Things that make you go hmmmm

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Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Christo wrote:

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

"concentration camps" for illegal immigrants pfft. I have no problem with illegal immigrants being kept out. What part of illegal do you not understand? You want to go to a country then follow the proper channels, if you want to try and sneak in illegally expect to get the book thrown at you.

Borders exist for a reason and I am all for them.

The wealth gap is indeed an issue but to say it is solely the fault of OWM is dishonest. There are plenty of races around the world with their own select elite, not just white folk. There are plenty of women in powerful positions now too. 

Give me Putin over Trump any day. 

Fox news is fake news just like CNN and BBC and all the rest of those lackeys. It's no secret.

Climate change is a worry. Do you have a car? I hope not otherwise you're a hypocrite.

yes there is a lot of racism and homophobia in the world, especially in the middle east and africa. Sadly no one continent, race, or creed has a monopoly when it comes to racism, homophobia etc: its every where, its global. There are even neo-nazis in Mongolia according to Ross Kemp.

South Africa is currently devouring itself and you can't blame that on the old white fella's

There's a lot of slavery going on in Africa these days too and its being run by other africans,

Sure there are some dodgy old white fellas out there, but then again there are dodgy people in EVERY demographic. Its called human nature. We can all be good we can all be bad, But hey lets blame old white fellas for every perceived wrong in the world because that suits the narrative that you have bought into.

Oh and as for Brexit, who would want to be part of the EU anyhow? The EU is rotten to the core and I look forward to its demise.

IMO even when the demographics change drastically in the future we are still going to have the same issues because the problem is to do with human's and the way they act, rather than the colour of their skin.

But its just too easy to go for the divide and conquer route isn't it.

And youngn's are supposed to respect this sort of opinion?

Respect is a two way street

Someone posted a comment about how they see the world and I replied with my take on how I see the world. You think homophobia is bad in the west, try living in the middle east. Slavery is evil and right now africans are trading other africans as commodities. These are old white men involved. etc etc

I may or may not agree with what someone says but I certainly will respect their right to believe in what they feel is true for them and naturally I would prefer it if this stance is reciprocated as it makes for a good debate.

over 17 years

Most of what you're citing as examples of 'human' failings are the equivalent of dumpster fires with camera footage of a white guy lighting the match.

almost 14 years

Christo wrote:

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

"concentration camps" for illegal immigrants pfft. I have no problem with illegal immigrants being kept out. What part of illegal do you not understand? You want to go to a country then follow the proper channels, if you want to try and sneak in illegally expect to get the book thrown at you.

Borders exist for a reason and I am all for them.

The wealth gap is indeed an issue but to say it is solely the fault of OWM is dishonest. There are plenty of races around the world with their own select elite, not just white folk. There are plenty of women in powerful positions now too. 

Give me Putin over Trump any day. 

Fox news is fake news just like CNN and BBC and all the rest of those lackeys. It's no secret.

Climate change is a worry. Do you have a car? I hope not otherwise you're a hypocrite.

yes there is a lot of racism and homophobia in the world, especially in the middle east and africa. Sadly no one continent, race, or creed has a monopoly when it comes to racism, homophobia etc: its every where, its global. There are even neo-nazis in Mongolia according to Ross Kemp.

South Africa is currently devouring itself and you can't blame that on the old white fella's

There's a lot of slavery going on in Africa these days too and its being run by other africans,

Sure there are some dodgy old white fellas out there, but then again there are dodgy people in EVERY demographic. Its called human nature. We can all be good we can all be bad, But hey lets blame old white fellas for every perceived wrong in the world because that suits the narrative that you have bought into.

Oh and as for Brexit, who would want to be part of the EU anyhow? The EU is rotten to the core and I look forward to its demise.

IMO even when the demographics change drastically in the future we are still going to have the same issues because the problem is to do with human's and the way they act, rather than the colour of their skin.

But its just too easy to go for the divide and conquer route isn't it.

And youngn's are supposed to respect this sort of opinion?

Respect is a two way street

Someone posted a comment about how they see the world and I replied with my take on how I see the world. You think homophobia is bad in the west, try living in the middle east. Slavery is evil and right now africans are trading other africans as commodities. These are old white men involved. etc etc

I may or may not agree with what someone says but I certainly will respect their right to believe in what they feel is true for them and naturally I would prefer it if this stance is reciprocated as it makes for a good debate.

What I don't understand is your statement about divide and conquer, because your entire post was about listing groups and divisions. 

The Special One
over 17 years

I can respect the ability to hold ones own opinion. Maybe I've read LG's original post on respect the wrong way, thinking it being more about respecting a person just because they are old.

But I really don't get why people want to be an anachronism. 

about 17 years

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

Baiter and you assume your generation isn't going to fudge things up too? 

over 13 years

Tegal wrote:

ColeWorld wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Young fellas showing no respect to old white fellas in a society that has become a "it's all about me only" society. 

Unsure if this aimed at me or not, but I absolutely respect you Gunman. We have differing opinions on some things and are both happy to discuss those on platforms like this, but that doesn't mean that I don't have respect for you.

it is obvious you will find an argument over anything against someone such as LG, but wouldn't dare ague with your dear mate Ryan. You are inconsistent.

Don't get me wrong, you do a shark ton of work for YF which is appreciated. But, in my opinion, you come across arrogant. You can't be wrong, your quick to tell other members they are wrong and as a moderator you blatantly support certain members over others. 

As far as I’m aware, Patrick has never met Ryan. Meanwhile he and I disagreed on this very topic - we are both mods. We are also good friends. That doesn’t show that he supports certain members over others, because shouldn’t he then be agreeing with me (a fellow mod and friend) over Ryan (who I’m not sure he’s ever met)?

Sorry, does that not fit your narrative? Bugger. 

I seriously think that for their future that Patrick should meet Ryan.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Married at first sight: YF edition. 

almost 14 years

We met at a YF hui a few years back.

As far as I remember sparks didn't fly.

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

ColeWorld wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Young fellas showing no respect to old white fellas in a society that has become a "it's all about me only" society. 

Unsure if this aimed at me or not, but I absolutely respect you Gunman. We have differing opinions on some things and are both happy to discuss those on platforms like this, but that doesn't mean that I don't have respect for you.

it is obvious you will find an argument over anything against someone such as LG, but wouldn't dare ague with your dear mate Ryan. You are inconsistent.

Don't get me wrong, you do a shark ton of work for YF which is appreciated. But, in my opinion, you come across arrogant. You can't be wrong, your quick to tell other members they are wrong and as a moderator you blatantly support certain members over others. 

As far as I’m aware, Patrick has never met Ryan. Meanwhile he and I disagreed on this very topic - we are both mods. We are also good friends. That doesn’t show that he supports certain members over others, because shouldn’t he then be agreeing with me (a fellow mod and friend) over Ryan (who I’m not sure he’s ever met)?

Sorry, does that not fit your narrative? Bugger. 

Your point doesn't really make sense. He is on Ryan's side of the argument, you are on the other. It would be kinda weird if he supported you over Ryan, against his own beliefs. 

If he had not illustrated a clear side to one argument, then your point would be relevant. I also find significant differences in the way he debates a point with you, and the way he argues with others. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

But you said he was siding with Ryan because he’s his good mate, and would never dare argue with him. But that’s not true. My point was if he were to side with someone for the sake of it, it’d more likely to be me than Ryan. When in reality we had opposing viewpoints. Your entire point just doesn’t stand up logically at all. 

Of course he sided with one member over the other - he agreed with that persons viewpoint. That’s Nothing to do with him being a mod. 

I don’t really understand your problem with it. He has an opinion on something, he expressed that opinion just like everyone else did, including myself. 

over 13 years

Ryan wrote:

We met at a YF hui a few years back.

As far as I remember sparks didn't fly.

Tegal "as far as I'm aware" you appear to be wrong?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

We met at a YF hui a few years back.

As far as I remember sparks didn't fly.

Tegal "as far as I'm aware" you appear to be wrong?

Not really. Briefly meeting once where “sparks didn’t fly” is hardly the greatest romance of the century. 

I’m as disappointed as you, I was really starting to cheer for them as a successful Yellow Fever love story. But it wasn’t to be. 

over 13 years

I do think it has serious potential myself so let's keep on working on it. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I think the problem is their relationship would have a gender imbalance, so wouldn’t meet the 1 female per relationship quota policy they have in place. 

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

But you said he was siding with Ryan because he’s his good mate, and would never dare argue with him. But that’s not true. My point was if he were to side with someone for the sake of it, it’d more likely to be me than Ryan. When in reality we had opposing viewpoints. Your entire point just doesn’t stand up logically at all. 

Of course he sided with one member over the other - he agreed with that persons viewpoint. That’s Nothing to do with him being a mod. 

I don’t really understand your problem with it. He has an opinion on something, he expressed that opinion just like everyone else did, including myself. 

That was a more tongue in cheek statement as I have noticed both Patrick and Ryan have been very supportive of each other on a few other threads. I am largely clueless as to who are actual friends on this forum.

Yes, I get your point. It just doesn't make sense as he was clearly on one side of the argument, so he wasn't picking and choosing who to support. I am also talking about the entire forum, not this particular thread.

Your not really understanding my point. Its not his argument or his side. Its how he talks and argues differently with certain members of the forum compared to others. 

over 13 years

when two people have so much in common genders can't really be that important

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

ColeWorld wrote:

Tegal wrote:

But you said he was siding with Ryan because he’s his good mate, and would never dare argue with him. But that’s not true. My point was if he were to side with someone for the sake of it, it’d more likely to be me than Ryan. When in reality we had opposing viewpoints. Your entire point just doesn’t stand up logically at all. 

Of course he sided with one member over the other - he agreed with that persons viewpoint. That’s Nothing to do with him being a mod. 

I don’t really understand your problem with it. He has an opinion on something, he expressed that opinion just like everyone else did, including myself. 

That was a more tongue in cheek statement as I have noticed both Patrick and Ryan have been very supportive of each other on a few other threads. I am largely clueless as to who are actual friends on this forum.

Yes, I get your point. It just doesn't make sense as he was clearly on one side of the argument, so he wasn't picking and choosing who to support. I am also talking about the entire forum, not this particular thread.

Your not really understanding my point. Its not his argument or his side. Its how he talks and argues differently with certain members of the forum compared to others. 

Why exactly are we critiquing Patrick’s bedside manner anyway?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

when two people have so much in common genders can't really be that important

Love is love <3

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

The narrative in New Zealand that Brexit is an awful thing to have happened I find really interesting. If we were to be a part of some equivalent organisation where we couldn’t control immigration from he Pacific and South East Asia and decisions on our fisheries were made in, say, Singapore (there’s obviously massive treaty implications for this) etc, I think we would overwhelmingly vote for NZexit. The backlash against the TPPA (before it was ‘Comprehensive’ and ‘Progressive’ (but even still then)) and the talk about slashing immigration numbers (for which voters then gave a mandate) in the lead up to the election probably support this. 

I’m not saying that being in or out of the EU is the best thing for the UK, but just wondering what we would do in similar circumstances. 

about 17 years

LiamJ wrote:

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

The narrative in New Zealand that Brexit is an awful thing to have happened I find really interesting. If we were to be a part of some equivalent organisation where we couldn’t control immigration from he Pacific and South East Asia and decisions on our fisheries were made in, say, Singapore (there’s obviously massive treaty implications for this) etc, I think we would overwhelmingly vote for NZexit. The backlash against the TPPA (before it was ‘Comprehensive’ and ‘Progressive’ (but even still then)) and the talk about slashing immigration numbers (for which voters then gave a mandate) in the lead up to the election probably support this. 

I’m not saying that being in or out of the EU is the best thing for the UK, but just wondering what we would do in similar circumstances. 

It's not really that similar, we've had close ties with Europe for many years and the sheer number of non-British Europeans living in the UK doing essential jobs is huge. A lot of those of guys face the prospect of being booted out. On the flip side, and I know several folk who are in this boat, are Brits who live on the continent who face the prospect of of being booted out of Europe.

Trade and education links are huge and we've already seen a fair few companies who have left or will leave the UK should Brexit be finalized.

Most of the Anti-European politicians pointed out the money that would be saved and reinvested in things like the NHS. None of this looks likely to happen, fishing from what I gather is largely unchanged and people forget/chose to ignore the huge amount of Urban redevelopment that was funded through Europe.

Most people who voted for Brexit did so because they were made to feel afraid, (family members have freely admitted to this), and failed to realize that most of the countries woes was down to a series of inept UK governments and not Europe.

almost 14 years

Also, the UK wasn't struggling, it had some of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe and a growing manufacturing sector. A lot of companies were manufacturing in the UK because it was inside Europe and therefore exempt from tariffs, if it's outside of Europe then the manufacturing is going to move somewhere else. One article I read had employment in the aviation, space, and automobile industries contracting by 15%.

The immigrants were largely from Eastern Europe and were doing low paid jobs like construction and hospitality, and were probably a net asset to the country.

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

It's not really that similar, we've had close ties with Europe for many years and the sheer number of non-British Europeans living in the UK doing essential jobs is huge. A lot of those of guys face the prospect of being booted out. On the flip side, and I know several folk who are in this boat, are Brits who live on the continent who face the prospect of of being booted out of Europe.

Trade and education links are huge and we've already seen a fair few companies who have left or will leave the UK should Brexit be finalized.

Most of the Anti-European politicians pointed out the money that would be saved and reinvested in things like the NHS. None of this looks likely to happen, fishing from what I gather is largely unchanged and people forget/chose to ignore the huge amount of Urban redevelopment that was funded through Europe.

Most people who voted for Brexit did so because they were made to feel afraid, (family members have freely admitted to this), and failed to realize that most of the countries woes was down to a series of inept UK governments and not Europe.

Errr nope, thats not the case at all 

about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

It's not really that similar, we've had close ties with Europe for many years and the sheer number of non-British Europeans living in the UK doing essential jobs is huge. A lot of those of guys face the prospect of being booted out. On the flip side, and I know several folk who are in this boat, are Brits who live on the continent who face the prospect of of being booted out of Europe.

Trade and education links are huge and we've already seen a fair few companies who have left or will leave the UK should Brexit be finalized.

Most of the Anti-European politicians pointed out the money that would be saved and reinvested in things like the NHS. None of this looks likely to happen, fishing from what I gather is largely unchanged and people forget/chose to ignore the huge amount of Urban redevelopment that was funded through Europe.

Most people who voted for Brexit did so because they were made to feel afraid, (family members have freely admitted to this), and failed to realize that most of the countries woes was down to a series of inept UK governments and not Europe.

Errr nope, thats not the case at all 

Fair enough , however if I was a EU citizen back home I'd hardly been putting my feet up, same can be said for Brits leaving in Europe. 

UK government yet to guarantee in law protection against deportation

EU Citizens living in UK "have expiry date on residency". Also currently UK citizens living in Europe not guaranteed free movement around the EU.

 the fear of being booted out or losing certain rights

Increase in deportation last year

Starting XI
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

This thread definately needs more C+C Music Factory lyrics.

almost 14 years

That's the ironic thing, brexit occurred largely because of irrational racism yet after leaving Europe the UK will still be forced to have open borders to the EU but will lose a lot of the benefits.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

On a lighter note, just had to call ASB about something and got the message that they were "experiencing higher than normal call volumes" and to consider calling back later unless the enquiry is urgent. Decided to hang on and see what happened, expecting a message telling me my expected wait time was 30 minutes or something but then someone answered immediately. Wonder if they just use that first message to try and discourage people from holding on regardless of how many are on hold.

As it happens it was a waste of time anyway as she basically told me to bugger off and look online (which I obviously had already done before feeling the need to speak to a person).

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Christo wrote:

Baiter wrote:

Only opinion that mattered? Honestly, What a load of codswallop. 

Funnily enough if it wasn't for generations of "old white fella's" hard work and invention you wouldn't have many of the things you take for granted today. 

Credit where credit is due I say.

Yes because the world you have left everyone else is just fudgeing fantastic. Trump, Brexit, what ever group of racists manage the concentration camps in Australia, Putin's Russia, FIFA, Murdoch and his cronies, Fox News, Climate change, the gap between the top 1% and the rest of the planet, slavery, homophobia, racism, corruption, corporate rule, self-interest.

The problem is the rest of the world is suffering from the 'credit' that is 'due' and will until the whole thing just collapses into itself.

"concentration camps" for illegal immigrants pfft. I have no problem with illegal immigrants being kept out. What part of illegal do you not understand? You want to go to a country then follow the proper channels, if you want to try and sneak in illegally expect to get the book thrown at you.

Borders exist for a reason and I am all for them.

The wealth gap is indeed an issue but to say it is solely the fault of OWM is dishonest. There are plenty of races around the world with their own select elite, not just white folk. There are plenty of women in powerful positions now too. 

Give me Putin over Trump any day. 

Fox news is fake news just like CNN and BBC and all the rest of those lackeys. It's no secret.

Climate change is a worry. Do you have a car? I hope not otherwise you're a hypocrite.

yes there is a lot of racism and homophobia in the world, especially in the middle east and africa. Sadly no one continent, race, or creed has a monopoly when it comes to racism, homophobia etc: its every where, its global. There are even neo-nazis in Mongolia according to Ross Kemp.

South Africa is currently devouring itself and you can't blame that on the old white fella's

There's a lot of slavery going on in Africa these days too and its being run by other africans,

Sure there are some dodgy old white fellas out there, but then again there are dodgy people in EVERY demographic. Its called human nature. We can all be good we can all be bad, But hey lets blame old white fellas for every perceived wrong in the world because that suits the narrative that you have bought into.

Oh and as for Brexit, who would want to be part of the EU anyhow? The EU is rotten to the core and I look forward to its demise.

IMO even when the demographics change drastically in the future we are still going to have the same issues because the problem is to do with human's and the way they act, rather than the colour of their skin.

But its just too easy to go for the divide and conquer route isn't it.

And youngn's are supposed to respect this sort of opinion?

Respect is a two way street

Someone posted a comment about how they see the world and I replied with my take on how I see the world. You think homophobia is bad in the west, try living in the middle east. Slavery is evil and right now africans are trading other africans as commodities. These are old white men involved. etc etc

I may or may not agree with what someone says but I certainly will respect their right to believe in what they feel is true for them and naturally I would prefer it if this stance is reciprocated as it makes for a good debate.

What I don't understand is your statement about divide and conquer, because your entire post was about listing groups and divisions. 

I'm not going to spoon feed you, you will just have to live with the fact that there are some things you don't understand :D

Early retirement
over 17 years

I don't like  modding and I am finding I need to. Everyone watch your step please. 

If you want to treat this like the Stuff comments section then may I suggest you go there.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Hard News wrote:

I don't like  modding and I am finding I need to. Everyone watch your step please. 

If you want to treat this like the Stuff comments section then may I suggest you go there.

Out of interest, why did you remove my post?

Early retirement
over 17 years

It's being reviewed.  Some of the mods think it crosses a line we'd prefer not to have debated on here.

It may be unhidden but probably not.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I don't like  modding and I am finding I need to. Everyone watch your step please. 

If you want to treat this like the Stuff comments section then may I suggest you go there.

Out of interest, why did you remove my post?

Probably because they did not agree with you.  PC

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

What I don't understand is your statement about divide and conquer, because your entire post was about listing groups and divisions. 

I'm not going to spoon feed you, you will just have to live with the fact that there are some things you don't understand :D

I don't understand because it makes no sense... One side divides, the other side looks to unite. Looking at your post and all the divisions that you list shows what side you're on. Your world view is of one divided, not the people who are arguing against you.

My personal view is that our tribalism is outdated and is slowly evolving away. I also think that the concept of nation state has passed it's use by date and is redundant. We shouldn't have borders at all...

Also, saying you prefer Putin to Trump... There's strong evidence that Putin has organised for the murder of dozens of people, including the orchestration of fake terrorist strikes as he was coming into power. I've spent a fair amount of time in Russia and the people love him, but he's not a good man and is far more dangerous than Trump.

over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

And that is where this diversity stuff is missing the point. They should work more on encouragement than enforcement, then maybe they wouldn't make so many enemies for themselves

The only "enemies" that Caroline is seemingly making are apparently old white men who aren't the target clientele of their bar at all.

Are the views of "Old white males" not important or not worth anything?

To Caroline, who don't attempt to market themselves to that demographic? Probably not.

But I thought the policy was solely aimed at "encouraging diversity"? Now it's a marketing ploy directed at the bar's target demographic? 

Which is it?

Do you actually know or are you just arguing for your own point with anything you can grab at?

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

It's clear people go into an article looking to be offended and cherry pick what they read to back up their agenda. Happens when reading posts as well.

It's impossible to deal with people who are so emotional and I vote we stop this as it just goes in circles and has been the same argument for weeks. Pretty soon it will devolve into name calling, posts will get removed, it will stop and then some other article will appear that will rile up the perpetually offended anti "pc" brigade.

Rince, repeat.

This is the common tool people with these opinions use. As soon as the argument gets difficult to justify, then the people on the other side are bigots, nazis, emotional, or just "old white men". Despite the total lack of emotion they were showing up until this point, they're branded as emotional and apparently the conversation should be shut down.

I don't think anyone went into the article "looking to be offended". In fact I don't think anyone has said they were offended at all, they have just expressed their disagreement. Claiming the opposite side of an argument are "easily offended", or "snowflakes" etc, is another tool used by the left and right in equal measure.

If there's one big credit due to "old white men", it's that they are not easily offended compared to the younger demographics, that's for sure.

P.S. I am 36, so honestly not sure where I fit in these demographics! 

The Special One
over 17 years

It's almost as if there are forum rules which these posts breach.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Hard News wrote:

I don't like  modding and I am finding I need to. Everyone watch your step please. 

If you want to treat this like the Stuff comments section then may I suggest you go there.

Out of interest, why did you remove my post?

Probably because they did not agree with you.  PC

I disagree (yet am not hiding the post). It doesn’t happen. It’d be a boring forum if it did!

Early retirement
over 17 years

Right. I am going to type this once and will not enter debate on this.

These are primarily a football forum. We let some not football slide in because life gets a bit mental if all you do is live and breath football.

At the same time plenty of journalists and other people visit this forum and find content here. If they find something that could be termed objectionable, that could be used to make a tabloid headline "Yellow Fever welcome our new Insect overlords" then they will not be afraid to use it and the people they will be asking for comment aren't the people hiding behind avatars and usernames on here. It will be the people on the 'about yellow fever' page and who's names are registered with the name Yellow Fever.

Based on this (and there is history in this area) we will sometimes make decisions that people will write off as 'PC gone mad' or censorship, these are private forums and we have the right to manage the content on them. It's clearly something we don't do lightly because in this thread alone there are personal insults to the moderators of these forums and some quite frankly embarrassing generalisations about the people who keep the Fever running that have been left alone.

There are plenty of other forms of Social media where you can debate your political views be they that Stalin sold out to the religious right or that Donald Trump has really helped capture the left wing voters of rural Texas, feel free to take it there.

I don't need to be on the front page of the Herald.

The Fever's token Elderly White Male.

and 4 others
over 17 years

Baiter wrote:

Newsflash: It's no longer 1960. People other than "old white fellas" are now entitled to an opinion.  

There were thousands of years where they were the only opinions that mattered.  Bad luck being born into the first era where everyone gets a voice.

Revisionist history.

Google 1969 mate.

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

What I don't understand is your statement about divide and conquer, because your entire post was about listing groups and divisions. 

I'm not going to spoon feed you, you will just have to live with the fact that there are some things you don't understand :D

I don't understand because it makes no sense... One side divides, the other side looks to unite. 

Quotas and discriminatory policies do not unite. History shows it. Over and over again. 

It should be about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

Why do we hear all these principals espoused as if they can only produce positive results? Where is the evidence? 

All these policies do is divide, and make us all very aware of the differences between us, which is the opposite of what we're trying to achieve.

The links Patrick posted to show the work being done to encourage males in nursing and early childhood care are VERY GOOD. They are investing money into finding out why males are not doing these things, and what they can do to support them. So they are helping them to achieve EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY. If they succeed, we will get the right balance in those roles, whatever that might be - we don't actually know. What they are NOT doing is setting an arbitrary number of nurses or early-childhood positions that have to be male. That would be enforcing EQUALITY OF OUTCOME.

I don't understand why people continue to fail to recognise this critical difference in approach. 

Patrick's post showed the opposite way of doing things, from what the Caroline Bar are doing, and is the right way to go, in my opinion. 

Yes Ryan, the free market has failed to achieve a diverse outcome in a lot industries, but the approach you're suggesting is wrong and dangerous in my opinion. No where in the world has a country prospered from enforced, discriminatory policy, ever. There are other ways to do it, and Patrick's post in your support is not actually an agreement with you, it shows a different and better way. I wish they would report that stuff more often rather than some lame bar policy. 

about 17 years

Old White fellas? Please explain. I believe we are to be referred to as "Elders". Perhaps we should form a new political group.......






or S.P.E.R.M for short. Mods, feel free to delete if you wish. Just trying to lighten it up a bit.

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Things that make you go hmmmm