almost 14 years
Ozvaldo wrote:

I too believe that the academy idea is a good one and it is great that a passionate individual is prepared to sink his own money into it to get it up and running. Didn't we though already have a world class academy in Lincoln that received little or no support from MF and left for greener pastures? The Chairman's letter appears to be nothing other than an extremely late attempt to cover ones bottom!

Eventually this operation is a direct threat to the other Mainland clubs, the CEO and board should have been transparent in their dealings in relation to it long before now. One of the most threatened clubs by its very location is that of the Chairman himself. Does this mean he is happy to see a decline in his junior club? or has he been snoozing during the board meetings for the last 12 months?

Rumours and speculation start due to a lack of transperency from an organisation. Twelve months is a bit long to wait to inform their stakeholders what they are doing to help a private individual. The CEO and board should have known better and consulted with (not advised) its member clubs long before now. 

Can anyone else smell a Coup d'etat? 

Just a few other questions, why no mention of MF's planned move to Yaldhurst in the letter? is there a difference between introducing a party to the CCC against giving the CCC a full endorsement of the party and its plans? Was the level of support from MF for the APFA the same as that given to the CFA? If not! Why not?  

 Agree lack of consultation for over 12 months is bizarre - and possibly representative of the void between the fed and the clubs.
"MF's planned move to Yaldhurst" - speculation or fact?
over 11 years
shushy6 wrote:

As uncomfortable as it makes me to say it, I am inclined to start to agree with you Fred...on some of those points anyway.

Me too buddy
over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

Let's remember: more facilities, more football = good.
Everything else is change, redistribution etc by whatever means you care to name it. This is where the governing body needs to show some leadership and some nous.

Thats the issue they dont have the people to do it ! their minds are in cooko world cos they are always chasing there tails, fighting fires of which by the amount of stuff going on by Mainland Ferderation clubs eg  taking control of there own destiny , eventually some thing will not be sustainable, its just a matter of time. isn't it :)

over 10 years

I guess now that MF have a new love affair with transparency no doubt their potential move to Yaldhurst will be communicated to all members almost immediately. Failure to do so may look more than a wee bit dodgy would it not? 

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years
Global Game wrote:
Ozvaldo wrote:

I too believe that the academy idea is a good one and it is great that a passionate individual is prepared to sink his own money into it to get it up and running. Didn't we though already have a world class academy in Lincoln that received little or no support from MF and left for greener pastures? The Chairman's letter appears to be nothing other than an extremely late attempt to cover ones bottom!

Eventually this operation is a direct threat to the other Mainland clubs, the CEO and board should have been transparent in their dealings in relation to it long before now. One of the most threatened clubs by its very location is that of the Chairman himself. Does this mean he is happy to see a decline in his junior club? or has he been snoozing during the board meetings for the last 12 months?

Rumours and speculation start due to a lack of transperency from an organisation. Twelve months is a bit long to wait to inform their stakeholders what they are doing to help a private individual. The CEO and board should have known better and consulted with (not advised) its member clubs long before now. 

Can anyone else smell a Coup d'etat? 

Just a few other questions, why no mention of MF's planned move to Yaldhurst in the letter? is there a difference between introducing a party to the CCC against giving the CCC a full endorsement of the party and its plans? Was the level of support from MF for the APFA the same as that given to the CFA? If not! Why not?  

 Agree lack of consultation for over 12 months is bizarre - and possibly representative of the void between the fed and the clubs.
"MF's planned move to Yaldhurst" - speculation or fact?

For benefit of all players and clubs but on site you have to register for them at 10th grade. No mention of affiliation fees for younger ones. Extending to 12's and 14's  Vision to produce International Players - conflict with FTC as that is the only way. Fully supported by our Board without consultation withclubs. Time for some change at the top.

Starting XI
over 17 years

It's almost as though they think they are free to make decisions on behalf of the game without consulting their members who they are actually there to serve. I don't think it's the staffs fault but the board - they are simply not listening and this is primarily a leadership issue. If people aren't following you as a leader then you need to rethink what you are doing, same for clubs. If the rumoured relocation of Mainland to Yaldhurst is true then I would be very disappointed as would many others I suspect - could we see a rerun of the motion of no confidence Coastal and Tech proposed a few years back over the School of Football debacle? - remember that was established in the best interests of the local game. Eventually morphed into the FTC once NZF gave them a prod in the right direction (as in the School of Football sat outside NZF own strategic planning) with the support of the majority of clubs at the time as they saw Coastal gaining a distinct advantage with their own academy programme (not much support for that one from Mainland was there? They even went and poached Ed Baronowski to shut it down) - how short sighted was that decision in light of recent events?

Quite simply you would have to question the combined wisdom of the whole Board.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

FTC - TOL trials list is out.

Expect a few phone calls tonight Mr Padmore from a number of quality players led up the garden path to now find a spot at Selwyn or Waimak!  

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
10cc wrote:

FTC - TOL trials list is out.

Expect a few phone calls tonight Mr Padmore from a number of quality players led up the garden path to now find a spot at Selwyn or Waimak!  

Can you tell them to hurry up then? :)
First Team Squad
over 17 years

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

over 11 years
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

Starting XI
over 17 years

I don't think it's been shut down or poo pooed that bad, it's the process Mainland have gone through, and the history of not having anything to do with other academies that has raised a few eyebrows.

over 11 years
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

The faces on the wee pamphlet are Ricardo Felitti (top chap and a fantastic coach for the wee kids), Joe Hall (that young fella who did lots of good things at Uni last season), Aimee Phillips (Former/Current Pride player I think?), and Carey Baird. Thats about all I can say here.
over 11 years
shushy6 wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

The faces on the wee pamphlet are Ricardo Felitti (top chap and a fantastic coach for the wee kids), Joe Hall (that young fella who did lots of good things at Uni last season), Aimee Phillips (Former/Current Pride player I think?), and Carey Baird. Thats about all I can say here.

Yeah saw that pamphlet, looks like they are part timers and have other jobs by the looks of it. 
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
grizly wrote:
shushy6 wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

The faces on the wee pamphlet are Ricardo Felitti (top chap and a fantastic coach for the wee kids), Joe Hall (that young fella who did lots of good things at Uni last season), Aimee Phillips (Former/Current Pride player I think?), and Carey Baird. Thats about all I can say here.

Yeah saw that pamphlet, looks like they are part timers and have other jobs by the looks of it. 

Carey Baird ????

Stage Punch
about 17 years

One major issue throughout the country (imho) is that Federations have failed to make the transition from being the only provider of football services in a region AND a governing body, to one of many football providers in a region AND a governing body.

The folks guiding these organisations haven't separated the two things in their heads. They think that their provision of services is linked to or the same as their governance job. But it's not. 

As an aside, NZF have a similar problem although they have mostly given up trying to provide services.

over 11 years
10cc wrote:
grizly wrote:
shushy6 wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

The faces on the wee pamphlet are Ricardo Felitti (top chap and a fantastic coach for the wee kids), Joe Hall (that young fella who did lots of good things at Uni last season), Aimee Phillips (Former/Current Pride player I think?), and Carey Baird. Thats about all I can say here.

Yeah saw that pamphlet, looks like they are part timers and have other jobs by the looks of it. 

Carey Baird ????

Not sure, but he has a kid in the Burnley program so that's interesting maybe ! he talks a lot too, would not want to be to close for to long :)
almost 14 years
Smithy wrote:

One major issue throughout the country (imho) is that Federations have failed to make the transition from being the only provider of football services in a region AND a governing body, to one of many football providers in a region AND a governing body.

The folks guiding these organisations haven't separated the two things in their heads. They think that their provision of services is linked to or the same as their governance job. But it's not. 

As an aside, NZF have a similar problem although they have mostly given up trying to provide services.

Agreed. As such, it calls into question the 'business model' of the feds. If the Feds were to stop 'competing' with clubs and academies (via FTC-paying customers), then their heads would instantly re-focus on governance issues of a membership based organisation - ref and coach education, player development opportunities (tournaments, tours), income (sponsorships), facilities and better admin. However it seems their model is now over-reliant on FTC income. To give it up means cutting or redeploying staff and reconsidering their income basis.
over 11 years
Global Game wrote:
Smithy wrote:

One major issue throughout the country (imho) is that Federations have failed to make the transition from being the only provider of football services in a region AND a governing body, to one of many football providers in a region AND a governing body.

The folks guiding these organisations haven't separated the two things in their heads. They think that their provision of services is linked to or the same as their governance job. But it's not. 

As an aside, NZF have a similar problem although they have mostly given up trying to provide services.

Agreed. As such, it calls into question the 'business model' of the feds. If the Feds were to stop 'competing' with clubs and academies (via FTC-paying customers), then their heads would instantly re-focus on governance issues of a membership based organisation - ref and coach education, player development opportunities (tournaments, tours), income (sponsorships), facilities and better admin. However it seems their model is now over-reliant on FTC income. To give it up means cutting or redeploying staff and reconsidering their income basis.

TO TRUE ? and guess what it will happen eventually as they start to go broke again !
First Team Squad
over 17 years
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

over 11 years
10cc wrote:

Carey Baird ????

Fascinated me too.
over 11 years
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

no one will travel there for low quality coaching.
almost 16 years
10cc wrote:

FTC - TOL trials list is out.

Expect a few phone calls tonight Mr Padmore from a number of quality players led up the garden path to now find a spot at Selwyn or Waimak!  

what does this mean 10CC?

miss NTC cut = leave FTC = join Burnley? 

genuine question, not a wind up. 
almost 14 years

I thought that what Burney was living on - FTC rejects?

almost 14 years

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

almost 16 years
Global Game wrote:

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

definitely parts of both. but I am sure some parents make a preferential choice for one or the other for "strict" football reasons. 
almost 16 years

nerd foal matched the NTC South Island to FTC list

why is it different in the North Island? It seems incongruous to me to have different criteria for different locations. 

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
foal30 wrote:
Global Game wrote:

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

definitely parts of both. but I am sure some parents make a preferential choice for one or the other for "strict" football reasons. 

Many that have experienced FTC and NTC have indeed rejected MF's offering for better coaching at other private providers. Burnley is one of them. That is despite the supposed threat of not having a national pathway. That is a crock of pooha  and exposed as such nationwide.  You ask Canterbury United if they give a toss about players having come through FTC/NTC.
almost 14 years

Nerd foal, what go you mean by your comment of nth island being different? Academies and schools get players there too.

over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

I thought that what Burney was living on - FTC rejects?

Far from it, I challenge anyone to go watch a session of both Burnley and FTC then judge for yourself, oh and by the way the Burnley Coaches are employeed full time that means they dont have any other jobs and work up to six days a week training, probably got more than 10,000 hours 

over 11 years
Global Game wrote:

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

This is the main reason why Burnley is so sucessfull in Selwyn and Waimak and now that there reputaion is growing after a very sucessful year then I suspect the next move will be to setup in a branch in town, may be they can hire ASB Park when FTC is canned
over 11 years
10cc wrote:
foal30 wrote:
Global Game wrote:

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

definitely parts of both. but I am sure some parents make a preferential choice for one or the other for "strict" football reasons. 

Many that have experienced FTC and NTC have indeed rejected MF's offering for better coaching at other private providers. Burnley is one of them. That is despite the supposed threat of not having a national pathway. That is a crock of pooha  and exposed as such nationwide.  You ask Canterbury United if they give a toss about players having come through FTC/NTC.

Yes according to the lastest Canterbury United Communications letter sent out to clubs you dont need to go to FTC to get in there team, as they are now looking at clubs directly for potential players, public announcement to clubs. Bye Bye FTC hello club growth and save hole lot of fuel :)

Starting XI
over 17 years
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

Agreed 10CC, this will have a major impact on FC and Nomads (to a lesser extent) numbers. Where was Mainlands dialogue with those clubs? I hear FC's numbers have taken a big hit. Where is Mainlands support for the club? Not good enough for them to hang them out to dry. 
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

Agreed 10CC, this will have a major impact on FC and Nomads (to a lesser extent) numbers. Where was Mainlands dialogue with those clubs? I hear FC's numbers have taken a big hit. Where is Mainlands support for the club? Not good enough for them to hang them out to dry. 

Logical thing here would have been for a partnership with FC. Tetso was with FC, i believe the russian funded their new kit when FC was forrmed etc etc. Somewhere along the line the relationship must have soured. Maybe when Tetso was asked to present his A licence, and didn't/couldn't? Something fishy here, but then money can make good more often than not. You gotta ask yourself, why volunteers at a forward thinking club have't grabbed this "opportunity" with both hands, and why MF has not proactively assisted with this knowing full well the outcome if it didn't.

We should be celebrating someone wanting to chuck millions into facilities here in chch. So why aren't we ? 

First Team Squad
over 14 years
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

Agreed 10CC, this will have a major impact on FC and Nomads (to a lesser extent) numbers. Where was Mainlands dialogue with those clubs? I hear FC's numbers have taken a big hit. Where is Mainlands support for the club? Not good enough for them to hang them out to dry. 

Logical thing here would have been for a partnership with FC. Tetso was with FC, i believe the russian funded their new kit when FC was forrmed etc etc. Somewhere along the line the relationship must have soured. Maybe when Tetso was asked to present his A licence, and didn't/couldn't? Something fishy here, but then money can make good more often than not. You gotta ask yourself, why volunteers at a forward thinking club have't grabbed this "opportunity" with both hands, and why MF has not proactively assisted with this knowing full well the outcome if it didn't.

We should be celebrating someone wanting to chuck millions into facilities here in chch. So why aren't we ? 

Let's see how long it lasts. 
Maybe an ego trip for one out of work coach.
Ask the parents of kids from FC what the problem was. 
Something mentioned to me 
almost 16 years
Global Game wrote:

Nerd foal, what go you mean by your comment of nth island being different? Academies and schools get players there too.

all the Chch players are at FTC
yet it seems that in both Wellington and Auckland this is not the case
(ie: at Ole - still in NTC)

almost 16 years
10cc wrote:
foal30 wrote:
Global Game wrote:

.. And kids who live too far away to make FTC realistic.

definitely parts of both. but I am sure some parents make a preferential choice for one or the other for "strict" football reasons. 

Many that have experienced FTC and NTC have indeed rejected MF's offering for better coaching at other private providers. Burnley is one of them. That is despite the supposed threat of not having a national pathway. That is a crock of pooha  and exposed as such nationwide.  You ask Canterbury United if they give a toss about players having come through FTC/NTC.

for the 2 age bands I know not one single player has left FTC for Burnley (or anywhere else) As far as coaching is concerned I'd take Xavier and Korosh over anyone else currently on offer in Chch. (Junior boys) 

I don't know about ASB selection, I'm thinking of U-17 National side where the pathway is lined as from NTC into that squad. It appears that "rule" isn't of commonality nationwide. 
Probably needs clarification eh!!
almost 14 years
foal30 wrote:
Global Game wrote:

Nerd foal, what go you mean by your comment of nth island being different? Academies and schools get players there too.

all the Chch players are at FTC

yet it seems that in both Wellington and Auckland this is not the case

(ie: at Ole - still in NTC)

Hey foal, pretty sure Nth Isalnd academy kids are not eligible for NTC; but that doesn't entice them back to FTC. Plenty of Nth Island kids make national youth teams from schools/academies, with no FTC/NTC at all.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

ok just googled the exact location and that is a lot closer to town that what I had described to me - my understanding was it was about another 10km west.
Starting XI
over 17 years
10cc wrote:
Ronaldoknow wrote:
10cc wrote:
gings wrote:
grizly wrote:
gings wrote:

Its a bit of a shame the new club in yaldhurst got shot down. New facilities, huge growth projections in the region and the chance to plan ahead and get a foot hold in the community.

Its not a new club, its an academy isn't it ? who are there coaches, what qualifications do they have ? are they full time coaches or just part timers ?  

They wanted to form a new club as well (club to use the facilities as home and host the academy) but this was shot down by mainland due largely to there already being enough clubs in the area - FC & Nomads are bloody lucky. Personally I think its far enough away to justify it, but I feel if the quality of the product was good players would travel.

"Personally I think its far enough away to justify it" - What planet are you from ???

Agreed 10CC, this will have a major impact on FC and Nomads (to a lesser extent) numbers. Where was Mainlands dialogue with those clubs? I hear FC's numbers have taken a big hit. Where is Mainlands support for the club? Not good enough for them to hang them out to dry. 

Logical thing here would have been for a partnership with FC. Tetso was with FC, i believe the russian funded their new kit when FC was forrmed etc etc. Somewhere along the line the relationship must have soured. Maybe when Tetso was asked to present his A licence, and didn't/couldn't? Something fishy here, but then money can make good more often than not. You gotta ask yourself, why volunteers at a forward thinking club have't grabbed this "opportunity" with both hands, and why MF has not proactively assisted with this knowing full well the outcome if it didn't.

We should be celebrating someone wanting to chuck millions into facilities here in chch. So why aren't we ? 

Money can't buy you love.
This will all end in tears.

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