Things that make you go hmmmm

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First Team Squad
about 17 years

The whole study is rather useless in a social/moral aspect as it is based on what is and what isn't offensive and that is very subjective and nothing to do with science:

Research from the University of Queensland, Australia, showed the frontal lobe – which is involved in regulating our thoughts – gets smaller as we age.

This means elderly people may lose their ability to censor inappropriate thoughts, making them more likely to vocalise offensive viewpoints.

For example if an elderly black person drops the N-bomb thats seen as ok within their social milieu

But if 70 year old white person drops the out!

the n-bomb is alive in wanganui, i was reffing a game at the social rebel league on saturday when i heard a commotion on the next field over there was a guy going off yelling and screaming then pulled his shirt off walked angrily to his car did a massive burnout and left. after my game had finished i went over and talked to a couple of my mates who were playing in the game.the guy got tackled/fouled in the first half, then at half time told his team mates he was going to get the guy in the second half. early in the second half he got tackled again by a different player but the same race. he proceeded to try and start a fight with the guy who tackled him, when he realised he would probably lose the fight he backed off and yelled out for everyone to hear that the guy was a n-bomb, repeated it a couple of times. all the other players from both teams at this stage told him to fudge off and never come back. one person walked over to him and told him he was out of line and should give the person he abused an apology, his response to this was spitting on that person and then walked off and did his burnout to show his penis size and hopefully never to be seen again.

about 17 years

Holy crap, for real? Bang out of order.

One in a million
over 17 years

holeinone wrote:

The whole study is rather useless in a social/moral aspect as it is based on what is and what isn't offensive and that is very subjective and nothing to do with science:

Research from the University of Queensland, Australia, showed the frontal lobe – which is involved in regulating our thoughts – gets smaller as we age.

This means elderly people may lose their ability to censor inappropriate thoughts, making them more likely to vocalise offensive viewpoints.

For example if an elderly black person drops the N-bomb thats seen as ok within their social milieu

But if 70 year old white person drops the out!

the n-bomb is alive in wanganui, i was reffing a game at the social rebel league on saturday when i heard a commotion on the next field over there was a guy going off yelling and screaming then pulled his shirt off walked angrily to his car did a massive burnout and left. after my game had finished i went over and talked to a couple of my mates who were playing in the game.the guy got tackled/fouled in the first half, then at half time told his team mates he was going to get the guy in the second half. early in the second half he got tackled again by a different player but the same race. he proceeded to try and start a fight with the guy who tackled him, when he realised he would probably lose the fight he backed off and yelled out for everyone to hear that the guy was a n-bomb, repeated it a couple of times. all the other players from both teams at this stage told him to fudge off and never come back. one person walked over to him and told him he was out of line and should give the person he abused an apology, his response to this was spitting on that person and then walked off and did his burnout to show his penis size and hopefully never to be seen again.

You might have to not have a 'rebel' league! Well done everyone for telling him to f off.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

If you don't like the forum rules feel free to go elsewhere. Posting again and again questioning and criticising the mods and the rules will only earn you a ban. 

This really isn't that difficult folks.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

holeinone wrote:

The whole study is rather useless in a social/moral aspect as it is based on what is and what isn't offensive and that is very subjective and nothing to do with science:

Research from the University of Queensland, Australia, showed the frontal lobe – which is involved in regulating our thoughts – gets smaller as we age.

This means elderly people may lose their ability to censor inappropriate thoughts, making them more likely to vocalise offensive viewpoints.

For example if an elderly black person drops the N-bomb thats seen as ok within their social milieu

But if 70 year old white person drops the out!

the n-bomb is alive in wanganui, i was reffing a game at the social rebel league on saturday when i heard a commotion on the next field over there was a guy going off yelling and screaming then pulled his shirt off walked angrily to his car did a massive burnout and left. after my game had finished i went over and talked to a couple of my mates who were playing in the game.the guy got tackled/fouled in the first half, then at half time told his team mates he was going to get the guy in the second half. early in the second half he got tackled again by a different player but the same race. he proceeded to try and start a fight with the guy who tackled him, when he realised he would probably lose the fight he backed off and yelled out for everyone to hear that the guy was a n-bomb, repeated it a couple of times. all the other players from both teams at this stage told him to fudge off and never come back. one person walked over to him and told him he was out of line and should give the person he abused an apology, his response to this was spitting on that person and then walked off and did his burnout to show his penis size and hopefully never to be seen again.

You might have to not have a 'rebel' league! Well done everyone for telling him to f off.

the fees to play in the rebel league are only $30 for the season only downfall is there are only 4 teams this year so you play the same team every 3 weeks, but it is very social and most of them play for the beers afterwards.

over 13 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

If you don't like the forum rules feel free to go elsewhere. Posting again and again questioning and criticising the mods and the rules will only earn you a ban. 

This really isn't that difficult folks.

I take it that the guy whom fits the stereotype of Christchurch has been banned?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Tegal wrote:

Don’t personally care what your views are. This isn’t some conspiracy concocted to silence your views and your views alone. It’s insulting you’d even say that, and honestly you’re views aren’t that special. 

It’s because on any given page of a thread you involve yourself in, half of the posts are yours. You dominate a thread to the point that nobody else can be bothered posting, this is a clear case of thread domination and something we obviously want to discourage. The forums aren’t here to be your echo chamber, you’ve been warned about this a few times and we’ve been very clear about it.

If we were censoring your opinions we’d just flat out hide your posts. But that doesn’t happen. Instead you are sent a reminder not to dominate threads, and you publicly respond that you are being censored because of your views...ok mate. 

As I said in my defence: if people post a question directed at me in a thread then I will reply. Lots of questions being put directly to me means lots of replies in return. It does not mean thread domination.

If I was filling up a thread with a conversation with myself then you would have a point but I am not: I am partaking in a conversation with others and I am sticking to forum rules because I am simply responding to posts directed at me.

If I am guilty of "thread domination" by your standards then so are a few other posters in this thread too because the have showed the same posting behaviour as myself

Did they get a warning as well?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

If you don't like the forum rules feel free to go elsewhere. Posting again and again questioning and criticising the mods and the rules will only earn you a ban. 

This really isn't that difficult folks.

I take it that the guy whom fits the stereotype of Christchurch has been banned?

Jury's out on that one mate.

Disclaimer: I am simply replying to a post in this thread that is about myself and I am not seeking to dominate this thread.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And we are moving on. 

I have my finfer over the hide button from now on. 

Woof Woof
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

And we are moving on. 

I have my finfer over the hide button from now on. 

That's an interesting name for it.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Got to be awkward in the work place having your finfer out.

about 17 years

Maybe it is a "pet" name that his other half gave it?

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

This is my covfefe moment 

over 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

And we are moving on. 

I have my finfer over the hide button from now on. 

Is that the same as hitting someone/thing with your handbag.
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

2ndBest wrote:

And we are moving on. 

I have my finfer over the hide button from now on. 

sounds good to me

But you might want to get that finfer looked at by your local doctor as sounds like a worrying condition 

One in a million
over 17 years

We need a FINFER button beside the THIS

over 11 years

Guys draped in the cross of St George still bellowing fan songs outside the Fox 5 hours after game ended.

One in a million
over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Guys draped in the cross of St George still bellowing fan songs outside the Fox 5 hours after game ended.

Remember, NZ is quite a few hours ahead of England!
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Well guys there's lots I would love to discuss with you, but mods and those who complain to the mods wanting certain posters shut down, have basically killed this thread by limiting what can and can not be discussed on it.

I have received a truly charming warning which basically sets me up to be banned if I dare to step outside of this YF OT directive.

Maybe Phill Goff is one of the mods on here? Who knows. I would be thrilled to discuss further but hey that's life in 1984, eeerr I mean 2018.

***disclaimer: this post is not a personal attack directed at anyone nor an attempt at thread domination. It is a simply observation and explanation as to why I won't be posting much in here anymore.****

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over 17 years
over 17 years

I have been assured via DM by a moderator that I am not being censored or having my posts hidden, and that I am open to speak about "things that make you go hmmm".

So, a thing that makes me go hmmm... Trump receiving much flak for going strong on NATO members and asking them to meet their obligation of 2% of GDP spending on defense. I'm no fan of defense spending, or Trump, or NATO for that matter, but it's funny when you look at what previous politicians had to say... like Obama in a speech in Germany in 2016;

"And that's why every NATO member should be contributing its full share - 2 percent of GDP - towards our common security, something that doesn't always happen. And I'll be honest, sometimes Europe has been complacent about its own defense."

So I guess the democrats up in arms about this are only unhappy that he tweets it in all caps or something? The actual message is 100% fine?

It's a bizarre world we live in. 

over 13 years

Well guys there's lots I would love to discuss with you, but mods and those who complain to the mods wanting certain posters shut down, have basically killed this thread by limiting what can and can not be discussed on it.

I have received a truly charming warning which basically sets me up to be banned if I dare to step outside of this YF OT directive.

Maybe Phill Goff is one of the mods on here? Who knows. I would be thrilled to discuss further but hey that's life in 1984, eeerr I mean 2018.

***disclaimer: this post is not a personal attack directed at anyone nor an attempt at thread domination. It is a simply observation and explanation as to why I won't be posting much in here anymore.****

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All I can say in response is since I have been on this forum for  the last few years I have never received a dm from a mod with a charming warning.

Neither I imagine have 99.9 per cent of posters.

Sometimes one must look at themselves in the mirror and go "hmmmmmmm"

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Well guys there's lots I would love to discuss with you, but mods and those who complain to the mods wanting certain posters shut down, have basically killed this thread by limiting what can and can not be discussed on it.

I have received a truly charming warning which basically sets me up to be banned if I dare to step outside of this YF OT directive.

Maybe Phill Goff is one of the mods on here? Who knows. I would be thrilled to discuss further but hey that's life in 1984, eeerr I mean 2018.

***disclaimer: this post is not a personal attack directed at anyone nor an attempt at thread domination. It is a simply observation and explanation as to why I won't be posting much in here anymore.****

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All I can say in response is since I have been on this forum for  the last few years I have never received a dm from a mod with a charming warning.

Neither I imagine have 99.9 per cent of posters.

Sometimes one must look at themselves in the mirror and go "hmmmmmmm"

"If you smell shark everywhere you go, check the bottom of your own shoe"
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I'm done with this thread. People can't be adults.

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Things that make you go hmmmm