over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

Junior stuff: here please

With Pete Roberts departure from mid Canty FDO role ( as per 10cc post in mainland seniors thread) any good footballers in the area will head to burnley/selwyn for sure. Yet to see mainland advertise the role.

rumour has it that burnley are looking to setup in ashburton soon which will be good for Mid Canterbury
almost 14 years

Tsetso and the Christchurch Football Academy in Yaldhurst Rd. Anyone got any details on this?

almost 16 years
Global Game wrote:
Tsetso and the Christchurch Football Academy in Yaldhurst Rd. Anyone got any details on this?

exactly what Chch needs, youth sport paying adult wages?
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
foal30 wrote:
Global Game wrote:

Tsetso and the Christchurch Football Academy in Yaldhurst Rd. Anyone got any details on this?


exactly what Chch needs, youth sport paying adult wages?

Uh - they pay a large proportion of Mainland's wages too - what is your point?

Difference here is that there is a choice. If you don't want, you don't pay, easy as that. If there is sufficient demand it will survive, if not it won't. Compare that with an FTC program part funded by your fees, run by MF staff, paid by your fees as well. If their product is not up to scratch (not saying it is/isn't) at rates subsidised by every player in Christchurch, to further entice custom they play the no FTC=no NTC=No National pathway card. 

And still a considerable number of players have turned FTC down in favour of alternatives. Go figure why?

Nothing in life is free...

almost 16 years

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

why? Surely the more kids getting extra training the better?? Do clubs have the manpower to run 9 extra training groups at the level being provided by these private providers??  Do they have the connections to colleges, a league, j league etc, player profiling.
My understanding is all these sessions work out about $10 each. Burnley provide around 120/year. FTC around 70ish. Maybe some want the extra sessions.  Some obviously think the standard of coaching is better.  I understand Burnley picking up quite a few FTC selected players so they must be doing something right.  I think players don't care too much about NTC. Just another cost. If they are good enough they will get to the top anyway.  Nz age group teams are expensive too. Better off going for a college scholarship or contract I reckon.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

Demand will decide how many football schools are sustainable. Value for money and location all come into it. The more options available and healthy competition for custom will ensure only those that offer overall quality will survive. Makes perfect sense that such offerings should be made through or in partnership with clubs. 
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

why? Surely the more kids getting extra training the better?? Do clubs have the manpower to run 9 extra training groups at the level being provided by these private providers??  Do they have the connections to colleges, a league, j league etc, player profiling.

My understanding is all these sessions work out about $10 each. Burnley provide around 120/year. FTC around 70ish. Maybe some want the extra sessions.  Some obviously think the standard of coaching is better.  I understand Burnley picking up quite a few FTC selected players so they must be doing something right.  I think players don't care too much about NTC. Just another cost. If they are good enough they will get to the top anyway.  Nz age group teams are expensive too. Better off going for a college scholarship or contract I reckon.

Agree with that.
over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

Tsetso and the Christchurch Football Academy in Yaldhurst Rd. Anyone got any details on this?
Starting XI
over 17 years

And registering players through Mainland under the University club but not entering teams in competitions - obviously basing themselves on an in house league set up and seriously undercutting other clubs subs initially. Cunning. Bad news for FC20.

almost 16 years

like the U-10 focus

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:

And registering players through Mainland under the University club but not entering teams in competitions - obviously basing themselves on an in house league set up and seriously undercutting other clubs subs initially. Cunning. Bad news for FC20.

Affiliation Fees etc for U8's ??? - Expect a shitfight if all clubs have been / are paying this in good faith... 

Starting XI
over 17 years
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:

And registering players through Mainland under the University club but not entering teams in competitions - obviously basing themselves on an in house league set up and seriously undercutting other clubs subs initially. Cunning. Bad news for FC20.

Affiliation Fees etc for U8's ??? - Expect a shitfight if all clubs have been / are paying this in good faith... 

Not a matter of paying them in good faith, all clubs must pay them, you get no choice.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Can someone please explain how this is all working? Free subs for the first punters, it runs all year, but enter teams in Mainland comps.  Eligible for FTC? And it's all run via Uni Football?

almost 14 years

THINKING ALOUD HERE...Their games are Friday afternoons, and as they are u10s they don't play in mainland competitions but all registered players must be affiliated to NZF so must pay a levy to their local fed. Not in competition to FTC as they are too young - but clearly they will just continue with the programme so a crop of them will choose CFA over FTC. When they get to completion age they play for uni???? Not a bad initial coaching group too.

almost 14 years

Christchurch Football Academy - here's an interesting piece of info: Mike Killick (who was deputy chairman of Mainland football - is he still?) is listed as a trustee.

Starting XI
over 17 years

And the free subs (not mentioning the affiliation fee) only applies to the first 60 kids in each age group. then they are compaarable to most other clubs. And they only have 5 coaches? Some incongruencies already apparent. Any one know if they have pitches in place on the land they've bought already? Is this being backed by Tsetso's Russian friend? Boom and bust anyone? Trouble on the horizon as they try and turn Varsity into a full club? What I don't understand is why Tsetso couldn't get this up and running while he was with FC and thought he had to do it with another club or is the club a token element to get around the Mainland edict of no new clubs? 

Hmmmm .................

Starting XI
over 17 years
Global Game wrote:

Christchurch Football Academy - here's an interesting piece of info: Mike Killick (who was deputy chairman of Mainland football - is he still?) is listed as a trustee.

Conflict of interest possibly??????
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:

And registering players through Mainland under the University club but not entering teams in competitions - obviously basing themselves on an in house league set up and seriously undercutting other clubs subs initially. Cunning. Bad news for FC20.

Affiliation Fees etc for U8's ??? - Expect a shitfight if all clubs have been / are paying this in good faith... 


Not a matter of paying them in good faith, all clubs must pay them, you get no choice.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:

And the free subs (not mentioning the affiliation fee) only applies to the first 60 kids in each age group. then they are compaarable to most other clubs. And they only have 5 coaches? Some incongruencies already apparent. Any one know if they have pitches in place on the land they've bought already? Is this being backed by Tsetso's Russian friend? Boom and bust anyone? Trouble on the horizon as they try and turn Varsity into a full club? What I don't understand is why Tsetso couldn't get this up and running while he was with FC and thought he had to do it with another club or is the club a token element to get around the Mainland edict of no new clubs? 

Hmmmm .................

Right on the money Ron.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:

And registering players through Mainland under the University club but not entering teams in competitions - obviously basing themselves on an in house league set up and seriously undercutting other clubs subs initially. Cunning. Bad news for FC20.

Affiliation Fees etc for U8's ??? - Expect a shitfight if all clubs have been / are paying this in good faith... 


Not a matter of paying them in good faith, all clubs must pay them, you get no choice.

NZF rules definition of a PLAYER and CLUB.... Have a read through.

Basically if CFA ( or any other organisation such as a school) is not affiliated and does not participate in organised football games, it wont be considered a club.

Those that do want to play games will register through Uni club which is affiliated, so NZF, MF, Canty United levies and Competition fees apply.

So yes "in good faith", because it wont have escaped everyone that instead of passing  a wad of $$$$$ for organising in-house skills and drills finished off with a little game etc for u-9 this cost is easily avoided by running this separate from club activities. Call it a Trust, Academy, Playcenter, School (of Football !), whatever.

Two separate entities may offer better bang for less bucks thereby bringing more kids into the game. NZF will have the predictable arguments to this (WOFP, alignment etc etc) but constitutionally very little they can do.

Some of the bigger clubs will have 300+ kids in that  age bracket and have done the maths on this.  


over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

if the quality was any good you would not have any additional football schools

over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

why? Surely the more kids getting extra training the better?? Do clubs have the manpower to run 9 extra training groups at the level being provided by these private providers??  Do they have the connections to colleges, a league, j league etc, player profiling.

My understanding is all these sessions work out about $10 each. Burnley provide around 120/year. FTC around 70ish. Maybe some want the extra sessions.  Some obviously think the standard of coaching is better.  I understand Burnley picking up quite a few FTC selected players so they must be doing something right.  I think players don't care too much about NTC. Just another cost. If they are good enough they will get to the top anyway.  Nz age group teams are expensive too. Better off going for a college scholarship or contract I reckon.

The best coaching is where they all head too, look at SUFC & Waimak FC and the Burnley program (190 kids) , the coaches must be good !

over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

like the U-10 focus

Me too, that where its at to get the quality in the future.
almost 14 years

If killick is still on the board at mainland this is a clear conflict of interest. When CFA players reach FTC age will they stay at CFA, ie an academy in competition a la APFA burnley etc

HOWEVER WHAT IF... Mainland take the opportunity to reassess their reason for being and say, " you know what, there are plenty of places around town (clubs and private academies) that provide exactly the same service as FTC. We no longer need to run FTC so we can massively cut our wage bill and get on with governance, working with council and corporates to provide better infrastructure for the sport, coach and ref education, smart efficient admin of the game, building the sport's profile through hosting tournaments and attracting good players and a bigger supporter base."

over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

If killick is still on the board at mainland this is a clear conflict of interest. When CFA players reach FTC age will they stay at CFA, ie an academy in competition a la APFA burnley etc

HOWEVER WHAT IF... Mainland take the opportunity to reassess their reason for being and say, " you know what, there are plenty of places around town (clubs and private academies) that provide exactly the same service as FTC. We no longer need to run FTC so we can massively cut our wage bill and get on with governance, working with council and corporates to provide better infrastructure for the sport, coach and ref education, smart efficient admin of the game, building the sport's profile through hosting tournaments and attracting good players and a bigger supporter base."

Now your on to it :) should never have happend anyway.

over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

how many academies do we need in Chch?

some things in life are free for some people

what players have turned down FTC? % is how many? And how many "turned it down" after they missed selection? The most sensible reason I've heard for non-participation is logistical. NTC doesn't really apply as most interested parties now realize Boys from Chch will not get picked for U-17 anyway:)

I think all of these providers could be done inside the clubs. It's now year 3 of FTC and I'm not convinced it's the best use of resources. Adding more Football Schools seems to me to add to the problem. 

As many as it takes to get it sorted !
over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

If killick is still on the board at mainland this is a clear conflict of interest. When CFA players reach FTC age will they stay at CFA, ie an academy in competition a la APFA burnley etc

HOWEVER WHAT IF... Mainland take the opportunity to reassess their reason for being and say, " you know what, there are plenty of places around town (clubs and private academies) that provide exactly the same service as FTC. We no longer need to run FTC so we can massively cut our wage bill and get on with governance, working with council and corporates to provide better infrastructure for the sport, coach and ref education, smart efficient admin of the game, building the sport's profile through hosting tournaments and attracting good players and a bigger supporter base."

oh hallelujah! Sing it! The most sensible suggestion I've heard in a long time. Amen to that!!! And it's not even Sunday!!
over 11 years

But the revenue stream! Oh what shall we do without it?

Starting XI
over 17 years
Global Game wrote:

If killick is still on the board at mainland this is a clear conflict of interest. When CFA players reach FTC age will they stay at CFA, ie an academy in competition a la APFA burnley etc

HOWEVER WHAT IF... Mainland take the opportunity to reassess their reason for being and say, " you know what, there are plenty of places around town (clubs and private academies) that provide exactly the same service as FTC. We no longer need to run FTC so we can massively cut our wage bill and get on with governance, working with council and corporates to provide better infrastructure for the sport, coach and ref education, smart efficient admin of the game, building the sport's profile through hosting tournaments and attracting good players and a bigger supporter base."

What ..... and stop acting like a club? 
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer, you stupid little dreamer .........
Still doesn't solve the conflict of interest issue by the way. I would be expecting a statement from Mainland Football board clarifying the issue on Monday morning .....
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
Global Game wrote:

If killick is still on the board at mainland this is a clear conflict of interest. When CFA players reach FTC age will they stay at CFA, ie an academy in competition a la APFA burnley etc

HOWEVER WHAT IF... Mainland take the opportunity to reassess their reason for being and say, " you know what, there are plenty of places around town (clubs and private academies) that provide exactly the same service as FTC. We no longer need to run FTC so we can massively cut our wage bill and get on with governance, working with council and corporates to provide better infrastructure for the sport, coach and ref education, smart efficient admin of the game, building the sport's profile through hosting tournaments and attracting good players and a bigger supporter base."

What ..... and stop acting like a club? 

Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer, you stupid little dreamer .........

Still doesn't solve the conflict of interest issue by the way. I would be expecting a statement from Mainland Football board clarifying the issue on Monday morning .....

Couple of lawyers on MF board. To be honest don't think they so far have got too involved with governance, otherwise they would have picked up on the illegal dual rego fiasco. Makes you wonder what they do spend their time at board meetings on. Seriously. Think they may be heading into a busy season.
almost 14 years

I'd be expecting a resignation from deputy chair of the mainland board on Monday!

First Team Squad
over 17 years

There's a bit of stink brewing out Waimak way about the subs increase, it's now 30% more than last year at $130 per kid.

Waimak have been asked to be transparent and provide a breakdown of where the sub goes but have so far refused to.

My 6 yr old is expected to pay $130 which seems an incredible amount.

What subs do other clubs charge?

over 11 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

There's a bit of stink brewing out Waimak way about the subs increase, it's now 30% more than last year at $130 per kid.

Waimak have been asked to be transparent and provide a breakdown of where the sub goes but have so far refused to.

My 6 yr old is expected to pay $130 which seems an incredible amount.

What subs do other clubs charge?

don't they present club accounts at their agm - surely they have present them and probably get them audited???!!!
over 11 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

There's a bit of stink brewing out Waimak way about the subs increase, it's now 30% more than last year at $130 per kid.

Waimak have been asked to be transparent and provide a breakdown of where the sub goes but have so far refused to.

My 6 yr old is expected to pay $130 which seems an incredible amount.

What subs do other clubs charge?

hey just looked on their club website and they have their financials published.
Seems pretty transparent???
almost 14 years

$130 for a 6 year old is B.S. considering they play in house .

over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

$130 for a 6 year old is B.S. considering they play in house .

easy fix- go somewhere else!

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Global Game wrote:

$130 for a 6 year old is B.S. considering they play in house .

That seems steep -  Selwyn 6yr old $80, 8 yr old $100, 10 yr old $120
Starting XI
over 17 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

There's a bit of stink brewing out Waimak way about the subs increase, it's now 30% more than last year at $130 per kid.

Waimak have been asked to be transparent and provide a breakdown of where the sub goes but have so far refused to.

My 6 yr old is expected to pay $130 which seems an incredible amount.

What subs do other clubs charge?

hey just looked on their club website and they have their financials published.

Seems pretty transparent???

Fines and lawyer fees.  Snigger.

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