things that rule

almost 16 years

She added: “I hope more people can not be so narrow-minded and realise how Islam should not be blamed for an individual’s act because Islam stands for peace not terrorism.”

In a separate post, she said the response from people had turned a negative “into something so positive”. She said: “I was so overwhelmed and still am with all your support.” She added: “Geordies are truly the best!”

about 17 years

The helpdesk man at The Tom Tom helpdesk. Apparently when I bought my Tom Tom 4 years ago, even though I was able to download the updates for the first year, I had not activated my Lifetime Updates app. He did this for me and everything has updated brilliantly. Thanks Dude, as I told you on the phone, I am driving up to Auckland next week and this update to the latest maps was vital. It also updated my Aussie maps and the downloading software which is brilliant.

Go buy a Tom Tom if you want a good GPS. I also use mine as a blue tooth for my Cellphone and it does the calls really well.

about 17 years

Chris Cornell concert on Monday night

Starting XI
over 15 years

Did he play Seasons from the Singles soundtrack? Love that song!

Chant Savant
over 17 years
over 16 years

videos of iguanas swimming.  hours of entertainment

almost 16 years

Nanogirl talk at Te Papa tonight.

(we are in the second from back row)

Chant Savant
over 17 years


Is that Moshgirl's cousin?

almost 16 years

Geeky scientist who likes to destroy things on a very small scale, but communicates well to lay people and coneheads alike.

about 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
and 1 other
Early retirement
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Jamie Vardy

The racist?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Jamie Vardy

The racist?

The Footballer

about 17 years

I don't think that's real.

I don't think J Ryan's penis is doing anything.

over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Nanogirl talk at Te Papa tonight.

(we are in the second from back row)

isn't that you in the green shirt?

over 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

I don't think that's real.

I don't think J Ryan's penis is doing anything.

we've all been there

about 17 years

Cosimo wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

I don't think that's real.

I don't think J Ryan's penis is doing anything.

we've all been there

WTF ?? I know the wrestling is fake but this was like watching a Berisha dive.

Starting XI
over 15 years

Sriracha hot chilli sauce, soooo yum!

Starting XI
almost 17 years

This carrot that I picked last night, which is clearly trying to run away from it's impending doom.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

This still has me in stitches...

about 17 years

Danny Watson finally leaving Newstalk ZB. Not before time. I have never met a guy before who was an expert on every single thing you can imagine. You name it, he's done it.

Even more good news. Kerre McIvor nee Woodham is taking over his slot. She's pretty level headed as such. Hopefully next up will be Leighton Smith going too. The man whom always supports the lower class so long as you don't touch his money.

almost 16 years

C-Diddy wrote:

This still has me in stitches...

Youtube, 80gumdrops...

You're welcome.

almost 16 years

Anybody see ISS over wellington tonight?

Sunset in the west, ISS coming in from the north and after 4 mins the moon rising up fro the NE.  Absolutely stunning.

about 17 years

I live on this site on night shifts. If you go to the "Observation" page and type in your town in the search box you will see all the times viewing it is going to happen. For example, tonight at 10:42pm tonight, the ISS should be visible for 6 mins 33 seconds and goign across the Hutt Valley right above our heads.

about 17 years

Also, you get a lot of "Live" coverage from the ISS on this link:

about 17 years

The ISS went pretty much straight over our location. Binoculars gave a true context of its speed as the star field backgrounds were mvoing quite fast.

over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Like every Mayor before him. Once you get a taste of the trough, you make the most of it. The biggest increases in Upper Hutt is the number of ex criminals living here and not moving back to where they came from and shop closures because landlords are asking for central Wellington rents. The Mall is half empty and now they are building a huge food court that will look deserted. One of the bigger mistakes was letting the Army move into the main street shopping area - Hazelwoods building. Immediately killed that whole area.

PS, don't start me on the ice block sticks on the side of the motorway down at Silverstream. Some Twit got paid big money to create something that resembles one of those Warehouse chairs.....

I really like those new signs

about 17 years

You're kidding eh? a $210,000 chair for a City sign.

over 17 years

Choose anything and someone will say it looks like some other mundane object. 

It is actually the shape of the fantail's tail, a great symbol that Upper Hutt has claimed - it's on street signs as a symbol, and also other things around the CBD, including a couple of really nice sculptures. 

It's a great bird with it's inquisitive nature and close-quarters interaction with people, I have good memories growing up in Upper Hutt with fantails about - you would always say "look a fantail" when they were around, because they would flit around you and interact if you made sounds to them. 

Was not aware of the price, that does seem a lot for signs to be fair, but my first impression when I went past the one at the weigh-station at Silverstream was that it was really cool, and much more impactful than the standard Welcome to Upper Hutt boards that were around previously.  People will remember that sign, and where it is, and that is critical for Upper Hutt - the city's biggest problem is separating their identity from that of the bigger and uglier cousin, Lower Hutt.  

In terms of making signs, Upper Hutt could do a lot worse, and the cost isn't an issue for me given the Upper Hutt city council are one of the best behaved in the country financially. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe they are in the top 2 or 3 councils in the country in terms of the amount of debt they are holding. They have generally made good decisions with their money over the years, even if the letters in the Leader lead you to believe otherwise. It is a very tough environment to make a CBD successful given the close proximity to Lower Hutt and Wellington. Cities of Upper Hutt's size tend to be further out from bigger cities and are usually central hubs for larger areas e.g. Invercargill, Rotorua, Greymouth, Palmerston North, New Plymouth etc etc. Upper Hutt has a unique challenge in that respect, and they've tried many things, and are still trying, to get that CBD pumping. It's never been the greatest, a constant struggle for the city. In my opinion they should be attempting some other sort of niche positioning in the market like Petone seem to have got going. There was some talk of it with the Maymorn development idea, but I don't think taking away nature areas and re-zoning is the right idea either - the green hills and river are Upper Hutt's best asset. I think they should be promoting that sort of thing like they have with their cycle way, and perhaps look at more initiatives like that to make it a bit of a nature destination. Anyhoo, that's probably for another thread!

about 17 years

It isnt even a fantail though. Anyone ever seen a blue feathered fantail? 

over 17 years

It's not supposed to be a fantail, it is an artistic piece based around the principle symbol of the fantail i.e. the fanned out tail. If you wanna see something more like what a fantail actually looks like I would recommend the sculpture in the city centre which is quite cool;

Also the sign at Te Marua is quite cool and has a really good fantail on it;

You can also see fantails on the streetsigns there, all of Upper Hutt's main street signs have those now, the connection to the fantail is strong. 

Upper Hutt is quite impressive in terms of birdlife, they even have native NZ falcons nesting in the eastern hills now, which is quite unusual (99.9% of the ones you actually see around are not the native NZ type, which is smaller, more aggressive, and much rarer). Upper Hutt also has a nice Wood Pigeon sculpture;

The sign is obviously something that's going to divide opinion and we're on opposite sides of that LG.

I can understand where you're coming from with the cost argument - much like the flag debate you can justifiably argue that the money could be better spent elsewhere. However I do believe the gains from these signs in terms of Upper Hutt's identity will be good. It was paid for in the budget under the "iconic gateway signage" funding plan, which I think is a suitable name, because it is definitely "iconic" signage rather than just signage. 

The City Operations Director said this: "We're trying to put Upper Hutt on the map and make things stand out.

"It's a statement that you're entering Upper Hutt City."

I think it definitely achieves those two things and that was their stated aim. Personally I would like the lettering to stand out slightly more, and the line of sight could be better, perhaps some tree-trimming is in order. But aside from that, I think the actual design is quite nice.

As a side topic I've always really liked a couple of the other art pieces in Upper Hutt;

I was thinking this is getting a bit off-topic but actually it does qualify for 'things that rule' (in my opinion anyway!)

about 17 years

The lady with the two babies was removed from the entrance to Timberly many years ago because it earned the place at the time a nickname of the Solo Mum District, which to some extent then, it was. The Walking cut outs was another waste of money that serves no real purpose but to most peoples great surprise it has not been vandalised. mind you it is heavy as fudge. The tui is Fine and the fantail above it is the sort of thing - perhaps on a bigger scale, that I would have preferred at the entrance. Sadly, other people are calling the current encumbant, the Ice Block sticks, so I am not alone.

Even though we may disagree, it is good to have a debate on it. 

over 17 years

I agree it is good to have a debate.

I do sense that you don't really have a lot of time for art though... I can understand that as well to be honest. Some art pieces appear to have no meaning - I certainly never appreciated a lot of these things when I lived in Upper Hutt. My viewpoint seems to have changed a lot since moving away, and visiting regularly, seeing it with fresh eyes each time. It's a very attractive place in terms of nature, and there are a lot of hidden gems out there - like some of this artwork that I've only really looked at properly since I left. I think Upper Hutt generally gets a bad rap that isn't deserved.

The woman and children sculpture is at the train station - did it used to be at the entrance to Timberlea? I don't recall that at all - when was it moved? 
That's quite interesting. 

I note that the buddhist (I think?) temple is still "under construction" on the corner of Hillside Drive and Moeraki Road - that started when I went to the primary school on that street in the 80s!

Where do you live in Upper Hutt LG? What is your history with the city?

Starting XI
over 10 years

Does someone have a link to this sign?

I generally hate city art but am all for sculptures.  Occasionally I like a piece of art but generally I just see it as excessive wasting of money.  I hate space needle, or wind needle, or whatever it is, and the wellington hollywood sign with an absolute passion.

over 17 years

Can only find one image of it and it's not a great picture

Starting XI
over 10 years

I don't hate it.  

Is the lettering more prominent in real life?  As based on the picture that would be my one criticism (Oh and the cost, surely that could be easily done for 50k).

over 17 years

Lettering not the greatest - is a bit clearer than the pic suggests, but still not great. That and the line of sight are my two criticisms - they need to trim some bush so that it comes into view earlier. It does have lights for at night though which is good, and probably also bumps up the cost to some degree.

about 17 years

paulm wrote:

I agree it is good to have a debate.

I do sense that you don't really have a lot of time for art though... I can understand that as well to be honest. Some art pieces appear to have no meaning - I certainly never appreciated a lot of these things when I lived in Upper Hutt. My viewpoint seems to have changed a lot since moving away, and visiting regularly, seeing it with fresh eyes each time. It's a very attractive place in terms of nature, and there are a lot of hidden gems out there - like some of this artwork that I've only really looked at properly since I left. I think Upper Hutt generally gets a bad rap that isn't deserved.

The woman and children sculpture is at the train station - did it used to be at the entrance to Timberlea? I don't recall that at all - when was it moved? 
That's quite interesting. 

I note that the buddhist (I think?) temple is still "under construction" on the corner of Hillside Drive and Moeraki Road - that started when I went to the primary school on that street in the 80s!

Where do you live in Upper Hutt LG? What is your history with the city?

Hiya Paul. Me? Lived in Upper Hutt for 50+ Years. The Solo Mum statue got moved in the 80's? or late 70's as the residents up there kicked up a stink for being unfairly labelled. Well, the Solo Mums there did anyway. Not into art? I sure am. I've been to the Louvre, Seen the masters, ditto with the Cistene Chapel. I don't mind sculptures. Not into surreal crap though. It reminds me of an old joke - How many Surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? The Fish!

Upper Hutt does get a bad rap as you say. But Council after Council seem content to waste money is some areas and not use money to push forward in more important ones. How many closed shops in and around that Mall? Hazelwoods should have been shopping, not a military building. Shops around it are empty or dying.

Currently I live in Trentham but spent 35 years in central. Went to Oxford Crescent Primary School.

lastly, although I alluded to wasted money on some things. I recently was away for 2 weeks and came back to find myself blown away by the Christmas Decorations all over Main Street adding to the spirit of the season. Lights everywhere, in the trees, across the roads....oh hang on, there wasn't any.

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