Sydney and APEC

Starting XI
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
All a question of the state asserting it's power.

"�The official APEC is here to push nuclear power, free trade with all its privatisations and deregulation, and to assert that big business can run the world better than democratic citizens. That�s also why APEC promotes repression in our region. That�s why we are protesting and projecting an alternative people�s agenda�."
about 17 years
Who said that? It just looks like an uneducated opinion to me.
Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
All a question of the state asserting it's power.

"�The official APEC is here to push nuclear power, free trade with all its privatisations and deregulation, and to assert that big business can run the world better than democratic citizens. That�s also why APEC promotes repression in our region. That�s why we are protesting and projecting an alternative people�s agenda�."
Looks like the comment of a soap-dodging, pot-smoking, dole-bludging, left wing, bleeding heart pinko to me.
by the way, big businesses can run the world better than democratic citizens - that is why they are big business'
Starting XI
about 17 years
Looks like the comment of a soap-dodging, pot-smoking, dole-bludging, left wing, bleeding heart pinko to me.
Don't stop there. You're on a roll.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
There's nothing wrong with free trade, privatisation, or deregulation. They are good things. The less government in our lives the better. siac2007-09-04 23:48:56
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Also, your quote "All a question of the state asserting it's power." seems to completely contradict the quote you pasted directly after it.
Starting XI
about 17 years
No it doesn't, read it again.
Is this free trade?  Subsidised rich world farmers selling their products in the same arena as non-subsidised poor world farmers. 
dairyflat2007-09-05 08:48:09
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Now that I read your post again I can interpret it in 2 ways. Are you saying that Apec is an example of the state asserting their power, or that the people who made the quote is an example of the State asserting their power?

Because you didn't provide a source for the quote, its context is a little confusing.

Starting XI
about 17 years
I'm with you now. It's the first interpretation.
Sovereignty? "He also recommended people avoid the area to allow police and US Secret Service officers to begin road closures and escort the President." -
dairyflat2007-09-05 09:32:22
about 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
No it doesn't, read it again.
Is this free trade?  Subsidised rich world farmers selling their products in the same arena as non-subsidised poor world farmers. 

Subsidies are bad - I completely agree. They are against the spirit of free trade.
Starting XI
about 17 years
He said a full-scale riot was probable because in a crowd a mob mentality easily takes over.
Quote from a Sydney police lawyer. I can see a case for banning football here...
Starting XI
almost 17 years

You are dead right there Frankie this democracy lark is a bit tedious ,anyway ive just heard a rumour that Enron are going to be sponsoring the Phoenix this year and  they have  arranged for a  friendly game against a Union Carbide 11 in Bhopal and are sponsoring a supporters cruise ship the Exxon Valdez to take us all to the game!!
Because they are such  huge corporate  businesses  i intend  like your self  to put  a blindfold on  bend over and put my absolute trust in them!!
Aye right!

dairyflat wrote:
All a question of the state asserting it's power.

"�The official APEC is here to push nuclear power, free trade with all its privatisations and deregulation, and to assert that big business can run the world better than democratic citizens. That�s also why APEC promotes repression in our region. That�s why we are protesting and projecting an alternative people�s agenda�."
Looks like the comment of a soap-dodging, pot-smoking, dole-bludging, left wing, bleeding heart pinko to me.
by the way, big businesses can run the world better than democratic citizens - that is why they are big business'
Kiwi Jambo2007-09-06 09:06:15
about 17 years
lets just get with the times and adopt nuclear power and be done with it, sh!t it never hurt the Simpsons.....much.

Pro-Nuke-Carney :)
Starting XI
about 17 years
Meanwhile, John Howard said -
"I am pleased to announce that I have agreed with President George W.  Bush today on the importance of confronting the challenges of climate  change and energy security. This stems from our commitment to action on climate change that reduces greenhouse gas emissions in ways that enable all countries to  grow their economies, reduce poverty and improve living standards. It also stems from a commitment to efficient and diversified energy supplies - including from zero and low emissions sources - in ways that ensure energy remains reliable, affordable and secure."
Confronting? By not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol....  ???   Me lost.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hilarious - APEC security not so clever. Cue chants of "what a waste of money..."
"But New South Wales Assistant Police Commissioner Dave Owens says they are not embarrassed that the fake motorcade managed to get close to the US President's hotel.

"No, I'm not embarrassed at all," he said.

"What I am is very angry that such a stunt like this would be pulled.

"We have 21 world leaders here, and whilst I enjoy like everyone else - a good laugh - this isn't funny.""

over 16 years
that chaser stunt was hilarious,especially the bit where 3-4 police arrest the guy dressed as a bodyguard and completely leave the guy dressed as usama bin laden alone!
Seriously though  if i lived in sydney i'd have been completely pissed off with that great big bloody fence through the city and roads closed all over the place. And did anyone else see george bushes motorcade,how rediculous was that,who needs 200 armed guards for crying out loud!
On the other hand i'm no fan of afore mentioned soap dodging pinko protesters either. We had g20 in melbourne not so long ago and i wish the police here had been as tough as in nsw. These people are just stupid immature little w**kers who think kicking in a mcdonalds window is somehow making a political statement!!! 
Starting XI
about 17 years
wigumcrook wrote:
On the other hand i'm no fan of afore mentioned soap dodging pinko protesters either. We had g20 in melbourne not so long ago and i wish the police here had been as tough as in nsw. These people are just stupid immature little w**kers who think kicking in a mcdonalds window is somehow making a political statement!!! 

Not generalising or anything of course?? 
It goes like this. One person kicks in a window - that's vandalism. A thousand do the same and that's a "political statement".
over 16 years
no it isint! Thats just a sh*t load of broken windows that need fixed! 1.if they have a point to make thats fine i'm all for free speech and if you want to protest a cause thats fine by me too,but A. do it in a civilised manner and B don't wear a mask or cover your face witha bandana while doing it,otherwise you're just a coward.
2.even if i agreed smashing up shop windows was a political statement,which i don't,attacking police officers and smashing up a police car certainly isint.
Starting XI
about 17 years
wigumcrook wrote:
2.even if i agreed smashing up shop windows was a political statement,which i don't,attacking police officers and smashing up a police car certainly isint.

I can make the case for that being political too. I've seen police forces being used for political gain. When they ally themselves with the state AGAINST the people. Say like in the Springbok tour of 81?
It all depends on context.

I was at this one. It was *^&%&^% terrifying!!
dairyflat2007-09-17 22:48:21
over 16 years
the thing is mate,you don't live in apartheid south africa or nazi germany where the police forces really were the 'tools of an evil empire',if you want to put it in such a dramatic way. You live in new zealand or in my case australia but am originally from the uk. In all three cases there we're talking about fairly liberal democracies where the police are by and large,and i know there's some bad exceptions, professional and obey the law when it comes to how they treat citizens,carry out arrests,protect peoples rights etc. The fact that in melbourne you had some protesters (and again i know this wasent everyone doing this) spitting,punching and throwing urine at police and the police,instead of beating the crap out of people-which i'm sure you'd want to too if someone spat on you,behaved with real restraint and obeyed the law. This only goes to show how lucky we are to live in countries with such,by and large, good police forces. I'm not sure if i've entirely responded to your point here but what i mean to say is attacking an aussie cop who's just doing his job is definately not a legitamate protest. And if any of those people who did it want to really protest human rights and the behaviour of police forces they should hop on a plane to jakarta or harare,where there really are some horrific violations by the state,and see what would happen to them there.How do you think they'd get on?
Starting XI
about 17 years
wigumcrook wrote:
This only goes to show how lucky we are to live in countries with such,by and large, good police forces. I'm not sure if i've entirely responded to your point here but what i mean to say is attacking an aussie cop who's just doing his job is definately not a legitamate protest.

and by and large, yes, I agree with that. I have been on demos where clearly nutters just wanted an excuse to "hide in the crowd".
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Last week on Lambton Quay

"Sir do you like Greenpeace?"


It leaves them speechless.
over 16 years
see that would really piss me off if i was out trying to make a sensible point and protest say the iraq war or an enviromental issue and you could see some idiots who you knew were just there for a fight or to pretend they were che geuvare.You'd get a lot more people to listen to your point of view without them.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Granted but, you know that, sadly,in some respects that's not true. Lovely, friendly, orderly protest often leads nowhere. Look at the anti war marches before Bush/Blair sanctioned the onslaught on Iraq. A MILLION people demonstrated in London and did Blair listen...  did he hell?  I often wonder if that ORDERLY million had become a mob would Blair have dared to take the decision he did...  ?

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