The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

almost 15 years

Hard News wrote:

After walking pace in the Churchill it would be an interesting transition.

I didn't last long in that battle last night.  Ran a normally quiet Scout route and straight into five of them including a KV and couldn't get out quick enough.

Approaching my 1000th battle and have 770 kills.  That's a number that could do with improving.

Lol, if the Chinese invade NZ, remind me not to volunteer to be a Crew Member in your tank!
over 17 years

Sorry, last night HN, I can't play and type at the same time.  I tried to, but I ended up driving up a hill the wrong way etc...but I did get lucky - caught one of those frog TD things in the open for an easy kill...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Yeah.  You went well. 

I think we had a Hellcat as well that came back from where you were and along with our arty stopped the break through I found while you ran (a relative term in a Churchill) for the cap.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I was watching at this stage.  With my T40 a charred wreck.

Can you set up a training room for just you to wander around a map or do you need at least two?  I'd quite like to have a look into the corners and some firing lines on a couple of maps but youc an't really do it in a battle.

you need 2 for a training room -its a lot easier to find these spots when you are not under fire!
Early retirement
over 17 years

 I might have to get Junior to sign on and set up a two man roam but just leave him logged in.

...then kill him late :-)

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Did you know that Platoons support voice chat? Q is the default talk key -we should give it a go sometime -its a lot quicker saying "spotted" that stopping and typing it -Im sure we've all been killed while typing. Plus it would be a lot easier to mock each other, tho I dont know how we'd understand Ed's aussie accent -Ive lived here for 11 years and i just lipread

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Keen, but I don't really have a headset.  Actually, might see if there is a spare lurking around here...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Would be self-concious, but keen. As Dbart found out, I find it impossible to type and play also. I just don't pay attention to the text, and don't spot it before it disappears. 

over 17 years

I'm gonna get a KV-1 with a big gun tonight.  Keen for a practice too.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I've got better on the text.  Ideally when sitting and waiting or when going a long distance in a straight line.

Should round up Fort and go on a Fever tour of some maps.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I've got better on the text.  Ideally when sitting and waiting or when going a long distance in a straight line.

Should round up Fort and go on a Fever tour of some maps.

The 12 maps of Lochead?
almost 16 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Hard News wrote:

After walking pace in the Churchill it would be an interesting transition.

I didn't last long in that battle last night.  Ran a normally quiet Scout route and straight into five of them including a KV and couldn't get out quick enough.

Approaching my 1000th battle and have 770 kills.  That's a number that could do with improving.

Lol, if the Chinese invade NZ, remind me not to volunteer to be a Crew Member in your tank!

If they invade you can all hide out in my attic. I can give you some exercise books to keep your diaries in.

Hope you all like instant noodles.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Hard News wrote:

After walking pace in the Churchill it would be an interesting transition.

I didn't last long in that battle last night.  Ran a normally quiet Scout route and straight into five of them including a KV and couldn't get out quick enough.

Approaching my 1000th battle and have 770 kills.  That's a number that could do with improving.

Lol, if the Chinese invade NZ, remind me not to volunteer to be a Crew Member in your tank!

If they invade you can all hide out in my attic. I can give you some exercise books to keep your diaries in.

Hope you all like instant noodles.

Is there internet in your attic? I know a great game
almost 16 years

wifi. only 50Gb per month. Use it sparingly, particularly if jnr jnr has assignments for school.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

wifi. only 50Gb per month. Use it sparingly, particularly if jnr jnr has assignments for school.

sorted-each game only uses about 1mb! Look for a PM as the signs of the impending apocalypse increase
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

dbart wrote:

Hard News wrote:

I've got better on the text.  Ideally when sitting and waiting or when going a long distance in a straight line.

Should round up Fort and go on a Fever tour of some maps.

The 12 maps of Lochead?

Ha. Have a drink per map too, would make it interesting. 

almost 16 years

Priority: school homework > football match streams > junior football > games

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Priority: school homework > football match streams > junior football > games

No KV1 for you!
about 17 years

 Valentine AT TD much maligned and I know why, had real trouble with the gun barrel swinging around like John Holmes's wang after visiting a fluffer. Then the paper thin front armor. I should be able to out duke face to face a med tank with damaged armor no? 

Then a again you get a sweet shot off  from a million miles away, the enemy tank a tiny little shape on the horizon and it's all good again.

Still not wasting anymore time and pushing on with the Alecto.

Cooking and off to work soon so bah!

over 17 years

First battle!  Boom!

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

First battle!  Boom!

8 battles-8 wins-yr doing something right!
over 17 years

Was me... now...  

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

wifi. only 50Gb per month. Use it sparingly, particularly if jnr jnr has assignments for school.


Online gaming uses very little bandwith I think I googled WOT's uses 38megabytes an hour or something.


Look Junior - I'm rubbish at this game, but I still love it and it's a blast, you can't be as bad as me, just give it a go.


Early retirement
over 17 years

Can you get an Archer?  Or an Achilles?  I haven't looked at the UK TD line, assumed it was just the AT barges (they're a pain in the arse to play against).  Maybe it needs a lightweight off shoot of the Valentine AT that does Archer and Achilles.

Played my 1000th battle last night for a win.  Screen capped my stats after but it's on my home machine.  I was one game under being bang on 55% had 549/1000 wins.

Also had a carry last night in the T40 on Erlenberg.  Munk (dbart) threw his life away and left me with a Panzer 3/4and a Lee.  Munks words ringing in my ear as I sloped off to hide up by the castle (my team mates complaining I was running - morons), popped out and put two shots in the Lee in our cap, taking one from the Panzer then two shotted that.  Shame I ran out of time for a glorious victory lap in our base.

Had the shakes for a few minutes afterwards as the adrenalin kicked in.  Disturbing.  Good evening's campaigning yesterday though.  20 wins out of 28 including a win (and two losses) in my cursed Wolverine, and a few plats with Stevo and dbart with Stevo in his new toy.  dbart and in Churchills, the slowest flanking moves ever.

about 17 years

[quote=Hard News]

Also had a carry last night in the T40 on Erlenberg.  Munk (dbart) threw his life away and left me with a Panzer 3/4and a Lee.  Munks words ringing in my ear as I sloped off to hide up by the castle[/quote}

love this bit, it's like reading Sven Hassell -he would have loved this game.

Malinkova today funny one,

I suggested that we cover our left flank, as that's where they always attack us. Got a few negs but a few picked it up and we changed position. Anyhows after the change we leveled things a bit. We proceeded, on both sides, as David Gemmell would say in his amazing fantasy novels that include lots of pitched battle, "The wheat is being cut from the chaff".  

so it cut us down to 2 against 2 pretty much  all of us had 2 kills each.

Could I work with this guy??

Anyhow I thought "screw it, we can take them", red pops up kills my partner, I nail him and just as I heading to rip the head off the final tank we run out of time.

Really great match - loved it.

The Archer is basically the Valentine, the later versions did not see much use as they were sooo heavy.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Heavy is the problem with that current brit AT line, but you could have the Achilles and the Avenger.  The 17pdr would probably push the Archer to Tier V then Achilles in VI and Avenger in VII with lots of armour.

Just need to come up with a Tier four to link the Val AT and the Achilles and some higher end ones above that.

Had a battle the other day in Province.  Me in my BT had 3 kills, an H35 had 6 kills and we drew.  All to a Val AT who got six and just sat behind the monastry picking us off when we went up either way.  We had a Marder and Bison who wouldn't travel.  The Marder camped in front of the spawn and the Bison who should have just pasted the back of the monastry wouldn't shoot unless he spotted something.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Had the shakes for a few minutes afterwards as the adrenalin kicked in.  

wait till you get your 1st Kolobanovs -thats winning when its just you vs 5 of them - Ive got a few,but what I remember most are the ones where its you against 5, you get them down to 1 v 1 and then you lose... 
Early retirement
over 17 years

US TD line specials for the weekend. Increased experience for our TDs....and a cheap Hellcat...

about 17 years


I'm in a game, it starts. I immediately got hit, I'm thinking jeez that's too quick for an SPG. I get hit again as I'm turning i see this guy in a med tank fire at me again, (HE IS ON MY TEAM!!!), 3 shots in the back I'm dead. I'm seething it was completely on purpose. I complain about him he goes blue game ends we lose.

Next match, I roll into position still seething, I tell everyone what happened in the last game, anyhow I get an enemy tank in my sights, take him out with 3 shots guess who????

Yep I just killed the guy who killed me, my former teammate who took me out from behind when I was on his team.




over 17 years
over 17 years

In the KV-2, my tactics will have to be more "Banzai!" charges that's for sure... incredibly slow loader, fearsome though!  200th kill on the horizon...could do with a plat tonight...need a few wins under the belt...

Early retirement
over 17 years

They are comedy gold, and hard to hide

I assume that's a tier 6?  I have a long way to go to get to the Hellcat which is as close as I am to Tier 6.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

In the KV-2, my tactics will have to be more "Banzai!" charges that's for sure... incredibly slow loader, fearsome though!  200th kill on the horizon...could do with a plat tonight...need a few wins under the belt...

The KV-2 with the Derp gun is a fearsome weapon -youll be one shotting a lot of tanks and doing a lot of damage to higher tier tanks -due to your size and speed, dont go anywhere alone, make sure there is cover you can get back to while reloading and warn people in your house you may suddenly be lolling as you one shot Shermans and Hellcats and such like
over 17 years

Crook.  But still got in 25 battles last night.  Not too bad on the kill front.  16 kills?  Not too many wins though.  Probably only 10 at the most.

The good: Had a shoot off against another KV-1 at Himmelsdorf.  Knocked him out and then tore into their flank for a further 3 easy kills to win the battle.  Got the reaper award.  I love being the hero.

The bad: The usual noob error.  Got confused.  Got isolated.  Got wasted.

The terrible: Got stuck on the Siegfried Line anti-tank trap.  Got wasted.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

The terrible: Got stuck on the Siegfried Line anti-tank trap.  Got wasted.

arf - stay off the bridges at Live Oaks  - it is very easy to get stuck -as News and I have found out to our embarassment
Early retirement
over 17 years

The ugly:

I had a very poor decision in the BT-7 last night. 

Snuck off to a rock to hide behind and scout on Redshire (H1) only to find an SU-85b there.  I paniced and ran around the rest of the map only to be killed near their cap.  It was stupid as I could/should have just driven round the rock and dropped two shots in the back of him and taken the spot.

Also had another battle we were losing badly and I rushed to our base to run interference to find five of them there vs my BT.  I should have lined up the Hetzer and hit at 50 km/h instead I tried to go past but got blasted after one shot by the others.  At least I'd have got a kill and a Kamikaze for hitting the Hetzer.

about 17 years

 our page no longer exists???!!!

Grr can't quote. Went back to playing SPG's. Fantastic start averaged 3 kills a game then it all went to sh*ite I don't like all the "grab the one base" missions.

Anyhow I tried Arma 2 the Day-Z mod.. THE Zombie game.

It was truly the most unnerving thing I've ever played. Makes Resie and Silent Hill etc look like the Teletubbies. Yeah even in the first Resident Evil when the dogs jumped out.

I signed in at 2 in the morning - nighttime and the place I was in was pitch black, it's like life you cannot see anything, I'm in an abandoned docks with no power or anything. You are given no weapons, you have a flash light with a small beam.

I spent 2 and half hours crawling around on my stomach trying to stay alive.

I always kinda fantasied about the zombie-end of the world thing, that a lot of blokes do,  until I played this game it's pretty much a sim. No tutorial nothing.

I don't anymore because should the Dead Walk the Earth you've got about a 2% chance of surviving.

You cannot stay put, they will just randomly find you.

You have to keep checking everywhere, once they have you, you are dead. Looking looking looking all the time.

I was crawling along watching one of those horrific "hopping" zombies. That's after I spent 30 minutes sh*tting myself in a shed. Yes I was in a shed in a computer  game for 30 minutes. Just listening to the zombie sounds just with a torch. I crawl on thinking I'm out of danger, then cuse you have to, I checked behind me only to be eaten and killed by a walker.

I must have jumped five foot in my chair - but I was dead.

Thing was I went to put the kettle on, I was so unnerved I couldn't look out at the darkness from the kitchen window.

Anyone who knows me well, knows I have ZERO fear of the supernatural. Had a few weird things happen, but I'm never fazed.

Play this game, on your own at night on a scenario, with no starting weapons just the pure game and you will crap yourself.

Be warned though it's impossibly hard - because it's like real life. If you get attacked you can out swim them that's it, jeez I dunno, you need a weapon but getting one means going into houses which means the undead.

You need both Arma 2 and the xpack and then get the mod. Don't play this without this independent server app it helps you sort the game out, it's not dodgy, you will save yourself so much time if you use it.

I've played a few hours in daylight still hard but nothing near what it is like at night.

Check out NZ Orcon he hosts the best pure games.

*Shudders thinking about nighttime on Orcon's server...

"I signed in at 2 in the morning - nighttime and the place I was in was pitch black, it's like life you cannot see anything, I'm in an abandoned docks with no power or anything. You are given no weapons, you have a flash light with a small beam".

edit: just thought this sounds like every survival horror game - it's not I was a Resident Evil master that could walk most of them on any difficulty. Silent hill - that's all you get is a torch right - a pisstake compared to this?, in this game you can see nothing at all -nothingl.

This is game completely different.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

The ugly:

I had a very poor decision in the BT-7 last night. 

Snuck off to a rock to hide behind and scout on Redshire (H1) only to find an SU-85b there.  I paniced and ran around the rest of the map only to be killed near their cap.  It was stupid as I could/should have just driven round the rock and dropped two shots in the back of him and taken the spot.

Also had another battle we were losing badly and I rushed to our base to run interference to find five of them there vs my BT.  I should have lined up the Hetzer and hit at 50 km/h instead I tried to go past but got blasted after one shot by the others.  At least I'd have got a kill and a Kamikaze for hitting the Hetzer.

This is actually good -this kind of post battle analysis is not seen a lot -most folks dont learn -it took me a lot more than 1000 games to develop any kind of awareness.

Also -have you noticed when you at driving on the roads IRL ,you now equate certain cars to WOT tanks -I see the i30 as a T49, old BMWs and Volvos look like PZ3/PZ4s, small cars look like scouts -

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Grr can't quote. Went back to playing SPG's. Fantastic start averaged 3 kills a game then it all went to sh*ite I don't like all the "grab the one base" missions.

If you go into the settings, i think on the general page, at the top right, you can deselect assault and encounter battles - I stopped playing them as soon as I could 

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