The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

No idea how we just won that Fort.


Must have missed you what was that??


Sorry Munk been Plattying with the Missus not just being rude. She did'nt want anyone else on board until shes better.

Must admit it was a bit of a disater at first with 20 odd games without her killing anything.

She did crazy stuff like driving slowly, stopping for a bit, driving slowly right through no man's land in the Mines - that bit between the headland and the the  mainland. Me wincing and knocked off my feet when she came out unscathed. This was pretty much at the start of the game.

Then I hit the sack, (covering a collegue's nightshifts), and she got a 4 kill at Provence. Playing her little MS-1.


She gets concerned that everyone will thinks she's a) crap and b) a noob. I said WOT is'nt like that outside of clan wars no one gives a sh*t which is why I like it. Unless you slot one of your own.


I think she's found a tank she likes with the MS1


Haha hang on she just got abused in game - she just texted me. She reported the guy, getting details.

Grr Heng mate you just made an enemy.

She was in a game with this guy Heng somethingorother  they were 3 against 5. She been making an average of 2-4 kills per game, (not bad for a noob), and had made kills in this particular game. She was possibly camping a little in her T26, this is like friggin tier 1 or 2.  Heng told everyone to attack, (great move when you are down 2), and called Vickmeist a coward and said he would ban her forever and report her. She told him she was a noob and some of the other players watching said that Heng goes overboard alot.

She reported him for abuse.


She is pissed off, I've never known anyone to say sh*t like that I told her not to worry, but it has pissed her off anyhow. Heng whatever the rest of your name is you are now an enemy. Will get Vickmeist to screenshot the next time she runs into him.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Tell her to go back and get his full name and we'll add him to the hall of shame for slapping when we see them.  SHe should go back and find the replay (if you have them turned on).

You were running your T28 on Karelia.  Think I was in my T40.  We got smashed.

over 17 years

Great work there Hard News.  An "Ace Tanker" almost - in a tier VI battle no less (probably just 50-100 XP short)!  Overall, a 5-2 score line...decent enough.  How do you run a Matilda?  That's her beauty.  She can be a base defender.  A TD finisher.   A sniper.  A heavy.   It's your judgment call...


All I can say is, cause of her speed issues, you just want to get her "Little John" into the action as much as possible, that's all...El Halluff is a tricky one for her*...but in saying that, our team were a bunch of noobs...

*And from THAT side especially, for some reason...

over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Hard News wrote:

No idea how we just won that Fort.

 She did crazy stuff like driving slowly, stopping for a bit, driving slowly right through no man's land in the Mines - that bit between the headland and the the  mainland. Me wincing and knocked off my feet when she came out unscathed. This was pretty much at the start of the game.


All women should be banned for wargaming.*

*Notice how I called WoT a war game...not a "mindless arcade shooter"...times have changed...

Early retirement
over 17 years

I had to run for a Clan wars battle where the opposition turned up with three tanks.

Then we ran into a Full Tier X side and got smashed.

about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Hard News wrote:

No idea how we just won that Fort.

 She did crazy stuff like driving slowly, stopping for a bit, driving slowly right through no man's land in the Mines - that bit between the headland and the the  mainland. Me wincing and knocked off my feet when she came out unscathed. This was pretty much at the start of the game.


All women should be banned for wargaming.*

*Notice how I called WoT a war game...not a "mindless arcade shooter"...times have changed...


Yeah I'm thinking she will do very well at this as she's got quite a logical mind, once she's figured out tactics and that. Getting regualar 2-4 kills on your first day none too shabby.

I'm deffo going to track done this Heng dude...


The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
I'm deffo going to track done this Heng dude...


theres 8 pages of Hengs in the players list - did she have replays turned on?

Early retirement
over 17 years

Shoot all the Hengs?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

By the sounds of it, we'll know heng if we see him. What a dick. 

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Shoot all the Hengs?

lol nice one! That could be the YF clan motto when we get there...

Apparently it's been a nightmare today. Loads of people killing their own team mates? Not played myself as I've been asleep. Anyone else notice. Time for WOT to bring in bans for a day or something?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I played one game last night, and yeah first thing that happened was someone killed a teammate (my team too ffs).

So that's a 100% record right there. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

I had a guy that shot three of us, and turned blue so I smashed him.

Someone said 'give him a chance'.  He shot three of us including me.  Goodbye chance.

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I had a guy that shot three of us, and turned blue so I smashed him.

Someone said 'give him a chance'.  He shot three of us including me.  Goodbye chance.


Yeah but what the f*ck is going on? I seen it maybe 5 times in god knows how many games. Vickmeist said it was happening every other game when she was playing ,(yes she has cursed SEA), if it carries on are they going to ban players??

Maybe nufc_nz has cloned himself and joined up??

Early retirement
over 17 years


We had an opposition that were four down before we started on Abbey earlier.

almost 16 years
over 17 years

Tier V is such a bugger.  That Chinese T-34 is no good.  Hate how it keeps on blowing up.  Though it does have a winning record which is a bloody amazing fluke really.  

It's time to try the British Churchill again I reckon. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

I need to work out where I go beyond Tier V or VI.  Currently have TDs unlocked to tier V or VI on all lines but may need a tank.

Have Tier V unlocked for German (Pz III/IV) and both English lines (Crusader/Churchill) but I don't think the end points on either of those have much love in clan wars (and I'm still a shit tank pilot).

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I need to work out where I go beyond Tier V or VI.  Currently have TDs unlocked to tier V or VI on all lines but may need a tank.

Have Tier V unlocked for German (Pz III/IV) and both English lines (Crusader/Churchill) but I don't think the end points on either of those have much love in clan wars (and I'm still a shit tank pilot).

Current Clan wars flavour of the week are the 2 American heavy tanks theT110E5 and the T57 - the t57 grind does have some fun tanks -especially the t71 and t69 auto loaders - this grind takes a lot more XP than the T110E5 -im very tempted to use gold to convert xp saved up on my elite tanks so i can get the T110e5 , though I would depend on the clan to help me learn how to use it, however with the Campaigns starting our lower tier tanks will be useful.
Grinding to the T110E5 -you go M3Lee (explodey) to T1 heavy to M6 to T29 (this is an excellent tank) to T32, average, then M103 then the E5
not sure if that helps..
over 17 years

My tier V+ projects so far...

- Russian Churchill III:  Solid tank...but has a losing record from my noob days...can't stand using losers.

- KV-1:  A very solid tank.  Best winning record.  But as common as muck.  Stigma attached to them.  Bit of a turn off really.

- Type T-34:  Nice gun.  But explodes far too easily.  Not competent at all at 'fire and manoeuvre'.

- The Matilda Black Prince:  Bit of a hopeless loser really (great looker though).

- The Russian Matilda: Loser.

- KV-2: OK, the gun is fantastic...but hate how everyone on your team asks "is it derped"?  And then they expect miracles...

- The German mediums: Boring!

- The AT-2: I'm no TDer.

- The British Churchill I.  Bought it, then promptly sold it again for some reason...time to 're-buy' again...

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm WOT free today.

My name is David and I'm and addict it's been 12 and a half hourse since my last battle.  68 battles yesterday.

over 17 years

Weekend campaigning:

The Ruski Valentine might not excite the world on fire, but it's wins in the bank, as long as it's plentifully supplied with gold rounds...Even though it's a 'light' - ran it like the Matilda with solid results...can't snipe as well as Mal, but Valski is a very anti-noob AV...I enjoyed her.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I reckon you are going to love the Excelsior Stevo.  New Tier V UK Heavy Premium.

Mal with a bit of pace by the sound of it and a pretty rapid fire 75. 

Be good for training crews for the Churchills and the rest of the line as well.

Also apparently they have fixed the art work on the Black Prince so the turret isn't as ridiculously stupid.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I'm WOT free today.

My name is David and I'm and addict it's been 12 and a half hourse since my last battle.  68 battles yesterday.

Wot assistant on my phone reckoned 95 games in the last 24 hours - felt like I lost most of them also... yay for rainy Sundays
Early retirement
over 17 years

I thought we'd all gone badly yesterday but won 46 of 68.  Winning record in everything.  70 kills.  Every stat up (except losses).

Early retirement
over 17 years

Sigh.  2 from 9 so far today, including a loss where I got 7 kills and another where I got team-killed by someone with 11500 battle including just under 5000 in the T1 he killed me with.

So many fails.

Early retirement
over 17 years
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

2 from 10...

3 from 11...

still, not bad for someone not playing WoT today
Early retirement
over 17 years


J due to go out soon...

Early retirement
over 17 years

3 from 12.  fml.

Teams just collapsing around me at every tier.

4 from 13.

5 from 14. 450 experience.  Two kills, tons of spotting in the BT-7.

6 from 15.  444 experience.  One kill three light ups plus spotting in Abbey.

6 from 16.  Normal service resumed.  Our only heavy (a Churchill) backed away from everyone else and parked in a bush until their KVs had smashed everyone else and then found him.  loss by about 12.  So many morons.

6 from 17. Another double figure defeat.

Early retirement
over 17 years

7 from 18.

Munk is here!!

Killed a KV-2 and got Invader.  2nd in damage.

8 from 19.

Killed a KV-1S and a Chuchill VII

9 from 19.

No kills.  Flattened.  Luckily our team had two Cromwells who carried us with 8 kills and a sneaky cap.

10 from 20.

12 from 22 (11th cost me a fortune).

Saved by a KV-2 who killed their last three.

12 from 23.  Tier III TDs in Tier V.  Didn't go well when we walked into a T49.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Finished 16 of 26.

Four kill Tier 4 on Steppes in my SU-76 to round things off.  Finished above 60% and trimmed my battles vs kills delta to 108.

Also undamaged in my last 5 somehow.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Actually... That medal must be for undamaged in that tank. I assumed 5 battles in general.

over 17 years

What was it Munk?  "Thicker the armour, thicker the driver"...bullshit...running a heavy (correctly) is bloody hard work...daunting even...almost start choking whenever I hit the "battle" toggle when using a heavy...Churchill I...very mediocre success so far...but think I've got to carry on with this one (unless, of course, the results start turning to custard)...would like to platy this when possible: huge investment...need to learn to trust this beast (i.e., get the wins under the belt through Munk platy whoring)...Confidence needs to flow.  Maybe run it on premium days, so my stats aren't destroyed.  "It operates just like the Matilda"...yeah right...the Matilda doesn't face tier VII killing machines (and therefore internet uber warriors) for a start...

Whatever...magnificent looking tank though...the usual, Dieppe Raid scheme, with the 75mm high velocity gun (around 13 rounds per minute)...running it with vents, rammer, and binos.  Binos could go I spose...toolbox could be fact I'm gonna put this on right now...

over 17 years

Valski's bloody gold rounds (and Mal's too) and the Churchill in some kind of WoT poverty....was at almost 2 mil credits last week...have made some terrible investments since AT-2, the 'original Churchill I', that crazy T-34, an AMX-40 which lasted 3 awful battles...all bought - then promptly sold - at a massive loss of course...need to run Mal on Premium - and quickly...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Turns out I finished 14 of 26.  Not so good.  Seriously closed the kills vs battles number though.

I'm keen to run paired Matildas whenever you need a target for enemy arty so they avoid you.  That flank on Port was hilarios fun as we mopped up the whole left side.

I cocked up yesterday and ran my Hellcat on full premium rounds as I had them loaded the night before for Clan Wars and forgot to change them.  Cost me 42k for 4 kills and smashing up VKs.  Good fun but can't really afford to do that every match.

Thinking I might just say sod it and do the US TD line seeing as I already have a Tier VI there... and get though the pain to the T110E4...or I go German and try and get through the IV L/70 as quickly as possible.  Mind you, I might find I like it.  You never know..

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

How about we all go up the Russian medium line to eventually end up with this?

I think Stevo and I both have the T34 -if we all grind these in a daily platoon it may be less painful -there are some decent ones on the way

Sig you could get to the T34 fairly quickly going the T60-T7- line (the A20 is apalling)

Early retirement
over 17 years

I already have the A20 unlocked from my BT-7 though.  Just needs a new turret and gun to unlock access to the T34.  I've got about 6 or 7k free which might give me a headstart as well - although I was keeping that for one of the four I have lined up for unlocking.  Could also gold my 85% camo BT crew in it if I had to.

I'd have to get through the T70 and the T80 from scratch is the problem.

Stevo has a head start as well as he can use the Val II for training although isn't yours the Chinese T34 Stevo?

Also.  I'm not a great Tank pilot.  Not enough camping.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Oh my deep shame.  Jr. News has discovered Arty.  He's currently smashing things with the Su-18.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Oh my deep shame.  Jr. News has discovered Arty.  He's currently smashing things with the Su-18.

Friends don't let friends play arty
over 17 years

Sold the Chinese T-34.  No good.

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