Starting XI
over 17 years
Global Game wrote:

Of course the kids had a great time; all kids love tournaments and good on CFA for putting it on.

However there are plenty of clubs scathing of the way CFA was established and the governing body's role in that, with little if any communication with its stakeholders - the clubs and their members - being at the heart of it. The fact a key player in CFA is an ex employee of neighbouring club fc20 and fc20's membership has dropped quite severely is just one cause for concern. Another is that  Mainland have allowed a new junior club to form - in contravention of their own guidelines for new clubs. The tie-in with University is nothing but convenient smoke and mirrors.

The only reason I flagged this was to highlight the possible double standards of a club being against CFA formation yet supporting it by sending teams to their tournament. I bet fc20 sent ZERO teams.

Yes it maybe a double standard but not sure if Tech were the instigator in the warning to all clubs around the setup of the new CFA.  Definitely questions to answer from Mainland about it, (were they ever answered?) however unsure whether this is Tech's battle to fight. If a couple of coaches sign up for a junior tournament, do the club then say "no, it's against our beliefs".  Probably not.
over 10 years

Thats right. Thats why you guys were there. To expose you players to the game at all opportunities. As a coach I want to see every kids smiling and enjoying it. And even better it was a competition that kept scores. Shhhhh dont tell anyone but no one died when they lost

almost 16 years
VimFuego wrote:
Global Game wrote:

Of course the kids had a great time; all kids love tournaments and good on CFA for putting it on.

However there are plenty of clubs scathing of the way CFA was established and the governing body's role in that, with little if any communication with its stakeholders - the clubs and their members - being at the heart of it. The fact a key player in CFA is an ex employee of neighbouring club fc20 and fc20's membership has dropped quite severely is just one cause for concern. Another is that  Mainland have allowed a new junior club to form - in contravention of their own guidelines for new clubs. The tie-in with University is nothing but convenient smoke and mirrors.

The only reason I flagged this was to highlight the possible double standards of a club being against CFA formation yet supporting it by sending teams to their tournament. I bet fc20 sent ZERO teams.

Yes it maybe a double standard but not sure if Tech were the instigator in the warning to all clubs around the setup of the new CFA.  Definitely questions to answer from Mainland about it, (were they ever answered?) however unsure whether this is Tech's battle to fight. If a couple of coaches sign up for a junior tournament, do the club then say "no, it's against our beliefs".  Probably not.

If it was next door to Garrick Park, probably so. 
almost 16 years
2 Onion Bags wrote:

Oh and I have plenty of reason to be dissatisfied with the direction and governance from this lot after witnessing there lies against our club in person last year

tell us more. 
over 10 years

I think its better left in last year. Enough has already been said (none of it factual) on the MPL blog. 

So I have said my bit, going back into my shell to keep working with kids and creating dreams/futures not gasbagging about it

almost 16 years

OK , good luck at Waimak. 

Starting XI
over 17 years
2 Onion Bags wrote:

Thats right. Thats why you guys were there. To expose you players to the game at all opportunities. As a coach I want to see every kids smiling and enjoying it. And even better it was a competition that kept scores. Shhhhh dont tell anyone but no one died when they lost

Wow, welcome to the forum, you sure know how to make friends.  Good luck 'creating futures for our kids' with that attitude!
almost 14 years
VimFuego wrote:
2 Onion Bags wrote:

Thats right. Thats why you guys were there. To expose you players to the game at all opportunities. As a coach I want to see every kids smiling and enjoying it. And even better it was a competition that kept scores. Shhhhh dont tell anyone but no one died when they lost

Wow, welcome to the forum, you sure know how to make friends.  Good luck 'creating futures for our kids' with that attitude!

I think the first 2 sentences refer to a club who sent teams, but i have no idea which clubs sent teams. However I agree with the rest of the post - kids playing with a smile; and that kids will usually keep score anyway, so no harm in finding a winner. It's just how you go about acknowledging it, along with all competing teams.
over 10 years

Correct on how it is acknowledged. Sadly there is still a parent problem. But time will fix that. And the kids need to learn to lose. Its great for growth as a human.

Vim - I aint trying to create enemies just trying to get the people who post here (great ideas at times) to get together and fix the problems. It feels like mainland are reactive not proactive in there approach and generally alter the rules to suit there means.

I am not into conspiracies but will tell it like I think. Good or bad. 

Not sure you have any idea what club I am at with that guess but I do know that they are growing beyond anyone else bar perhaps selwyn. And the team weI played were all products of thrre system not imported.

over 11 years
2 Onion Bags wrote:

Correct on how it is acknowledged. Sadly there is still a parent problem. But time will fix that. And the kids need to learn to lose. Its great for growth as a human.

Vim - I aint trying to create enemies just trying to get the people who post here (great ideas at times) to get together and fix the problems. It feels like mainland are reactive not proactive in there approach and generally alter the rules to suit there means.

I am not into conspiracies but will tell it like I think. Good or bad. 

Not sure you have any idea what club I am at with that guess but I do know that they are growing beyond anyone else bar perhaps selwyn. And the team weI played were all products of thrre system not imported.

Must be Coastal then! They have a fantastic youth pathway! :)
over 10 years

Teams that played:

Cash Tech x 2



Chch United

CFA x 3

about 14 years

Been years since I have made a comment on here but thought I'd put my 10 cents worth in. I actually had my 10th grade team along at the weekends tournament after accepting an invitation from the "Universities" club.

My initial reason for getting my team involved was to give them some football action rather than cooling their heels for 3 weeks over the Easter and Anzac weekends. My team is a "Band B" team and has a wide mixture of playing abilities - from a few very talented players to a couple of kids just starting out in the sport. We found most of the other teams were either clubs elite teams, A Teams or development teams. It was very challenging for my group and they were on the end of some one sided score lines, but more than anything I think my team actually learnt quite a bit playing against teams of the standard of which they wouldn't encounter on a weekly basis. To show how much my group improved over the course of the tournament, in our final game we actually defeated a team 4-1 who had scored 7 odd goals earlier in the tournament :)

I give the CFA credit for organising the tournament actually. My main motive for registering my team was to keep some momentum going rather than having the start-stop effect with the double holiday weekends. Big ups to them for taking the initiative to try and give the kids some extra footy.

Yes it was a challenge for my team (but hey I think everyone needs a challenge every now and again). But overall I think they came out of it better off and learnt from playing against some far superior players and teams. Hopefully the days experience will hold them in good stead when they resume playing against other Band B teams this weekend.

over 11 years

Good on you for getting in there. Let us know how they go this weekend!

almost 16 years

apart from Cuthbert's Green all the grounds are shut

weather forecast is for limited rain so hopefully games this Saturday

almost 11 years

3 out of 4 Premier games already moved to ASB Football Park Saturday..

almost 11 years

I saw a terrible display of parents on the sideline at a 13th grade Div 1 game today...

The guy refereeing has said he will never referee again after the abuse he received.

It's their kids I felt sorry for even they commented on their team's parents behaviour. Sad to say their coach was just as bad...

almost 16 years

I'll go FC2011 sideline vs Bays.

I caught the 2nd half of another 13D1 game and it was fantastic, Coastal v CTFC. Good football, happy sidelines. 

almost 14 years

And in less than great news. The ridiculous decision to merge last years Girls 14th grade 2 div league into a 1div 15th grade league resulted in cashmere beating Halswell 20-0 and coastal beating bays 21-0 yesterday. Waste of time for all involved I imagine.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Yup. Especially with the Coastal coach asking the other coach to swap players at half time to make it more even and being declined and decides to put 8 across the back instead...

almost 16 years

yes another weekend of big scores. 

look at 15 D1 for why the schools are nothing but a pain in the ass

and where did Halswell go from that grade? Did they send the entire 14D1 winners up to 16's?

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
foal30 wrote:

yes another weekend of big scores. 

look at 15 D1 for why the schools are nothing but a pain in the ass

and where did Halswell go from that grade? Did they send the entire 14D1 winners up to 16's?

almost 16 years

righto that explains that then, thanks 10CC

had a look through most of the youth grades today, potential for a lot more blow outs if the 'first 3 round form' holds. 

over 11 years
howzat wrote:

I saw a terrible display of parents on the sideline at a 13th grade Div 1 game today...

The guy refereeing has said he will never referee again after the abuse he received.

It's their kids I felt sorry for even they commented on their team's parents behaviour. Sad to say their coach was just as bad...

The very least that needs to be done in cases like this is to lay a complaint. If nothing else happens it at least creates a history for later on. I imagine most if not all of the parents are carrying a smart phone that can record or film events. Use them! 
 I am pretty sure even junior referees have the power to abandon games because of abuse? Can anyone else clarify this? Its a big call to make, but this kind of crap simply cannot be allowed to go on.
almost 11 years

The referee has all the power. Doesn't matter who is refereeing..parent or official ref and that's how it should be..


I will suggest to club concerned that a complaint be made. Plenty of witnesses in this case, difficult not to see. Never thought of cell phone..

almost 11 years
howzat wrote:

The referee has all the power. Doesn't matter who is refereeing..parent or official ref and that's how it should be..


I will suggest to club concerned that a complaint be made. Plenty of witnesses in this case, difficult not to see. Never thought of cell phone..

Another thing I've noticed is that they keep changing the result to less goals..

over 11 years

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
shushy6 wrote:

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Here you go - hot off the press!

Hi Everyone

We are seeing some staggering scores being recorded in Goalnet.

The Mainland rule is a 7 goal differential.

IE.  8 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 20 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 13 to 6 win is OK, then a  12 to 1 win is recorded as 8 to 1

Please have your scores checked in the system and apply the 7 goal differential please.


Brad Maxwell

Starting XI
over 17 years

How about sort the leagues out so we have even games and teams aren't losing 20-0?

almost 11 years

Always a few clubs that don't stick to this rule...

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
VimFuego wrote:

How about sort the leagues out so we have even games and teams aren't losing 20-0?

That takes human resource which mainland which mainland is short of?
almost 14 years
10cc wrote:
shushy6 wrote:

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Here you go - hot off the press!

Hi Everyone

We are seeing some staggering scores being recorded in Goalnet.

The Mainland rule is a 7 goal differential.

IE.  8 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 20 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 13 to 6 win is OK, then a  12 to 1 win is recorded as 8 to 1

Please have your scores checked in the system and apply the 7 goal differential please.


Brad Maxwell

If clubs are entering results directly via goalnet and record it as 7-0, will Mainland know that a 20-0 was the actual result?
over 11 years
Global Game wrote:
10cc wrote:
shushy6 wrote:

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Here you go - hot off the press!

Hi Everyone

We are seeing some staggering scores being recorded in Goalnet.

The Mainland rule is a 7 goal differential.

IE.  8 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 20 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 13 to 6 win is OK, then a  12 to 1 win is recorded as 8 to 1

Please have your scores checked in the system and apply the 7 goal differential please.


Brad Maxwell

If clubs are entering results directly via goalnet and record it as 7-0, will Mainland know that a 20-0 was the actual result?

Valid question. Do clubs enter the scores themselves? I thought it was an email from the FDO sort of a scenario?

almost 16 years

I thought we put results in as they occurred then Mainland edited as required. 

With the change as GG pointed out, Mainland may not be aware of scoring blow-outs. 

First Team Squad
over 14 years
shushy6 wrote:
Global Game wrote:
10cc wrote:
shushy6 wrote:

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Here you go - hot off the press!

Hi Everyone

We are seeing some staggering scores being recorded in Goalnet.

The Mainland rule is a 7 goal differential.

IE.  8 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 20 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 13 to 6 win is OK, then a  12 to 1 win is recorded as 8 to 1

Please have your scores checked in the system and apply the 7 goal differential please.


Brad Maxwell

If clubs are entering results directly via goalnet and record it as 7-0, will Mainland know that a 20-0 was the actual result?

Valid question. Do clubs enter the scores themselves? I thought it was an email from the FDO sort of a scenario?

Clubs results officer to do adjustment themselves. So as mentioned MF wouldn't have any idea as to how one sided games can be.
I was due to Ref an 18th grade game on Saturday, got the refs kit dusted off and get a text from club senior convener on Saturday morning to say game put off by MF on Friday night. Not enough pitches available to run all grades. 
Don't know what some parks are like but Avonhead Park was awful on Sunday, brings back memories of the 70s and 80s cow paddocks.
Time to change all Football to summer time leave the rugby to winter. I have noted more and more any time the parks that have no football on on a Saturday the rugby guys use the football pitch as a warm up or training areas.
So the kids playing round ball don't get to have a kick around but the wobbly ball kids do.
over 11 years
Scottie Rd wrote:

Clubs results officer to do adjustment themselves. So as mentioned MF wouldn't have any idea as to how one sided games can be.

I was due to Ref an 18th grade game on Saturday, got the refs kit dusted off and get a text from club senior convener on Saturday morning to say game put off by MF on Friday night. Not enough pitches available to run all grades. 

Don't know what some parks are like but Avonhead Park was awful on Sunday, brings back memories of the 70s and 80s cow paddocks.

Time to change all Football to summer time leave the rugby to winter. I have noted more and more any time the parks that have no football on on a Saturday the rugby guys use the football pitch as a warm up or training areas.

So the kids playing round ball don't get to have a kick around but the wobbly ball kids do.

Sounds like some pitches during the week when closed.... Heard that Rugby teams train on some of the football pitches when they're closed......
over 11 years
BenchWarmer wrote:
Scottie Rd wrote:

Clubs results officer to do adjustment themselves. So as mentioned MF wouldn't have any idea as to how one sided games can be.

I was due to Ref an 18th grade game on Saturday, got the refs kit dusted off and get a text from club senior convener on Saturday morning to say game put off by MF on Friday night. Not enough pitches available to run all grades. 

Don't know what some parks are like but Avonhead Park was awful on Sunday, brings back memories of the 70s and 80s cow paddocks.

Time to change all Football to summer time leave the rugby to winter. I have noted more and more any time the parks that have no football on on a Saturday the rugby guys use the football pitch as a warm up or training areas.

So the kids playing round ball don't get to have a kick around but the wobbly ball kids do.

Sounds like some pitches during the week when closed.... Heard that Rugby teams train on some of the football pitches when they're closed......

See how long you last if you try that in reverse...

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
10cc wrote:
shushy6 wrote:

The Mainland folk adjust scores to a maximum of 10 goals I believe. Or a difference of ten, not sure. I know of one case last year which had 23 pages of eye witness testimonials submitted in defence of a person like this, against 3 pages to lay the complaint and define what happened. Judiciary threw it out,and seemed to think it was a beef between two of the adults, one per side. Evidence really does need to be irrefutable to get anywhere.

Here you go - hot off the press!

Hi Everyone

We are seeing some staggering scores being recorded in Goalnet.

The Mainland rule is a 7 goal differential.

IE.  8 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 20 Nil win is recorded as 7 Nil

A 13 to 6 win is OK, then a  12 to 1 win is recorded as 8 to 1

Please have your scores checked in the system and apply the 7 goal differential please.


Brad Maxwell

Surely you want some record of 'true' scores so grades can be at least observed.  'Brad Maxwell' is this the property agent who thought he could take the mayoral job off Bob Parker.... 
First Team Squad
over 14 years
shushy6 wrote:
BenchWarmer wrote:
Scottie Rd wrote:

Clubs results officer to do adjustment themselves. So as mentioned MF wouldn't have any idea as to how one sided games can be.

I was due to Ref an 18th grade game on Saturday, got the refs kit dusted off and get a text from club senior convener on Saturday morning to say game put off by MF on Friday night. Not enough pitches available to run all grades. 

Don't know what some parks are like but Avonhead Park was awful on Sunday, brings back memories of the 70s and 80s cow paddocks.

Time to change all Football to summer time leave the rugby to winter. I have noted more and more any time the parks that have no football on on a Saturday the rugby guys use the football pitch as a warm up or training areas.

So the kids playing round ball don't get to have a kick around but the wobbly ball kids do.

Sounds like some pitches during the week when closed.... Heard that Rugby teams train on some of the football pitches when they're closed......

See how long you last if you try that in reverse...

Merivale Papanui Rugby club has put into council to have Nunweek Park football pitch changed to a rugby pitch.
How many other football pitches in the city have been squeezed out to rugby?

over 11 years
Scottie Rd wrote:
shushy6 wrote:
BenchWarmer wrote:
Scottie Rd wrote:

Clubs results officer to do adjustment themselves. So as mentioned MF wouldn't have any idea as to how one sided games can be.

I was due to Ref an 18th grade game on Saturday, got the refs kit dusted off and get a text from club senior convener on Saturday morning to say game put off by MF on Friday night. Not enough pitches available to run all grades. 

Don't know what some parks are like but Avonhead Park was awful on Sunday, brings back memories of the 70s and 80s cow paddocks.

Time to change all Football to summer time leave the rugby to winter. I have noted more and more any time the parks that have no football on on a Saturday the rugby guys use the football pitch as a warm up or training areas.

So the kids playing round ball don't get to have a kick around but the wobbly ball kids do.

Sounds like some pitches during the week when closed.... Heard that Rugby teams train on some of the football pitches when they're closed......

See how long you last if you try that in reverse...

Merivale Papanui Rugby club has put into council to have Nunweek Park football pitch changed to a rugby pitch.

How many other football pitches in the city have been squeezed out to rugby?

You may have to aim that question at our mate Brad Maxwell, if he is a city councillor...
almost 11 years

At the All Club meeting held on 26th Feb 2014 delegates were advised to submit the correct scores which is why we have been doing so up till now. This meeting was held before Brad was appointed.

Any General business regarding competitions

Rocky (Western, absent) Suggested that large scores should be posted as the actual score, teams on the day try and prevent this by using common sense. Large scores would assist Mainland Football to quickly ascertain if a team is being outclassed or is superior. Not all clubs are adhering to posting 7 goal differences and informing Mainland Football of the true score.

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