Things that make you go hmmmm

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Starting XI
about 17 years

Cards Against Humanity. 

Bloody good fun, or, is it promoting Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, & sexism?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Palestinian girl Slaps an israeli soldier: she gets 8 months jail

Israeli soldier kills immobilised Palestinian in cold blood with a shot to the head at close range: gets 9 months jail


about 9 years

"Man tells woman he was poisoned; will die unless she has sex with him"

almost 17 years

who the hell woud believe that kind of story?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Jaickin wrote:

"Man tells woman he was poisoned; will die unless she has sex with him"

Thought it was going to be another story about Trump

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

theprof wrote:

who the hell woud believe that kind of story?

I suspect it was more the email threats against her if she didn’t do it rather than her believing the poison story. 

almost 17 years

but she shagged him before the email threats came?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

theprof wrote:

but she shagged him before the email threats came?

Always check yer inbox before shagging 

you never know what might be lurking there

Starting XI
over 17 years

Driving daughter to school and having a bus cross the  centre line and come towards us....


Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

A Wellington rock band have been refused a gig at an indie venue because they don't feature "at least one non-male".

Rory McDonald, 17, said Caroline, in Manners St in the central city, told him his four-piece alt-metal band Lucifer Gunne did not fit the venue's diversity quota.


about 17 years

A Wellington rock band have been refused a gig at an indie venue because they don't feature "at least one non-male".

Rory McDonald, 17, said Caroline, in Manners St in the central city, told him his four-piece alt-metal band Lucifer Gunne did not fit the venue's diversity quota.


That story earns WTF award. HOW PC can you get?

almost 14 years

I read an article on stuff awhile back which was about how Helen Clark wasn't given a fair chance at being Secretary General of the UN because she was female. The comments were invariably that perhaps she wasn't qualified for the role. That may or may not be the case but its also not the point. There is no way you can say that in the decades that the UN has existed that there has never been a female who was the best suited to the role.

So, if there is an obvious boys club and a diversity problem then how do you fix it? Because the free market isn't.

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

It's not even this strict, they just want to program a reasonable number of non-male performers across an entire lineup, so there are definitely still full male bands playing at Caroline.

I think this is an excellent policy designed to increase the number of wahine performing at our venues in the city.

BATS have also programmed predominantly female comics for the Comedy Festival which is even more awesome.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

It's not even this strict, they just want to program a reasonable number of non-male performers across an entire lineup, so there are definitely still full male bands playing at Caroline.

Ah cheers for clearing that up, that policy makes a lot more sense. Definitely isn’t how it’s portrayed in the above quote though. 

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

It's not even this strict, they just want to program a reasonable number of non-male performers across an entire lineup, so there are definitely still full male bands playing at Caroline.

Ah cheers for clearing that up, that policy makes a lot more sense. Definitely isn’t how it’s portrayed in the above quote though. 

It isn't a good idea.  Refusing to give a band a spot because they don't have a woman performing or they can't fill their quota is wrong and tokenastic.

It's really hard to get a band off the ground these days and make a career out of it is near impossible. ANY band needs support.


Chant Savant
over 17 years

So if the venue refused to book them because they were sharke you wouldnt have a problem with that?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Tegal wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

It's not even this strict, they just want to program a reasonable number of non-male performers across an entire lineup, so there are definitely still full male bands playing at Caroline.

Ah cheers for clearing that up, that policy makes a lot more sense. Definitely isn’t how it’s portrayed in the above quote though. 

It isn't a good idea.  Refusing to give a band a spot because they don't have a woman performing or they can't fill their quota is wrong and tokenastic.

It's really hard to get a band off the ground these days and make a career out of it is near impossible. ANY band needs support.


Didn’t necessarily agree with the policy, just that it made more sense than what I originally thought it was. 

about 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

So if the venue refused to book them because they were sharke you wouldnt have a problem with that?

Nope that's how you get good. 

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Tegal wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

It's not even this strict, they just want to program a reasonable number of non-male performers across an entire lineup, so there are definitely still full male bands playing at Caroline.

Ah cheers for clearing that up, that policy makes a lot more sense. Definitely isn’t how it’s portrayed in the above quote though. 

It isn't a good idea.  Refusing to give a band a spot because they don't have a woman performing or they can't fill their quota is wrong and tokenastic.

It's really hard to get a band off the ground these days and make a career out of it is near impossible. ANY band needs support.


Didn’t necessarily agree with the policy, just that it made more sense than what I originally thought it was. 

Caroline event manager Emi Pogoni replied: "It's just our policy to encourage diversity in the music industry. If you can't or won't, then we don't need to book you." 

When male suicide is as high as it is over here and young men form bands to express themselves and understand how to talk to girls or boys and get an idea of the world, then preventing that through tokenism is wrong. 

Cdiddy - no band I knew who started in their teens, and I was involved with several, ever took criticism badly - it spurred them on if anything. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

When male suicide is as high as it is over here and young men form bands to express themselves and understand how to talk to girls or boys and get an idea of the world, then preventing that through tokenism is wrong. 

Nobody is preventing anyone from being in a band? 
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Deciding whether to give someone a job (or book them for a gig) based on their gender is wrong though. Just book the best bands, use some of the proceeds to put toward projects that encourage more women to become musicians in bands. 

I tend to agree with FT, tokenism and quotas are a poor and lazy way to manafacture diversity. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

From what I read that Caroline venue (which is near my work and is kind of out of the way of the bulk of the entrainment sector, I've never been there though) isn't saying that the band needs to have a female member but have a non male perform with them for just one song which is much more reasonable and less discriminatory than suggested.

What next? every band must have a handicapped person, a transgender person, a gay, a lesbian, someone whose white, black, brown, pink with yellow dots, a jew, a muslim and priest?

None of the above and you can't play? Where will you draw the line?

Enforced Diversity is a farce as rather than treating people as unique individuals it lumps people together under labels and not only creates divisions, differences etc it promotes/highlights them.

That's not progress, thats a step back,

almost 14 years

You conveniently didn't quote the other part of my post which was the main part and the part you quoted turned out to be false anyway.

The venue said in that article that Caroline wants one female performer in some capacity per night. So not one per band just one in total. That band could have booked another night.

Someone was complaining that it's hard to get a band off the ground, well clearly the fact that they had zero bands with females shows just how hard that is.

So the question remain, there's obviously a diversity issue that the market isn't correcting so what's the solution?

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

You conveniently didn't quote the other part of my post which was the main part and the part you quoted turned out to be false anyway.

The venue said in that article that Caroline wants one female performer in some capacity per night. So not one per band just one in total. That band could have booked another night.

Someone was complaining that it's hard to get a band off the ground, well clearly the fact that they had zero bands with females shows just how hard that is.

So the question remain, there's obviously a diversity issue that the market isn't correcting so what's the solution?

Regardless, most people don't care. 

almost 14 years

Then why bother commenting?

We all live in little pods of people similar to ourselves which may make you think that most people think like you but thankfully you're wrong. Most people I know care. As above i can't extrapolate this sample to represent everyone but it's enough for me to know you're wrong.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Then why bother commenting?

We all live in little pods of people similar to ourselves which may make you think that most people think like you but thankfully you're wrong. Most people I know care. As above i can't extrapolate this sample to represent everyone but it's enough for me to know you're wrong.

Only your opinion.

almost 14 years

No, that's one hundred percent true, people live in echo chamber's.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

No, that's one hundred percent true, people live in echo chamber's.

Grow up

almost 14 years

Going where you always go then.

The question is why do you think you don't care?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Someone was complaining that it's hard to get a band off the ground, well clearly the fact that they had zero bands with females shows just how hard that is.

So the question remain, there's obviously a diversity issue that the market isn't correcting so what's the solution?

Absolute nonsense and a false analogy 

For whatever reason, traditionally more guys than girls have been drawn into forming bands and playing live music. Same way more guys than girls like to race cars/play rugby/go hunting etc etc

I guess it must be a hobby/passion/interest that appeals to young guys more than young girls. Does that mean there are sexist undertones here? Of course not! 


Why then do you get more women than men doing sewing classes?

Why do you get more girls than guys learning and performing burlesque?

What should we do to increase the diversity that is obviously lacking in sewing and burlesque?

If we are going to use the line of thinking that Ryan is employing then surely we must also ensure there is an agreed and fulfilled quota of guys joining sewing classes before the class can get the go ahead to start?

What about hospitals? I work at a hospital and 80% of the nurses are female. Do we need to address this imbalance here as well by ensuring males are fairly represented? Surely if diversity is important than we must have a 50/50 m/f split? Or are people accepting and ok with the fact that more females are drawn to this profession than men?

You see, imo, this is nothing about "diversity" this is about "reactionary politics" because if it was truly about "diversity" then these guidelines would be applied fairly and squarely right across the board, in all jobs, hobbies etc 

But no they are not, they are applied on a basis that suits a certain narrative and they are conveniently omitted when they go against that narrative. 

So stop playing people for idiots and be truly honest here: you are not peddling true diversity you are cherry picking issues that suit the narrative you want to push

When I meet someone for the first time or observe a person in the street I don't even notice what race, gender, or whatever, those people are: all I see is a unique individual in front of me. I really recommend others try this approach as it is very rewarding. See someone for who they really are not for what they represent according to some narrative that is being pushed.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

We all live in little pods of people similar to ourselves which may make you think that most people think like you but thankfully you're wrong. Most people I know care. 

Can you not see how you just undermined the validity of your own comment there?

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

We all live in little pods of people similar to ourselves which may make you think that most people think like you but thankfully you're wrong. Most people I know care. 

Can you not see how you just undermined the validity of your own comment there?

Of course I understand that which is why the rest of that post that you conveniently didn't quote went:

"As above i can't extrapolate this sample to represent everyone but it's enough for me to know you're wrong."

I wish people would read.

Also, it may be true that some industries draw more of one gender than another but you can't tell me that music is one of them. 

I was listening to that hardcore history podcast and they said that females and children used to make up most of the crowd at public torture and execution events but then society decided that women should be the nurturing types and it was disgusting that they were enjoying themselves at such events and gradually that became true.

As I said, they don't want half the performers to be female or anything like that, they want one female performer in one song for the entire night in any band. That's hardly an onerous requirement, and I'm sure if (as you ascertain) females aren't musically inclined (which they are just as much as males) that there is one female musician out there.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

We all live in little pods of people similar to ourselves which may make you think that most people think like you but thankfully you're wrong. Most people I know care. 

Can you not see how you just undermined the validity of your own comment there?

Of course I understand that which is why the rest of that post that you conveniently didn't quote went:

"As above i can't extrapolate this sample to represent everyone but it's enough for me to know you're wrong."

I wish people would read.

Also, it may be true that some industries draw more of one gender than another but you can't tell me that music is one of them. 

I was listening to that hardcore history podcast and they said that females and children used to make up most of the crowd at public torture and execution events but then society decided that women should be the nurturing types and it was disgusting that they were enjoying themselves at such events and gradually that became true.

As I said, they don't want half the performers to be female or anything like that, they want one female performer in one song for the entire night in any band. That's hardly an onerous requirement, and I'm sure if (as you ascertain) females aren't musically inclined (which they are just as much as males) that there is one female musician out there.

Oh trust me I read all of your post and I still came to the same conclusion ;-)

Anyhow who are you to tell someone they are right or wrong?

Enough with this binary thinking and how about trying to look at the world in a way more befitting the people (and their opinions) who inhabit it....because life isn't black and white, right and wrong. You seem to live your life according to some Social Justice Warrior 101 code and that's fine and dandy but has it ever occurred to you that other people see the world differently? And that their views/opinions are just as valid and as important as your own?

Why should everyone live their life according to what you think is right or wrong? Who are ya :)

Sorry but actually imo it is too much to ask that some demographic be compulsory as a member of a band at a gig, I don't care what demographic it is.

If someone, male/female/other has the work ethic and passion to start a band and make it to the point where they are gigging then good on them and that's all there is to it. Enforcing "diversity" reeks of some sort of fascism to me and I am not having it.

And the diversity you want to enforce isn't anything more than some reactionary gender politics (1st world problems).  If you were really sincere about "diversity" you would have quotas for all races, ethnic groups, sexual orientations and income brackets surely? Or do you pick and choose what diversity you want? And are some types of diversity worth more than others? Your philosophy has a lot of disturbing holes in it.

And anyhow when are we going to see enforced "diversity" at places where women dominate? Surely it has to apply across the board and inn a fair manner? Or is it just males who need to be "diversed"out of the way?

Thats what I want to know ;-)

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

So when are we going to see enforced "diversity" at places where women dominate?

Thats what I want to know ;-)

We offer a Men’s Health Scholarship to Unitec students to encourage more men into front line health services, particularly nursing.

All around Aotearoa men are making a huge difference in the lives of young children. EC-MENz is New Zealand’s national organisation dedicated solely to supporting the many roles of men in early childhood education.

Those are the answers I could find with a quick Google search. It's a logical fallacy that you are falling into. Just because you haven't heard of things doesn't mean they don't exist. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

patrick478 wrote:

So when are we going to see enforced "diversity" at places where women dominate?

Thats what I want to know ;-)

We offer a Men’s Health Scholarship to Unitec students to encourage more men into front line health services, particularly nursing.

All around Aotearoa men are making a huge difference in the lives of young children. EC-MENz is New Zealand’s national organisation dedicated solely to supporting the many roles of men in early childhood education.

Those are the answers I could find with a quick Google search. It's a logical fallacy that you are falling into. Just because you haven't heard of things doesn't mean they don't exist. 

Encouraging men into certain sectors is a lot different from enforcing that men end up in certain areas.

If there was a programme encouraging women to be more involved in the music scene I would say "right on" thats a good move. But that's a lot different to a programme/ideology forcing people to have female performers....or else.

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

The only "enemies" that Caroline is seemingly making are apparently old white men who aren't the target clientele of their bar at all.
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

patrick478 wrote:

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

The only "enemies" that Caroline is seemingly making are apparently old white men who aren't the target clientele of their bar at all.

Are the views of "Old white males" not important or not worth anything?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

The only "enemies" that Caroline is seemingly making are apparently old white men who aren't the target clientele of their bar at all.

Are the views of "Old white males" not important or not worth anything?

To Caroline, who don't attempt to market themselves to that demographic? Probably not.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

The only "enemies" that Caroline is seemingly making are apparently old white men who aren't the target clientele of their bar at all.

Stuff like that doesn’t help the cause at all though, in fact it could even hinder it. 

Fighting a gender imbalance with a policy that in itself is sexist isn’t the best way to address the imbalance. Its manafactured diversity, it doesn’t help create actual diversity. 

Having said that, a policy that requires ONE female performer per night isn’t exactly the end of the world. Their venue, if that’s what they want to do then go at it. 

over 13 years

Hmmmm, Is Ryan in line for a mod position?

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Things that make you go hmmmm