about 17 years
about 17 years
Now I have only just started to actually use Facebook a bit recently although I am still struggling slightly to understand why people I knew in school think I care that they are "having some coffee - lol".  I don't drink coffee but I just cannot see how it is that amusing.
But can someone please try to explain Twitter to me?  I have tried to have this conversation (in real life) with people but am yet to see any actual point to it.  It just seems like Facebook but with less spelling and grammar - now I can get updates from people that I went to school with that they are "havin sum cofee lol".
Why would I go on Twitter?  Who would really follow me, and would they be the saddest people on the planet?  Who would I follow, apart from Rio Ferdinand and Robbie Savage?  Do I really care what either Robbie Savage or Rio Ferdinand are doing all the time?
As my 4th girlfriend will testify to, I am a pretty adventurous guy so convince me I will enjoy it.
about 17 years
oh, and the reason I thinking about Twitter at the moment is because of this brilliant story:

Welcome To Twitter
Talking of Twitter, it was quite an entrance from Leicester City striker Paul Gallagher on Monday night.

'Hello, Im just getting to grips with this twitter lark, thanks for all the messages - get ready for the banter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' was his first, innocent tweet.

But then....

'Off to bed to smash @HayleyGa11agher back doors in ,,'

and just minutes later...

'I'm back ,, head like a traffic light ,, RED haha .'

The response from wife Hayley Gallagher? 'Good lord what have I done introducing him to this!'

Mind you, she should probably save most her shame for her mother, who re-tweeted her son-in-law's intention to smash her daughter's doors in with an added 'HA HA HA'. Charming.

about 17 years
Your second post answers the question posed in your first: twitter is a very useful way of keeping up with the latest info from sports stars (not that he'd qualify as one) etc.

You can obviously use twitter in a number of ways but I use it primarily to follow people of interest to me, barely ever post myself and when I do it is typically an @mention to someone I know irl.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
use it to stalk and harass B and C list celebrities.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
I pity anyone who follows me on twitter as I mostly use it to retweet stuff to win things lol. But I follow quite a few local bars and hotels etc as you can get good deals and I found it really interesting following some of the main cyclists and commentators during the tour'd'france as you got extra titbits like that it might have taken them 4hrs on a bus to get back to their hotel once the race finished
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Most of those who follow me are YF or spambots.
Its kind of useful to have some of you on here, then can have friends exclusively on facebook.
Its just something different to talk with others, ande very useful for up to date information. It was brilliant when the chch earthquake happened for example. Or when I was at work during the sevens, I could see the #sevens trend and have a laugh at some of the costumes wandering about town.
Its mostly just another tool to kill time, to be honest.
Early retirement
about 17 years
I mainly use it to notify Nighthawks of scores, cancelleations etc.  Occassionally to bait my workmates and z-Grade footballing 'celebs' - I'm looking at you Gourdie :-)
Starting XI
about 17 years
I use twitter for all sorts now. I admit I had reservations about it to start with. (What could you do with 140 chars...)
Started to use it when I stayed up a night to follow the events in Egypt. All sorts of people were using it all around Cairo. At first I thought these people could be anybody but finally got the wheat sorted from the chaff.
dairyflat2011-07-27 19:45:11
about 17 years

ok.  Still not convinced.

How do I get updates?  If I follow Jordan and Hard News (I am a breast man) do I get something come through on my phone everytime they post a pointless statement about rubbing lotion on their boobs (HN) or what the latest Nighthawks result is (Jordan)?  If so, that means if I am following hundreds of people, my phone will be going like the clappers.  If it is only checking on the website, then I can do that without having to go through the hassle of having to create an account and show the world that only 4 people are interested in what I am doing.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
You only get texts if you say you want them.

And yeah true,but you'd have to search,then look in the profiles individually. Whereas if you signed up and followed them,it'd be Om one newsfeed.

I had the same thoughts about it before I signed up. I still kind of do find it mostly pointless,but it is good for some things.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
I've only had twitter about 3 months & dont have it going to my phone but i always have it running in the background at work and find things like traffic reports and storm warnings fairly useful. I also follow things like Nasa (tho thats now kind of redundant) and CERN and Happy Feet cause sheesh one needs to know if a penguin is about to take a swim
about 17 years
and there is my problem - Twitter is blocked from work and I only use the home computer for porn and downloading (porn) movies.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
twitter is blocked frm my work too - thats what proxy servers are for. try
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
almost 16 years
It's pretty good for 'breaking news' and the likes. I follow the likes of BBC, Sky News, Sky Sports News, Phoenix, Hibs etc etc.
You can also watch funny (and regular) slanging matches between Piers Morgan, Wayne Rooney etc.
And, you could probably become a tabloid journo in the UK as they appear to get all their stories from Twitter these days!!
almost 17 years
Steve-O wrote:

It's pretty good for 'breaking news' and the likes. I follow the likes of BBC, Sky News, Sky Sports News, Phoenix, Hibs etc etc.
You can also watch funny (and regular) slanging matches between Piers Morgan, Wayne Rooney etc.
And, you could probably become a tabloid journo in the UK as they appear to get all their stories from Twitter these days!!

Twitter is the fastest form of news. You get immediate updates, depending if you follow the right people. I know it's the other sport, but Jim Kayes (who is the biggest meat-head in the world) often tweets mid afternoon about his stories on TV3 Sport that night, meaning you dont even need to watch the news!
Groundskeeper Willie
about 16 years
Jim kays lol. Reckon he got the job because he's mates with hamish mckay? It's excruciating to watch his stories...guess thats why it's better reading his tweets
about 17 years
I have decided that if Jessica Ennis is on Twitter, then I will be.  It will help to take my stalking to a new level.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
about 17 years
Look, if she didn't want to be stalked by overweight, middle-aged men, she shouldn't have been so hot.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Look, if she didn't want to be stalked by overweight, middle-aged men, she shouldn't have been so hot.

Are you a cop in Canada by any chance?
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:
Look, if she didn't want to be stalked by overweight, middle-aged men, she shouldn't have been so hot.

Are you a cop in Canada by any chance?
No, but I would like to mountie Jessica Ennis
about 17 years
Right - I am on twitter then.  FrankieMacJones is the name, um........twittering is the game?
First Team Squad
over 16 years
My mum now follows me on Twitter. To see all the tweating I do.
Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years
Which reminds me... s'pose I should update my sig
about 17 years
This twitter malarky is brilliant.
For those of you who do not know what it is, it is a chance to post updates on what you are doing/thinking in 140 characters or less, so people who work in the sex industry can read it
about 17 years
Oh my god, I cannot stop tweeting - this is the greatest thing ever.  How come this whole thing was only invented a couple of weeks ago?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Guy goes into the doctor's and says " I am addicted to Twitter". Doctor replies "sorry, I don't follow you".
Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years
dairyflat wrote:
Guy goes into the doctor's and says " I am addicted to Twitter". Doctor replies "sorry, I don't follow you".

Somebody had to...
about 17 years
Using Twitter like a demon, but cannot get people to follow me (stuggling to get to double figures).  Without wishing to whore myself too much, how do you actually get people to follow you?
I am sick of looking like a loser in the real world and cyber.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Follow LOTS of people, about half will usually follow back.

Get used to using hashtags, the more you tweet about a certain topic and use the hashtag, more people that also like that topic will follow you. When the season starts again, #aleague is a very good place to start.

Interaction is also key, the more you reply to peoples tweets, its makes it more likely that they (and people they follow) will follow you.

Just a few tips, twitter does take a long time to master (unless you are a celebrity, or Ashton Kutcher).
Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Using Twitter like a demon, but cannot get people to follow me (stuggling to get to double figures).� Without wishing to whore myself too much, how do you actually get people to follow you?

I am sick of looking like a loser in the real world and cyber.

Just followed you - will throw out a #FF cos it's still Friday there... haha!
almost 17 years
Sorry mate never been to the twitter site before but you look like a retarded 10 year old emo kid from your picture. Amazing   Nice one if you are being ironic or something I dunno but ffs - utter brillance!!!
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Sorry mate never been to the twitter site before but you look like a retarded 10 year old emo kid from your picture. Amazing   Nice one if you are being ironic or something I dunno but ffs - utter brillance!!!
emo?  (I nearly did multiple ????? there, but I know you are not a fan).  Really???????? (Sorry)
I was aiming for over-weight, middle-aged crisis, wannabe metro-sexual type.  I mean, a purple shirt with a pink collar?  How emo is that?
In all honesty, last year I spent about 6 months trying to grow my hair so it would go curly again - it last happened when I was 17.  For the entire time, both my wife and my boss complained incessantly about my hair, while everyone else I knew just pretended it just wasn't happening.  This is one of the few photos I have of that time, and something I am very proud of.  I think it takes some balls to try and  deflect attention from a number of very prommnient faults with a strange lid.
Edited to say - just seen the photo again, and you are right - I do look like a c**t.
Frankie Mac2011-08-13 11:08:28
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Also once you start following lots of people/businesses your timeline can get fairly busy so i've found that I quickly tend to stop following those who incessantly tweet their every moment cough*Robb*cough as otherwise you're constantly are getting updated on mundanaties.

My timeline now tends more to give me info re bands, bars, film fest, weather and some humerus stuff from certain celebrities (again I've dropped the ones (George Michael/Mike Tyson) who can't have a sh*t without sharing it). the only people I care about getting daily multiples updates from are really good mates and even then i'm more likely to tease them that they think they are so important the world needs to know they missed their bus
stealthkiwi2011-08-13 18:19:22
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
almost 16 years
Today I was able to tell Joey Barton he was a cheating erse.
about 17 years
Double figures bitches.
I am up to 10 followers, which was always my goal.  Is that good?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Double figures bitches.
I am up to 10 followers, which was always my goal.  Is that good?
Middle-age and 10 (now 11) notches on your bed post.
Keep trying.

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