about 17 years
Capital 8 - most under-rated div......
about 17 years
any capital 8 players or lovers out there?
thought I would post this seeing as our stop out 3rd team is currently top of da table after a cruisy 4-0 win over petone JJ's on the weekend yeeeaaahh!!!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Yea bro, bring on Seatoun this Sat! Cant afford to get complacent
about 17 years
Dont worry champ, will be putting in the hard yards fri nite in preparation..........
Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years
If it is then Seatoun must be struggling.................. Capital 8

                               P  W  D  L  GF  GA  Pts
Stop Out              11  8  0  3  28  23  24
Karori Sealords     11  7  2  2  29  11  23
Lower Hutt City 2 11  7  1  3  27  14  22
Petone JJ's           11  6  1  4  28  24  19
U/Hutt Spackoes   11  4  2  5  23  25  14
Wgtn Un Salmon    11  4  2  5  21  24  14
SV Killer Bees          11  4  2  5  25  30  14
Lower Hutt SG's      11  4  1  6  30  24  13
Seatoun                  11  3  1  7  22  38  10
Miramar Rangers   11  2  0  9  17  37   6
Early retirement
over 17 years
over 17 years
Go the sealords, Templeton is still thrashing them in I hear...
about 17 years
sealords are the 2nd best team in the grade for sure + they get more supporters to their games than team wellington!!! 
haha, makes it all the better when ya beat them twice in a season.........
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
to be fair, Karori were all over us in game 2, they hit the post and bar like 6 times and blasted it over for glory on 2 or 3 separate occasions. We gave them many a chance to win, but we came thru and got out of jail somehow hahha

they a good unit, only conceeded something like 12 goals all seasonbungrightknee2007-06-25 11:50:51
Starting XI
about 17 years
Kia ora gents- good to see a discussion going about lower league footie- the heart and soul of Capital Soccer.
Nice to see a couple of young teams adding a bit of spice to the eighth- im talking about Stop out and Sealords, not Seatoun- a bigger bunch of whingers you'd be hard pressed to find.
The Salmon have been in Div 8 for 6 years, after a three season run from the 12th.
We are therefore the longest serving div 8 team and yes we have hit a form slump but on our day we are competitive- We llok fwd to meeting Stop Out at Trafalgar this weekend- weather permitting
Check out our clubs website- we are one of the only clubs to do regular match reports- all good fun:
Let us know your teams' history
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Salmon07 - we Stop Out boys looking forward to this weekends game, Trafalgar Park has to be one of the better grounds in the Hutt, pitch is always in pretty good knick, nice intimate one-field park etc, and is usually nice and sunny when we play there.

We had a good stoush with u Salmon boys in round 2 or 3 this season at Melrose (cool park which we had never played at previously). 3-2, but you guys did well to pull it back from 0-2 down to 2-2. I clearly remember that big burly guy smashing a header in from close range and no one was going to stop him.

Seatoun, who we played on Sat, I have to say (barring 3 or 4 players) are a bunch of cocks. The game got pretty ugly and verbal and some on field comments went a bit below the belt at times. But we came out 1-0, which wasnt bad for us considering it wasnt our day. But hey thats football.

over 17 years
I found out today the Sealords have a website.
or their match report here
Feverish2007-06-25 18:57:50
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hey thanks for the heads up on the website- some great photos of the Salmon vs Sealords at Velodrome.
Stop out- we have recently enlisted a referee who has moved down to Wgtn form Auck, a friend of one of our team mates. He wants to referee our home games to get back to match fitness before getting back into it on a more serious level- Depending on how you feel about it and if you don't have your own referee, should I see if Barry is keen to referee this weekend?
He reffed us last week and is neutral and fair- Salmon's honour
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Im cool wit that, ul just have to run it past our skip im sure he'll be sweet. We usually either 1) dont have enough players to provide a ref for home games, 2) No one wants to or 3) "Dont know to ref man"

So long as hes fair and balanced no prob

Salmon07 - Oh i tried out those websites, but the match reports dont go back all that far aye? I tried to go back to round 2 or 3 vs u boys but couldnt find it. That was one of the better games this season

Starting XI
about 17 years
Hey- thats cool- ask your skipper about the ref eh?
I can email you the match report- its too long to post
Or i'll just post highlights- whats your email?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Actually - its one of the shorter reports of the season so i'll post it- rememebr this is entirely from our point of view- hope it gets a larf:

Wellington United Salmon 2- Stop Out 3

Half time 0-1

Scorers- Craig Ireson, Nic Preddle

MOM- Clive Truman, mentions to Nic and Warrick

A classic Salmon performance, dominating the early exchanges, conceding two soft goals, clawing ourselves back in to the game and then caught on the counter when pushing for the three points. We also went from a squad of 14 to the bare 12 after two players pulled out, one from a twisted ankle and the other from a batch of bad beer- Cloughie was greener than Mike�s jumper and couldn�t even hold his pompoms on the sideline- not much of a cheerleader!

Our greedy striker had enough chances in the first five minutes to put the Stop Outs to bed but their keeper, poor shooting and the wood work kept us out.

A quick counter attack left Mike stranded in goal, and they had the lead despite us dominating the first half. Plenty of running from Clive Truman saw attack after attack coming from the right wing to no avail. So 1-0 at half time.

They scored soon after the break and we knew that we would have to dig deep to get back in it, and to our credit we did not resort to �route one� football, with Matt, Kahu, Steve, Vince and Adam H. all playing nice balls out from the back. Our first goal was set up by Nic, a knee over the top in the box and Craig pounced, turning the ball in off the keeper�s hand. Unconvincing but effective.

The equaliser was a stunner; great running from Clive earned a corner, which he then took himself with power and guile. Nic Preddle, the Brooklyn Express, steamed in with his head putting the ball, himself and two stunned mullets into the net. 2-2

The last 10 minutes saw the Salmon apply the pressure once again, chasing the points. We had enough chances to finish them off but their keeper saved from Craig, Phil shot over the bar from the top of the box and Matt found himself with time and space in the box only to mistake a Red shirt for Orange in the glare. Inevitably perhaps in the last two minutes Stop Out had one last break, a chip over the top, calls for offside from our defence, and a 1v1 situation that they did not waste.

Salmon was left a deflated fish- playing some great football, scoring goals and yet unable to finish off a floundering foe once again. Ah well, at least the sun shone, the game was clean and the beers were cold at the clubrooms afterwards.

about 17 years

G'day Salmon! Nice to see this thread getting some interest!

Would be great to hav a decent ref for this week's game if your mate is keen to step up, we hav a fairly young team and most are a bit shy when it comes to blowing the whistle....
Must say you guys are probly the fairest team we hav come across this year so no probs there. See you've been struggling a little so hope you wait one more week before you get back into top form, we would love nothing more this season than to top the Sealords( with their bloodthirsty fans and OTT goal celebrations!!!)


about 17 years
its called PASSION lads!! hahah must have an OTT ya something to talk about over your beer that night! and what can i say about our fantastic are they??
We just found the blog today and we at Sealords fully aprove...can see some amazing pre-game banter on here in the future!
And how did you find our website??? Any comments from external un-biased sources would be much appreciated...we created it for a laugh and it seems to be working a treat with the supporters!
Anyway good to see we are getting positive feedback from our fierce competitors and it goes likewise...had 2 bloody good games with both salmon and stop out (apart from our results!) full respect for both teams!
Salmon Vs Stop Out....GO THE SALMON!!!!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Id have to agree with Sealords#2 about OTT celebrations, theres nothing wrong with getting a bit excited (and if u r the goal scorer) when a goal is scored, especially if its scored in crucial circumstances. Nabbed a goal few weeks back and was so pumped, in the context of the game, that i swore out loud in anger at on hand were few a family, mums pushing babies in prams, and their dirty sweaty male husbands from another finished game etc. Didnt think it went down to well with them but was fun all the same hahah!

Feverish found the websites (great work mate!), had a squiz at urs and the Salmon one, I was trying to find match reports on the Karori website but couldnt find the 2 vs Stop Out. Even if it is from the oppositions perspective!

bungrightknee2007-06-26 22:54:43
about 17 years

Well done Sealord's!!! Great looking website, nice to see some action pics on there as well!

Must confess to being rather ENVIOUS of your band of supporters, felt like we were playing far far away from home that day at the raceway! Great to see that sort of interest in local footy, its actually a bloody good bunch of teams in this grade, only niggly games we've had were against Seatoun & Seatoun....
Lookin 4ward to this week's action, highly anticipating a hard-fought win for Stop Out and Sealord's & LH settling for draws!
Starting XI
about 17 years
I agree with the call about Sealord supporters- they lively up the place-
you gotta wonder though what else they could be doing on a Saturday arvo? The Salmon are poorly supported mainly because wives and partners are either looking after the bubbas or couldn't care less- In Ten ears their will bea new wave of Salmon to unleash upon the lower grades- As for Goal Celebrations- their alright aren't they? You feel gutted when a team scores and even worse when they go OTT afterwards but what are going to do?
The Salmon have always talked about planning an orchestrated manoevuere representing a Salmon's escape from a can (Would've done so against Sealords but we didn't score) or a majestic run upstream- Two seasons ago we had the Tawa Bears in Cap 8th and when I scored Hamish our centre back would make a clawing,grizzly like gesture at me which i would swim away from- very gay i know but a bit of fun- whats the cheesiest or best goal celebration you've seen in lower grade footie?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Sealord's website is pretty awesome, good layout etc.

Salmon vs. Sealords (battle of the fish?) how did that game go?

Dennis Ibrihim - We got a website dont we? I remember seeing it once and its pretty archaic, but the advantage of that is that if your living in the dark ages like me on dial up, then the pages load pretty quick! much like the Wellington Soccer website, mainly all text so loads quick.

Hahha Sealord's support, great work, wish we had a big support crew like that, it did feel like an 'away' game at Hutt Park Raceway few weeks back. They were a hostile crowd, kind of like playing on the high velt in S.A. hahha. We have a small but dedicated crew. bungrightknee2007-06-27 11:11:37
Starting XI
about 17 years
Salmon VS Sealords:
first game- round one we played on the Velodrome- gotta be one of the worst grounds surely- a kiddies pitch, but that suited us coz the Sealords were younger and faster so we could close them down. They scored in the first half after our defender and keeper colided. We then resorted to long ball cos our keeper could kick to the six yard box, with abiut two minutes to go Mitch gave up the ball in the box and we scored 1-1- they were unlucky but probably a fair result.
Second game at Wilton was a washout- a complete bog- To be fiar to Sealords they played much better in the conditions and finished 90% of their chances- 4-0. I think we managed one shot on target the whole game. In fact Mitch scored a nice goal after a solo run so he got his revenge for round one.
This season has gone real quick with no cancelations- Last year dragged on and we didn't even finish the round robin- We have been real lucky with the weather 
Early retirement
over 17 years
The other thing I hate about the Velodrome is the way one side of the pitch is wet and the other is dry.  One minute you've got grip and everything is fine, the next you are doing the splits in the mud. 

I strained something there against Tuskan a couple of months ago and it's still not right. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Velodrome is a shocker- still you can almost shoot from anywhere on the pitch
what sunday team do you play for?
Early retirement
over 17 years
Put it this way, I'll see you Sunday.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Trentham eh? Well sadly i'll miss that game- i'll be getting some mid winter sun in Samoa
But i'd love to get some payback for last time- you boys played well at Rongotai
Early retirement
over 17 years
Probably because I was on the sideline injured, you were missing a few as well from memory.
about 17 years
Sealord's website is pretty awesome, good layout etc.

Salmon vs. Sealords (battle of the fish?) how did that game go?

Dennis Ibrihim - We got a website dont we? I remember seeing it once and its pretty archaic, but the advantage of that is that if your living in the dark ages like me on dial up, then the pages load pretty quick! much like the Wellington Soccer website, mainly all text so loads quick.

Hahha Sealord's support, great work, wish we had a big support crew like that, it did feel like an 'away' game at Hutt Park Raceway few weeks back. They were a hostile crowd, kind of like playing on the high velt in S.A. hahha. We have a small but dedicated crew.
Extremely simple but does get fortnightly updates from some kind soul, usually a match report for the 1st team and some general club news is about it... anyone in our team into web design?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Um maybe- cannot remember- Maybe we should take this conversation to the Sunday League thread eh?
The Stop Out boys will be in the dark- i actually think Sunday league is at about the level of Division 8 actually- althopugh the teams in Div 8 are pretty equal and their is abig gap between the bottom and top teams in Sunday League

The Salmon (Mid Table Div 8) have started a regular friendly fixutre against the Sunday Blazers (Toppish Sunday LEague) and the Salmon are consitently better.
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
Easy Dennis! Salmon have heard it all before mate- but like that mighty fish we swim best when we swim upstream- A cornered fish is a dangerous animal! Forecast is for rain- slippery conditions that will suit our oily skins
about 17 years

haha, love your spirit my slippery friend!!!

Trafalgar on a wet day turns into a complete bog so theres gonna be a bit of mudwrestling goin on, lookin 4ward to a good ole scrap and then a few brews back at the raceway.
Are you playin Salmon07?


Starting XI
about 17 years
Yeah mate i'll be in- I'm the captain
our teams looking a bit slim at the moment though-
I'll let the boys known theres an invite back to the clubrooms
about 17 years
Also, if your referee is available then would love to have him, if not then we should have sum1 who can do it, seeya down there!
about 17 years
Sup boys, First post, nice to see a capital 8 community. Im the captain of the frowned upon Seatoun Pirates. May i just say that yes there a few dickheads in our team, me being one of them but as a younger team we are dished our fair share of abuse. We are just easily provoked. Stop out you saw what happened when that player in your team decided to start bullsh*t with everyone on the field, calling everyone round him 'gay'..... it rarks us up and the game starts to go downhill. Surely we cant be as bad as the lower hutt SG's i think it is, with thier coach big boi rigging entire matches. As a ref he threatened to knock a player for back chat. he then remarked 'welcome to the hutt mother f**kers'. I dont know but those games id just rather not play.
anyway good to see whats going on here. Can we lay off seatoun a bit tho. All teams give it and recieve it.  Would be cool to have impartial refs introduced to the grade. That would clean things up. Im sure our way over the top expensive fees shud pay for it
about 17 years
Fair call mate, how bout a truce?
I agree that every team has the potential to turn a bit ugly at times, I guess some of our boys were still a bit rarked up from our first encounter at the raceway when your number 10 was trying to scrap the entire team and even offered to meet us in the carpark afterwards haha....
All in all, its a pretty fair grade and I admit you guys are no worse than the SG's and at least you're ref was fair and decent.The SG's are not a happy bunch of players this year considering they are used to winning by any means necessary and find themselves struggling!
Good to be in a competitive grade tho where all the teams are remarkably even and there really is no easy games, like saturday some of our boys were expecting a walk in the park but you guys gave as good as u got and a draw probly would have been a fairer result!
about 17 years
Refs for Capital 8, sounds like you need UN Peacekeepers - must be real fun playing in this under-rated league.
about 17 years
Its never dull chopper thats for sure! come have a game, you might enjoy it.......

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