Things that piss you off...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years


Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Every sodding meeting at work going over time by an average of half an hour. Almost have to block out the next half hour to an hour on your calendar as you know you most likely won't be available. Almost have to block out time as unavailable so you can get some work done too! Then there's "have you got 5 minutes?" just as you're opening up your lunch also turning into 45 minutes.

Well be a man and tell people to stop organizing fr8ing meetings? 

You realize that people like you are why we are fudgeed as a planet?

Idiots who don't actually have proper jobs but moan about other people who have even more pointless jobs making meetings.

Managers of this, Supervisors of that, boring sharkty jobs that don't mean anything. 

ffs. Go and do something worthwhile ffs.

I love "just opening up your lunch" - god almighty look at yourself.

tell us about something that pisses you off FT
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

that's Saint FT to you. 

over 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Every sodding meeting at work going over time by an average of half an hour. Almost have to block out the next half hour to an hour on your calendar as you know you most likely won't be available. Almost have to block out time as unavailable so you can get some work done too! Then there's "have you got 5 minutes?" just as you're opening up your lunch also turning into 45 minutes.

Well be a man and tell people to stop organizing fr8ing meetings? 

You realize that people like you are why we are fudgeed as a planet?

Idiots who don't actually have proper jobs but moan about other people who have even more pointless jobs making meetings.

Managers of this, Supervisors of that, boring sharkty jobs that don't mean anything. 

ffs. Go and do something worthwhile ffs.

I love "just opening up your lunch" - god almighty look at yourself.

brilliant. Bold part made me lol.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Bit harsh when it was just a light hearted post about a trivial annoyance, which I thought this thread was about. But never mind.

about 15 years

Farking drivers who don't indicate.  Seriously, it's not that farken hard to show what you intend to do with your car!

almost 13 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Every sodding meeting at work going over time by an average of half an hour. Almost have to block out the next half hour to an hour on your calendar as you know you most likely won't be available. Almost have to block out time as unavailable so you can get some work done too! Then there's "have you got 5 minutes?" just as you're opening up your lunch also turning into 45 minutes.

Well be a man and tell people to stop organizing fr8ing meetings? 

You realize that people like you are why we are fudgeed as a planet?

Idiots who don't actually have proper jobs but moan about other people who have even more pointless jobs making meetings.

Managers of this, Supervisors of that, boring sharkty jobs that don't mean anything. 

ffs. Go and do something worthwhile ffs.

I love "just opening up your lunch" - god almighty look at yourself.

Things that piss me off - this response ^

What's all this "people like you are why we are fudgeed as a planet" bullshark? One guy complains about his work being annoying and all of a sudden he's responsible for the woes of the planet?

As for "Go and do something worthwhile ffs." - you mean like make ridiculously patronising and condescending posts to people in the off topic section of a football forum?

I usually like you on here FT, but I reckon this is way out of line .

and 1 other
Starting XI
almost 12 years

Bet you anything he only has some similarly pointless job working under a manager/supervisor too tbh. 

Chant Savant
over 17 years

ajc28 wrote:

Bet you anything he only has some similarly pointless job working under a manager/supervisor too tbh. 

Self Employed

almost 16 years

I thought it was brilliant. 

It comes close to FT's War Thunder smack talk.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

C-Diddy wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Bet you anything he only has some similarly pointless job working under a manager/supervisor too tbh. 

Self Employed

Fair enough then.

Starting XI
over 10 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Every sodding meeting at work going over time by an average of half an hour. Almost have to block out the next half hour to an hour on your calendar as you know you most likely won't be available. Almost have to block out time as unavailable so you can get some work done too! Then there's "have you got 5 minutes?" just as you're opening up your lunch also turning into 45 minutes.

Well be a man and tell people to stop organizing fr8ing meetings? 

You realize that people like you are why we are fudgeed as a planet?

Idiots who don't actually have proper jobs but moan about other people who have even more pointless jobs making meetings.

Managers of this, Supervisors of that, boring sharkty jobs that don't mean anything. 

ffs. Go and do something worthwhile ffs.

I love "just opening up your lunch" - god almighty look at yourself.

Fortean - you're either a Government worker or a Tradie.

about 15 years

Or that post was so cerebral that it went over most peoples heads....

I took it as a very sarcastic response and typical of what... well TwitS would say to something like that.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Or that post was so cerebral that it went over most peoples heads....

I took it as a very sarcastic response and typical of what... well TwitS would say to something like that.

I thought the same thing initially, but now I'm wondering if he had his ponytail pulled in a meeting once and now can't face them.

about 17 years

Just finding out my neices place in Hastings has been cleaned out by burglers as she is in Rotorua helping with her grandfather's funeral. Whoever did it I hope has very bad karma coming their way. Friggen cnut/s.

about 17 years

The unbelievably sh*tty unstable internet that this country has to offer. F*ck me yes NZ is great but by god the internet here is f*cking unreal. 

Vodaphone: 45mins to talk to anyone, then a "hmm I need to put you through to level 2 support" I get put on hold and gave up after an hour.

about 17 years

I am seriously looking at changing to Trust Power, they do broadband and telephone too. Currently Vodafone and Genisis. Anyone got any views on Trust Power?

Starting XI
over 14 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

The unbelievably sh*tty unstable internet that this country has to offer. F*ck me yes NZ is great but by god the internet here is f*cking unreal. 

Vodaphone: 45mins to talk to anyone, then a "hmm I need to put you through to level 2 support" I get put on hold and gave up after an hour.

The wait times to get hold of someone on customer service is horrendous. (Vodafone & Spark both generally), I've found contacting them through Social Media (Facebook or Twitter), email or online service (Both on Website/Contact Us) gets a quicker first up response, and they can actually fix most things, or log it as a job with the higher level straight away. 

PS. Gutted about your unstable internet, but on that is there a recurring time/event that it drops at, or is it just random dropping?

about 15 years

People who put the minimal amount of effort at work, fudge up, generally add nothing to the company and get promoted.

about 17 years

People who put the minimal amount of effort at work, fudge up, generally add nothing to the company and get promoted.

I know a fèw like that. 

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

I thought it was brilliant. 

It comes close to FT's War Thunder smack talk.

No I'd just been shot in the back of the head in DayZ whilst drinking from a water pump. The guy that did it was probably in a meeting too. Cowardly f*cker. 

about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

I thought it was brilliant. 

It comes close to FT's War Thunder smack talk.

No I'd just been shot in the back of the head in DayZ whilst drinking from a water pump. The guy that did it was probably in a meeting too. Cowardly f*cker. 

I do hate meeting whingers though and those passive aggressive folk who won't tell people to stick to a time frame, but will moan about them after the meeting.

There is a truckload of stuff on the net about chairing meetings. It's easy once you've done it a few times. You set an agenda and how much time you have for each item. You ask people to move on or stop talking if they go over time or drift off topic. 

Once people accept you as the chair and meetings get more productive, they'll run themselves with very little input from the chair.

The same goes for "have you got five minutes?" I don't mind people running over time with me, that's cool but if you aren't cool with it then tell them they've gone over time - it's that simple.

I'm pleased that Ajc28 wants to do some work, hell there's a lot of people who praise the lord they get paid to sit around doing very little in meetings all day. 

If you get p*ssed off with the way things are at your job and you don't feel up to challenging the way things are move on. 

And yes I think we are a poorer society where people have stopped doing and making things but just sit around all day talking crap as that's what are a lot of meetings involve.

 When I watch Eggheads and someone says "I'm a blah, logistics, blah human resources, blah, blah, de blah manager, blah leader". I wonder what value their job provides for anyone and if their job disappeared tomorrow would anyone notice? 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

good of you to take time away from building an orphanage with your bare hands and heading cancer research to tell everyone how worthless you think they are. 

about 17 years

JonoNewton wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

The unbelievably sh*tty unstable internet that this country has to offer. F*ck me yes NZ is great but by god the internet here is f*cking unreal. 

Vodaphone: 45mins to talk to anyone, then a "hmm I need to put you through to level 2 support" I get put on hold and gave up after an hour.

The wait times to get hold of someone on customer service is horrendous. (Vodafone & Spark both generally), I've found contacting them through Social Media (Facebook or Twitter), email or online service (Both on Website/Contact Us) gets a quicker first up response, and they can actually fix most things, or log it as a job with the higher level straight away. 

PS. Gutted about your unstable internet, but on that is there a recurring time/event that it drops at, or is it just random dropping?

Random dropping, deffo worse at high peak times.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

if you're not happy with broadband in this country, move on. 

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

good of you to take time away from building an orphanage with your bare hands and heading cancer research to tell everyone how worthless you think they are. 

I don't think people are worthless but I think a lots of the jobs they do are but I don't think people should define themselves by their work.

I've heard lots of people over the years talk gleefully that they didn't do any work and just pratted around or in this day an age pratted about on the net.  Either that or just go on about the pointless meetings they attend yet never do anything to challenge it but moan about it all the same.

I'm honest about it. I'm just saying what millions of people think around the world, every day they go to work.

almost 16 years

Tegal wrote:

if you're not happy with broadband in this country, move on. 

haaaarsh! :-)

about 15 years
Destruction of the English language. Text speak really sharks me and life is not a game of Wheel of Fortune where I need to buy a vowel to understand what you mean. Cell phones have advanced quite a bit now. You can also qthrow into that phrases like 'noms', 'early doors' and 'for mine'
First Team Squad
over 14 years

Executions and Earthquakes - these also go in the things that make me sad catergory

this is a suck ass week

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

if you're not happy with broadband in this country, move on. 

Please tell me how to achieve Zen-like grace when you've been stuck on hold for an hour and a half then Tegal? If you can you'll make a fortune.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

"move on...its that simple" - ForteanTimes 

almost 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Tegal wrote:

if you're not happy with broadband in this country, move on. 

Please tell me how to achieve Zen-like grace when you've been stuck on hold for an hour and a half then Tegal? If you can you'll make a fortune.

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Tegal wrote:

if you're not happy with broadband in this country, move on. 

Please tell me how to achieve Zen-like grace when you've been stuck on hold for an hour and a half then Tegal? If you can you'll make a fortune.


Was going to go into battle today, and try the Jono's approach, but somethings come up.

about 17 years

I see those cnuts at the petrol companies have stuck petrol up a further 3 cents a litre today. Ironically the oil price per barrel has changed sweet FA over the last month and the $$$ has remained stable. Greedy friggen bastards. (Include the Govt in that after all, they grab 65% of the per litre price).

almost 13 years

Being a reasonably fit and active 30 year old with the left knee of an obese 80 year old

almost 15 years

Being a reasonably fit and active 30 year old with the left knee of an obese 80 year old

know what you mean. I had both knees replaced at 45 after numerous bouts of surgery. Surgeon reckoned my knees looked like they were those of a 85 year old down hill skier who had had a car crash !
almost 13 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Being a reasonably fit and active 30 year old with the left knee of an obese 80 year old

know what you mean. I had both knees replaced at 45 after numerous bouts of surgery. Surgeon reckoned my knees looked like they were those of a 85 year old down hill skier who had had a car crash !

The human knee is a great argument against intelligent design... 
almost 16 years

sun burn

Red raw after uvb treatment today

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Getting kicked out by City - the most mediocre team to have ever played in the A-League.

Things that piss you off...

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