The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

over 17 years

Also needed to.  Credit issues.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Could we interest you in the Russian one?  It gets more love.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Going to be playing a hell of a lot as of next weekend once exams are over. Can't come soon enough. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Plats ahoy!

What are you grinding or enjoying Tegal?

So do I need a russian Mal for crew advancement Munk?  Stevo sings it's praises.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Lately I've only been about to get a couple of battles in at a time, so have just been playing the T40 when I do manage to get on. Mixed success since I'm a bit out of practice. 

Definitely keen for some plats once can start playing again. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Munk and I always keen for three TD Tier IV action.  Be it SU85b or T40.  Good way to find the sniping spots as Munk knows them almost as well as Unkle Ed.

Stevo as well can usually be convinced to run Mal with some fire support.

What are you running mainly Fort?

Sounds like we might be about to grind Medium Russians though to get something competitive for the pointy end of clans.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Not sure if youve seen HisoryGurus replay thread, theres a lot of good replays there, inclusing some T34. T-34 action

Early retirement
over 17 years

A20 bought.  Equipped. Camod.  BT crew added (and a 20k radio operator).

12000 experience needed.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years

Project T62:

4 from 6 including a Mastery 2 in a Tier VIII battle on Lakeville.

Asked where they would like me to die and a T50 said follow him, so I did.  Then a Lowe said try and survive so I half scouted the town and pulled up on the side of town with a view across the lake to watch for anything on the road and sneaking through town.  When I counted all the tanks in the Valley or behind me in town I shot off to their cap and lit up all their arty which the team then flattened (I got bounced by a Priest FFS).  To finish I took off up the valley and lit up their last IS 3 who had gone over and was hiding near our base so that the Heavy cavalry could kill him.

So have 2000 experience available out of the 11500 I need for the T34 having unlocked all but a couple of guns that I don't need.  A good start.

Overall: 10 from 14 for the night.  9 kills. 28 spotted :-)

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Project T62:

4 from 6 including a Mastery 2 in a Tier VIII battle on Lakeville.

Asked where they would like me to die and a T50 said follow him, so I did.  Then a Lowe said try and survive so I half scouted the town and pulled up on the side of town with a view across the lake to watch for anything on the road and sneaking through town.  When I counted all the tanks in the Valley or behind me in town I shot off to their cap and lit up all their arty which the team then flattened (I got bounced by a Priest FFS).  To finish I took off up the valley and lit up their last IS 3 who had gone over and was hiding near our base so that the Heavy cavalry could kill him.

So have 2000 experience available out of the 11500 I need for the T34 having unlocked all but a couple of guns that I don't need.  A good start.

Overall: 10 from 14 for the night.  9 kills. 28 spotted :-)

bloody good job! 
over 17 years

Nothing special last night...did get a 6 kill with Mal - but NO top gun.  .  Probably the most interesting battle was taking this flanking route with the Churchill (got a Tiger P)...will take Mal this route next time also, see off tomorrow...will run Premium for credits...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Thinking I might add a T-127 to my books.  Looks fun.

Favourable MM (Tier 3 and 4 - if only the Somua had that),  good for training my BT/A20 light crew and seems to play like a Mini Matilda (running into a Matilda or a good Su or T40 pilot might be an issue).  Video's suggest a licence to print credits and experience.

This does assume it's available currently on SEA.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm in love.  4th battle in:

Early retirement
over 17 years

Project T62:

9 from 16 including a Mastery 1 in a Tier VIII battle on Lakeville.

Weird.  Last battle of the night again and I get Lakeville again.  Same end, same level.  Dealt some damage this time as well as smashing up arty with a ram having lit them up.

Also Elited my Matilda so won't focus on improving crew until I have got the A20 grind over.

6313 Experience.

over 17 years

Two games in the British Churchill tonight - one draw (useless noob team), and one win...almost 1,900 damage, 4 kills.  This project might work yet...but still choke just thinking about tier VII heavies...

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Munk and I always keen for three TD Tier IV action.  Be it SU85b or T40.  Good way to find the sniping spots as Munk knows them almost as well as Unkle Ed.

Stevo as well can usually be convinced to run Mal with some fire support.

What are you running mainly Fort?

Sounds like we might be about to grind Medium Russians though to get something competitive for the pointy end of clans.

StuG III, T-26 and a couple of french SPG's and TD's. Namely the Souma, (blows up a lot), and the AMX105 SPG. When I feel like winning a lot the the FCM36. and the SU-5.

My goal is to go top tier with French TD's and SPG's and German TD. I'm also looking as the KV1 just so I can say that I've given it ago.
Early retirement
over 17 years

The Somua... Perry the Platypus.  I still have the crew but sold it.  With the Derp it was fun and my winrate was better than most but I never fell in love with it.  Too slow for too little armour.  The Ue.57 however...

T-26 I might have a look at once I have the A-20 out of the way.  I'll have my Russian light crew looking for a home by then so I could transfer them into it for SIlver so could try and Elite it.  Not sure I can bring myself to run the T28 though.

I'm looking at the Russian Medium line (as above) and probably the US TDs.  Ran into a T28 Prototype last night and it left me impressed.  Slow but left HUGE holes in the opposition MBTs.  Currently I'm working on getting 1st skill done on two different crews as well which doen't leave time for buyning the Tier V French bathtub and advancing that.

BT-7 (no crew)(e)
Renault Ue.57(e)
Hotchkiss H35(e)
Valentine AT

(e) = elited
(p) = premium

Awaiting specials:
Jg.Pz IV L/70 (910k?  - you're having a laugh)

Grinding - (in order):
Russian Light crew
Russian TD crew
T18 crew

Crews are for Clan Wars, desperately trying to get 6th sense in on them but suspect I won't get there in time.

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

The Somua... Perry the Platypus.  I still have the crew but sold it.  With the Derp it was fun and my winrate was better than most but I never fell in love with it.  Too slow for too little armour.  The Ue.57 however...

T-26 I might have a look at once I have the A-20 out of the way.  I'll have my Russian light crew looking for a home by then so I could transfer them into it for SIlver so could try and Elite it.  Not sure I can bring myself to run the T28 though.

I'm looking at the Russian Medium line (as above) and probably the US TDs.  Ran into a T28 Prototype last night and it left me impressed.  Slow but left HUGE holes in the opposition MBTs.  Currently I'm working on getting 1st skill done on two different crews as well which doen't leave time for buyning the Tier V French bathtub and advancing that.

BT-7 (no crew)(e)
Renault Ue.57(e)
Hotchkiss H35(e)
Valentine AT

(e) = elited
(p) = premium

Awaiting specials:
Jg.Pz IV L/70 (910k?  - you're having a laugh)

Grinding - (in order):
Russian Light crew
Russian TD crew
T18 crew

Crews are for Clan Wars, desperately trying to get 6th sense in on them but suspect I won't get there in time.

Sorry I meant the T-28, I don't play tanks very often but really like this. Has a punch, is quick and can take a shot or two. This is a good tank. The thing is I'm drowning in tier 4 tanks. I only have the StuGIII as t5 and above. I think I've spread my net too wide.
Early retirement
over 17 years

I've done that as well.  STuG my only Tier V and the Hellcat my only Tier VI...and I (regretfully now) sold my Russki Churchill. 

In fact currently the Pz.IIIa, the Covenanter and the Val AT are just decoration as I was trying to grind them but I just never use them and the next step is a long way (actually the Alecto is only 3700 so I could - should - do that pretty quickly).

Then I liked the Pz.35 for a while, then the Hotchkiss for a while, but it's not as good as the German Premium version or as good as the T18 so I got my T18 back and should sell the Hotchkiss.

It's wierd as I don't think I'm a good enough tank driver to bridge the IV to V gap but running into Tier VIs in the Tier IV TDs doesn't phase me at all.

The A20 running into tier VIIIs is a nasty shock though.  They make loud noises and hit things a long way away.  On a good map though I've done good work in it.  One thing in it's favour at that tier is that you don't have many opposition lights.  A tier V battle would be riddled with Pz1cs, Luchs, ELCs and Stuarts which distract you from the scouting job.  In a tier VIII battle often there is me and one other who invariably dies in seconds..

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

It's wierd as I don't think I'm a good enough tank driver to bridge the IV to V gap but running into Tier VIs in the Tier IV TDs doesn't phase me at all.

I think driving the Hellcat in T6 and up battles will help you bridge that gap -another tank in T6 which helps is the German medium VK3601H -fitted with the right gun (the Konish) I rage sold it when it had the 88mm on as it was rubbish with a 45% win rate, since then, I rebought it fitted the konish and have now got it to 64.6% win rate

Early retirement
over 17 years

I haven't even done the Pz.38 so that would be a long way off unless I popped up from the 30.01H as I have the pz.III available.

Actually.  I may have unlocked the III/IV from the 20.01.  Should check that.  In fact if I still have the crew maybe I need to buy that PoS back.

over 17 years

What a dag...did little...but won this "unknown" medal:

Flanked them, and just hid behind that base bunker at Mines...and they couldn't hit her in time - the noobs!

Still in struggle street, but she's winning.  She's starting to endear herself to me.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Feels like you should get more than 597 experience for that!

Early retirement
over 17 years

Not many Churchills with a Kolob...

over 17 years

TBH, it was somewhat fortunate...

Poor 'Turntable' and 'Kensei' lit up in the very dying seconds....

Early retirement
over 17 years

That's good giggles.

Interesting that the VK Tech tree is the weekend sale Munk.

over 17 years

Tier V battles, starting to get a little more comfortable in the "beast"...

Got her on rammer, vents, and ditched the toolbox for a gun laying drive...need that aiming speed down...


Early retirement
over 17 years

I can't buy a win tonight.  4 for 15 or so at this stage.

Had at least three battles where I had a major influence but the rest of the team folded.  Even in Tier VI running the A20.  Picked up 500 in a loss and got two kills, plus defence points.  Same in a Tier IV where I had over 1000 damage and the next best had 500.

over 17 years

Not rubbing it in News, but the Churchill ran well today.  The Kolob, the 1st class, almost a TG (unlucky there)...20 battles today (+8 victories)...her stats (XP wonderfully inflated by today's Premium):

Running her more smarter now...appreciating her tier VI gun...but still got killed a couple of times when I got a little "over-excited"...controlled agro is better...but no longer fear the battle toggle button - now starting to look at the Churchill as a major means to tier V glory.

LRDG scheme in celebration...


Early retirement
over 17 years

Project T62:

21 from 38 including a pile of good battles and some poor ones.  I came to quite like the A-20 in the end but after 38 battles she is now 'elited' and the crew moved to my baby KayVee (T-127) until i have the gold to put then back in the BT-7 or I decide I want to go back to the A-20 for a while.  If the A20 didn't have that awful scout Matchmaking (It's not a scout) I'd keep it.

Next up:

Need the top two guns unlocked but the rest is done, then it's the grind for a T34-85..

Tier V tanking.  Yikes!.

Overall an awful start finished 15 of 29 for the evening which means I went 12 from 18 after my 3 from 11 start.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Project T62:

Next up:

Need the top two guns unlocked but the rest is done, then it's the grind for a T34-85..

Tier V tanking.  Yikes!.

Overall an awful start finished 15 of 29 for the evening which means I went 12 from 18 after my 3 from 11 start.

Won 10 lost 9 last night - I dont think the CW default win was counted in that -hopefully will get better this weekend
Found this guide-ski for the T34
Early retirement
over 17 years

First jaunt in the T34.  Could have gone worse:

about 17 years

The S-35CA the best TD I've played. Far better than the StuGIII. I've won a truck load of medals with it. Finally found something than I love more than my SU-5

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

The S-35CA the best TD I've played. Far better than the StuGIII. I've won a truck load of medals with it. Finally found something than I love more than my SU-5

Nice-I did enjoy the bathtub of death -it bounces a lot of shells as well
Early retirement
over 17 years

I have an open space in the garage for it but too much else on my plate to buy one currently.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Most infuriating game. They are down to 2. I'm an arty. Everyone camps for like 5 minutes. Nobody is doing anything. so as an arty I decide to go try to cap them or something. Get taken down. 



over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Most infuriating game. They are down to 2. I'm an arty. Everyone camps for like 5 minutes. Nobody is doing anything. so as an arty I decide to go try to cap them or something. Get taken down. 



Unless there are special circumstances, the best tanks (and especially the heavies) have to go on the offensive...camping is for noobs...

over 17 years



over 17 years

Churchill observations tonight...


- Killed a proper Tiger, Panther, and T-29...that's tier VII stuff folks...

- Got fully derped by a KV-2.

- Slammed the Matilda-Churchill comparison before...I retract...running the Churchill in a very similar fashion now...agro when top tier...full on sniper with gold rounds when lower...her fully upgraded gun is a beaut!

- Got the circle of death treatment at Highway before I even made the town.  What's the remedy again guys?

- Mistakes are still being made - but I belong in tier V now...there's just no doubt about it...the pressure of being a heavy pilot...I no longer fear it - I relish it...I want to be the hero...

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