Things that piss you off...

Chant Savant
about 17 years

What really fudges me off about this is not that the Saudis didnt observe the minute silence but more that the media agencies who give zero fudges about football all year are running with the story and sharing the opinionsnof fudgewits who I have little respect for like Derryn Hinch

almost 15 years

Kosta Barbarouses 

about 17 years

Farmers rorting the immigration system, at the same time complaining that Kiwi's are lazy and feckless and don't want to work.

almost 14 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Farmers rorting the immigration system, at the same time complaining that Kiwi's are lazy and feckless and don't want to work.

Surviving on a farm in Mid-Canty is not for sissies, eh.

But at least the Speights Bar in Timaru has Midnight Special on tap, the best dark Pale Ale I've had in years.

Beats the expensive "White Rabbit" I had in Sydney last month hands down.

almost 14 years

Mainland FC wrote:

aitkenmike wrote:

Farmers rorting the immigration system, at the same time complaining that Kiwi's are lazy and feckless and don't want to work.

Surviving on a farm in Mid-Canty is not for sissies, eh.

But at least the Speights Bar in Timaru has Midnight Special on tap, the best dark Pale Ale I've had in years.

Beats the expensive "White Rabbit" I had in Sydney last month hands down.

IPAs piss me off make some other beer styles please. If I was setting up a microbrewery the last thing I'd do is put out five IPAs. More nz sours please. 

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

I think panhead might be rethinking the sours approach...

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Panhead have been pissing me off lately. Never in stock, then when did finally get some stock, there was a massive recall. 

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

To be fair though the recall is just that the flavour profile isn't what they want to have out on the shelves. It's not dangerous or anything. 

I prefer this approach to what others have done in the past (i.e. try and say "no, no... nothing sour or wrong in our beers").

They'll be back stronger than before. 

I made this mistake as a homebrewer and fudgeed up with Brettanomyces. I love Orval but I don't want every beer tasting like a Brett beer after a couple of weeks.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

yeah tasted one of the recalled beers, wasn't great, very bad after taste. weirdly some people didn't even notice it - must have thought it was supposed to taste like that!

Am wondering if Panhead are at that craft beer crossroads where lion will want them to up production to meet demand, but won't want to do so at expense of creativeness and flavour. 

almost 14 years

I wonder how the bacteria got into their system, they said that it was a harmless bacteria that is used in sour beers so they must have been brewing sours in the same facility. Most breweries that do sours have equipment completely isolated from the main brewery. Garage Project actually built a new brewery in town just for this sort of thing.

Hopefully panhead has done or will do a proper sour.

almost 15 years

My partner is the Marketing Manager for a large liquor retailer. Panhead called them and said that in making the Supercharger, it had crossed with the sour brew so the flavour profile was not as per label, remove it from the shelf and keep it for yourself or give to staff. I had a couple last night and it was ok but I do like a sour beer. I think I have more cases coming home tonight. Essentially there is nothing wrong with it other than not tasting as per label.

Edit - in fact I would argue it tastes better. I would also recommend avoiding the Garage Project ‘Jameson’s infused’ beer. It’s good for cleaning toilets and that’s about it.

Chant Savant
about 17 years

Chris Kerr wrote:

My partner is the Marketing Manager for a large liquor retailer. Panhead called them and said that in making the Supercharger, it had crossed with the sour brew so the flavour profile was not as per label, remove it from the shelf and keep it for yourself or give to staff. I had a couple last night and it was ok but I do like a sour beer. I think I have more cases coming home tonight. Essentially there is nothing wrong with it other than not tasting as per label.

Edit - in fact I would argue it tastes better. I would also recommend avoiding the Garage Project ‘Jameson’s infused’ beer. It’s good for cleaning toilets and that’s about it.

I remember a night when I was younger when I had consumed large amounts of Jamiesons and beer and I can inform you tge resulting mix in my stomach did not infuse to make a good toilet cleaner, quite tge opposite actually.

almost 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Chris Kerr wrote:

My partner is the Marketing Manager for a large liquor retailer. Panhead called them and said that in making the Supercharger, it had crossed with the sour brew so the flavour profile was not as per label, remove it from the shelf and keep it for yourself or give to staff. I had a couple last night and it was ok but I do like a sour beer. I think I have more cases coming home tonight. Essentially there is nothing wrong with it other than not tasting as per label.

Edit - in fact I would argue it tastes better. I would also recommend avoiding the Garage Project ‘Jameson’s infused’ beer. It’s good for cleaning toilets and that’s about it.

I remember a night when I was younger when I had consumed large amounts of Jamiesons and beer and I can inform you tge resulting mix in my stomach did not infuse to make a good toilet cleaner, quite tge opposite actually.

Spray painting the Royal Dalton?

Chant Savant
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Chris Kerr wrote:

My partner is the Marketing Manager for a large liquor retailer. Panhead called them and said that in making the Supercharger, it had crossed with the sour brew so the flavour profile was not as per label, remove it from the shelf and keep it for yourself or give to staff. I had a couple last night and it was ok but I do like a sour beer. I think I have more cases coming home tonight. Essentially there is nothing wrong with it other than not tasting as per label.

Edit - in fact I would argue it tastes better. I would also recommend avoiding the Garage Project ‘Jameson’s infused’ beer. It’s good for cleaning toilets and that’s about it.

I remember a night when I was younger when I had consumed large amounts of Jamiesons and beer and I can inform you tge resulting mix in my stomach did not infuse to make a good toilet cleaner, quite tge opposite actually.

Spray painting the Royal Dalton?

It was more like pebble-crete on the porcelein

Phoenix Academy
over 7 years

The secret life of pets.

almost 17 years

I got a cheap bottle of stout-seasoned Jameson, and it's not bad.

almost 13 years

Anthony Hudson

almost 17 years

The boys are up for it, they are not afraid....cliche after cliche after cliche Mr Hudson.

almost 15 years

I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about the America's cup. And being made to feel bad that I'm not gripped by cup fever like everyone else.

almost 13 years

I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about the America's cup. And being made to feel bad that I'm not gripped by cup fever like everyone else.

You'll probably appreciate this:
almost 14 years

I've been enjoying it - but then I grew up on the water. I especially like the fact that the races have been on immediately after the last couple of All Whites games therefore going some way to erase my disappointment. If anything it proves that NZ can actually do things competently on the international stage if well organised.

over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

I've been enjoying it - but then I grew up on the water. I especially like the fact that the races have been on immediately after the last couple of All Whites games therefore going some way to erase my disappointment. If anything it proves that NZ can actually do things competently on the international stage if well organised.

What people forget is that NZ has one of the highest Yacht ownership rates in the world. Throw in a bunch of crew for each yacht and suddenly you have a sharkload of people with more than a passing interest (especially in Akld - it is not called the city of sails for nothing).

Throw in with that, the fact that NZ is actually pretty damn good at sailing, across all classes, which means we win - a lot -  and suddenly you have a pretty sizeable bandwagon. Are some people over the top about it? Yes, but that is NZers, whatever the sport happens to be. Just remember we enjoyed the same sort of Bandwagonning here 7 years ago (shark is it that long ago?) and we would all desperately love for that bandwagon to roll back into town once more.

I enjoy it a lot, I am constantly amazed at what these sailors and designer are doing. I do a lot of sailing and I am gobsmacked that a boat can be made to move at four times the speed of the wind that is driving it. That just defies all the laws of physics that I know. And doing 80 or 90 K/ph in a yacht just blows my mind

The guys on the boat are elite athletes. It is no longer a sport for 60 year old pot bellied men.

almost 14 years

Those yachts go so fast that they couldn't source chase boats that were quick enough and had to get custom boats built with 4x 300HP outboards just to keep up with what those yachts do with wind.

It's a facinating sport and to me seems like the ideal mixture of high technology and human skill.

over 14 years
Ryan wrote:

Those yachts go so fast that they couldn't source chase boats that were quick enough and had to get custom boats built with 4x 300HP outboards just to keep up with what those yachts do with wind.

It's a facinating sport and to me seems like the ideal mixture of high technology and human skill.

and witchcraft. Lots of witchcraft.
almost 15 years

I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about the America's cup. And being made to feel bad that I'm not gripped by cup fever like everyone else.

You'll probably appreciate this:

That was a good read, thanks ConanTroutman

almost 17 years

I've always found it dead boring but you two have piqued a renewed interest

Early retirement
over 17 years

NZ football grovelling at the feet of Putin.  Fudge. That. Shark.

almost 17 years

Listening to Hudson spewing forth with cliche after cliche.

Chant Savant
about 17 years

The fudgeing ad on TV with the Ostrich stumbling upon a pair of VR goggles and teaching itself how to fly.

So much to hate about this commercial, but nothing moreso than the fact they used Elton John's " Rocket Man" as their choice of music. I mean have they even bothered to listen to the words to tje song? They know its not about flying, but space travel?

Fudgeing stupid cods

almost 17 years

Younger Football Managers like Hudson, Sherwood, Shaun Derry, etc. always fiddling with themselves on the touchline, chewing gum, gobbing and wearing tight suits, (always a size too small), with jumpers over the top.

I get that if you are running around like a maniac for 90 minutes you need to get rid of phlegm like the actual players on the pitch need to. But football managers?  

If I'm in a tense meeting at work I don't start waving my arms about, grabbing my crotch and gobbing on the floor, (well not often anyway). 

It should be a bannable offense. Except you get the same a carry on in the stands. 

The only thing worse is Gary Megson's constant cow-like lowing. 

One in a million
over 17 years

Having a friggin virus that just keeps hanging on. Nose blowing. Coughing.

about 8 years

Always having to be the away side in the FFA Cup.

almost 15 years

Jaume wrote:

Always having to be the away side in the FFA Cup.

Miramar might have a mortgage on that position....
One in a million
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jaume wrote:

Always having to be the away side in the FFA Cup.

Miramar might have a mortgage on that position....

I hope they qualify

over 11 years

southern England sea temperatures continuing 17 degrees minus.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Having your car reprocessed because a previous owner had a debt registered to it!

PPSR checks found nothing as it had so many rego changes.

So Pissed off right now

First Team Squad
over 8 years

Getting snow in your gloves whilst Snowboarding/Skiing

Chant Savant
about 17 years

Sandfly bites all over my legs. 

Itchy. As. Fudge!

almost 17 years

Use Maple syrip Coops. The ensuing Ants will keep the sandflies away.

almost 17 years

Getting a stone in your shoe when you're out running. Very annoying.

Things that piss you off...

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