Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

So 10cc just switching to your Nike cup reference: ive heard nomads are expecting to play players registered as senior nomads players 2013 who did not play in 2013 leagues for nomads (APFA players who played for schools I think). When will mainland make ruling on player eligibility? When they receive official squad lists ( which won't be until just prior to tournament)? Or will they defer it to after tournament and to NZF? What are nomads saying? Letter of the law, not spirit of the law?

Mainland your dealing with so your guess as good as mine! You'd hope/expect they have learned from 2013 shambles with regard to player eligibility so they might be getting their house in order over the summer. That said, nike cup is administered by NZF, so any issues may be directed straight to the top? 

Interesting article back in 2012:

Chance the rules have been tightened up for 2014?

Crazy to think that for sake of one long shot tournament so much creativity is applied. Energy and focus better spent on decent coaching. Perhaps that's why Bully's own kid is getting his coaching at Burnley setup rather than in-house from his own club?

almost 14 years

I'll say one thing for them: they are motivated. They're off to Auckland over the long weekend to play some auk opposition. Good on them for that. 

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

I'll say one thing for them: they are motivated. They're off to Auckland over the long weekend to play some auk opposition. Good on them for that. 

And good luck to them and the ring-ins they have from other club(s) in lieu of their own age-grade kids. Only motivation is coach' ego who is already considering his limited options for his own lad now apfa is shutting up shop. Nothing to do with club, just individuals who will up-sticks when it suits.

almost 14 years
10cc wrote:

I'll say one thing for them: they are motivated. They're off to Auckland over the long weekend to play some auk opposition. Good on them for that. 

And good luck to them and the ring-ins they have from other club(s) in lieu of their own age-grade kids. Only motivation is coach' ego who is already considering his limited options for his own lad now apfa is shutting up shop. Nothing to do with club, just individuals who will up-sticks when it suits.

Oh. Didn't realize that. Shame if the motivation is coach ego not devrloping a group of players for the club. 
almost 16 years

I await the return of Scottie and Bench

Quite like your analysis of Cup Fever 10CC

First Team Squad
over 14 years
10cc wrote:

I'll say one thing for them: they are motivated. They're off to Auckland over the long weekend to play some auk opposition. Good on them for that. 

And good luck to them and the ring-ins they have from other club(s) in lieu of their own age-grade kids. Only motivation is coach' ego who is already considering his limited options for his own lad now apfa is shutting up shop. Nothing to do with club, just individuals who will up-sticks when it suits.

Oh. Didn't realize that. Shame if the motivation is coach ego not devrloping a group of players for the club. 

You guys must be talking about Dale Anderson then?
He is not the coach of the Nomads 15a team or the Nike Cup team, 'Toffeeman' Potts is the coach yes Dale has a job within the set up.
Dale has always stated that his intention over the last few years was to bring together the best available players with the clubs first team [MPL} as the lowest target for these players to aspire to. The other part of this is the club wants to keep players at the club at the age group when schools start to put the feelers out. 
You may have noticed the lack of a Burnside High team playing in Mainland comps, this school has had it's 1st X1 coached by a couple of Nomads coaches since 2004. So in some clubs the structure is for trying to keep away from schools on Saturday football. 
Nomads 15s and 17s team picked up boys from Saturday school teams [CBHS, Stac]. so it is working slowly. 
As I'd posted in a prior blog yes Auckland, Australia and then the USA. this is what Dale is working on. 
 Nomads have sent teams to the States before, .

over 11 years
Scottie Rd wrote:
10cc wrote:

I'll say one thing for them: they are motivated. They're off to Auckland over the long weekend to play some auk opposition. Good on them for that. 

And good luck to them and the ring-ins they have from other club(s) in lieu of their own age-grade kids. Only motivation is coach' ego who is already considering his limited options for his own lad now apfa is shutting up shop. Nothing to do with club, just individuals who will up-sticks when it suits.

Oh. Didn't realize that. Shame if the motivation is coach ego not devrloping a group of players for the club. 

You guys must be talking about Dale Anderson then?

He is not the coach of the Nomads 15a team or the Nike Cup team, 'Toffeeman' Potts is the coach yes Dale has a job within the set up.

Dale has always stated that his intention over the last few years was to bring together the best available players with the clubs first team [MPL} as the lowest target for these players to aspire to. The other part of this is the club wants to keep players at the club at the age group when schools start to put the feelers out. 

You may have noticed the lack of a Burnside High team playing in Mainland comps, this school has had it's 1st X1 coached by a couple of Nomads coaches since 2004. So in some clubs the structure is for trying to keep away from schools on Saturday football. 

Nomads 15s and 17s team picked up boys from Saturday school teams [CBHS, Stac]. so it is working slowly. 

As I'd posted in a prior blog yes Auckland, Australia and then the USA. this is what Dale is working on. 

 Nomads have sent teams to the States before, .

As Scottie stated.... Dale is not the coach of the 15th grade team or next years Nike Cup. He stepped down at the end of the 2012 season and was not coach for last years Nike cup or the past season. He has been involved in the coaching structure in the basis that he has been the guy that has liaised with the APFA in regards to player releases etc as he knows them through his son being there. No player has been played or utilized without the APFA approval and to be totally honest his son has been out of action for about 4 months now anyway with a stress fracture!
Dale has also been involved in taking the teams to Nelson and next weekend to Auckland, but that is as a result of unavailability of the usual coach due to work and family commitments.
The Auckland trip is based around experience of playing the more Northern teams should the team progress further in next years Nike Cup. There is no harm in doing this.... surely it's the same as the Cash Tech 19's going to Napier? And approaching players from other clubs when they have enough to fill their squad?
Some of the older 15's from this season who have been left behind as they are too old for this tournament are involved with the Nomads 19's for the Coastal tournament for experience too.
All these things are about player development... something in which the current coach has agreed to! For the people that are slagging off the coaching structure, where is there any problem in this?
Players that develop with further experience can only enhance a club team providing they play and train together at the appropriate times. Some 15's and 17's have gained experience in training with, and being involved with, the clubs PDL side and will continue to do so
Ok, some ages the structure and coaches need further development and enhancing, but this is the same at many clubs.... The reason Bully's son will be at the Burnley Academy will be as a means for personal development as a player. He stills plays for the Nomads Junior section, and there are a couple of players from the 15's that have just come back from a 2 week tournament in Malaysia! It's all about Player Development... creating the right opportunities provide this as long as it doesn't interfere in what club teams are trying to do and teams/academies work in partnership and consideration!  
almost 14 years

I'm not going to comment on the specifics, but in general I think a club/team/coach/players with ambition is a great thing. There is no one right way/path/development pathway etc; the only thing you can do is be honest and upfront and play within the accepted rules.

At Junior level, clubs I see that demonstrate ambition: it might be organising pre/post season tournaments, taking teams to non Chch tournaments, having an internal player development plan, coaching development pathway etc:
*** 3 star rating: Waimak, Selwyn, Coastal
** Nomads (more than one team Scottie/Benchie?)
* Western
What do others think? (based on some semblance of fact)
What about Cashmere, Bays, Halswell, FC2011, Chch Utd?

over 11 years

As far as I'm aware it's just the 1 Nomads team at present, who have ventured outside of Christchurch.... I do think the club are starting to look long term and towards a bigger structure and development, but this will take time and commitment. 

over 11 years

Bays have just started their own internal performance group, and are taking a team to the Kanga Cup next year as well. Good luck to them too!

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Waimak and Selwyn both hosting Burnley program,  catering for players further afield from Chch as an alternative talent pathway to FTC. Spinoffs for their own coaching capability, especially where FDO support has been sadly lacking. Two vastly different approaches to player development however, where one is focused on winning the other primarily on player development where a win is a bonus. Both effective in their chosen approach so depending on what tickles your fancy a good alternative for players at neighbouring clubs.

almost 11 years

Traditionally CBHS and SBHS have been the 2 strongest schools - as you would expect because they have the biggest rolls. Just because they beat Christs, STAC and Bedes on a regular basis doesn’t mean their coaches are any good. In fact at National Schools tournament the last few years they’ve failed to make top 8; or in Shirley’s case this year - failed to get anywhere near it; finished 31st I think. Good coaching? Embarrassing, more like.

Bedes have been better this year; Shirley have been worse. STAC and Christs appear to be getting better.

The real measure is not whether they get play in a tournament for 15 years or not; it’s 1) the quality of players when they finish school; 2) whether they continue to play the game. 

A good 16-17 yo will play PDL at club level - training with older, more experienced and better players; whereas the same kid in the school system will play with younger and less skillful players. Which do you think is better for that kid’s football development? At club level there are many more resources to turn to in terms of players and coaches who have been there/done that. 

How many players playing 1st XI in 2013 would make their club PDL or MPL team? Not many. Off the top of my head, only the following:

Christs - Tom R
SBHS - Connor L, Ryan S
Bedes - Jo B
Boys High - Tom P, Zac G, Jayden B, Sean Z, Mitch H
STAC - Henry F, Tom M

But if all those 1st XIs had developed in the club system since they were 14 I bet there would be more who are able to play PDL/MPL club footy.

MPL/PDL coaches who get involved at junior level:
NO: Cashmere, Bays 
YES: Coastal, FC20
Not sure: Halswell, Nomads, Western
What’s your point? All those clubs (well not Bays or Western because they don’t have any teams) have junior coaches at 14, 15, 17 and 18th grades - who all learn from other senior coaches around the club - formally and informally.

Oh, and by the way Scottie, the only Chch kid who made 2013 NZ secondary schools is a club player - Hamish Cadigan who has played at Nomads, Mainland School of Football and Western.

That is the stupidest argument i've ever read, partly because all of the complete fabrications in it. I'm not getting into the debate about schools football, maybe take a look at the north island schools playing before saying anything. I've been around the christchurch football scene been to 3 national tournaments with varying results. Christchurch Boys' were actually incredibly unlucky not to make the final through injuries. They were the only ones to keep a clean sheet and beat St Kentigerns with a full squad, no mean feat considering their team was stacked full of internationals. This team would have been even better had they had all the players at school available. Off my head, 5 pdl players didn't play for school, yet they still competed very highly, and without their striker breaking his arm on the first day would have done better i'm sure. Bedes also had a very good team who were unlucky to have Mount Albert Grammar and Tauranga Boys in their group who did very well. Shirley had 5 year 11s in their squad, so it was a transition year. I'm not sure Tony Ambrose and Mike Boomer count as 'embarrasing' coaches either
 My second point is about the complete rubbish about who would make pdl/mpl football next year. For one, i'd assume you just picked the boys picked for canterbury teams, as some of these boys are nowhere near this level. I'd offer my own list, which has some truth to it.


Christs - Tom R (pdl)

Stac Henry F (pdl)

Christchurch Boys - Jayden B (mpl), Tom F (mpl/pdl), Mitch H (mpl), Abdul K (already playing mpl), Tom P (mpl)

Shirley - Zac G (Yes he goes to shirley-pdl), Connor L (mpl), Ryan S (pdl)

Bedes - Joe B (pdl)

I read somewhere that Jayden Booth and Tom Fitall (midfielder and goalkeeper) were named in the tournament team alongside players like Clayton Lewis, Zac Speedy and Nick Forrester. So i'd give my congratulations to them

If you're going to make an argument slating schools football, make sure you actually know something

First Team Squad
over 14 years
tomw09 wrote:

Scottie, school football has it's place but the best football development is found at clubs.

Traditionally CBHS and SBHS have been the 2 strongest schools - as you would expect because they have the biggest rolls. Just because they beat Christs, STAC and Bedes on a regular basis doesn’t mean their coaches are any good. In fact at National Schools tournament the last few years they’ve failed to make top 8; or in Shirley’s case this year - failed to get anywhere near it; finished 31st I think. Good coaching? Embarrassing, more like.

Bedes have been better this year; Shirley have been worse. STAC and Christs appear to be getting better.

The real measure is not whether they get play in a tournament for 15 years or not; it’s 1) the quality of players when they finish school; 2) whether they continue to play the game. 

A good 16-17 yo will play PDL at club level - training with older, more experienced and better players; whereas the same kid in the school system will play with younger and less skillful players. Which do you think is better for that kid’s football development? At club level there are many more resources to turn to in terms of players and coaches who have been there/done that. 

How many players playing 1st XI in 2013 would make their club PDL or MPL team? Not many. Off the top of my head, only the following:

Christs - Tom R
SBHS - Connor L, Ryan S
Bedes - Jo B
Boys High - Tom P, Zac G, Jayden B, Sean Z, Mitch H
STAC - Henry F, Tom M

But if all those 1st XIs had developed in the club system since they were 14 I bet there would be more who are able to play PDL/MPL club footy.

MPL/PDL coaches who get involved at junior level:
NO: Cashmere, Bays 
YES: Coastal, FC20
Not sure: Halswell, Nomads, Western
What’s your point? All those clubs (well not Bays or Western because they don’t have any teams) have junior coaches at 14, 15, 17 and 18th grades - who all learn from other senior coaches around the club - formally and informally.

Oh, and by the way Scottie, the only Chch kid who made 2013 NZ secondary schools is a club player - Hamish Cadigan who has played at Nomads, Mainland School of Football and Western.

That is the stupidest argument i've ever read, partly because all of the complete fabrications in it. I'm not getting into the debate about schools football, maybe take a look at the north island schools playing before saying anything. I've been around the christchurch football scene been to 3 national tournaments with varying results. Christchurch Boys' were actually incredibly unlucky not to make the final through injuries. They were the only ones to keep a clean sheet and beat St Kentigerns with a full squad, no mean feat considering their team was stacked full of internationals. This team would have been even better had they had all the players at school available. Off my head, 5 pdl players didn't play for school, yet they still competed very highly, and without their striker breaking his arm on the first day would have done better i'm sure. Bedes also had a very good team who were unlucky to have Mount Albert Grammar and Tauranga Boys in their group who did very well. Shirley had 5 year 11s in their squad, so it was a transition year. I'm not sure Tony Ambrose and Mike Boomer count as 'embarrasing' coaches either.

  My second point is about the complete rubbish about who would make pdl/mpl football next year. For one, i'd assume you just picked the boys picked for canterbury teams, as some of these boys are nowhere near this level. I'd offer my own list, which has some truth to it.

Christs - Tom R (pdl)

Stac Henry F (pdl)

Christchurch Boys - Jayden B (mpl), Tom F (mpl/pdl), Mitch H (mpl), Abdul K (already playing mpl), Tom P (mpl)

Shirley - Zac G (Yes he goes to shirley-pdl), Connor L (mpl), Ryan S (pdl)

Bedes - Joe B (pdl)

I read somewhere that Jayden Booth and Tom Fitall (midfielder and goalkeeper) were named in the tournament team alongside players like Clayton Lewis, Zac Speedy and Nick Forrester. So i'd give my congratulations to them

If you're going to make an argument slating schools football, make sure you actually know something

Shows how much you know mate.
Ambrose coaches Refs not players.
If you could read, note we had been mentioning about playing in this years PDL/MPL, 2013 season. So how many of your names played this year in the pre season Coastal or Kaiapoi tournaments for a club team? This is the point at which clubs make the pick on the players who can make the step up from what is an very average 18th garde. 
If we do have to have schools let's get back to a Super Youth grade which was fo older age than just 18.
Mick Braithwaite had a Fg good Bays team the [I think] last year of this grade. I've had players opt to play club reserves over school and been going backwards yet the same school team had players the following year go into clubs MPL and win trophies.
So who was right and who was wrong? At 17 it don't matter one bit. Be loyal to your Junior club after school days, too many kids give up all sports after school. Just make sure you enjoy playing at what ever grade.

about 15 years

tomw09 wrote:

I'm not sure Tony Ambrose and Mike Boomer count as 'embarrasing' coaches either.


Scottie already commented on Tony Am and I am sure Mike B is no longer teaching as Shirley BHS now at ChCh BHS.

almost 14 years
Expatkiwi wrote:

Traditionally CBHS and SBHS have been the 2 strongest schools - as you would expect because they have the biggest rolls. Just because they beat Christs, STAC and Bedes on a regular basis doesn’t mean their coaches are any good. In fact at National Schools tournament the last few years they’ve failed to make top 8; or in Shirley’s case this year - failed to get anywhere near it; finished 31st I think. Good coaching? Embarrassing, more like.

Bedes have been better this year; Shirley have been worse. STAC and Christs appear to be getting better.

The real measure is not whether they get play in a tournament for 15 years or not; it’s 1) the quality of players when they finish school; 2) whether they continue to play the game. 

A good 16-17 yo will play PDL at club level - training with older, more experienced and better players; whereas the same kid in the school system will play with younger and less skillful players. Which do you think is better for that kid’s football development? At club level there are many more resources to turn to in terms of players and coaches who have been there/done that. 

How many players playing 1st XI in 2013 would make their club PDL or MPL team? Not many. Off the top of my head, only the following:

Christs - Tom R
SBHS - Connor L, Ryan S
Bedes - Jo B
Boys High - Tom P, Zac G, Jayden B, Sean Z, Mitch H
STAC - Henry F, Tom M

But if all those 1st XIs had developed in the club system since they were 14 I bet there would be more who are able to play PDL/MPL club footy.

MPL/PDL coaches who get involved at junior level:
NO: Cashmere, Bays 
YES: Coastal, FC20
Not sure: Halswell, Nomads, Western
What’s your point? All those clubs (well not Bays or Western because they don’t have any teams) have junior coaches at 14, 15, 17 and 18th grades - who all learn from other senior coaches around the club - formally and informally.

Oh, and by the way Scottie, the only Chch kid who made 2013 NZ secondary schools is a club player - Hamish Cadigan who has played at Nomads, Mainland School of Football and Western.

That is the stupidest argument i've ever read, partly because all of the complete fabrications in it. I'm not getting into the debate about schools football, maybe take a look at the north island schools playing before saying anything. I've been around the christchurch football scene been to 3 national tournaments with varying results. Christchurch Boys' were actually incredibly unlucky not to make the final through injuries. They were the only ones to keep a clean sheet and beat St Kentigerns with a full squad, no mean feat considering their team was stacked full of internationals. This team would have been even better had they had all the players at school available. Off my head, 5 pdl players didn't play for school, yet they still competed very highly, and without their striker breaking his arm on the first day would have done better i'm sure. Bedes also had a very good team who were unlucky to have Mount Albert Grammar and Tauranga Boys in their group who did very well. Shirley had 5 year 11s in their squad, so it was a transition year. I'm not sure Tony Ambrose and Mike Boomer count as 'embarrasing' coaches either

 My second point is about the complete rubbish about who would make pdl/mpl football next year. For one, i'd assume you just picked the boys picked for canterbury teams, as some of these boys are nowhere near this level. I'd offer my own list, which has some truth to it.


Christs - Tom R (pdl)

Stac Henry F (pdl)

Christchurch Boys - Jayden B (mpl), Tom F (mpl/pdl), Mitch H (mpl), Abdul K (already playing mpl), Tom P (mpl)

Shirley - Zac G (Yes he goes to shirley-pdl), Connor L (mpl), Ryan S (pdl)

Bedes - Joe B (pdl)

I read somewhere that Jayden Booth and Tom Fitall (midfielder and goalkeeper) were named in the tournament team alongside players like Clayton Lewis, Zac Speedy and Nick Forrester. So i'd give my congratulations to them

If you're going to make an argument slating schools football, make sure you actually know something

Welcome expat,
Before you get on your high horse and try to defend the state of Chch school football, back the truck up and re-read my post. You will find my argument is that clubs develop players better than schools and an example of that is how FEW current first XI players would be good enough for club senior football. Remarkably (!) we both came up with 11 school players who we think would make the grade. Even more remarkably 9 of those were the same players! What I'm suggesting is that MORE school age players would be capable of playing senior footy if they stayed in clubs (and maybe played for schools in a midweek schools only league). Oh, and please list all my "complete fabrications" before I call you stupid too.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

tomw09 wrote:

I'm not sure Tony Ambrose and Mike Boomer count as 'embarrasing' coaches either.


Scottie already commented on Tony Am and I am sure Mike B is no longer teaching as Shirley BHS now at ChCh BHS.

think Mike has given up football at CBHS as they were advertising for a new 1st XI coaching staff...
Starting XI
over 17 years

So who are the picks for the Lotto U19's this weekend?

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:

So who are the picks for the Lotto U19's this weekend?

Girls I'm picking a coastal vs Tech final.
Boys? I'm picking Waimak to be a team which does well, Burwood could too if its mostly last years squad.
almost 14 years

Lotto U19.

Girls. Coastal will be a lot weaker if Pride players not playing. 3 Wellington teams in girls draw. Cashmere and parklands will be in contention.

Boys. Both cashmere and fc19 are sending B teams, as A teams are in Napier.

Mosgiel should be decent. Heard Coastal haven't selected A and B teams, but rather  one 2014 U17 team and a 17+ team.

Agree with gings that burwood should be strong if similar to last yr but not sure of make up of squad this yr. Halswell will be competitive.

over 11 years

Sure to be an interesting tournament that's for sure... don't think the pre-tournament rankings will reflect the actual performances from teams in the event....

I'd say Varsity will probably have a strong team too should they have the majority of their Div 1 winning team... which if so makes the group of Burwood, Varsity, Chch Utd and Nomads an interesting one!

First Team Squad
over 14 years

Nomads having trouble getting a full muster of 16 players to the tournament, still having to chase up players as of Tuesday nights training after several no shows in the last couple of weeks.

St Bedes boys have an end of year dance on Friday night.

almost 14 years

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

about 15 years

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.
Starting XI
over 17 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.

Wait, what?
over 11 years

Kaz did go to Napier I can confirm.... As for Nomads having to chase up players.... There was no affect to the main squad.... there was a 'squad' player that had confirmed they would be involved, but had not been contacting the coaching team for the past few weeks.

Interesting that Nomads were approached only Wednesday for a registered player at the club to play for Selwyn in the tournament as a guest player.... I thought team declarations had to be in last Friday with permission already sought?

almost 14 years
VimFuego wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.

Wait, what?

Oh Vim. Keep up!
almost 14 years

kFC20 squad lists

Starting XI
over 17 years
VimFuego wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.

Wait, what?

Oh Vim. Keep up!

Always the last to know...
almost 14 years
VimFuego wrote:
VimFuego wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.

Wait, what?

Oh Vim. Keep up!

Always the last to know...

pay attention in class!
over 11 years
VimFuego wrote:
VimFuego wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Did Kaz koyama end up heading to Napier with cashmere? Who were other guest players? Did efffcee20 end up taking guest players?

I believe 'yes' to Kaz with Aaron Spain from Coastal being the other guest player.

Wait, what?

Oh Vim. Keep up!

Always the last to know...

Next you will blame your job for getting in the way ;)
Starting XI
over 17 years

Male modelling is in the evenings.

over 11 years
about 15 years

Cashmere Technical won their first game up at Napier Under 19 Tourny 2 - 0 over Albany - in the main draw, with FC Twenty11 also winning their first game by the same margin over Kapiti Coast in the satellite draw.  

about 15 years

FC stay unbeaten winning their second game 5 - nil over Pukekohe in Napier.

about 15 years

Cashmere Technical win second game at Napier 2 - 1 over Waitakere. They have one more game today at 5pm against Miramar Rangers who have a win and a draw to date.

about 15 years

FC Twenty make it 3 from 3 winning 3 - nil over Papakura City. They play Manurewa first up tomorrow, with 'Rewa' the only other unbeaten side in the Group. Top side in each group into the semi's. 

about 15 years

Like FC Twenty11 Cashmere Technical unbeaten in Napier on Day 1 defeated Miramar 3 - nil to maintain their 100% record.

about 15 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

FC Twenty make it 3 from 3 winning 3 - nil over Papakura City. They play Manurewa first up tomorrow, with 'Rewa' the only other unbeaten side in the Group. Top side in each group into the semi's. 


FC defeated Manurewa 2 - 1 so unless FC have a huge lost in their final pool game will be in the semi-finals.

about 15 years

Cashmere Technical drop their first points in Napier when drawing 0 - 0 with Eastern Suburbs.

about 15 years

FC Twenty11into the semi's up in Napier winning their final group game 3 - 0 over Wainuiomata.

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