Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
i know!!! we were leading 1-0 with about 25 to go then Miramar stepped up, full credit to them. we felt like we dominated possession and territory but miramar came thru. And we didnt put away our chances.

Well that was our game, what happened to LH and Petone!!
about 17 years

Looks like we've handed the steering wheel back to you sealords!!!

Terrible result against miramar for us, but full credit to them... we sat back on a 1 nil lead and got heavily punished in the last 20 minutes. Just goes to show what an even grade this is and that was proved by seatoun getting up over petone as well!
Really lookin forward to the last 3 rounds, its going down to the wire and plenty more upsets to be had!
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Heres the full score card from yesterday:
Seatoun 1 Petone JJ's 0
Wgtn Un Salmon 1 SV Killer Bees 2
Lower Hutt SG's 3 Lower Hutt City 2 1
Stop Out 1 Miramar Rangers 2
Karori Sealords 3 U/Hutt Spackoes 2
JJ's did us no favours by getting beaten by Seatoun, SG's got up over LHC, which isn't surpising given how poorly they played against us last week, Sealords just edged out Spackoes. Our game against the Bee's was ashocker (from our point of view)- only one moment of brilliance, Bee's first goal inside 5 minutes was a screamer but Salmon played poorly.

Yeah this is a tight grade eh? can't wait til next week..........
almost 17 years
Karori Sealords 3 U/Hutt Spackoes 2

How's this for drama: 1-all at half-time and through most of
second half. We are desperate to get a win to keep in touch with
Stop Out, who had "easy game" against Miramar. 9 mins remaining
and our star strikers combine to give us a 2-1 lead, followed by
OTT celebration. Then from Spackoes kick off they have a shot from
half-way to test our injured keeper. Ball bounces over top of
keeper and in, leaving Sealords devastated. Then from our kick-off,
ball gets run down right wing, cross comes in, wrong footed
half-volley from star striker Templeton bounces off inside of post
and in, followed by unbelievably OTT celebration. 3 goals in less
than 2 mins. 3-2.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Hahha great result for u Sealords, not great from our point of view but u cant dwell on other results, u just have to focus on ur own games.

Yea so tru about no easy games. i was saying to a few of our guys (pre Miramar game) that U CANT AFFORD TO GET COMPLACENT AGAINST ANY TEAM in this comp, and that showed for us and a couple of other top 4 teams this weekend.

Bit of a log jam has been created from the weekend, such an even comp really. Must be the salary cap

take nothing away from the so called "minnows" of this comp, big ups.

So can i get an assurance from Salmon07 that all teams will def play their remaining 3 games this season? (weather permitting) How do we find out if this will be the case?? would hate to think the 2 cancelled games dont get played...
Starting XI
almost 17 years

So can i get an assurance from Salmon07 that all teams will def play their remaining 3 games this season? (weather permitting) How do we find out if this will be the case?? would hate to think the 2 cancelled games dont get played...

Why do you think i can give assurance Bungright knee?

If this weather holds we may well be cancelled again this weekend- it would be a shame to end up like last year where many divs didn't even finish.

I did talk to an insider today and they seemed quite positive that wouldn't happen, fields are in relatively good nick and we are only three games away from a full season.

But don't quote me on that (like i quoted you...)

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
haha u seem to be an experienced campaigner, iv only had 2 half seasons of outdoor soccer before this season, so i would have a clue what the deal is with cancelled or postponed games..cheers
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Usually what happens is postponed games are played at the end of the season, we normally have 2-3 postpnements a year. You start getting into problems when the postponed games are postponed like last year- but in my 8 seasons only once has aseason been shortened (last year)
Fingers and fins crossed everybody
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Petone JJ's 3- Salmon 1
Full credit to Petone- they deserved to win but Salmon almost snuck in
Very poor finishing from JJ's strikers- they butchered about ten clearcut chances.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Petone JJ's           3    Wgtn Un Salmon        1
Seatoun              __    Karori Sealords      __
Miramar Rangers       1    U/Hutt Spackoes       2
Lower Hutt City 2     0    Stop Out              2
SV Killer Bees        4    Lower Hutt SG's       0

                      C'mon Seatoun and Sealords - get your results in on time eh?
We wanna know where we are at?
What's the story?
No real surprises here today
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
we Stop Out boys are also watching closely after our 2-0 grind out at Lower Hutt...

How did your game go Karori?
almost 17 years
Karori 1 - Seatoun 0
Tight game with few chances either side - got a bit outta control at one point with the referee not blowing ANY fouls at all and with frustration boiling over both teams started the old push and shove..
Anyway it was a stunner of a goal from our big striker (had to be to get past their keeper who made some outstanding saves!) followed by the routinely OTT celebration...Good day all in all
about 17 years

Killer Bee's had an outstanding day at the office and I had an OTT celebration after knocking home a hat-trick as i used to play at Nae Nae with the SG's. Our 4th goal was an absolute stunner from our centre back hitting a volley from well outside the area. We probably could've scored 7 or 8, but victory is sweet. Top 2 spots would seem to be sewn up unless there is some big upsets in the next couple of weeks.

about 17 years

I don't think anything is finalised yet corndog! still a few upsets to come in the last 2 rounds for sure, this grade has been the most even i've ever played in....

Looking 4ward to finally taking on the wily salmon this week, certainly won't take a win for granted but we are pretty confident of 3 points. The question for me is - Are the Sealords gonna choke or will their hearty fans spur them on to victory???
Starting XI
almost 17 years

 Looking 4ward to finally taking on the wily salmon this week, certainly won't take a win for granted but we are pretty confident of 3 points.

Well, Salmon are a different team every week- On paper you are sure fire favourites, especially if we play like we have for the last two weeks, but the boys are keen to finish on a roll.
Either way it'll be a good game, and weather looks good- Our referee is unavailable sorry
about 17 years
Killer bees 2 lower hutt 1.
Pretty close game in the mud at Fraser, both teams played reallywell in the circumstances. A draw would probably been fair but we'll take the points.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Salmon do Sealords a big  favour:
Stop Out 2 Wgtn Un Salmon 5
Karori Sealords 3 Lower Hutt SG's 2
U/Hutt Spackoes __ Seatoun __
Miramar Rangers 4 Petone JJ's 3
Lower Hutt City 2 1 SV Killer Bees 2We blew Stop out off the park kin the second half- credit to them in the first
Match report up on WUAFC website soon

Starting XI
almost 17 years
Oh and by the way congrats Sealords on winning and bye bye Seatoun and Miramar - have fun in the ninth division
almost 17 years
Cheers Salmon, and congrats on the win today.Karori Sealords 17 11 3 3 44 19 36
Stop Out 17 10 1 6 38 36 31
SV Killer Bees 17 9 3 5 41 37 30
Petone JJ's 17 9 1 7 39 34 28
Lower Hutt City 2 17 8 2 7 35 27 26
Wgtn Un Salmon 17 7 2 8 38 36 23
Lower Hutt SG's 17 7 1 9 46 39 22
U/Hutt Spackoes 16 6 3 7 32 36 21
Seatoun 16 4 2 10 26 46 14
Miramar Rangers 17 4 0 13 27 56 12
5-2! That must go close to your biggest win of the season? And a win over Stop Out - something we couldn't achieve. We'd like to get another shot at Stop Out in the post-season friendlies :)

Still a 3 team contest for 2nd and promotion. Pity for the fast-finishing Killer Bees that they must face a buoyant Sealords at THE CAGE (Wilton) next weekend. :) Good luck spoiling that party boys :)

about 17 years
Should be a great game next week. KBees only lost 1 game in the last 8 and versus the great defense of the sealords. Make sure you boys have your party on Friday for winning the league.
Well done seaLORDS
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Mitch wrote:

5-2! That must go close to your biggest win of the season?

actually our biggest win of the season was a 6-2 thumping of Killer Bees at Delaney- Remember that one Corn Dog {hehe}
almost 17 years
One game left and they cancel. F***ing unbelievable. 
Starting XI
almost 17 years
great conditions for a game too-

I'd be gutted if we don't play next week
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
good luck to the StopOut boys for tomorrow.  Be good to see you guys up a grade aswell
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Nah- the Stop Out boys were good fun- plus they let us beat them at Trafalgar- i hope they stay put
almost 17 years
I would just like to say we at sealords had a great season playing amongst everyone - I doubt we will encounter such sporting teams in any other grade (certainly didnt in capital 13)
Also i would like to condemn Stokes Valley for pulling out of our final game of the season...You b***ards stopped me from getting my chance to shine up front after spending the entire season in the doldrums of centre defence - hahaha i swear i was gonna get a hat-trick
Thanks to all - enjoy your summer
about 17 years
Salmon07 wrote:
Nah- the Stop Out boys were good fun- plus they let us beat them at Trafalgar- i hope they stay put
Haha, thoroughly outplayed us more like!!!
I would just like to say a big thank you to Lower Hutt 2 who saved our bacons bigtime by knocking petone over, well done fellas! Salmon07 - was awesome playing against you lads and all the other teams in cap 8 but fate has called us up to the bigtime - CAP 7 next year......
Sealords - look forward to some more epic encounters next season, bring it on!!!!!!!!
Go the mighty NIX
about 17 years
Sorry to see the comment about cap13. Certyainly we tried to be sporting when losing against Sealords last year. We put up our best performance we could against clerarly superior opposition (at Adventure Park). I hope Porirua City Mana not included in this putdown?
almost 17 years
nah mate it was only about 4 or 5 teams last year..Island Bay Vauxhalls being top of that list
From memory you guys were bloody good value out at adventure - had a couple of people up front who enjoyed a good laugh!
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Kia ora koutou,

thanks for a great season- everyone in our clu commented on how close div 8 was- really competitive
and apart from 1-2 games, really fair and good natured

Good luck to Sealords and Stop Out- i'll have to start a new post next season for Div 8-

Last comments on div 13- Vauxhalls were in Div 8 for years and they were a bunch of C*nts-  a dangerous team to play-

do yourself a favour and boycott them or at least report them (again) to Capital Football

Keep up the footie over Summer, Twilight Summer Soccer is great fun, park soccer with mates is better, plus of course theres the Nix.

Stay tuned to YF for all the news

Ka kite kids!

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