Things that piss you off...

almost 16 years

Murray and Ferrier are yes.

over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Frankie Mac wrote:

I am so disappointed when I see a new entry into this thread from C-Diddy, open it, and discover that it is not about the water cooler at work.

Funny you should mention it...

No wonder there are so many issues with it - it is fudgeing horizontal. 

Starting XI
over 10 years

The nix making being a Warriors fan less painful.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

(some) Wellington Phoenix "Fans".

First Team Squad
about 17 years

the amount of spam in here this morning i guess all the mods are still asleep.

One in a million
over 17 years

A very clever spam bot to nail all the threads. Brighter cousin of Feverbot?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Being called "selfish" for suggesting to her indoors that I might enjoy a few hours of peace and quiet one evening by going out at taking photographs of the summer sunsets.

One in a million
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Being called "selfish" for suggesting to her indoors that I might enjoy a few hours of peace and quiet one evening by going out at taking photographs of the summer sunsets.

Lol, it would be even more selfish if you hadn't thought to suggest it!

over 17 years

Minus 37c fells like -49c. 

about 17 years

If you ever wondered why TV, especially Tv 2 & TV 3 and reality shows are killing it, then blame these two. The mut on the left is is the one that continually comes out with crap reality copies of of overseas reality crap. The clown on the right is the ceo for TV 3.

These two should be sent to Syria and have their passports cancelled on the grounds of being traitors to the common good and intelligence of average New Zealanders.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

people who buy things off you on trade me who then decide they cannot be bothered paying or getting hold of you for 8 days and then wonder why you are pissed off with them, they also sold some things during that 8 day period and had no problem contacting the people that owed them cash.

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

If you ever wondered why TV, especially Tv 2 & TV 3 and reality shows are killing it, then blame these two. The mut on the left is is the one that continually comes out with crap reality copies of of overseas reality crap. The clown on the right is the ceo for TV 3.

These two should be sent to Syria and have their passports cancelled on the grounds of being traitors to the common good and intelligence of average New Zealanders.

Just don't watch them LG. The issue sadly is that the pond of this country will.

about 17 years

Fortunately, I don't now.

about 17 years

Dee McMahon - drank about 6 bottles of wine on top of tramadol and codiene. The next day goes for a 120kmh spin on his bike through wellington with some young chick on the back of his bike and both are killed.

I'd sort of get this if he'd been in his late teens or early twenties and was a young Twit, we've all done stupid things when we were young, but the guy was 49 ffs.

What was he thinking?

about 17 years

The Jones transfer saga. WTF were the NZF thinking when letting the only person whom knew how to data enter their transfer applications, leave the job on the Friday before a public holiday with the Transfer corridor finishing on the following Wednesday. And they didn't think to train someone BEFORE the person left the post? Friggen amateurs on professional wages.

Chant Savant
over 17 years


Grrrr Farken!

Starting XI
over 10 years

A bunch of people who lifted a rare baby dolphin out of the ocean so they could take photos with it and it died fro being out of the water too long.

I fudgeing hate people sometimes.

about 17 years

yep, saw that on facebook too. Disgusting behaviour.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Regardless of what's said at midday, the FFA. Cods.

almost 13 years

Assembling flatpack furniture. Seriously, are 6 different sizes of screw necessary for a functioning chest of drawers?

about 17 years

Housing New Zealand

I rang them at 09:20am this morning, followed the instructions and proceeded to wait exactly 1 hour "On Hold" before I hung up. Why did I stay on the phone so long? To prove a point. We were asked to ring them on behalf of someone and I was returning a call. 

Now I know Vodafone, Telecon Spark & IRD suck for phone service but Housing really take the cake. They wonder why the people ringing them appear so hostile?? Perhaps less fudgeing them around might help create a nicer rapore between Client & Department.

Starting XI
about 15 years

Socceroos playing games against Greece and England and our team gets to go on a training camp

about 17 years

But dont worry, Andy Martin has it under control and some excellent staff working for him......

over 16 years

Mum always told me that if I go for a run I should take my eftpos/credit card with me in case of emergency and I guess as a sort of form of ID (this bit doesn't piss me off, it's perfectly logical)

I am yet to find a pair of running/gym pants that have a pocket big enough to fit my card in. They're always fractionally too small and I spent ages trying to fit my card in (eventually it works but it's a struggle).

Stupid running pants.

over 11 years
I <3 Nix wrote:

Mum always told me that if I go for a run I should take my eftpos/credit card with me in case of emergency and I guess as a sort of form of ID (this bit doesn't piss me off, it's perfectly logical)

I am yet to find a pair of running/gym pants that have a pocket big enough to fit my card in. They're always fractionally too small and I spent ages trying to fit my card in (eventually it works but it's a struggle).

Stupid running pants.

remember bum-bags?

NB My father said in WW11 in Burma he used to always carry a razor blade behind his hat-band, in case of snake-bite.

almost 14 years

I <3 Nix wrote:

Mum always told me that if I go for a run I should take my eftpos/credit card with me in case of emergency and I guess as a sort of form of ID (this bit doesn't piss me off, it's perfectly logical)

I am yet to find a pair of running/gym pants that have a pocket big enough to fit my card in. They're always fractionally too small and I spent ages trying to fit my card in (eventually it works but it's a struggle).

Stupid running pants.

How long are you running for? I tend to have my phone in one of those arm bands and can fit cards in there. Otherwise if I'm wearing a camelback theres room for a phone and a couple of cards.

over 16 years

Ryan wrote:

I <3 Nix wrote:

Mum always told me that if I go for a run I should take my eftpos/credit card with me in case of emergency and I guess as a sort of form of ID (this bit doesn't piss me off, it's perfectly logical)

I am yet to find a pair of running/gym pants that have a pocket big enough to fit my card in. They're always fractionally too small and I spent ages trying to fit my card in (eventually it works but it's a struggle).

Stupid running pants.

How long are you running for? I tend to have my phone in one of those arm bands and can fit
cards in there. Otherwise if I'm wearing a camelback theres room for a phone and a couple of cards.

If I'm going for a short run (which is the norm at the moment) I don't take my phone with me so don't have the arm band..
almost 14 years

I'd be bored sharkless.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

TTPYO: Arsenal.

about 17 years

Is a camel back anything like a camel toe?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Is a camel back anything like a camel toe?

about 17 years

JFC? Excuse my ignorance. What is that Jesus F----n Christ?

about 17 years

And now for some egotisitical I am a super star but was not treated like a god - Lewis Hamilton. Super ego with an attitude apparently. Sadly was not bowed and scraped over, so Auckland Casino now sucks. Poor Lewis, how sad.

Rules are rules Lewis - NO Hats, NO Sunglasses and NO cellphones on at the Tables.

almost 14 years

Do we know what happened? There is speculation perhaps he was wearing a hat or taking a selfie while at a table but that is just speculation, and I'm sure there would have been a polite word and not something to set off a twitter storm if that was the case. 

I'm not a fan of the guy, in fact I used to kind of support Mclaren because of the NZ link but I stopped completely when Lewis was there as he was such a nob, but the abuse that he's getting on twitter where people are gloating that he's a spoilt brat just reads of tall poppy syndrome and is kind of an embarrasing way to treat someone who is a guest in our country.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ryan wrote:
 where people are gloating that he's a spoilt brat just reads of tall poppy syndrome and is kind of an embarrasing way to treat someone who is a guest in our country.

Unless he is just being a spoiled brat, then its a spoiled brat.  If some rich guy was a guest in my house then tweeted about how I gave him the worst service ever because we didn't allow the TV to be on between 6 and 6:30 and I said he was a spoiled brat, that's not being a bad host or tall poppy syndrome, that's just calling shark out for shark.

I hate the way tall poppy syndrome is over used these days.  Can't criticize something someone did if they have been successful in other fields without it being tall poppy syndrome (a.k.a jealousy).

almost 14 years

The tall poppy syndrome is alive and well, it's just a nicer way to say envy.

I was talking specifically about what people were tweeting him. Lots of spoiled brat, and poor little rich boy comments. The man is 31 for fudges sake. 

I too don't like it when people become arrogant and abuse their positions or look down on people, and that's one of the good things about NZ not many people have that innate sense of superiority that you see in other countries. But I don't mind it if someone is successful, and he's been working since the age of 6 to be where he is. 

We don't know the reasons behind the tweet, and the fact that he pulled it down shortly after posting it probably means that he changed his mind about whether or not that was appropriate. So for dozens of people to hound the guy seems a bit of an overreaction, especially based on a lack of evidence and pure conjecture. 

I also tweet complaints, and review places. Nobody hounds me, people were attacking him specifically because he is wealthy and famous, and for no other reason than that. Hence envy, hence tall poppy syndrome.

As I said above, I'm not a fan of the man - I prefer to support more working class teams (if you can call any team in F1 working class) like Williams than the sort of team that Hamilton drives for, he always struck me as a bit of a arrogant git.

about 17 years

Sorry, I was going on what was stated on Stuff. Although not completely reliable, it is more so than Twitter. And the report mentioned the atire he was wearing. By the way, we save our Tall Poppy stuff soley for successful New Zealanders or their spoiled brat sons that live off Daddys money.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ryan wrote:

The tall poppy syndrome is alive and well, it's just a nicer way to say envy.

I was talking specifically about what people were tweeting him. Lots of spoiled brat, and poor little rich boy comments. The man is 31 for fudges sake. 

I too don't like it when people become arrogant and abuse their positions or look down on people, and that's one of the good things about NZ not many people have that innate sense of superiority that you see in other countries. But I don't mind it if someone is successful, and he's been working since the age of 6 to be where he is. 

We don't know the reasons behind the tweet, and the fact that he pulled it down shortly after posting it probably means that he changed his mind about whether or not that was appropriate. So for dozens of people to hound the guy seems a bit of an overreaction, especially based on a lack of evidence and pure conjecture. 

I also tweet complaints, and review places. Nobody hounds me, people were attacking him specifically because he is wealthy and famous, and for no other reason than that. Hence envy, hence tall poppy syndrome.

As I said above, I'm not a fan of the man - I prefer to support more working class teams (if you can call any team in F1 working class) like Williams than the sort of team that Hamilton drives for, he always struck me as a bit of a arrogant git.

"I too don't like it when people become arrogant and abuse their positions or look down on people, and that's one of the good things about NZ not many people have that innate sense of superiority that you see in other countries. But I don't mind it if someone is successful, and he's been working since the age of 6 to be where he is."

That's the great that he's achieved that.  But if he is going to talk shark to a lot of people about an establishment supporters of said establishment are going to call him out on it.

Being a dick is being a dick, if you are rich or not.

You are right that its pure conjecture but seem to be supporting it regardless of the outcome by saying anyone criticizing him for his comments has tall poppy syndrome.

So hypothetically if he acted like a petulant child and said he had never been treated so badly to all of his twitter followers because Sky City asked him to follow the rules of the establishment, you are saying its tall poppy syndrome for saying he's acting like a child for acting like a child.

I read on stuff that was the reason before seeing it was a theory.  Others may have missed the theory bit.  I would say it's websites like Stuff's fault for propagating that crap before getting facts.

"I also tweet complaints, and review places. Nobody hounds me, people were attacking him specifically because he is wealthy and famous, and for no other reason than that. Hence envy, hence tall poppy syndrome."

Are you sure they were specifically hounding him for being rich and famous? so If he hadn't sent that tweet then he would have received the same tweets? Or did they hound him specifically for sending that tweet?  And is the rich and famous the reason a) it was in the news b) more people read it and c) it had potential to cast a NZ establishment in a negative light, potentially unfairly to a wide audience?

Also if you are going to compare the tweet you send vs the tweet he sent I assume that your tweet was a headline news article and to about the same number of followers and had about the same number of retweets.

The reason I specify that is because if I hounded him but not you, but I follow him, and not you, then your reasoning would mean I am suffering from tall poppy syndrome because I tweeted at a person who is famous, but didn't tweet at a person who I didn't know exists.  which makes no sense.

"he always struck me as a bit of a arrogant git."

Did you call everybody else who has been an arrogant git ever an arrogant git?  If not by your definition your suffering from tall poppy syndrome.

These days Tall Poppy Syndrome is heavily used to criticize people who criticize famous people.

It should mean your actions are caused by you disliking them BECAUSE they are famous.  But its commonly used for people criticizing famous people even when the criticism is for their actions, not because they are wealthy.

\Rant (sorry but buzzwords being overused out of context these days to undermine people opinions really grinds the shark out of my gears).

over 17 years

The obsession with famous people.

almost 14 years


We don't know what happened, I'm reasonably certain if it was something as simple as someone politely telling him that it was against the rules to take photos in the Casino then he wouldn't have tweeted anything, he was probably in the high rollers area anyway. He's been in trouble before - I was at the F1 in Melbourne when he was arrested for doing a burnout for fans while leaving the race track, he didn't complain about not being treated like a superstar then. 

Who knows or even cares what happened - but people are making negative assumptions which are directly influenced by his wealth, fame, and also by his appearance and mannerisms. The truth is apart from saying that a place that we all know has bad customer service has bad customer service he has said nothing but positive things about NZ.

He's been pursuing a racing career since he was 6 years old, it's taken a life time of hard work and dedication, as well as talent to get where he is. I can think he's a git - but I'm not going to tweet him that I think he's a spoiled brat or post negative assumptions all over social media. Being the sort of person that I wouldn't want to have a beer with is different from me judging him.

The people who are complaining about his behaviour are treating him worse than what they accuse him of doing. It's this mindless, herd like, mass mob bullying that is one of the worst things about the internet.

For the record, I don't care that he's famous or what he's doing. I just don't like the way people react on mass with little or no provocation on the internet. It also happens to non celebrities and has led to many suicides and lives ruined.

Things that piss you off...

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