The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Early retirement
over 17 years

All new accounts will now receive Tier I tanks with 100% crew

Booooo.  I want a free 100% crew for my T1 Cunningham... or for all 6 T1s on my 2nd account.

about 17 years

Had a mare but starting to do a bit better. TD guns seem slightly more accurate

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Had a mare but starting to do a bit better. TD guns seem slightly more accurate

Nice job on dat dere Stug Mastery!

Early retirement
over 17 years

Yeah. Don't think I have one of those.

over 17 years

Ran "Blackie" for the first time in ages tonight...

She looks better in 8.6.  More importantly, I got her down to just a 5 win/loss difference (was at an awful 10)...scoreline tonight: 10-5...celebrated with a permanent summer camo scheme.

Stats now:

However, Blackie is in a vulnerable position now...scared to touch her again after such a good night in case her stats were to plummet.  Want to plat her.  Tier V.  She doesn't dominate a battlefield like Mal...could never see her getting a TG (but don't care)...she's even more slower...even a molehill is an incredible issue for her.  Turret armour is fairly useless.  But she can follow a good "push" as her 57mm can pen - rapidly - if I don't choke (which happened a couple of times tonight tbh)...

I like her.  After the stresses of heavy tanking - a welcome relief...

So let's get her to 50% wins, eh?

over 11 years

FT had a big night of tanking planned.... however our power went off 8.15pm and still off this morning. He is not happy.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Much the same. Wasted24 hours of Premium effectively.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I've slipped one under 50% victories!!

This next battle is HUGE. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

I was playing on the laptop and it was the death of me in three battles.  Horrendous lag.  Have kicked Junior off the home machine.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years


There is a car on the street outside my house with its lights on. 3 different neighbours have come by in the middle of a game, and after coming back from telling them its not mine, I've been dead each time. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Put sign on the door.  It's not mine.  I'm playing Tanks.  Fuck off.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

First time in M10 Wolverine. a new record for me in 5 kills (I've had 4 several times) ,  2nd class badge, 743 exp. That was fun. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Very nice.  I never fell in love with the Wolverine.  The Hellcat however.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:

First time in M10 Wolverine. a new record for me in 5 kills (I've had 4 several times) ,  2nd class badge, 743 exp. That was fun. 

Did that include a car with its lights on?
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Camo net/Binos experiment

Based on some forum reading Ive started a test last night - on the T40 and the SU85B,  Ive removed the binos and replaced them with coated optics -since the view range of both is 400 (309 for the SU), I get the always on additional 10% to take me out to the 440m view range -Recon and situational awareness skills will make up any shortfall. 

Ive also swapped the camo net for a gun laying drive on both -since both have good camo ratings/crew camo skills and camo paint, im going to see if im detected more or less - being able to fire sooner might be better,especially in the SU -I dont think 6th sense has gone off any more often. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

I did that with the T40 a few weeks back and I can think of only one occassion where you were firing on something I couldn't see which was right across the map on South Coast.  I could see the marker but not the target whereas you could see the target (or that is my recollection).

Interesting that Jingles reckons improved suspension on lights but I'm not sure about dumping Camo or Binocs to do that if I already have vents.

Early retirement
over 17 years

3000 was a win.  Amthough I got smooshed in it.  Destroyed fell one behind as well.  Both 3000 would have been nice.

Form today poor.  Barely 50%.  Mainly thanks to the bottom of that list left...  couldn't but a win in it.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

3000 was a win.  Amthough I got smooshed in it.  Destroyed fell one behind as well.  Both 3000 would have been nice.

If it wasnt for my constant kill-stealing.......

Early retirement
over 17 years

If it wasn't for A-20 fail or arty topping themselves...

about 17 years

Haha friggin epic!!!!

Me and the wife playing tier 2 TD's since the spg nerf

 Me in my Panzerjerger and her with her T-18

Honest she is a very fine Tank Commander.

We've had a few defeats but it's been like something out of Butch and Sundance, with our backs to the walls when we've lost. Just the 2 of us.

She's really getting the whole "coolheaded" medal thing and watching folk bottle it.

over 17 years

Done!  Cheers fellas.  Now for some "mastery"!

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Decided to drop back to Tier 3 as was having an awful night. 

7 kills (record for me), first mastery badge, top gun etc etc. 


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Slowly getting there. 16 kills to deaths to catch up. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Failing to carry:

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Huge giggles earlier. Munk and I platting in the SU122-44s ran into a battle with two more of them on our side and two on the other. The four of us went over the bridge on Live Oaks on our own and absolutely smashed it wrapping up the whole side and capped it out.

Almost as good as a STuG plat where we carried massivel along with a Grille. Got my Ace Tanker out of it and my top Experience out of one battle across all tanks.

Actually we've had some epic ones today. Sa and STuG on Highway. Munk nicking the cap as I put shot after shot to reset the cap on ours.

Completed first skill on both Russian crews as well.

You dun good (x3) -some great plats today
Early retirement
over 17 years


about 17 years

Some days you just can't win even with 7 kills...

about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Some days you just can't win even with 7 kills...

And Failure to Carry strikes again....

Early retirement
over 17 years

I got my second 9 ever but my second in a couple of days.

Project T-62A has taken good steps today.

Have unlocked the T34-85 but I have no money to buy one.

Need sleep.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

No U20s? 

Finally got my kills/deaths ratio over 1. Happy days. 

over 17 years

A weekend of the Black her up to the giddy heights of +8 victories...fell away with some noob teams...


No ace tanker though...bastard...also, why does she fire WITHOUT me hitting the left click button.  Some sort of bug in the game?  Has this happened to you?  Don't think it's a mouse problem...was happening a lot tonight, luckily I didn't hit a friendly...


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Has happened to me a fair bit (never hit a friendly either luckily). But I used a laptop with a touchpad for mouse, if you double tap the pad it is like a left click, so I always just figure I accidentally did that. 

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Has happened to me a fair bit (never hit a friendly either luckily). But I used a laptop with a touchpad for mouse, if you double tap the pad it is like a left click, so I always just figure I accidentally did that. 

this has happened to me as well
Early retirement
over 17 years

I suspect it has happened to me and I have just written it off as me fucking up.

over 11 years

I have given up on SPGs after the 'upgrade', have switched to tank destroyers.  The T18 as a starter tank is pretty impressive, front armor is hardish to damage, its quick loading and nippy.  The T82 (tier III) fun to play too, the good gun is slow, but bloody powerful, I've taken out heaps of tanks with one shot.  slower loading so not so good in closer combat obviously.

That's my two cents worth :)

Early retirement
over 17 years

The T18 I split between the Derp (75) and the 2 pounder.  Currently I have the 75 on it but have changed 4 or 5 times.  T82 Munk swears by the top tank gun rather than the Howitzer, it's a while since I have run the T82 though.

It all comes to perfection in the T40 though...

over 11 years
Hard News wrote:

The T18 I split between the Derp (75) and the 2 pounder.  Currently I have the 75 on it but have changed 4 or 5 times.  T82 Munk swears by the top tank gun rather than the Howitzer, it's a while since I have run the T82 though.

It all comes to perfection in the T40 though...


thoughts on the M8A1?

Early retirement
over 17 years

Never used.  Munk will probably give you a review as he is quote a fan of the T-49 that comes after it.

I got to the Hellcat via the Wolverine.  Never fell in love with the Wolverine but ran it with a mid tier gun (not the Derp or the top 75) yesterday on one of Junior's friends accounts and picked up a Mastery 2 - 3 or 4 kills - and 2nd highest damage in a big win on mines.  Although i now see I had 58 battles at 57% so wasn't all bad.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
vickmeist23 wrote:
[quote=Hard News]


thoughts on the M8A1?

I just couldnt get the M8A1 to work for me -it does have its advantages -its faster and its turret is a bonus, but I dont think the gun is as good as the T40s top gun and it didnt seem as accurate -it does lead to the T49 which is a helluva fun TD -small and fast and now accuracy has been improved, i can hit a lot more consistently at range.
It wasnt a keeper for me as evidenced by the 2 win rates - i guess if I gave it a little more focus I could improve it now, but all the cool kids are driving T40s (and Sig and I)
M8A1 -138 battles 49% win rate
T40 3813 battles 67.79% win rate

over 11 years
Munk wrote:
vickmeist23 wrote:
[quote=Hard News]


thoughts on the M8A1?

I just couldnt get the M8A1 to work for me -it does have its advantages -its faster and its turret is a bonus, but I dont think the gun is as good as the T40s top gun and it didnt seem as accurate -it does lead to the T49 which is a helluva fun TD -small and fast and now accuracy has been improved, i can hit a lot more consistently at range.

It wasnt a keeper for me as evidenced by the 2 win rates - i guess if I gave it a little more focus I could improve it now, but all the cool kids are driving T40s (and Sig and I)

M8A1 -138 battles 49% win rate

T40 3813 battles 67.79% win rate

cheers for that, I got the M8A1 last night but have only had one run in it so far, will try out for a bit then try T40 as well.  i would like to be cool one day :0

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