Things that piss you off...

Starting XI
about 17 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Offence is taken, it is not given. 

Are YOU  aware of all of the suffering people have gone through their whole lives?

Have you been subjected to prejudice?

Have you ever watched a comedy performance?

Are you saying that I’m the strong & tough one?

1. That's the war-cry of the alt-right. Shifting blame to the blameless

2. I'm not always aware of the suffering but then, I don't go out of my way to say horrible things and if I do inadvertently, I apologise for it and learn from it.

3. Yes

4. Yes. You're not a comedian. People choose to go and watch comedians, people don't choose to go to a football game to listen to your awful rhetoric.

5. I'm saying you seem to perceive yourself that way, especially physically. I'm saying that cracking jokes about vulnerable people is weak.

Any other questions? I'm happy to continue pointing out why you're a horrid person.  

You obviously know me so well. 

Rascism is an abomination, but certain rascism is totally accepted by the Yellow Fever, & probably yourself, when you chant some of the rascist chants you do ( but let’s not dwell on that because it doesn’t fit your argument!)

You saying I perceive myself as “strong & tough”, I don’t, it’s YOU that has perceived that!

Vulnerable people are not weak. Weak people are vulnerable, there is a significant difference!

If I have offended anyone (which I obviously have), I do not regret anything I have said. The thing that pisses me off is when people follow the herd, & take everything literally, when a joke is made, the bleeding heart PC brigade are offended on behalf of others!

Sticks & Stones............etc. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

Not even close - the worst of several threats you made was when you said you "would stop [me] breathing if you felt like it". 

Feel free to re-write history to try and cover yourself in glory but the only person remembering anything you did or said as just a few "jokes" is you.

I obviously didn’t feel like stopping you breathing, did I ?

That is totally different from me saying “I WILL stop you breathing”!!

Misinterpretation pisses me off. 

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years
about 17 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

Not even close - the worst of several threats you made was when you said you "would stop [me] breathing if you felt like it". 

Feel free to re-write history to try and cover yourself in glory but the only person remembering anything you did or said as just a few "jokes" is you.

I obviously didn’t feel like stopping you breathing, did I ?

That is totally different from me saying “I WILL stop you breathing”!!

Misinterpretation pisses me off. 

KH - I'd stop posting if I was you. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

What if I’m offended by that?

about 17 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

What if I’m offended by that?

It's a bit different than threatening violence though. 

KH see my above post.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Offence is taken, it is not given. 

Are YOU  aware of all of the suffering people have gone through their whole lives?

Have you been subjected to prejudice?

Have you ever watched a comedy performance?

Are you saying that I’m the strong & tough one?

1. That's the war-cry of the alt-right. Shifting blame to the blameless

2. I'm not always aware of the suffering but then, I don't go out of my way to say horrible things and if I do inadvertently, I apologise for it and learn from it.

3. Yes

4. Yes. You're not a comedian. People choose to go and watch comedians, people don't choose to go to a football game to listen to your awful rhetoric.

5. I'm saying you seem to perceive yourself that way, especially physically. I'm saying that cracking jokes about vulnerable people is weak.

Any other questions? I'm happy to continue pointing out why you're a horrid person.  

You obviously know me so well. 

Rascism is an abomination, but certain rascism is totally accepted by the Yellow Fever, & probably yourself, when you chant some of the rascist chants you do ( but let’s not dwell on that because it doesn’t fit your argument!)

You saying I perceive myself as “strong & tough”, I don’t, it’s YOU that has perceived that!

Vulnerable people are not weak. Weak people are vulnerable, there is a significant difference!

If I have offended anyone (which I obviously have), I do not regret anything I have said. The thing that pisses me off is when people follow the herd, & take everything literally, when a joke is made, the bleeding heart PC brigade are offended on behalf of others!

Sticks & Stones............etc. 

  • Do you know the people you are abusing well enough? Do you know how your comments may affect them?
  • No racism is acceptable. Zero. The behaviour we ignore is the behaviour we accept.
  • You are on here physically threatening people. How else can that be perceived?
  •  I implied it was weak by you - nothing about them.
  • Follow the herd? Racism follows the herd, picking on minorities follows the herd. You're the sheep in this situation - sick group mentality.
Starting XI
about 17 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

LeighboNZ wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:


We are football fans !!!

Not snowflakes or precious, sensitive millennials!

Dave Richardson & Patrick Barnes in particular. Grow a pair & don’t try to defend me to the club. 

I converse enough with the club, without your cocksuckng PC weaknesses!!

I respond to this only because I'm sure some of you had seen this post and similar abuse before it has been hidden and since I'm mentioned by name I'm going to address it. There's every chance a mod will choose to delete my post too - but I quote the original post for context even though it is quite clearly against the rules.

I would like to state I'm more than happy to have my name associated with calling out some of the behavior seen yesterday. 

Racism and homophobia directed at our players and nearby fans, followed by aggression and threats of physical violence towards fellow fans are not part of being a 'football fan'. Nor is finding such actions offensive and unnecessary  "PC bullshark".

Such actions are not a thing I want to see becoming part of what the Yellow Fever stands for. 

I have no intent of defending your actions yesterday to the club, in fact quite the opposite, I condemn them wholeheartedly. 

People misrepresenting their ignorant, drunken abuse as a crusade against "PC gone mad" is what pisses me off.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. 

It’s funny how you mention context, the racism you talk of, was a very old joke, about India playing in the World Cup, said in response to a chant, you were singing. The homophobia you talk of was a single comment, that a gay supporter took offense to, not aimed at him but he took offense to to it. The “threat of physical violence” was when you claimed I had grabbed you aggressively, when I was trying to get your attention, my response was “IF I had wanted to grab you aggressively, you would have known about it”. 

I have many friends who are from many different ethnic backgrounds, along with many gay friends, who know that I am neither homophobic or racist, but as I mentioned above, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion  

I have never asked you to defend any action of mine to the club, but according to Patrick, you have done so! That was your choice, & something that I would have requested you, not to have done, I am able to communicate with the club directly, as is EVERY other supporter, I  do not need your assistance doing that  

To clarify my point. What pisses me off, is Caucasian, (presumably) Heterosexual, snowflakes taking offense at jokes. 

Good job I didn’t have a laugh at the disabled that were sitting behind us, or the kids & their families from RMH, you possibly would have self-combusted with rage!

This is awful.

  • Just because you didn't mean to offend anyone, doesn't mean people are not offended.
  • You call people a snowflake but the weaker action here is taking easy stereotyped pot-shots at people who are different from you, the stronger, tougher action that show ethics and courage is standing up to that kind of rubbish.
  • You don't know what suffering people may have been through at the hands of people throwing verbally abusive, bigoted comments around. While it's just a "small joke", imagine if you had that kind of abuse hurled at you throughout your life.

What pisses me off it supposedly "strong, tough blokes" using someone differences for cheap laughs. That's the weakest action of all and well all know that bullies are generally cowards.

Offence is taken, it is not given. 

Are YOU  aware of all of the suffering people have gone through their whole lives?

Have you been subjected to prejudice?

Have you ever watched a comedy performance?

Are you saying that I’m the strong & tough one?

1. That's the war-cry of the alt-right. Shifting blame to the blameless

2. I'm not always aware of the suffering but then, I don't go out of my way to say horrible things and if I do inadvertently, I apologise for it and learn from it.

3. Yes

4. Yes. You're not a comedian. People choose to go and watch comedians, people don't choose to go to a football game to listen to your awful rhetoric.

5. I'm saying you seem to perceive yourself that way, especially physically. I'm saying that cracking jokes about vulnerable people is weak.

Any other questions? I'm happy to continue pointing out why you're a horrid person.  

You obviously know me so well. 

Rascism is an abomination, but certain rascism is totally accepted by the Yellow Fever, & probably yourself, when you chant some of the rascist chants you do ( but let’s not dwell on that because it doesn’t fit your argument!)

You saying I perceive myself as “strong & tough”, I don’t, it’s YOU that has perceived that!

Vulnerable people are not weak. Weak people are vulnerable, there is a significant difference!

If I have offended anyone (which I obviously have), I do not regret anything I have said. The thing that pisses me off is when people follow the herd, & take everything literally, when a joke is made, the bleeding heart PC brigade are offended on behalf of others!

Sticks & Stones............etc. 

  • Do you know the people you are abusing well enough? Do you know how your comments may affect them?
  • No racism is acceptable. Zero. The behaviour we ignore is the behaviour we accept.
  • You are on here physically threatening people. How else can that be perceived?
  •  I implied it was weak by you - nothing about them.
  • Follow the herd? Racism follows the herd, picking on minorities follows the herd. You're the sheep in this situation - sick group mentality.

You are correct. 

This group does have a sick mentality (the bleeding heart, I’m a victim, mentality!!) hence the reason, very few people are on here, nowadays, compared to a few years ago (along with the under performance of the team & the under-performance of WELNIX, with regards to their commitment to Wellington!)

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I wasn't aware that "Australian" was a race.
over 17 years

Brilliant lunch time reading for Monday this last page and a half. Cheers lads!

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Great to see Kiwi Hatter bringing back this classic chant with a new twist.

almost 17 years

god that was a fantastic read - pity about the content

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

patrick478 wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I wasn't aware that "Australian" was a race.

If they're a race, they're losing it.

over 17 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I just read this thread and am firmly AGAINST KiwiHatter's opinions. I feel that the comments made at the game were entirely inappropriate, and I'm surprised and dismayed to see him doubling down in this thread. 

HOWEVER, you've got to say he's got a point with this. 

It is technically a racist chant is it not? 

And before someone tries again with the "australia is not a race" technicality, that's absolute rubbish sorry. It's entirely comparable to the Singh comment that was made, which was clearly putting all Indians in a generic box in order to produce the humour, in the same way the Australian chant is. 

The Australian one SEEMS less derogatory, and more humorous, but I can't actually see how it's much different in reality. 

The Special One
over 17 years

You could even call it xenophobic if you wanted to.

about 17 years

Sticks & Stones............etc. 

I used to say that Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me........................until I fell into a printing press

tradition and history
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I just read this thread and am firmly AGAINST KiwiHatter's opinions. I feel that the comments made at the game were entirely inappropriate, and I'm surprised and dismayed to see him doubling down in this thread. 

HOWEVER, you've got to say he's got a point with this. 

It is technically a racist chant is it not? 

And before someone tries again with the "australia is not a race" technicality, that's absolute rubbish sorry. It's entirely comparable to the Singh comment that was made, which was clearly putting all Indians in a generic box in order to produce the humour, in the same way the Australian chant is. 

The Australian one SEEMS less derogatory, and more humorous, but I can't actually see how it's much different in reality. 

Reality is that Australians are NOT a race.

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

All depends on if you view an old white dude tagging a young brown kid on the team he supports with some racially stereotypical language for his own brief sad amusement as the same as sledging every Aussie (or non-Aussie, given imports) on the opposition, regardless of ethnicity, with cheating at the game you're watching, doesn't it?

I reckon there's a difference between the two tbh. KH doesn't. But he would say that, wouldn't he?

almost 14 years

It's also reasonably ironic because half our team's Australian.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

It's also reasonably ironic because half our team's Australian.

That is probably why we are not winning.

almost 14 years

Yep, one thing that Herbert said that makes sense is that at some point the players need to step up and show that they want a professional team in NZ.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

That is probably why we are not winning.


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I just read this thread and am firmly AGAINST KiwiHatter's opinions. I feel that the comments made at the game were entirely inappropriate, and I'm surprised and dismayed to see him doubling down in this thread. 

HOWEVER, you've got to say he's got a point with this. 

It is technically a racist chant is it not? 

And before someone tries again with the "australia is not a race" technicality, that's absolute rubbish sorry. It's entirely comparable to the Singh comment that was made, which was clearly putting all Indians in a generic box in order to produce the humour, in the same way the Australian chant is. 

The Australian one SEEMS less derogatory, and more humorous, but I can't actually see how it's much different in reality. 


It’s a sporting fixture against an Australian side, where we perceive them to have just cheated in some way. 

Historically there is a friendly sporting rivalry between the two countries, the defining incident of which involved perceived cheating by the Australians. It’s basically just a reference to the under arm incident. 

I don’t think that’s even close to being the same as the Singh comment. 

It’s also not so much the comment that was made, but the aggressive reaction after someone pointed out that they found it offensive. 

over 13 years

That was an interesting read with hints of racism, violence and potentially even hooligisim. In Auckland of all places. 

But somewhat difficult to follow if one was not there 

Can someone who was there and is relatively impartial and sensible provide a summary of what actually happened?

Starting XI
about 17 years

Balbi wrote:

All depends on if you view an old white dude tagging a young brown kid on the team he supports with some racially stereotypical language for his own brief sad amusement as the same as sledging every Aussie (or non-Aussie, given imports) on the opposition, regardless of ethnicity, with cheating at the game you're watching, doesn't it?

I reckon there's a difference between the two tbh. KH doesn't. But he would say that, wouldn't he?

Ageist, Rascist & Sexist!

Come on cupcake, you can do better than that. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

paulm wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I just read this thread and am firmly AGAINST KiwiHatter's opinions. I feel that the comments made at the game were entirely inappropriate, and I'm surprised and dismayed to see him doubling down in this thread. 

HOWEVER, you've got to say he's got a point with this. 

It is technically a racist chant is it not? 

And before someone tries again with the "australia is not a race" technicality, that's absolute rubbish sorry. It's entirely comparable to the Singh comment that was made, which was clearly putting all Indians in a generic box in order to produce the humour, in the same way the Australian chant is. 

The Australian one SEEMS less derogatory, and more humorous, but I can't actually see how it's much different in reality. 


It’s a sporting fixture against an Australian side, where we perceive them to have just cheated in some way. 

Historically there is a friendly sporting rivalry between the two countries, the defining incident of which involved perceived cheating by the Australians. It’s basically just a reference to the under arm incident. 

I don’t think that’s even close to being the same as the Singh comment. 

It’s also not so much the comment that was made, but the aggressive reaction after someone pointed out that they found it offensive. 

So, Historical Rascism is OK?

(Will you delete this one as well?)

Starting XI
about 17 years

I get pissed off when Tegal claims that historical Rascism is ok, but then deletes my questioning if historical rascism is OK. 

Add Tegal to the list!

Starting XI
about 17 years

Balbi wrote:

Right then, Kiwi Hatter.

I did take offence, because I've spent a fair bit of my life where blokes like yourself have first used something that's a part of me, of who I am, as an insult to be thrown at others. Same blokes who've insulted me using the same attitude you have, same blokes who've tried to give me a hiding, or chucked rocks at me.

I'm not letting you do that, even if we do support the same football team. You've got no idea who, around you, heard you say that and thought 'fudge, is that where we are with the fever then?' or 'I'm not going to say anything, I've had enough of that sharke thrown at me'.

You just wanted a cheap joke, hahahahahha gay. Hahahahahhahahahaha. Gay.

I'm not laughing, and like I said to you Saturday - if I hear someone in a crowd I'm in going off like that, I will always make sure I go and tell them that it's not acceptable, and it's not on. 

Because, like I said, just letting it slide means that other people might think that it's ok - even those who spend their lives dealing with the real consequences and prejudices of not being straight.

Your 'you took offence' line is you not being able to handle someone calling you out for something. For all the bluster, you prefer to rag on those you reckon are weaker or easier targets - hahaha, gay - haahahahaha, corner shops.

You're too old for me to tell you to grow up, so I won't.

Oh, and... would you say what you said about Sarpreet to his face, or were you doing it to amuse yourself?


Ok Bambi, lets go through your points one by one. 

You take offence. I didn’t give it, YOU took it. 

Did I try to give you a hiding, or throw rocks at you?

There are much more thought provoking questions being asked about where the FEVER is!

Yes I did want a cheap joke, because the FEVER has become devoid of humour. 

Your acceptable, is not everyone’s acceptable. Deal with it. 

Others can form their own opinions, they don’t need bleeding heart liberals to tell them how they should react. 

You DID take offence. Others didn’t. I respect you for standing up for your opinions to be heard. 

I say what I want to, I don’t listen to numpties, who think they are in charge. 

You claiming I pick on easier targets, is your opinion (I know some gay guys who are definitely not easy targets!)

Calling me old, is Ageism, but apparently that’s ok! Me telling you to shut the FUCK up, apparently is not!

I like to amuse myself, & my comment was in direct reply to the FEVER ELITE singing we all want a team of Sarpreet Singhs. It was social commentary on the fact that the majority of dairies & cornershops are owned & run by, very hard working, friendly business owners that either hail from the Indian subcontinent, or have their heritage from there. 

Please excuse me, as I must retire to my bed, after a long drive home from Auckland, I want to be fully alert before I go & do a few jobs for my friends tomorrow. They also happen to be a gay, Maori & Polynesian couple, not that that has any bearing on things!

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I haven’t deleted anything. 

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Best of luck in continuing to explain your sense of humour in relation to the future of the Fever, KH.

The Special One
over 17 years

If you really think the Fever is a humourless PC void maybe find some of your gay, polynesian friends who like racist, homophobic jokes and stand with them instead? You can threaten their lives too if you want.

over 17 years

Sorry but the waving away of the australian chant as ok but the singh comment not being ok, does not wash at all. 

Balbi, your comment about an old white guy harrassing a young brown kid doesn't wash either. What does KH's race and age have to do with anything? Unless you are stereotyping him here for your own gain in the debate? Doesn't that completely go against everything you apparently stand for? Why are you actively disparaging someone's viewpoint due to the colour of their skin, and their age? That's awfully hypocritical.

And why the significance of Singh's skin colour? Even KH's terrible comments didn't mention that. We can only infer that due to the fact that almost all Indians have brown skin. Is it different then if it was a young white kid instead of a young brown kid eg "don't give that greek the ball, he'll batter and deep-fry it" or something else totally abhorrent like that? I know that's a silly question but just pointing out that nobody, not even KH, actually talked about skin colour here, so to use it as the club to beat with is totally unnecessary. 

I'll accept that Australian is not a race, but NEITHER IS INDIAN. The country of India is massively diverse, people in neighbouring villages have different religions, different languages, different belief systems, it's just as arrogant and naive to paint all Indians as a collective non-race thing as it is Australians. 

Even if we ignore that, and say ok, Australian is not a race but Indian is, are we then saying racism is not ok, but xenophobia is? Really? 

I had to laugh at the statement "KH thinks they're no different but he would say that". What about me? I don't think they're much different, but I've got no skin in this game at all. I've not seen any coherent and sensible argument to my post at all here, just a bunch of noise from a bunch of "white guys" (joke) who think they know better than everyone. 

I'd rather hear from Singh, and an Aussie who is offended by the cheating chant, and see what they think about it. And before you say no one is offended in Australia, I bet I could find people if I had the time. 

My mother-in-law recently told me she was dismayed by the Mitre 10 ad with the aussie kid who refuses to help, and is derided by the kiwi kids, she said to me isn't that xenophobic? I had a giggle, but then later I was thinking, well she's not wrong you know. I'm not offended by it and I think most aussies would have a laugh, but where do we draw the line, and who decides on the placement of that line? Apparently Balbi and others in here are the judge of that, but I'm not sure what qualified them for it. The ability to shout people down? 

Once again, I'm compelled to add the disclaimer that personally I found KH's statements terrible, and I would have equally confronted him was I at that game. I also feel the need to salute Balbi and others for doing so, despite what I say above. I am purely arguing here that I think the comparison between the Singh comment, and the cheating Aussies chant, is entirely fair. 

This doesn't mean I want to decide where the line is either, or ban the chant, or anything really. I just find it a fascinating discussion point that is relevant to the debate currently happening in our culture, and I don't see any good explanation as to why these two things are vastly different. 

over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

paulm wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

“Same old Aussies, Always cheating” Rascist or not? Acceptable, or not?

I just read this thread and am firmly AGAINST KiwiHatter's opinions. I feel that the comments made at the game were entirely inappropriate, and I'm surprised and dismayed to see him doubling down in this thread. 

HOWEVER, you've got to say he's got a point with this. 

It is technically a racist chant is it not? 

And before someone tries again with the "australia is not a race" technicality, that's absolute rubbish sorry. It's entirely comparable to the Singh comment that was made, which was clearly putting all Indians in a generic box in order to produce the humour, in the same way the Australian chant is. 

The Australian one SEEMS less derogatory, and more humorous, but I can't actually see how it's much different in reality. 


It’s a sporting fixture against an Australian side, where we perceive them to have just cheated in some way. 

Historically there is a friendly sporting rivalry between the two countries, the defining incident of which involved perceived cheating by the Australians. It’s basically just a reference to the under arm incident. 

I don’t think that’s even close to being the same as the Singh comment. 

It’s also not so much the comment that was made, but the aggressive reaction after someone pointed out that they found it offensive. 

I mean this is just silly. I'm sure KH will argue (and he has), that he also had context for his "humour", in that an unusually large porportion of dairies in NZ were/are owned by people from the sub-continent. 

His sense of humour would once have been considered funny, but is now outdated, and is really not accepted at all. For example, I was at a cricket match at the Basin Reserve in the mid-nineties, against Pakistan, and two guys literally carried an enormous banner round the ground that said "Who is minding the Dairy". Nobody complained, many laughed, and people moved on. This is also unacceptable, and thankfully would never be condoned today.

I imagine us calling the aussies cheats, and them calling us sheep-shaggers, will also be frowned upon, and not done at some point in the future, if our culture continues its current trend of moving further and further away from the tacit acceptance of this sort of thing.

Also, agree with Tegal on the last sentence there. This is totally fair enough. You really need to pull your head in KH and realise that times have changed, and this was actually not cool at all bro. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Krishna and Singh are two of the only bright spots in this season.

Without gay people, there would be no high-quality women's football at all.

I have two half-Fijian Indian nieces now, either of whom may be gay, we don't know yet, and I take this shark personally now.

tradition and history
over 17 years

This  thing has been blown out of all proportion.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

You weren't there, Leggy

Starting XI
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Krishna and Singh are two of the only bright spots in this season.

Without gay people, there would be no high-quality women's football at all.

I have two half-Fijian Indian nieces now, either of whom may be gay, we don't know yet, and I take this shark personally now.

It’s nice that you can take offence on behalf of your nieces, “either of whom may be gay, (but you) don’t know yet”!!!

Would you say the same if your nieces were straight? Not that it’s any of my business, or that I give a tinkers cuss!

(Apologies to the Gypsies that might take offence!! I seem to recall Besart Berisha being referred to as a Gypo, but that’s ok apparently!)

over 17 years

I wasn't there either, and I do apologise for seemingly hijacking some of this conversation. 

My argument is purely in regards to comparing the Aussie chant and the racist Singh comment, and is of minor importance to the overall discussion. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

You weren't there, Leggy

Neither were the other 15000 that are Auckland’s great support for the Phoenix!!

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