Chatham Cup 2015 - Napier City Rovers vs Eastern Suburbs

First Team Squad
almost 15 years

Katsanos commentating...

First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

TBdFSOE wrote:

with Fred

Needs more GGW
First Team Squad
almost 15 years

my hopes weren't high and, well, oh dear...

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Very nice free kick for Eastern to take the lead, it had been coming for awhile

tradition and history
about 17 years

Great result for Suburbs. Well done.

almost 17 years

It was "Live" on stuff. Just watched the last 3 mins....well about 10 mins ago.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

That Brandon Barnes free kick wasn't bad

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Rovers missed a few decent chances in front of goal. Seemed to just lack that killer instinct. 

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Thought it was a good watch though. Fin Milne had a great game at the back and Miles John was quality on the right.  Barnes and their captain, whose names escaped me were suburbs best i felt.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Backheel wrote:

Thought it was a good watch though. Fin Milne had a great game at the back and Miles John was quality on the right.  Barnes and their captain, whose names escaped me were suburbs best i felt.

Yep agree on all these points, Napier on another day would have put those chances away but the bounce of the ball seemed to slightly favour Eastern Suburbs today. Not a lot between the two teams and was a fairly entertaining game.

I thought Finn Milne was the stand out player - hopefully he got the Batty medal. Miles John was also good but I thought it was a strange call to move him into right back just after he'd started to look good further forward on the right. Things started to happen for NCR when they managed to eventually get him the ball.  The game turned back in ES's favour when they made that change. Tom Biss showed some touches of class and Bill Robertson was everywhere as per.

Barnes had some good moments and ES Captain was a class player. As too was their goal keeper.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Also thought the ref was a bit card happy but had a reasonable game other wise.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

Backheel wrote:

Thought it was a good watch though. Fin Milne had a great game at the back and Miles John was quality on the right.  Barnes and their captain, whose names escaped me were suburbs best i felt.

Yep agree on all these points, Napier on another day would have put those chances away but the bounce of the ball seemed to slightly favour Eastern Suburbs today. Not a lot between the two teams and was a fairly entertaining game.

I thought Finn Milne was the stand out player - hopefully he got the Batty medal. Miles John was also good but I thought it was a strange call to move him into right back just after he'd started to look good further forward on the right. Things started to happen for NCR when they managed to eventually get him the ball.  The game turned back in ES's favour when they made that change. Tom Biss showed some touches of class and Bill Robertson was everywhere as per.

Barnes had some good moments and ES Captain was a class player. As too was their goal keeper.

Thought Biss had a poor game to be honest, seemed to fade out of the game a lot. But he is a quality player. Interesting by Rovers to sub their captain. Guessing he must've picked up a knock.

Ryan Tinsley had moments of quality as well, but seemed to want to complain to the ref more than play the game.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Backheel wrote:

TopLeft07 wrote:

Backheel wrote:

Thought it was a good watch though. Fin Milne had a great game at the back and Miles John was quality on the right.  Barnes and their captain, whose names escaped me were suburbs best i felt.

Yep agree on all these points, Napier on another day would have put those chances away but the bounce of the ball seemed to slightly favour Eastern Suburbs today. Not a lot between the two teams and was a fairly entertaining game.

I thought Finn Milne was the stand out player - hopefully he got the Batty medal. Miles John was also good but I thought it was a strange call to move him into right back just after he'd started to look good further forward on the right. Things started to happen for NCR when they managed to eventually get him the ball.  The game turned back in ES's favour when they made that change. Tom Biss showed some touches of class and Bill Robertson was everywhere as per.

Barnes had some good moments and ES Captain was a class player. As too was their goal keeper.

Thought Biss had a poor game to be honest, seemed to fade out of the game a lot. But he is a quality player. Interesting by Rovers to sub their captain. Guessing he must've picked up a knock.

Ryan Tinsley had moments of quality as well, but seemed to want to complain to the ref more than play the game.

Yep not Bissy's best game but did show his class occasionally. Yeah I don't think Wilson would normally get subbed off.

Looks like Miles John got the Jack Batty medal. Can't really dispute that I guess but Milne was exceptional and the position change for John took him out of the game essentially IMO

Split Personalities
over 10 years

NCR seemed to let the event get to them as they had 2 clear chances to win it in the last 5 min of normal time.

eastern suburbs had a better full 90 game plan but NCR could of had it and i felt this was the reason extra time was never going to help NCR and the 90 min game plan given extra time was always going to prevail and close out NCR from scoring and thankfully in was not a penalty shootout and eastern suburbs scored a good goal.

best final i have watched in a long time and eastern suburbs deserve the win.

over 16 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

Also thought the ref was a bit card happy but had a reasonable game other wise.

Rubbish, he had a blinder of a game. Booked players for things that happened after playing advantage. Napier fans thought he was the worst, then the best after about three easts players got booked for trying to kill napiers winger called milo.

All in all, was a cracker of a game  that I'm glad the weather cleared for.

Also, Massey were woeful. Their keeper was an absolute travesty, cost them easily two goals

tradition and history
about 17 years

My two cents worth. I thought the pitch was poor, pretty bumpy. This is meant to be the top game in NZ Football.Where was the croud? I had more people watching me mow the lawn yesterday. NCR at times looked far better than Suburbs. Too much aerial ping pong from both sides.

I did think the winning goal was  excellent  with great build up.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

thelastnomad wrote:

TopLeft07 wrote:

Also thought the ref was a bit card happy but had a reasonable game other wise.

Rubbish, he had a blinder of a game. Booked players for things that happened after playing advantage. Napier fans thought he was the worst, then the best after about three easts players got booked for trying to kill napiers winger called milo.

All in all, was a cracker of a game  that I'm glad the weather cleared for.

Also, Massey were woeful. Their keeper was an absolute travesty, cost them easily two goals

Some of those yellow cards were appalling decisions. Other than that he had a good game.
First Team Squad
over 9 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years

I don't get Tom biss. Every game he'll do amazing things and then botch a 5 yard pass.

I also thought the ref had as good as you can expect. YCs for preventing counters and kicking the ball away all seemed more than fair.

over 11 years

Leggy wrote:

My two cents worth. I thought the pitch was poor, pretty bumpy. This is meant to be the top game in NZ Football.Where was the croud? I had more people watching me mow the lawn yesterday. NCR at times looked far better than Suburbs. Too much aerial ping pong from both sides.

I did think the winning goal which was  excellent build up.

Anyone know croud attedance?

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Thought it was one of the better Chatham Cup Finals I have seen (approx. 25 live). Too many have been sterile uninspiring games but this one had plenty of action , although perhaps lacking in quality at times. Was sitting near a large Napier contingent and hearing their emotions ranging from despair to hope all in the space of sixty seconds reminded why club football is the bedrock of our game.

Have seen Napier twice in Auckland this season - they scored goals for fun in the Central League this season , but struggled both times I saw them - not sure whether defending in the Northern League is that much better or they just had a couple of bad days - suspect it was more the bad day scenario as they created enough chances.

If Miles John did get the Batty Cup (not a medal !) as MOM it was well deserved , although always a bit dubious of someone on the losing side getting it. 

The womens game was a bit ordinary in comparison , although 4-0 may have been a bit unkind to Massey - they had a few chances early on and a decent GK may have made a lot of difference.

Never heard an official croud but I'd guess around 1000 - grandstand about 2/3 full !

almost 15 years

If the ref was so great, why was the suburbs keeper not sent off for taking out the striker on the edge of the box? If that not a taking out a striker to stop him putting the ball past you, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Miles John deserved his medal I thought.

over 16 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

If the ref was so great, why was the suburbs keeper not sent off for taking out the striker on the edge of the box? If that not a taking out a striker to stop him putting the ball past you, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Miles John deserved his medal I thought.

Are you talking about the save in the first half?!?

If so bollocks. The striker got there, flicked the ball, the keeper saved it as it went past, and then they collided with each other. If neither had touched the ball fine, but two players colliding doing their respective jobs - absolutely fine. Keepers always get the free kicks when clattered, this was no exception. 
IF the keeper hadn't touched the ball, totally different story

almost 15 years

in extra time. It was 1v1 and the keeper missed the ball and clattered the striker. Has to be red.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Think nomad might be mates with the ref. Shutting everyone down pretty quick. He had a good game mate but he wasn't perfect. We'll leave it at that ay

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Leggy wrote:

My two cents worth. I thought the pitch was poor, pretty bumpy. This is meant to be the top game in NZ Football.Where was the croud? I had more people watching me mow the lawn yesterday. NCR at times looked far better than Suburbs. Too much aerial ping pong from both sides.

I did think the winning goal which was  excellent build up.

Anyone know croud attedance?


Fudge all.

Be fascinated to know how many people watched the live stream. It was a bit unreliable I found. And Fred's commentary is absolutely dreadful.

over 16 years

Detailed match reports on both finals can be found here:

Re the croud figure, that stand has a 3000-seat capacity, per the Trusts Arena website - - so estimates of around 1000 won't be too far off the mark. There were no tickets issued, so an official count wasn't made.

Not many media in attendance - another sign of the times. Just Steven Holloway and I from a written perspective, and Shane Wenzlick, Enzo Giordani and I taking pics. Herald photographer Dean Purcell turned up at half-time in the Chatham Cup Final.



over 16 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

Think nomad might be mates with the ref. Shutting everyone down pretty quick. He had a good game mate but he wasn't perfect. We'll leave it at that ay

Arf - just a totally unbiased opinion. That's all.

Actually had to scarper during extra time (boo not being able to drive). So didn't see that challenge, sounds pretty Redish though from description

tradition and history
about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Leggy wrote:

My two cents worth. I thought the pitch was poor, pretty bumpy. This is meant to be the top game in NZ Football.Where was the croud? I had more people watching me mow the lawn yesterday. NCR at times looked far better than Suburbs. Too much aerial ping pong from both sides.

I did think the winning goal which was  excellent build up.

Anyone know croud attedance?


Fudge all.

Be fascinated to know how many people watched the live stream. It was a bit unreliable I found. And Fred's commentary is absolutely dreadful.

The stream said 1000. 

It is a great pity more people did not turn up particularly as Suburbs are meant to have more junior sides than any other. 

What they have done in the past ( a long time ago in the National League)  was bus as many kids in as they could. If you have never   played in front of 1000 plus screaming and yelling kids - it is something special.

Split Personalities
over 10 years

this game seems to of missed any press on the tv news as well.

it seemed to be all world cup rugby but i could of missed it

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years
over 16 years

There was footage taken from the live stream feed on TV1's sports news segment tonight.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

this game seems to of missed any press on the tv news as well.

it seemed to be all world cup rugby but i could of missed it


TV3 had the goals and some chat. Was good. THAT is the real value in filming it. 

Agree with Legmeister re the pitch though, looked like a total paddock.

Split Personalities
over 10 years

Smithy wrote:

this game seems to of missed any press on the tv news as well.

it seemed to be all world cup rugby but i could of missed it


TV3 had the goals and some chat. Was good. THAT is the real value in filming it. 

Agree with Legmeister re the pitch though, looked like a total paddock.

must of missed news segment on one and three as i was flicking between both channels to hear expert comments….

paddock or not both teams had to play on the same surface. And the first game would not of helped (rapa win on Howard booth park quoted as a paddock one year).

tradition and history
about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

this game seems to of missed any press on the tv news as well.

it seemed to be all world cup rugby but i could of missed it


TV3 had the goals and some chat. Was good. THAT is the real value in filming it. 

Agree with Legmeister re the pitch though, looked like a total paddock.

must of missed news segment on one and three as i was flicking between both channels to hear expert comments….

paddock or not both teams had to play on the same surface. And the first game would not of helped (rapa win on Howard booth park quoted as a paddock one year).

Agree that the condition of the paddock was the same for both teams, but imagine if the FA Cup final was played on that surface.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Leggy wrote:

Smithy wrote:

this game seems to of missed any press on the tv news as well.

it seemed to be all world cup rugby but i could of missed it


TV3 had the goals and some chat. Was good. THAT is the real value in filming it. 

Agree with Legmeister re the pitch though, looked like a total paddock.

must of missed news segment on one and three as i was flicking between both channels to hear expert comments….

paddock or not both teams had to play on the same surface. And the first game would not of helped (rapa win on Howard booth park quoted as a paddock one year).

Agree that the condition of the paddock was the same for both teams, but imagine if the FA Cup final was played on that surface.

regardless how good was the winning goal... total class from three players.

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