Things that piss you off...

about 17 years

St Pierre's Sushi.

French name, Japanese food. 

It's just weird. 

almost 14 years

I think that started as a French cafe and then introduced sushi to the nz market from a corner of their store.

over 17 years

paulm wrote:

St Pierre's Sushi.

French name, Japanese food. 

It's just weird. 

Lovely sushi though.

almost 14 years

I actually find the sushi pretty mediocre.

almost 14 years

Resenes ColorShop it's spelt colour...

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

I actually find the sushi pretty mediocre.

Their sushi is average. Much better sushi available from places like TJ Katsu and the holy grail of Wellington sushi, Sushi B.
Early retirement
over 17 years

St. Pierres started as a fishmongers/seafood deli.

about 17 years

Yea it's a bit of a McDonalds of sushi really. Handy and reliably consistent, but if you want the good stuff, you'll find somewhere better. 

over 6 years

I just woke up tired and engry so everything piss me off now

Starting XI
about 7 years

School shootings.

Another one in the USA, this time in Parkland, Florida. More dead than Columbine. About a dozen school shootings in the USA ALREADY THIS YEAR. This one particularly affected me because my best friend is in his last year of school in Florida, about an hour away from the site of the shooting.

Fudges me up how young life can be lost so senselessly, and it's offensive how little the US government cares about this

about 17 years

"thoughts and prayers".  Fudge off.

about 17 years

Love the Onion headline. 

"No way to prevent this, says only nation where this regularly happens"

almost 14 years
Early retirement
over 17 years

That "people" is perhaps the greatest whoosh of all time.  Went over his head like a shot at a Phoenix keeper.

almost 17 years

I saw something on Facebook that had stats. I think about 9 American people were killed by ISIS and over 11, 000 killed by fellow Americans with guns in America.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I saw something on Facebook that had stats. I think about 9 American people were killed by ISIS and over 11, 000 killed by fellow Americans with guns in America.

The stats on the whole thing are just mental.

The biggest one for me - USA has less than 5% of the worlds population but has more than 40% of the worlds guns.

over 16 years

people who think New Zealand is part of Australia 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

melbel wrote:

people who think New Zealand is part of Australia 

please don't tell FFA that we aren't
over 16 years
Starting XI
over 11 years

Went to the T20 in Hamilton on Sunday night and went to get a drink from the bar. They had EFTPOS but it was not for paying, it was only for withdrawing cash at a $2 surcharge so you could then pay. Seems a bit of a scam. If they bother to have EFTPOS there why not just let you pay that way?

almost 17 years

Just read on 'Stuff" about that pedo that got 32 years. In the article it described a couple of his wishes that want me to hope that some slowly does exactly the same thing to him. I am quite angry about this guy. He doesn't deserve anything nice ever!

Starting XI
over 11 years

Trying to pay for parking at Westpac Stadium. It's pretty random as to which machine is actually working on any particular day and you would usually have to try at least 3.

Starting XI
about 10 years

ajc28 wrote:

Trying to pay for parking at Westpac Stadium. It's pretty random as to which machine is actually working on any particular day and you would usually have to try at least 3.

Is it a Wilson Carpark?

Starting XI
over 11 years

No I think it's Care Park.

Starting XI
about 10 years

ajc28 wrote:

No I think it's Care Park.

Shame - ParkMate app that Wilson use is fantastic. No need to use the parking machine at all

Starting XI
over 11 years

Yeah have used the Wilson one a lot. Care do have one although it didn't work when I tried to use it so just deleted it. I don't drive into work that often anyway so not a big deal, just on the odd occasion I need go somewhere straight after work and it's easier to have the car then having to bus home first.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

I'd like to know which part of "the problem with Singh is that if he gets a corner he'll build a dairy on it" is the funny bit?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

I'd like to know which part of "the problem with Singh is that if he gets a corner he'll build a dairy on it" is the funny bit?

It is an old joke. 

Have you ever taken any notice of the very friendly, hardworking people that run the majority of dairies in NZ, or the cornershops in UK?

Apparently not!

Starting XI
about 10 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

I'd like to know which part of "the problem with Singh is that if he gets a corner he'll build a dairy on it" is the funny bit?

It is an old joke. 

Have you ever taken any notice of the very friendly, hardworking people that run the majority of dairies in NZ, or the cornershops in UK?

Apparently not!

And once again, my comment has been taken out of context. You were singing “We all dream of a team of Sarpreet Singh’s”. 

My comment was made after you had stopped singing. It appeals to my sense of humour. Obviously not to yours, which is fine. 

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

Not even close - the worst of several threats you made was when you said you "would stop [me] breathing if you felt like it". 

Feel free to re-write history to try and cover yourself in glory but the only person remembering anything you did or said as just a few "jokes" is you.

almost 14 years

Sounds more entertaining than Martin Devlin at least. But seriously, look at the various reactions and see who really is the snowflake.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Offence is taken, it is not given. 

Are YOU  aware of all of the suffering people have gone through their whole lives?

Have you been subjected to prejudice?

Have you ever watched a comedy performance?

Are you saying that I’m the strong & tough one?

First Team Squad
over 8 years

Christ, what a fudgeing shark storm

First Team Squad
over 9 years

Right then, Kiwi Hatter.

I did take offence, because I've spent a fair bit of my life where blokes like yourself have first used something that's a part of me, of who I am, as an insult to be thrown at others. Same blokes who've insulted me using the same attitude you have, same blokes who've tried to give me a hiding, or chucked rocks at me.

I'm not letting you do that, even if we do support the same football team. You've got no idea who, around you, heard you say that and thought 'fudge, is that where we are with the fever then?' or 'I'm not going to say anything, I've had enough of that sharke thrown at me'.

You just wanted a cheap joke, hahahahahha gay. Hahahahahhahahahaha. Gay.

I'm not laughing, and like I said to you Saturday - if I hear someone in a crowd I'm in going off like that, I will always make sure I go and tell them that it's not acceptable, and it's not on. 

Because, like I said, just letting it slide means that other people might think that it's ok - even those who spend their lives dealing with the real consequences and prejudices of not being straight.

Your 'you took offence' line is you not being able to handle someone calling you out for something. For all the bluster, you prefer to rag on those you reckon are weaker or easier targets - hahaha, gay - haahahahaha, corner shops.

You're too old for me to tell you to grow up, so I won't.

Oh, and... would you say what you said about Sarpreet to his face, or were you doing it to amuse yourself?


and 2 others
about 17 years

So racism is only racist if someone from the race is listening and homophobic comments are only homophobic if someone gay is there to take offence?

Top hot take there

First Team Squad
over 9 years

TBH, if you can't enjoy yourself in a football crowd without a bit of homophobia or casual racism, it's not the football or the crowd that's the real problem.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Offence is taken, it is not given. 

Are YOU  aware of all of the suffering people have gone through their whole lives?

Have you been subjected to prejudice?

Have you ever watched a comedy performance?

Are you saying that I’m the strong & tough one?

1. That's the war-cry of the alt-right. Shifting blame to the blameless

2. I'm not always aware of the suffering but then, I don't go out of my way to say horrible things and if I do inadvertently, I apologise for it and learn from it.

3. Yes

4. Yes. You're not a comedian. People choose to go and watch comedians, people don't choose to go to a football game to listen to your awful rhetoric.

5. I'm saying you seem to perceive yourself that way, especially physically. I'm saying that cracking jokes about vulnerable people is weak.

Any other questions? I'm happy to continue pointing out why you're a horrid person.  

Things that piss you off...

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