Things that piss you off... (Part 1)

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about 17 years
People that say "'would of" instead of "would have"

or type 'your' when sometimes it really should be 'you're'

and people that make quote marks with their fingers when they are talking.
Early retirement
over 17 years
over 17 years

I'm to embarrassed to say what I thought you were talking about... 
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Stop you're whining.

Chuggers... Hate 'em.
You mean like the obsticle course you have to negotiate when going into Pak N Save or Countdown?? If I gave $1 to every "Chugger" every day, I'd be owing money.
Another thing that pisses me off is the "Celebrities" on TV trying to get you to sponsor some child overseas. In their position I just wonder how many children they themselves sponsor. Anyone know how many kids Lucie (Still a babe though) Lawless or Judy Bailey sponsor??
First Team Squad
over 17 years
The chuggers (excellent term BTW) at traffic lights with their brightly coloured buckets and matching tees piss me off no end. We had some lifeguards organisation here in West Auckland in the weekend just gone, coimng up to yoiur window when you were stopped at the lights. I bet these bastards are the first to complain when some unemployable sap with a squeegee and some soapsuds starts accosting their windshield.
And you're right LG, the "celebrities" who use their status to emotionally blackmail you into giving money that supposedly goes to help little Mutandagayi in Ethiopia with his education. Bet it doesn't.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Greenpeace. I hate the horrible soggy hippies with clipboards who attempt to molest you on Queen St to support their "land rights for gay whales" viewpoint on how we should  all live our lives. When I insult them (as I invariably do) they come out with some sh*t like "Don't you care about the environment?". I usually respond with "Yes, but I care not for your organisation's eco-warrior like attitude and assumption that what they are doing is supporting the viewpoint of us all."
They I normally tell them to f**k off home and have a bath.
TheJam2008-08-20 12:26:20
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
You've forgotten the lesbian,bisexual,transgendered,indigenous,diasbled whales.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

when i get assaulted by a chugger i usually say "sorry im a student with a loan" and they let me go. the other day a guy kept hassling me, so i kindly asked him if i have to borrow money each week to live, how am i in a position to give any of it away? he kept going so then i told him to F off.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
The other day I told some door-knocking Seven Day Cyclists that I couldn't talk to them as I was in the middle of a sacrifice. They scuttled off sharpish.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
charity begins at home!!
people who put things like this on trade me
are you stupid or what!!!!!!
people who stop for a pedestrian at a roundabout halfway round while there is a queue of cars behind them.......oh you would be amazed how many times this happens when I'm walking my dog and waiting to cross the road!
Starting XI
about 16 years
TheJam wrote:
The other day I told some door-knocking�Seven Day Cyclists that I couldn't talk to them as I was in the middle of a sacrifice. They scuttled off sharpish.

I tore the book of Mormon up infront of them once (the Mormons not the sevenths). That worked.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Answer the door naked... watch them run.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
or just get a big black mad dog who barks at everything
Starting XI
about 16 years
Hard News wrote:
Answer the door naked... watch them run.

and ask...."Are you here for the orgy?"
Starting XI
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
People.  Just people.
Oh and Britain winning loads of gold medals at the Olympics, but doing it in elite sports that require a large amount of technology so the third world can't compete (sailing, cycling, rowing, horse riding etc etc)

Graeme Obree made his bicycle out of washing machine parts, so perhaps not so historically an 'elite' sport!.

Also Golds in Rowing (which you never hear the end of in NZ Olympic effort), Swimming and Athletics.

Anyway - most Scots can't run as fast as Kenyans, so now point trying to compete against them in a foot race is there!
over 17 years
Gangsta! wrote:
Hard News wrote:
Answer the door naked... watch them run.

and ask...."Are you here for the orgy?"

Or look disappointed and say "Not again! I specifically asked for two women! Ah well, get in and get your kit off..."
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Real Estate agents.

Says me, who's considering a business partnership with an Australian ex-RE agent

Starting XI
over 17 years

A friend and I once made a Mormon cry after letting her in to talk to us and then rubbishing their entire belief system, we felt guilty but it was for her own good. (this was during our Uni days and we were both doing religious studies alongside our anthropology papers so we knew more about her religion than she did)

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Weather forecasters, I'm fed up with wearing my snow shoes all week in the sun!
Starting XI
about 16 years
People who have children in prams and proceed to push the child onto the road so they can see past parked cars if traffic is coming. It's just stupidity beyond measure.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Traffic in NZ being allowed to turn left into a pedestrian crossing showing the green man. So ridiculously stupid, how hard can it be just to have a left turn filter on the traffic light, and have pedestrians wait a wee bit longer
Starting XI
almost 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

A friend and I once made a Mormon cry after letting her in to talk to us and then rubbishing their entire belief system, we felt guilty but it was for her own good. (this was during our Uni days and we were both doing religious studies alongside our anthropology papers so we knew more about her religion than she did)

You do realise that doing that 'for her own good' is pretty much the same thing as them doorknocking.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

A friend and I once made a Mormon cry after letting her in to talk to us and then rubbishing their entire belief system, we felt guilty but it was for her own good. (this was during our Uni days and we were both doing religious studies alongside our anthropology papers so we knew more about her religion than she did)

You do realise that doing that 'for her own good' is pretty much the same thing as them doorknocking.
Good point CL, as much as I don't like saying it.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Preachy Athiests (worse than preachy religious-types IMO).

And Supre, especially their shirts that rip off 'Frankie Says Relax'.
Critical_Lemon2008-08-20 17:54:00
First Team Squad
over 17 years
I consider myself to be an agnostic. This is generally a good thing because people will either leave me alone (cos at least I'm not claiming to be an atheist) or have no idea what an agnostic is. And I like being a great unknown.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

A friend and I once made a Mormon cry after letting her in to talk to us and then rubbishing their entire belief system, we felt guilty but it was for her own good.

You do realise that doing that 'for her own good' is pretty much the same thing as them doorknocking.

Not quite - she came to their house to talk about it.
They weren't going to her house.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Chuggers in Wellington are fine, as long as you don't make eye contact.
It's the ones in London you have to beware of ...
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Nah, the London ones are easy Bevan... now the Taihape ones...

about 17 years
Peter montgomery, Keith Quinn & John Mcdwarf are currently pissing me off. Come back Tony Veitch. (But you're not forgiven for your actions)
Starting XI
about 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Peter montgomery, Keith Quinn & John Mcdwarf are currently pissing me off. Come back Tony Veitch. (But you're not forgiven for your actions)

People who don't understand the concept of Innocent until proven guilty.
about 17 years
I was referring to his treatment of the Phoenix on the radio & TV actually.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Peter montgomery, Keith Quinn & John Mcdwarf are currently pissing me off. Come back Tony Veitch. (But you're not forgiven for your actions)
Not to mention Peter Williams. It really shows what a backward organisation TVNZ are when it comes to sport and being able to judge what people actually want in the coverage; four presenters with the combined age of Stonehenge.
And before anyone mentions that Williams was a last minute replacement for He Who Cannot Be Shamed, I know that. Willimas isn't really all that bad. The problem is really the other three clowns that LG mentioned.
Starting XI
over 17 years
TheJam wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:
Peter montgomery, Keith Quinn & John Mcdwarf are currently pissing me off. Come back Tony Veitch. (But you're not forgiven for your actions)


Not to mention Peter Williams. It really shows what a backward organisation TVNZ are when it comes to sport and being able to judge what people actually want in the coverage;�four presenters with the combined age of Stonehenge.

And before anyone mentions that Williams was a last minute replacement for He Who Cannot Be Shamed, I know that. Willimas isn't really all that bad. The problem is really the other three clowns that LG mentioned.

Agree they have been pretty foul but it seems they have been dealing with some pretty average coverage from the host broadcaster, so my thing is the directors of the olympic coverage
over 17 years
Something that has been infuriating me of late are those shows like 'target' and 'what's really in your food?'.  I can not stand it when people bend over backwards to look for inconsistencies in businesses etc, so frustrating.  I'd rather be ripped off by them rather than have to see the adverts for such shows all over TV (ripped off only a little bit though).
over 17 years
Individuals in todays youth who act like they have a problem with the police and law enforcement in general when they haven't even spoken to a policeman let alone been arrested.

And 'gangsta's' from middle to upper class families.
Starting XI
over 17 years
People that find it amusing to dilly dally and f**k about in aisles on planes... keeping everybody waiting. WHY DO THESE PEOPLE ALWAYS SIT AT THE FRONT? If you want to check every pocket in your bag, to see if anythings missing (ALTHOUGH U SAT NEXT TO UR BAG THE WHOLE FLIGHT AND NOONE HAS TOUCHED IT) Please wait until the end so you dont hold everybody up!!

Or, alternatively, pay for the persons parking ticket who is picking us up, thankyou.
Starting XI
about 16 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Individuals in todays youth who act like they have a problem with the police and law enforcement in general when they haven't even spoken to a policeman let alone been arrested.

And make up bullsh*t stories about how all cops are the real criminals because they supposedly beat there mate up in an alley when the mate had done "nothing"

People who say things like "ftp" (f**k the police) are just retards, ask them why they think "ftp" and you won't get a straight answer because they have no reason except they think it makes them look cool when it makes them look stoopider than a Tard.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Gangsta! wrote:
...stoopider than a Tard.

I lol'ed at that.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Gangsta! wrote:
TheJam wrote:
The other day I told some door-knocking Seven Day Cyclists that I couldn't talk to them as I was in the middle of a sacrifice. They scuttled off sharpish.

I tore the book of Mormon up infront of them once (the Mormons not the sevenths). That worked.
I was at a mates house,and the mormons turned up,got told to send them away because she HATES talking to random strangers. So naturally i invited them in (they actually did seem shocked),i was very nice,took the bible,and even invited them back the next day.  my mate wasnt very happy with me!
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Things that piss you off... (Part 1)