Star Wars (contains spoilers, and now contains Rogue One)

Starting XI
about 10 years


Personally I loved it. Great pace and similar feeling to the originals. Plenty of fun, fighting and storyline to keep everyone interested and the Star Wars universe has returned to the way we imagined it from Eps. IV, V and VI. 

about 13 years

Do we want spoilers or not in this thread. Tempting fate to have it and having people click on it if we do.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

surely if you're avoiding spoilers the last thing you would do is read a thread on an Internet forum called "Star Wars: the force awakens"

Starting XI
about 10 years

I clicked on it and I'm 7 hours away from my showing.  If someone wants to spoiler it then just stick [SPOILERS] in the title.

We don't have spoiler tags here do we?

about 13 years

Can add a spoilers tag if people actually want to discuss the movie.

Starting XI
about 10 years

[Spoiler]  test [/spoiler]

Nah spoiler tags dont work.  So id say either spoiler the thread title, or no spoilers in the thread (or 2 threads)

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

or just avoid any thread or news item titled "Star Wars" if you want to avoid spoilers...

If I'm watching a nix game delayed I avoid the match thread because I figure there will be a spoiler or two in there. 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I thought this was a thread about TFA, not spoilage.


Starting XI
about 10 years

SurgeQld wrote:

I thought this was a thread about TFA, not spoilage.


We'll it's a thread where people who have seen the movie could discuss it. Maybe note that it has spoilers and everyone else stays away?

Starting XI
about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

or just avoid any thread or news item titled "Star Wars" if you want to avoid spoilers...

If I'm watching a nix game delayed I avoid the match thread because I figure there will be a spoiler or two in there. 

Yea but that makes life boring if you dont read anything about anything just in case it spoils something for you.

for example I could read about how Star Wars has broken cinema records within 12 hours of its release.  I wouldn't expect that to have the first line saying Kylo Ren is Luke's father.  While technically its my fault for opening a star wars article, its not hard to write [SPOILERS] in a title.

I don't know why this argument happens in every corner of the internet.  If its a spoiler thread, write spoilers in the title.  Its not a laboring task, I dont know why so many object to it.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Tegal wrote:

or just avoid any thread or news item titled "Star Wars" if you want to avoid spoilers...

If I'm watching a nix game delayed I avoid the match thread because I figure there will be a spoiler or two in there. 

Yea but that makes life boring if you dont read anything about anything just in case it spoils something for you.

for example I could read about how Star Wars has broken cinema records within 12 hours of its release.  I wouldn't expect that to have the first line saying Kylo Ren is Luke's father.  While technically its my fault for opening a star wars article, its not hard to write [SPOILERS] in a title.

I don't know why this argument happens in every corner of the internet.  If its a spoiler thread, write spoilers in the title.  Its not a laboring task, I dont know why so many object to it.

Can someone edit it? As the creator of the thread not sure if I can or not. 

Adding Spoilers makes sense - that way if someone heads on in and gets things ruined for them, they didn't read the Tegal and I have already discussed elements of the movie this morning that could use more opinio ;)

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Tegal wrote:

or just avoid any thread or news item titled "Star Wars" if you want to avoid spoilers...

If I'm watching a nix game delayed I avoid the match thread because I figure there will be a spoiler or two in there. 

Yea but that makes life boring if you dont read anything about anything just in case it spoils something for you.

for example I could read about how Star Wars has broken cinema records within 12 hours of its release.  I wouldn't expect that to have the first line saying Kylo Ren is Luke's father.  While technically its my fault for opening a star wars article, its not hard to write [SPOILERS] in a title.

I don't know why this argument happens in every corner of the internet.  If its a spoiler thread, write spoilers in the title.  Its not a laboring task, I dont know why so many object to it.

It's not hard to not open a thread titled "Star Wars" if you don't want to read Star Wars spoilers either :p

I get being annoyed at people for posting spoilers on general forums, such as Facebook or Twitter (even then you check with an element of risk) but this is a thread literally named after the movie, where people are obviously going to be talking about the movie. 

over 16 years

Seen it. Loved it. Will see it again very soon. J.J. Has done it, and set up the rest of the trilogy nicely, while filling in everyone as to what has happened over the past 30 years.

over 15 years

Darth Vader is having a lightsabre fight with Luke Skywalker. Suddenly he backs off and says.

“Luke, Luke, I know what you’re getting for Christmas!”

“No, father, you don’t.” Says Luke. “Now I must fight you.”

“Luke…” Says Darth, backing off a bit more. “I KNOW what you are getting for Christmas!”

“No, father, you don’t.” Says Luke. “Now are we going to have this fight or what?”

“Do not under-estimate the Dark Side, my Son. I know what you are getting for Christmas!”

“No you don’t, father.” Says Luke.

“Yessss, my son, I do for I have felt your presents.”

I used this for our workplace christmas lunch joke competition.  I won.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Holy shark that movie was excellent.

I liked that it was pretty much a new hope with new flavour.

As soon as solo walked on the bridge it was like dead.

Rae is totally Luke's daughter.

Kylo ren looked weird when he took his helmet off, not very intimidating.  Voice is cool though.

BB-8 was awesome.  Sassy like R2 but his own personalty.

Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing it again before the nix in Saturday.

Starting XI
about 10 years

OH and snoke is totally Sith (the race)

Starting XI
about 10 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Holy shark that movie was excellent.

I liked that it was pretty much a new hope with new flavour.

As soon as solo walked on the bridge it was like dead.

Rae is totally Luke's daughter.

Kylo ren looked weird when he took his helmet off, not very intimidating.  Voice is cool though.

BB-8 was awesome.  Sassy like R2 but his own personalty.

Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing it again before the nix in Saturday.

  • So who is Rae's mother? There was only one other female human in the Star Wars originals) Universe.
  • The bit where Han and Chewie walks on the Falcon gave me all of the feels!
  • Spot on with BB8 - awesome little character. Scrappy Doo to Scooby Doo. (guess that makes 3PO shaggy)
  • New hope with New Flavour is a great analogy. Like a football team who used to be great and have been a bit rubbish, they are now trying to reconnect with the fans (new and old) and after the disaster of I, II and III they've done it. 
  • I liked that Kylo Ren was a bit Marilyn Manson before he was famous under the helmet. At his worst he's almost more evil than Darth Vader but also more human than Vader at the same time. Voice is's what Bane should have been in the last Batman movie. 
  • The sounds, the sabers, the 'used' look of everything, the dust, the dirt it was all great.
  • Great new cast as well and they were not overshadowed by the size of the job at hand. 
Starting XI
about 10 years

HAHA 3PO is totally Shaggy.

Rae's mother? NFI, but its been a few years so he could have got his nasty on with anyone on Jaku.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

HAHA 3PO is totally Shaggy.

Rae's mother? NFI, but its been a few years so he could have got his nasty on with anyone on Jaku.

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years






The plot was very similar to A New Hope and I didn't find that a good thing. I was expecting something a bit more creative. A lot of things not explained well or rather convenient. R2's sudden awakening for no apparent reason. The whole map thing. The chasm opening up to stop Ren from getting finished off... And wow, they blew up a Death Star. I mean, really? They've done that twice already...

So I was disappointed. but I still enjoyed it. The special effects were good, not overdone. If it was a standalone movie and not a sequel I'd say it was easily the best of the 6. But as a sequel I rate it below the three originals and above the 3 prequels.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

it's back on the right track though, which makes me excited for future movies - unlike after seeing episode I

It was a very good movie. But Reys convenient use of the force with seemingly no training whatsoever was a huge loose end to leave. I'm sure it'll be explained in a later movie, but until then it is something that pissed me off. 

Starting XI
about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

it's back on the right track though, which makes me excited for future movies - unlike after seeing episode I

It was a very good movie. But Reys convenient use of the force with seemingly no training whatsoever was a huge loose end to leave. I'm sure it'll be explained in a later movie, but until then it is something that pissed me off. 

Oh it has plenty of flaws.  And the convenient use of the force from nowhere when Luke had train up to sharks was one of them.

But I don't know that I want it to be explained. because the last time they explained something we got midicloreans.  I don't want to know that the midiclorean count in her is so high that they spoke to her on an ad hoc basis to do some quick force training.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Tegal wrote:

it's back on the right track though, which makes me excited for future movies - unlike after seeing episode I

It was a very good movie. But Reys convenient use of the force with seemingly no training whatsoever was a huge loose end to leave. I'm sure it'll be explained in a later movie, but until then it is something that pissed me off. 

Oh it has plenty of flaws.  And the convenient use of the force from nowhere when Luke had train up to sharks was one of them.

But I don't know that I want it to be explained. because the last time they explained something we got midicloreans.  I don't want to know that the midiclorean count in her is so high that they spoke to her on an ad hoc basis to do some quick force training.

The ability to suspend your disbelief will only increase your enjoyment of this movie. I was saying to Tegal the other day that I'm a "movie optimist". I try not to spend too much time thinking about the why's but rather understand that artistic licence is required to move the story along and keep it light footed. 

If a touch of annoyance around this is the only real issue with the movie then it's a pretty damn good movie. Just assume either (A) it will be explained or (B) it is because it just is - it's the Star Wars galaxy and this thrives on coincidence, convenience and luck. 

Starting XI
about 10 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Tegal wrote:

it's back on the right track though, which makes me excited for future movies - unlike after seeing episode I

It was a very good movie. But Reys convenient use of the force with seemingly no training whatsoever was a huge loose end to leave. I'm sure it'll be explained in a later movie, but until then it is something that pissed me off. 

Oh it has plenty of flaws.  And the convenient use of the force from nowhere when Luke had train up to sharks was one of them.

But I don't know that I want it to be explained. because the last time they explained something we got midicloreans.  I don't want to know that the midiclorean count in her is so high that they spoke to her on an ad hoc basis to do some quick force training.

The ability to suspend your disbelief will only increase your enjoyment of this movie. I was saying to Tegal the other day that I'm a "movie optimist". I try not to spend too much time thinking about the why's but rather understand that artistic licence is required to move the story along and keep it light footed. 

If a touch of annoyance around this is the only real issue with the movie then it's a pretty damn good movie. Just assume either (A) it will be explained or (B) it is because it just is - it's the Star Wars galaxy and this thrives on coincidence, convenience and luck. 

Haha I'm generally fairly good at suspending disbelief for movies because I want to enjoy them.

and for something like star wars Im happy to suspend as much as I need to.  I mean I'm not cancelling my tickets for Saturday because a hand full of annoyances doesn't take away from it being fudgeing awesome.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I'm usually the same, but 'the force' is such a central theme in the movies that it annoyed me a bit more than any other flaw and made it harder to simply ignore like you would anything else. 

I still loved the movie and can't wait for the next one. 

Starting XI
about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

I'm usually the same, but 'the force' is such a central theme in the movies that it annoyed me a bit more than any other flaw and made it harder to simply ignore like you would anything else. 

I still loved the movie and can't wait for the next one. 

Oh total agreement.  It hung in the back of my mind when I left the cinema and that's never a good thing.  But you never know, 4 minutes into episode 8 they might nail it and explain it without making things worse (big might).

Starting XI
about 10 years

A New Hope...

Luke gets nailed with the blast shield down. Obi-Wan tells him to feel the force, he does and blocks 3 shots. Suddenly he can do Jedi stuff from never even know he could fight before - he got his ass handed to him by a Sandperson (is that the politically correct term) remember? least when we meet Rey, she can already fight and isn't a whiny teenager so she already had a headstart on Luke. 

over 9 years

Really enjoyed it. Dont care about any of the flaws, they only matter if you are looking for them. Feels like they have got the whole franchise back on track.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

stormtroopers have also got a lot better with their aim in the last 30 years. 

Starting XI
about 10 years
Finn got a lot better once he took the helmet off.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

stormtroopers have also got a lot better with their aim in the last 30 years. 

That's the big thing for me. All of the characters got injured at some stage, be it by lightsaber or blaster. I didn't feel like want of them were immortal due to plot armour, I genuinely felt that they could be killed.

It happened from the first scene where the Stormtroopers kicked ass, right through to when Kylo and Rey were battling.

over 16 years

People may or may not like Starkiller base, but you have to admit, that firing sequence was awesome. Also the fuel source is a sun. Kylo Ren is awesome.

As for Rey using the force. I am a bit meh about it. Clearly though during 8 she will truly learn how to harness it.

Also planning on seeing it again Saturday before the 12 pubs.

almost 17 years

Billy Dee Williams

Starting XI
about 10 years

Oh man, the blood on the storm trooper helmet at the start caught me off guard.  I was thinking fudge that's dark for star wars.

The effects of the sun being absorbed was amazing.

Oh and all the sneaky symbolism in there.  Like the light going out when Kylo decides to kill his pa.  Excellente.

Now I'm making myself too excited for my next viewing.

almost 17 years

Seen it in 3D and now want to see it in 2D and pick up on anything I might have missed. I am sure I saw a car in the distance during the sand dune scenes at the start.

Starting XI
about 12 years

I loved this movie. I was a huge fan of how it balanced action and substance. One minute it's all lasers and spaceships and shark, then it's a mother and father not being able to sustain their relationship because they had very different ways of grieving for the son they lost, then it's back to lasers and spaceships. It's bloody impressive to be able to pull that off from a storytelling point of view.

almost 17 years

Possibly better than the real thing...

about 17 years

Goodie stormtrooper: We're under attack, and I don't have a weapon!

Little puppet woman: sure you do, you have this light saber, which is enough, because although the baddies have technology to suck up a whole sun, they give their soldiers crappy rifles with sights that they don't bother to use, therefore they miss 90% of the time. Also, remember when you and Rey were being chased by a TIE fighter on Jakku, and you outran it? yeah that happened - you guys can outrun anything!


Penis helmet new Vader guy: There are goodies here! find them, stormtroopers! Although we have technology to suck up a whole sun, we don't have video surveillance, so the only way we can find people is for you guys to jog along and look behind corners. make sure you look behind all the corners! all billion of them....otherwise they'll have places to hide...


Rey: Hey penis helmet new Vader guy, you look pretty scary and your voice is real cool, but I bet you won't take your helmet off...

Penis helmet new Vader guy: Sure I will! it will give me an opportunity to look vulnerable show off my acting range. Look, i'm still scary!

Rey: hahahaha you look like a pussy now, i'm totally not scared of you.

Penis helmet new Vader guy: dammit, I should have kept my helmet on...


some American....I mean Resistance soldier: we only have 2 minutes before they suck up the entire sun!

(10 minutes later) we only have 30 seconds to go!


Han Solo: can you disable the defence shield of an entire planet? I imagine it'd be really easy and there won't be measures to prevent it

Huckleberry Finn: sure I can! piece of piss. I was a storm trooper; we are totes powerful and not just cannonfodder, and we all get taught how to disable the defence shield when we're little boys.

Han  Solo: sweet, we'll send some guys to shoot it in the right place and blow it up - that's never happened before, so no one will expect it or have measures to prevent it happening.


Penis helmet new Vader guy: Man, i'm really struggling in this one on one battle with an ex storm trooper, even though I managed to stop a laser by simply holding out my hand earlier....this lack of consistency is a pain in the ass! Am I real strong or not? I guess it just depends!

Star Wars (contains spoilers, and now contains Rogue One)

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