Things that make you go hmmmm

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about 17 years

After the white elimination from the equation, it will become tribal again. Frankly I would just leave the country and let it implode. I would expect to see a lot of South Africans from all the racial backgrounds and not wanting to get caught up in it, to emigrate to here or Aussie. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

social media witch hunts 

This whole trial by social media is simply wrong and out of control. All it takes now is someone to say something about someone else on twitter or facecrook and next thing you know the "accused" is out of a job and their life is going doing the tubes....yet there was been no due process followed in the legal sense.

I am all for justice being served but this social media lynch mob mentality is disturbing: it is now very easy to totally destroy someones life without even having to put them on trial to find out where the truth lies.

Yet we have "celebrities" like Allison Mau encouraging people to contact her with any tip offs that she can look into...

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

Following on from the post above - a male can be accused of slapping a girl on the bum (completely inappropriate but also a long distance from rape) and have their career ruined.

Yet Chris Brown can beat Rihanna to an inch of her life and he's celebrated by the same people witch hunting everyone else.


over 17 years

Mike Hosking.

This time - Sugar taxes don't work according therefore public transport is a myth.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Half and half scarves at football games

almost 14 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Mike Hosking.

This time - Sugar taxes don't work according therefore public transport is a myth.

The people Hoskings knows probably drive to work, most people in my office or in any previous office that I've worked in bus or train.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:



Along with John Keys,Chris Woods, Ryan Nelson, Jacinta Ardern and The Inedible Hulk.

over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

After the white elimination from the equation, it will become tribal again. Frankly I would just leave the country and let it implode. I would expect to see a lot of South Africans from all the racial backgrounds and not wanting to get caught up in it, to emigrate to here or Aussie. 

This is interesting because I was thinking, shouldn't the average american-style leftie these days be in favour of what is happening in SA?

The white man has all sorts of privilege and power doesn't he? He needs to shut up, nobody likes him, nobody wants him, so forcibly removing him, in a way that would make antifa proud, should be popular shouldn't it? 

That's how they roll on university campuses these days. Bret Weinstein got kicked out of Forest Green because he refused to obey the "non-whites only day", it's totally accepted practice now. Why wouldn't that sort of thing translate to real world politics? 

Sounds like the modern left dream to me. 

*wink emoticon*

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Jewish Hollywood actors harping on about "inclusion" and "diversity" while turning a blind eye to Israels Apartheid State.


about 17 years

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

almost 17 years

Jewish Hollywood actors harping on about "inclusion" and "diversity" while turning a blind eye to Israels Apartheid State.


but this is supported by the president they are all mocking so its ok.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

Well you know that won't happen as it will be blacks doing it to whites, or non blacks as the case in Uganda. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

Even if 12-metre-high tsunami waves crash into the cities and towns along our eastern coast, climbing to the designated evacuation zones...

over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

The SA finance minister just said he's going to end poverty by printing money and giving it to poor people. I mean f*ck, you can't make this sh*t up, it's unbelievable. He obviously hasn't looked at any history books to see how that sort of thing turns out. 

I predict a massive humanitarian crisis in SA very soon. 

almost 15 years

paulm wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

The SA finance minister just said he's going to end poverty by printing money and giving it to poor people. I mean f*ck, you can't make this sh*t up, it's unbelievable. He obviously hasn't looked at any history books to see how that sort of thing turns out. 

I predict a massive humanitarian crisis in SA very soon. 

Its alright, the UN will fix it.
almost 17 years

paulm wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

The SA finance minister just said he's going to end poverty by printing money and giving it to poor people. I mean f*ck, you can't make this sh*t up, it's unbelievable. He obviously hasn't looked at any history books to see how that sort of thing turns out. 

I predict a massive humanitarian crisis in SA very soon. 

gonna be just like Zimbabwe - UN fixing anything is a scary thought.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

The SA finance minister just said he's going to end poverty by printing money and giving it to poor people. I mean f*ck, you can't make this sh*t up, it's unbelievable. He obviously hasn't looked at any history books to see how that sort of thing turns out. 

I predict a massive humanitarian crisis in SA very soon. 

Isn’t that labour’s policy here? :p

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Seems pretty clear to me that South Africa is going to resort back to the tribalist existence it enjoyed prior to apartheid.

I feel sorry for any prosperous people living in SA right now: their best bet is to get out while they still can and leave SA to its own devices.

History is going to judge this current unravelling of SA as a huge step backwards, but it seems that is the direction SA wants to go, so hey let them have it.

Its not going to end well for SA though I fear.

over 13 years

Tegal wrote:

paulm wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I wonder how soon the farms will be getting confiscated? To be fair, they should be purchased at proper market price but you know that won't happen. A very bad move by the South African leadership. Just as New Zealand opposed apartheid (& rightly so), I hope they (us) take just as staunch an attitude to this developing situation.

The SA finance minister just said he's going to end poverty by printing money and giving it to poor people. I mean f*ck, you can't make this sh*t up, it's unbelievable. He obviously hasn't looked at any history books to see how that sort of thing turns out. 

I predict a massive humanitarian crisis in SA very soon. 

Isn’t that labour’s policy here? :p


Lanours economic policy is not printing money 

But hopefully its intentions will mean some rich pricks actually pay their fair share and don't hide behind the Don Keys of this world.

South Africa will potentially end up a lot more bloody then ZIm. There will not be a bush war there.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years


Lanours economic policy is not printing money 

But hopefully its intentions will mean some rich pricks actually pay their fair share and don't hide behind the Don Keys of this world.

South Africa will potentially end up a lot more bloody then ZIm. There will not be a bush war there.

A captial gains tax would be a good start

Rich folk accumulate assets and money and just hoard it all away. How many dollars in the bank does someone need before they feel like they have enough?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Calm down guys it was a joke. Forgot politics is always serious.

about 17 years

Nope, I got your humour. Next up I am going to blame John Key. In seriousness I expect an influx of South Africans here and in Aussie with Perth as the most likely destination. This could actually snow ball and SA, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Angola all getting involved.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Nope, I got your humour. Next up I am going to blame John Key. In seriousness I expect an influx of South Africans here and in Aussie with Perth as the most likely destination. This could actually snow ball and SA, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Angola all getting involved.

There are  already 200000 South Africans living in Australia.

almost 15 years

Leggy wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Nope, I got your humour. Next up I am going to blame John Key. In seriousness I expect an influx of South Africans here and in Aussie with Perth as the most likely destination. This could actually snow ball and SA, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Angola all getting involved.

There are  already 200000 South Africans living in Australia.

There are about that many in Browns Bay
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Nope, I got your humour. Next up I am going to blame John Key. In seriousness I expect an influx of South Africans here and in Aussie with Perth as the most likely destination. This could actually snow ball and SA, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Angola all getting involved.

There are  already 200000 South Africans living in Australia.

Wow is that true? That is quite the number, I didn't realise.

A large number of them live in the UK too. And I don't know the numbers here, but I do encounter a lot of them through work. 

tradition and history
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Nope, I got your humour. Next up I am going to blame John Key. In seriousness I expect an influx of South Africans here and in Aussie with Perth as the most likely destination. This could actually snow ball and SA, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Angola all getting involved.

There are  already 200000 South Africans living in Australia.

Wow is that true? That is quite the number, I didn't realise.

A large number of them live in the UK too. And I don't know the numbers here, but I do encounter a lot of them through work. 

Over 250000 S.Africans in the UK. There are also plenty in Canada and the US.

over 17 years

Really interesting figures. How does that stuff compare with other countries and their citizens abroad? Are SA a country known for their citizens working and living overseas?

Sorry I should probably google it myself LOL

tradition and history
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Really interesting figures. How does that stuff compare with other countries and their citizens abroad? Are SA a country known for their citizens working and living overseas?

Sorry I should probably google it myself LOL

The political situation in South Africa have caused them to look elsewhere.

Pretty obvious.

about 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

Random stuff sent to me from South Africa on the land issue.

Edit: I do mean random. Arrived on WhatsApp from a South African number and with no name. No idea who sent it. 


over 13 years

At some point this country will explode with the blacks wanting and taking what the whites have behind their high walls and electric fences. 

I'm not talking farms here but where most whites live in their houses/ protected castles. 

The farms may be where they begin as they are the easy targets but when it moves into residences and affluent suburbs that is when things will get extremely bloody and potentially on the scale the world has never seen before.

Past black led governments have tried a little to address the balance but the problem is it would take several generations at a normal pace with normal policies to have any chance as the extremes of wealth are amazing. People simply will not wait that long. 

Whilst a small black middle class has emerged it has also not been helped by corruption and the Zumas of this world. 

It just takes one charismatic leader like Mandela (but one with different morales and ethics) and one incident to light this spark and have those living in slums in Alexandra marching and destroying the castles next door in Sandton.

That outcome will be horrific but what may even be worse after that is the fighting between tribes.

This will be made worse as once the free for all begins in South Africa many more will come to take advantage.

Starting XI
over 17 years

FWIW: I also got this but can't get the orientation right....

over 17 years

dairyflat wrote:

Edit: I do mean random. Arrived on WhatsApp from a South African number and with no name. No idea who sent it. 



A friend and I have been putting on our tinfoil hats lately around things like this. 

I could swear that on several occasions in the last few months, we have discussed some random topics, and then found ourselves getting related advertising on our phones, despite not having googled or looked up anything about it at all. Obviously we've speculated that the devices are "listening in" and tailoring the ads for us. 

I looked this up on line and there is a growing number of people that believe this might be happening too. Some described specific experiments to test it, and the results were startling.

Google, Facebook, Twitter etc have all denied that this happens. I can't see why they would deny something like this when it's so obviously found out if true, which led me to thinking that perhaps this is an AI gone rogue or somesuch. There have been reports of that sort of thing happening already - there were 2 AIs that apparently created and starting communicating in their own language, that was more efficient than what had been coded. When detected it was quickly shut down, but makes you wonder what else might be going on. 

Yes yes this all seems very conspiracy-theorist, but if you look the ad thing up online the evidence is compelling. I have been meaning to run my own test on this, but haven't done it yet. If I do I will post results!

almost 14 years

No one in NZ has the bandwidth on their mobile phones to send a representation of the audio constantly to the net, and the phones don't have the processing power locally for voice recognition. Not to mention battery life would be even more abysmal than it is now.

The reason why we have to say phrases like Hello Siri and Okay Google is those are simple phrases which the phone or tablet can recognise themselves, locally, before going into a mode where they're streaming the peaks and troughs of what you're doing.

Google in particular collects a lot of information about you but they don't currently have the capacity to listen actively and constantly.

over 17 years

They seem like logical points on the face of it, but I doubt you can say any of that with certainty, considering some of the things we know have gone on. For example Samsung having easily hackable software so that you can be filmed and the audio recorded, all while the television shows a red led to indicate it is not on. This is widely known (but not often reported). Here's some info;

Note the quote: "Samsung's smart TVs were known to be streaming back continuous recordings as early as 2015 after security researchers found the devices were transmitting outbound data." 

If they can do this, and have done it, I don't see how it's too much of a jump to go to phones. And surely doing this via phones would be a lot better, as it wouldn't require the person to be in the room with their tv. 

If it weren't for Snowden we would have even less idea of what actually goes on about the place in terms of listening in, and illegal tracking of communications. 

I am going to do this test! I will come back when it has been conducted!

about 17 years

Goggle box all over.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Calm down guys it was a joke. Forgot politics is always serious.

A joke, that wasn’t taken with the intended hilarity? Seems to be double standard here!!

Starting XI
about 17 years
over 17 years
Closed for new posts

Things that make you go hmmmm