced in the ways of the force. It's not just a negative strangle people thing, it can bring pleasure ...... ;)

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I <3 Nix wrote:

As an aside - Anakin was super cute in I but in II he is just creepy. The looks he was giving Leia were so seedy. And he acts like a spoiled teenager when talking about how Han is jealous of him and won't give him a chance blah blah blah.


over 16 years

patrick478 wrote:

I <3 Nix wrote:

As an aside - Anakin was super cute in I but in II he is just creepy. The looks he was giving Leia were so seedy. And he acts like a spoiled teenager when talking about how Han is jealous of him and won't give him a chance blah blah blah.


  I have since provided an update below
over 16 years

Saw it last night. So many questions

almost 17 years

Like who the Fudge really is that boys parents as neither Han nor Leia look anything like him 

....but this guy does!!

Starting XI
about 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Like who the Fudge really is that boys parents as neither Han nor Leia look anything like him 

....but this guy does!!

Oh shark.  Crosover revealed.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Ok so someone told me a theory I hadn't thought about.

So Rey speaks in an English accent.  The only other character in Star Wars is Obi Wan.  Also apparently the force voices she hears are Obi Wans.  Could she be Obi Wans grandaughter?

Cant they just release the next movie now so I can get some answers?

Also did you all see the TR-8R obsession going on? has some awesome memes.

over 13 years

I think you may be reading a little to much into it drunk munk :)

She is hot and born in the UK :)

Starting XI
about 10 years

I think you may be reading a little to much into it drunk munk :)

She is hot and born in the UK :)

Haha not my theory.  Someone mentioned it at work and thought, maybe it's feasible.... Maybe.

over 16 years

Also the other British actor playing a lead in the film does so in an American accent so the choice of accent has to be deliberate

Starting XI
about 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Who is he? Whats he done?

Director of Looper and the two best episodes of Breaking Bad, Fly and Ozymandias. 

over 16 years

Looper was a good remash of a lot of scifi in a way that managed to make you forget how much it owed to a gizzilion other movies...some fairly tight Phillip K Dick type stuff...the scripts are going to be an issue...and it's Disney

almost 15 years
There is a well-conceived theory out there that Rey is a Kenobi. You can read that here
almost 17 years

martinb wrote:

Looper was a good remash of a lot of scifi in a way that managed to make you forget how much it owed to a gizzilion other movies...some fairly tight Phillip K Dick type stuff...the scripts are going to be an issue...and it's Disney

Looper "fairly tight Philip K Dick stuff" - hmmmm. I get that the director has read some PKD but the things that Dick was concerned about in BladeRunner could be leveled at looper- far more so.

Does anyone who comments on Philip K Dick actually reads his books?

Edit: I actually wonder if Looper probably owe more to the likes of Robert Silverberg? Looper fits Up the Line more than anything PKD wrote. Time Courier etc???

almost 17 years

I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Yeah I wasn't pointing a finger at MartinB but at the media commentators that champion films that has been influenced by Dick or by film makers that adapt movies from his books and then leave out the most interesting parts.

almost 17 years

For sure. One book I would love to see as a movie is "Rendezvous With Rama".

over 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

martinb wrote:

Looper was a good remash of a lot of scifi in a way that managed to make you forget how much it owed to a gizzilion other movies...some fairly tight Phillip K Dick type stuff...the scripts are going to be an issue...and it's Disney

Looper "fairly tight Philip K Dick stuff" - hmmmm. I get that the director has read some PKD but the things that Dick was concerned about in BladeRunner could be leveled at looper- far more so.

Does anyone who comments on Philip K Dick actually reads his books?

Edit: I actually wonder if Looper probably owe more to the likes of Robert Silverberg? Looper fits Up the Line more than anything PKD wrote. Time Courier etc???

Not in terms of anything specific- but I mean we're talking mutants with mind powers, time travel movie, dystopian future kept so by drug addled-ness, the knowledge of living on a clock- that you only have a short time to live, the revenge movie and so on and so on...

I guess what I was saying is not so much that it was a PKD rip off, but that for something that re-treads what should seem very very well travelled ground you came out of it with the feeling that you had watched something new and original...or least not something that was a hack job...

I can't remember what the PKD book was, but one with lots of little guys made from a plastcine like it ages ago and can't remember much about it, but would have liked to film that one...

Starting XI
over 16 years

Aren't Jedi forbidden to marry/have kids etc (which is why Anakin was keeping his relationship with Padme secret) which would rule out Obi Wan / Luke as Rey's father... unless of course they slipped up which I think is unlikely.

almost 17 years

Or slipped one in which would explain everything.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

hlmphil wrote:

Aren't Jedi forbidden to marry/have kids etc (which is why Anakin was keeping his relationship with Padme secret) which would rule out Obi Wan / Luke as Rey's father... unless of course they slipped up which I think is unlikely.

Except the Jedi were basically disbanded when the Emperor gave the order go slaughter them all.

Obi Wan goes into hiding, changes his name and becomes essentially a hermit.

You couldn't blame the man for trying to cure his loneliness.

Starting XI
over 16 years

Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's a pretty significant step towards the dark side (via emotional attachments) that I don't think Obi-Wan would take, particularly after what he saw happen with Anakin/Padme. And in New Hope by going down the hermit route it seems as much as anything about protecting himself from attachments, so I'm not sure he'd let himself "slip one in". Don't forget this is something that he has devoted his whole life to, and trained in since a child.

Re: Luke, I think that if he's trying to re-establish the jedi order he'd be a lot more careful about adhering to their customs.

Starting XI
about 10 years

hlmphil wrote:

Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's a pretty significant step towards the dark side (via emotional attachments) that I don't think Obi-Wan would take, particularly after what he saw happen with Anakin/Padme. And in New Hope by going down the hermit route it seems as much as anything about protecting himself from attachments, so I'm not sure he'd let himself "slip one in". Don't forget this is something that he has devoted his whole life to, and trained in since a child.

Re: Luke, I think that if he's trying to re-establish the jedi order he'd be a lot more careful about adhering to their customs.

But Luke also didn't get taught all of those little nuances did he?

It was about teaching him the power quickly and trying to keep him from being angry about Vader.  I don't remember him being taught not to sneak any in (though that could also be me having a shark memory).

Starting XI
over 16 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's a pretty significant step towards the dark side (via emotional attachments) that I don't think Obi-Wan would take, particularly after what he saw happen with Anakin/Padme. And in New Hope by going down the hermit route it seems as much as anything about protecting himself from attachments, so I'm not sure he'd let himself "slip one in". Don't forget this is something that he has devoted his whole life to, and trained in since a child.

Re: Luke, I think that if he's trying to re-establish the jedi order he'd be a lot more careful about adhering to their customs.

But Luke also didn't get taught all of those little nuances did he?

It was about teaching him the power quickly and trying to keep him from being angry about Vader.  I don't remember him being taught not to sneak any in (though that could also be me having a shark memory).

Yeah, we don't know what Yoda taught him on Dagobah, I guess I just assume that was part of it.

More likely to be Luke though than Obi-Wan IMO.

Starting XI
about 10 years

hlmphil wrote:

Drunk_Monk wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's a pretty significant step towards the dark side (via emotional attachments) that I don't think Obi-Wan would take, particularly after what he saw happen with Anakin/Padme. And in New Hope by going down the hermit route it seems as much as anything about protecting himself from attachments, so I'm not sure he'd let himself "slip one in". Don't forget this is something that he has devoted his whole life to, and trained in since a child.

Re: Luke, I think that if he's trying to re-establish the jedi order he'd be a lot more careful about adhering to their customs.

But Luke also didn't get taught all of those little nuances did he?

It was about teaching him the power quickly and trying to keep him from being angry about Vader.  I don't remember him being taught not to sneak any in (though that could also be me having a shark memory).

Yeah, we don't know what Yoda taught him on Dagobah, I guess I just assume that was part of it.

More likely to be Luke though than Obi-Wan IMO.

Obi-Wan's grand daughter?

Some of it will likely come to light when we find out how Maz Kanata came into possession of Luke's lightsaber. There is also the thinking that Rey is from a completely new line of Jedi family...supposedly all the Jedi were hunted down...but probably not...

Star Wars (contains spoilers, and now contains Rogue One)

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