Things that make you go hmmmm

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about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

you went from "it makes no sense/is complete rubbish" to "if the Phoenix don't already know this then they need to get their heads read"

Not quite.

The first bit was in reference to the stats/data this croud have produced.

The second bit was more around, 'the the phoenix do not know that teams play better at home'

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

But the data is about to what degree the nix play better at home. 

So on the one hand the data tells them they play better at home and they need to get their heads read for believing it, and on the other they need to get their heads read if they don't already know that they play better at home. 

Confusing stance. 

I think it'd be an interesting thing to measure - whether it ends up being meaningful difference that crouds make, who knows. I don't think these guys have done a very good job of it (from what I can see). 

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

But the data is about to what degree the nix play better at home. 

So on the one hand the data tells them they play better at home and they need to get their heads read for believing it, and on the other they need to get their heads read if they don't already know that they play better at home. 

Confusing stance. 

No. You are not reading it correctly.

They did not need the data in the first place to know they play better at home and once again, better with a larger croud. To say that the larger croud has a direct correlation to the amount of touches and shots a player has is the joke.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

But the data is about to what degree the nix play better at home. 

So on the one hand the data tells them they play better at home and they need to get their heads read for believing it, and on the other they need to get their heads read if they don't already know that they play better at home. 

Confusing stance. 

No. You are not reading it correctly.

They did not need the data in the first place to know they play better at home and once again, better with a larger croud. To say that the larger croud has a direct correlation to the amount of touches and shots a player has is the joke.

So a larger croud makes them play better, but doesn't make them get more touches, shots etc. They just 'play better' without any improvement in any metric whatsoever?

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

But the data is about to what degree the nix play better at home. 

So on the one hand the data tells them they play better at home and they need to get their heads read for believing it, and on the other they need to get their heads read if they don't already know that they play better at home. 

Confusing stance. 

No. You are not reading it correctly.

They did not need the data in the first place to know they play better at home and once again, better with a larger croud. To say that the larger croud has a direct correlation to the amount of touches and shots a player has is the joke.

So a larger croud makes them play better, but doesn't make them get more touches, shots etc. They just 'play better' without any improvement in any metric whatsoever?

I'll turn this back on you. Do you actually believe that an extra 43 people walking through the game has a direct consequence on Roy Krishna having an extra touch.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Tegal wrote:

But the data is about to what degree the nix play better at home. 

So on the one hand the data tells them they play better at home and they need to get their heads read for believing it, and on the other they need to get their heads read if they don't already know that they play better at home. 

Confusing stance. 

No. You are not reading it correctly.

They did not need the data in the first place to know they play better at home and once again, better with a larger croud. To say that the larger croud has a direct correlation to the amount of touches and shots a player has is the joke.

So a larger croud makes them play better, but doesn't make them get more touches, shots etc. They just 'play better' without any improvement in any metric whatsoever?

I'll turn this back on you. Do you actually believe that an extra 43 people walking through the game has a direct consequence on Roy Krishna having an extra touch.

As I said earlier, I don't know. I just think it'd be interesting to find out. 

You said yourself that teams play better at home, that HAS to correlate to some sort of metric. 

Whether it is meaningful or not is another story, and one any analysis would try to figure out. 

My belief is that croud doesn't affect things too much, and the effect of playing at home is more to do with travel, routine etc. You could then analyse distance travelled vs results for example. You can factor it in.

Likewise, the effect is more likely to be greater the other way round. The better the team is playing, the more touches Krishna gets, the more crouds want to attend the games. You can factor that into analysis too (and it seems these guys have conveniently ignored it, I agree with you)

I doubt 43 people make any difference, it might be that Krishna gets 0.0000000000000001 extra touch per game from 43 people. But playing in front 30,000 people may lift his performance and inspire him to do better than he would in front of an empty stadium. Likewise after a certain point any added effect of the croud is likely to drop off. Playing in front of 1million people may be exactly the same as playing in front of 10million people (as an extreme example). 

about 15 years

See this is how we differ in our view. I agree with you that there would be a metric change with teams playing better at home. That is not what I am talking about.

The lines this company are using is the player X will do this if croud X turns up. That is an absolute shower of shyte cause that would imply that people through turnstyles directly influences events on the pitch. What if those people all go through the turnstyle but go to the toilet for 90 mins? That's the point I am making. For them to say that outcome X is a directly because of input Y is completely and utterly false as there is no relationship to that happening.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

so you're saying the nix playing at home at an empty stadium would have exactly the same metrics and play just as well as if they were playing at home in front of 30,000 people. That's fine. 

As I said I don't know either way, it's just be interesting to find out if the croud does affect performance in any way. 

I think the effect of playing at home is much greater than any effect of the croud. But I do think the croud has at least some effect, however minimal it may be. But again, I don't know for sure, it could be the croud has no effect, it could be they have a greater effect than I think it does, it'd be interesting to find out. 

An example of players I can probably think of is the Bahrain playoff. Some nix players really pushed for that to be played at Westpac. That probably had a lot to do with it being familiar surroundings (effect of simply playing at home). But they also pushed for a sell out croud, they wanted to be playing in front of as many people as possible as they thought it gave them the best possible chance. That could have been just a marketing thing to try and get more money for NZF, or the players could actually feel a lift playing in front of a croud.

It'd be interesting to ask a player if they believed they play better at home in front of a croud vs at home in front of an empty stadium. I bet most would say a croud. The data would then show whether they actually did play better or not. 

The other side of it is whether the away team has a positive or negative effect. If both teams get an equal positive effect, then the croud actually doesn't do anything for the result. If the away team feels intimidated (there was talk of the intimidating atmosphere the AWs faced playing in front of 100,000 people in their qualifier) then the croud does affect how well a team plays.

To re-emphasise (because you keep asking me): I have no idea conclusively either way whether crouds affect performance/metrics, but I'd be interested to find out. Any analysis would have to list its limitations, and wherever possible take other factors into account. I agree with you that this particular analysis seems to lack any context whatsoever and is therefore really quite meaningless. 

about 15 years

Ok. We are talking about different things and I am leaving it there cause we are just going around in circles.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Ok. We are talking about different things and I am leaving it there cause we are just going around in circles.

We're not really. You're saying the team plays better at home, but the croud has nothing to do with it. I'm saying that may be true, but I'd be interested to find out if it was. A proper analysis that takes every other factor into account could do that to some degree. 

To be honest, with the nix such a young club there is nowhere near enough home games and therefore data to come to any sort of conclusion with any sort of confidence anyway. It was a major limitation when looking into whether winning matters to crouds. 

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Ok. We are talking about different things and I am leaving it there cause we are just going around in circles.

We're not really. You're saying the team plays better at home, but the croud has nothing to do with it. I'm saying that may be true, but I'd be interested to find out if it was. A proper analysis that takes every other factor into account could do that to some degree. 

To be honest, with the nix such a young club there is nowhere near enough home games and therefore data to come to any sort of conclusion with any sort of confidence anyway. It was a major limitation when looking into whether winning matters to crouds. 

No, thats not what I am saying. Thats why I am dropping it cause you are not picking up what I am putting down.
almost 16 years

There was some study done in the UK decades ago linking the performance of a city's football team(s) and economic prosperity.

I think that explains why we've been so crap for the last four years, but not sure about this season.

Budgie lover
about 17 years

Okay guys: some questions i am struggling with.

1. What is the collective noun for a Phoenix? Is it a rarity? ;-)

2. If there can only be only Phoenix that is reborn and regenerated from the ashes of the previous, what was the first cause of the phoenix? Or is the Phoenix the missing proof for God?

3. Finally, the thing that spurred this, are we "the Phoenix" or "Phoenix" when used in sentences of the form:

"Results show when the Spaniard is not playing, Phoenix struggle for midfield dominance."

It just feel weird without the "the" to me...

almost 16 years

SBSFootball reporter Scott McIntyre ANZAC comments

tradition and history
over 17 years

Guess there are wankers in all sorts of professions.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ekim Burgers. Self destruct sequence commenced...

Moron Alert

almost 16 years

Randy Boehning.

almost 13 years

The Warehouse is advertising the 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack as a great gift for mother's day

Starting XI
over 14 years

The Warehouse is advertising the 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack as a great gift for mother's day

Lol but can't sell an R18 video game.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

JonoNewton wrote:

The Warehouse is advertising the 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack as a great gift for mother's day

Lol but can't sell an R18 video game.

but 50 shades of grey is very family friendly.........

over 13 years
We will have to take your word for it Tegal. The only people I know who have seen it are you and Tyler and I'm figuring he isn't commenting
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I've seen more of it than I would have liked that's for sure. 

Chant Savant
over 17 years

I saw a hipster in the supermarket buying shaving foam today.

almost 15 years

C-Diddy wrote:

I saw a hipster in the supermarket buying shaving foam today.

about 15 years

Long way to go for shaving cream

almost 13 years

C-Diddy wrote:

I saw a hipster in the supermarket buying shaving foam today.

Must have read this article, a little late though:

Hirsute men have been warned their attractiveness to potential partners may fade as facial hair becomes more prevalent, in a scenario researchers have called “peak beard”.

Research conducted by the University of NSW finds that, when people are confronted by a succession of bearded men, clean-shaven men become more attractive to them.

This process also works in reverse, with men with heavy stubble and full, Ned Kelly-style beards judged more attractive when present in a sea of hairless visages.

over 11 years
Chant Savant
over 17 years

Another meandre down to the supermarket this afternoon. 

I am still struggling to differenciate between people who require assistance from the many charitable organisations on Riddiford St and the hipsters. 

about 15 years

the hipsters don't smoke synthetic weed

Chant Savant
over 17 years

I worked out that the hipsters are the ones carrying St Pierre sushi bags with a box of their "Sushi of the Day" which they paid for with a combination half in cash consisting mainly of silver and copper coins and half on their student loan!

Starting XI
over 14 years

Have you met the Bus couple yet "Have you got a dollar for the bus?"

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

The 'scuse me guy?

about 15 years

I hate hipster scum

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

"Excuse me can I have two dollars please" lady is the worst.

about 17 years

I wonder how much they make a day Patrick?

about 15 years

Redirected - Vinnie.. wtf?


over 11 years

Wellington - a dead-horse town.

see latest. 'Horse dead on central Wellington road'.

about 17 years

John Campbell being replaced with Come Dine with 4 Disfunctional Aucklanders

almost 13 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Wellington - a dead-horse town.

see latest. 'Horse dead on central Wellington road'.

Also a sharkhole

See the story about the Mt Vic tunnel

Starting XI
over 14 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Wellington - a dead-horse town.

see latest. 'Horse dead on central Wellington road'.

Also a sharkhole

See the story about the Mt Vic tunnel

I understand this guy had recently moved north from Invergiggles.

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Things that make you go hmmmm