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Starting XI
over 17 years

$200k was from CEAT, I thought the CCC and others chipped in for the rest of the millions. 

Yes the table has changed on sportingpulse showing Uni on -12. 

Doesn't one of the new lawyers on the Board used to play for Utd?  Ooh now that's scandalous gossip.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
greenbeans wrote:

It appears University have 7 days to appeal which they will be doing. What is this 'honest mistake' clause you talk of Ronaldo?

Not me brother, no such thing as an honest mistake in my book, unless of course I make it :)

Here is the 7 day rule from Mainlands regulations -
Section 5: Competitions New changes for 2012 (12 to 19)
13. Appeal against team playing ineligible player: “timeframe can only appeal up
to mid day Friday prior to next game, and only for the previous game”
I'll be interested to find out when the original appeal went in (from FC2011 by the way and subsequently from ChCh Utd and Mid Cant).

Surely it would have to have been within 7 days of the very first league game?
Note that FC2011 subsequently withdrew their appeal only for the other 2 to shove the knife back in.

Duhhh -  "honest mistake out clause", seriously? Hope you're not a law student greenbeans...or have at least been hitting the turps hard last night. ;-)

So FC 2011 lodged appeal initially, thinking they could get Uni chucked out then worked out that they "innocently" played an unregistered player themselves. They try and arrange transfer two days after the game, hoping no-one would notice? Don't spin the unfortunate mistake by a volunteer line FC -  That is absolute bulshark. At least uni fessed up, and good on them for doing so! Shows a bit more credibility than the big club with considerably bigger resources.  Climb back up that ladder I say - The moral high ground is yours already!

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
VimFuego wrote:

$200k was from CEAT, I thought the CCC and others chipped in for the rest of the millions. 

Yes the table has changed on sportingpulse showing Uni on -12. 

Doesn't one of the new lawyers on the Board used to play for Utd?  Ooh now that's scandalous gossip.

And Chairman FC  = Chairman MF ????

over 11 years

Haha, just a dig for the honest mistake clause..... I'm sure Mainland will just say we were going to investigate anyway in regards to the 7 day ruling, again protecting there own arse.. Moral high ground, well we all know who owns that especially way the Uni lads conducted themselves with what they had to put up with against Waimak. What does this all say of those who have started all this in order to gain the most?? Hmmm

about 15 years
Dragoon_nz wrote:

Div 1 Ladder updated:  Uni now at bottom of table with -12points and a -13 GD.  Thats their season toast. 

Changes United's fortunes a bit.


Waimak - 13 pts

CTFC  - 13

United - 10

FC2011 - 9

MidCant - 8

Hornby - 7

Selwyn - 4

Uni - -12



On their form so far cannot see United winning the league 

over 11 years

Thats pretty harsh on the players of varsity. they would of won the league comfortably.

about 15 years
AllWhites82 wrote:


On their form so far cannot see United winning the league 

Interesting couple of games coming up in Div 1, this Saturday Univ. at home to Mid Canty and then next Friday evening away to ChCh United at ASB Football Park.  

over 11 years

What does all this say of United as they stood to benefit greatly from this outcome?? Extremely harsh considering all the information at hand.. Guess you will do all you can in order to benefit when your not good enough in the first place :)

over 11 years

chch utd is a joke of a football club. they better hope they win the league because if they dont they gotta deal with uni and fc twenty/nomads at this stage next year. plus whoever gets better next season. let utd rot in div 1 for some years i say. #dogs

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Just checking Dragoon_nz are you still with us? 

Ah AW he will love you for the thoughts and  sympathy, he gets none at training haha! 
Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Div 1 Ladder updated:  Uni now at bottom of table with -12points and a -13 GD.  Thats their season toast. 

Changes United's fortunes a bit.


Waimak - 13 pts

CTFC  - 13

United - 10

FC2011 - 9

MidCant - 8

Hornby - 7

Selwyn - 4

Uni - -12



My conspiracy theory (really hope it never even gets entertained as a possibility!). 

What's to stop clubs around the lower half of the league, and who could still in theory be caught by University having a quiet word to each other and saying 'well if we work together we can get them relegated', 'we will play a shark team here, if you play a shark team here etc'. 

All the teams around postions 4-7 who really aren't good enough to win the league make sure each other pick up enough points to keep University at the bottom of the table because in all honesty they are seemingly miles ahead of any other team in the league going by results, so to have them out of it for this year, and next year would be like a bit pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No offence to Parklands or whoever will probably come up from Div 2, but University are so much better that them it isn't funny. Win win situation for those left in Div 1 next year as it's an easier road in who they will play next year.

Really hope this isn't entertained, but I will be suprised if I am the only one who has had the thought go through their mind. As I have come to realise, football is very much do what is best for my club, stuff the rest. If clubs get together to put an unofficial plan together, sad day for the sport.

over 11 years

i dont think u get relegated from div1.

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Yeah you do, Halswell were relegated last year after finishing last after the round robin and Hornby were promoted after winning Div 2

almost 16 years

Parklands has BuffK 

Div 1 will tremble. 

over 11 years

Isn't this similar to what Mid Canterbury and ChCh United did in order to work together in this complaint leading to University being stripped of points?? Could this not be considered as bringing the game into disrepute and therefore have serious ramifications for those involved?

The whole thing is a complete farce by the sounds of things! Mainland Football considering all of the issues regarding this whole situation and the reasons behind the complaints really should take a hard look at themselves for the decision it has made and the possible complications for an obviously talented squad! Leave the results on the park.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Dinamo Chris wrote:

My conspiracy theory (really hope it never even gets entertained as a possibility!). 

What's to stop clubs around the lower half of the league, and who could still in theory be caught by University having a quiet word to each other and saying 'well if we work together we can get them relegated', 'we will play a shark team here, if you play a shark team here etc'. 

All the teams around postions 4-7 who really aren't good enough to win the league make sure each other pick up enough points to keep University at the bottom of the table because in all honesty they are seemingly miles ahead of any other team in the league going by results, so to have them out of it for this year, and next year would be like a bit pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No offence to Parklands or whoever will probably come up from Div 2, but University are so much better that them it isn't funny. Win win situation for those left in Div 1 next year as it's an easier road in who they will play next year.

Really hope this isn't entertained, but I will be suprised if I am the only one who has had the thought go through their mind. As I have come to realise, football is very much do what is best for my club, stuff the rest. If clubs get together to put an unofficial plan together, sad day for the sport.

I ruddy well love conspiracy theories, it's half the reason I come here, however this is probably one of the most ridiculous ones I have heard. No offense honestly but don't think there's a chance of this happening. 
My main issue, as per normal, is the process. Yes these guys made an illegal move, but is Mainland being consistent in this, and are they abiding by their own rules? As long as this is true, then I lay my vote in favour of them being docked points. Yes it's sad that they were winning the league and would be great in the MPL, however them's the rules. Or are they?
almost 14 years

Did Waimak have a role in any of this? They have most to gain I would have thought. Absolutely DESPERATE to make MPL. 

over 11 years

Very harsh punishment for a volunteers honest mistake. the club should be punished not the team. morally anyway under the circumstances.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Very harsh punishment for a volunteers honest mistake. the club should be punished not the team. morally anyway under the circumstances.

And herein lies the issue: there is no way rules can differentiate between an honest mistake or a rort. So the only way is to enforce them  and by doing so discouraging those that break them now on the basis they will probably get away with it. Uni has made a mistake, and honourably put their hand up for it, whereas other(s) have not. Unfortunately is has cost them dearly, which seems unfair/unreasonable, and I feel for the them. 

about 15 years

Would be interesting to ask why some of the clubs waited as long as they did before raising with Mainland as some definately knew that University were playing an unregistered player several weeks the Chatham Cup Cup game.

about 15 years
10cc wrote:

Very harsh punishment for a volunteers honest mistake. the club should be punished not the team. morally anyway under the circumstances.

And herein lies the issue: there is no way rules can differentiate between an honest mistake or a rort. So the only way is to enforce them  and by doing so discouraging those that break them now on the basis they will probably get away with it. Uni has made a mistake, and honourably put their hand up for it, whereas other(s) have not. Unfortunately is has cost them dearly, which seems unfair/unreasonable, and I feel for the them. 

Yes if the team cards were checked each week this would have been flaged up after the opening round, and University docked 3 points but would still be in the Chatham Cup and leading Div 1. 

Starting XI
over 17 years
AllWhites82 wrote:

Would be interesting to ask why some of the clubs waited as long as they did before raising with Mainland as some definately knew that University were playing an unregistered player several weeks the Chatham Cup Cup game.

Well it works out perfect now doesn't it? Wait till halfway through the season and they get docked mega points and have no chance of winning the league. If they had done it early they could still catch up.

This is a conspiracy theory I could believe.
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

 I guess the issue with the team cards is - the officials get them, make notes on them, then after the game give them back to the teams.  So unless the player has done anything wrong then nothing is really recorded (maybe goal scorer?) but thats about it.  (From what I've seen anyway.  Someone please enlighten me if I've got this wrong)

about 15 years
Dragoon_nz wrote:

 I guess the issue with the team cards is - the officials get them, make notes on them, then after the game give them back to the teams.  So unless the player has done anything wrong then nothing is really recorded (maybe goal scorer?) but thats about it.  (From what I've seen anyway.  Someone please enlighten me if I've got this wrong)

Clubs then have to send into Mainland Office, one assumes that would be scanned these days.

Do faxes machine still exists?

about 15 years
AllWhites82 wrote:
Dragoon_nz wrote:

 I guess the issue with the team cards is - the officials get them, make notes on them, then after the game give them back to the teams.  So unless the player has done anything wrong then nothing is really recorded (maybe goal scorer?) but thats about it.  (From what I've seen anyway.  Someone please enlighten me if I've got this wrong)

Clubs then have to send into Mainland Office, one assumes that would be scanned these days.

Do faxes machine still exists?

Teams sheets must also be used to pick up the yellow and red cards.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

 Ah there in lies the problem then.  I've never had to send in a team sheet after a game.  They are only sent if Mainland requests them.  So they'd never know someone was really playing unless someone had an issue. - Might be different for MPL

about 15 years

Dragoon_nz wrote:

 Ah there in lies the problem then.  I've never had to send in a team sheet after a game.  They are only sent if Mainland requests them.  So they'd never know someone was really playing unless someone had an issue. - Might be different for MPL


Yes there are fines if team card (teamsheets) are received late.

Here the regs from the MPL Handbook, and I have alsp pasted the Fines List as well. Interesting to see e) under Team Cards, which I have made blue font because if the are doing this then would highlight any unregistered players.

8.3 Team Cards

a) All team cards are to contain the full name, not initials, of each player, including substitutes, with

the number on the card corresponding to the individual player’s uniform. Team Cards must also

include goal scorer’s numbers. If not correctly filled in the Club may be liable to a fine as per

Schedule "B" attached hereto.

b) Each team card should be signed after the game to confirm that the result and any misconduct,

reported on the card, are correct.

c) Team cards for all games shall be sent by all participating Clubs, these to be in the hands of the

GDM within three (3) working days following the match. Clubs failing to comply shall be liable to a

fine, as pre Schedule "B" attached hereto.

d) In 2013 to assist Mainland Football with their end of season individual player awards, each coach

shall nominate one (1) opposition player as their Player of The Day, this has to be marked on the

team sheet POD beside players name.

e) In 2013 season Mainland Football will endeavour to update players statistics online, therefore
important that goal scorers and substitutions are marked on the team sheet.

Team Fines
The fines listed herein are minimum only. It should be noted that if more than two incidents
of the same nature per team occur then the fine will increase on the basis of twice the
original fine. Other fines may be levied at the discretion of the Federation Board.
Unregistered or Ineligible Player $50
Subsequent offence – same player $200
Late and/or No Team Cards $10
Incomplete Team Cards (Team Members) $10
Late $10
None per Telephone (Premier Division) $10
Not on Team Card (All Grades) $10
Premier Division $2000
Failure to apply for dispensation $100
and points deducted as per mainland Football regulation 1 (2.5)
Playing players after Age Dispensation declined $200
and points deducted as per mainland Football regulation 1 (2.5)
Incorrect number of match balls $100
Incorrect match ball $100
(2) Fencing of ground: Crowd barrier $50.00
(2) Fencing of ground: Technical area $50.00
(6) Programme: $50.00
(7) Ball Boys: $50.00
(8) Sponsorship: $50.00

Starting XI
over 17 years
VimFuego wrote:
Dinamo Chris wrote:

My conspiracy theory (really hope it never even gets entertained as a possibility!). 

What's to stop clubs around the lower half of the league, and who could still in theory be caught by University having a quiet word to each other and saying 'well if we work together we can get them relegated', 'we will play a shark team here, if you play a shark team here etc'. 

All the teams around postions 4-7 who really aren't good enough to win the league make sure each other pick up enough points to keep University at the bottom of the table because in all honesty they are seemingly miles ahead of any other team in the league going by results, so to have them out of it for this year, and next year would be like a bit pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No offence to Parklands or whoever will probably come up from Div 2, but University are so much better that them it isn't funny. Win win situation for those left in Div 1 next year as it's an easier road in who they will play next year.

Really hope this isn't entertained, but I will be suprised if I am the only one who has had the thought go through their mind. As I have come to realise, football is very much do what is best for my club, stuff the rest. If clubs get together to put an unofficial plan together, sad day for the sport.

I ruddy well love conspiracy theories, it's half the reason I come here, however this is probably one of the most ridiculous ones I have heard. No offense honestly but don't think there's a chance of this happening. 
My main issue, as per normal, is the process. Yes these guys made an illegal move, but is Mainland being consistent in this, and are they abiding by their own rules? As long as this is true, then I lay my vote in favour of them being docked points. Yes it's sad that they were winning the league and would be great in the MPL, however them's the rules. Or are they?

A week ago they were looking at promotion back into the MPL, now they stand a very good chance of getting relegated to Div2, how bizarre is that? Does the punishment really fit the crime? I think not. Basically that ridiculous rule that awards the offended team a 3-0 win and takes 3 points off the offender is overkill and surely totally against any sense of fair play. How can they have 3 points deducted when they've also been served with a 3-0 loss? Mind boggling.

Starting XI
over 17 years
VimFuego wrote:
AllWhites82 wrote:

Would be interesting to ask why some of the clubs waited as long as they did before raising with Mainland as some definately knew that University were playing an unregistered player several weeks the Chatham Cup Cup game.

Well it works out perfect now doesn't it? Wait till halfway through the season and they get docked mega points and have no chance of winning the league. If they had done it early they could still catch up.

This is a conspiracy theory I could believe.

Excellent point Vim,

Every club could do the same, personally I would wait until round 20 then raise a protest against every other team, could pick up 10-20 points easily :)

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
VimFuego wrote:
Dinamo Chris wrote:

My conspiracy theory (really hope it never even gets entertained as a possibility!). 

What's to stop clubs around the lower half of the league, and who could still in theory be caught by University having a quiet word to each other and saying 'well if we work together we can get them relegated', 'we will play a shark team here, if you play a shark team here etc'. 

All the teams around postions 4-7 who really aren't good enough to win the league make sure each other pick up enough points to keep University at the bottom of the table because in all honesty they are seemingly miles ahead of any other team in the league going by results, so to have them out of it for this year, and next year would be like a bit pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No offence to Parklands or whoever will probably come up from Div 2, but University are so much better that them it isn't funny. Win win situation for those left in Div 1 next year as it's an easier road in who they will play next year.

Really hope this isn't entertained, but I will be suprised if I am the only one who has had the thought go through their mind. As I have come to realise, football is very much do what is best for my club, stuff the rest. If clubs get together to put an unofficial plan together, sad day for the sport.

I ruddy well love conspiracy theories, it's half the reason I come here, however this is probably one of the most ridiculous ones I have heard. No offense honestly but don't think there's a chance of this happening. 
My main issue, as per normal, is the process. Yes these guys made an illegal move, but is Mainland being consistent in this, and are they abiding by their own rules? As long as this is true, then I lay my vote in favour of them being docked points. Yes it's sad that they were winning the league and would be great in the MPL, however them's the rules. Or are they?

A week ago they were looking at promotion back into the MPL, now they stand a very good chance of getting relegated to Div2, how bizarre is that? Does the punishment really fit the crime? I think not. Basically that ridiculous rule that awards the offended team a 3-0 win and takes 3 points off the offender is overkill and surely totally against any sense of fair play. How can they have 3 points deducted when they've also been served with a 3-0 loss? Mind boggling.

I agree - for me a 3-0 loss is sufficient
over 11 years

If you look at it from a logical view point, forgetting specific 'rules' and thinking about it from a footballing point of view; the question you have to ask is did varsity gain an advantage by fielding this player? From the sounds of things - he has been there the whole season and will stay there for the near future at the very least. With this in mind - were any other team disadvantaged by his non complete registration?
Answer to both questions is no.
Does the punishment fit the crime? Has justice really been served?
Not only taking all their points for the season - which breaks one of mainlands own rules (2.6) - but also docking them a further 15 points - for failing to send in some paperwork?
Are we not all here because of our love for the game? The passion, the glory, the commitment and hard work. Is that to be considered second to 'administration' now? 
This is a bad example to be set by Mainland Football and a downright abuse of power.

You wanna settle this fairly?
Dock uni 3 points as a warning for their error - that would make for a VERY interesting continuation of the season for all teams involved.

over 11 years

Could not have said it better if I tried Shearer.. Lets just hope Uni can have this decision overturned in their appeal, if not I am sensing things could get very ugly! From what I hear these teams laying complaints have been phoning or asking teams straight after games to lay complaints, is this not therefore bringing the game into disrepute?? You may say yes, if so then those involved could also lose points. There is also the incident involving Waimak last week we now hear of, if Uni were to push this Waimak could lose points or be expelled from the competition. If I was Uni I would be now looking at the above and pushing this very hard!

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Dear oh dear, all getting very ugly! When I 1st read that Uni were getting points docked I thought they would go back to 0, or 3 after winning Waimak game, with the results against others being ruled a 3-0 loss and the opposition getting the 3 points. To have effectively 6 points for each game (4 for their draw) it seems overly harsh and disproportionate to the crime. Has this always been the rule? 

Guess Uni holidays may be cancelled this year for the footballers, need all hands on deck to get the results they need to help them stay up!

almost 14 years

 What a shambles. Mainland could learn something from good refs - apply the law but over-ride with commonsense.

Starting XI
over 17 years

So where to from here? 

I have heard Uni are trying to gather some support from other clubs to say they have been hard done by and support them, but now the ruling has been made will they go back on it? My main issue still remains: Is Mainland abiding by its own rules.  If it is, then play on.  If not, all clubs need to be aware that they could be next for dramarama.  

almost 14 years
cheeko wrote:

Western PDL made a similar 'honest mistake' in the first game of the season and were docked 6 points. If Mainland stick by that rule then the uni will have a negative points total.

Pretty sure Western PDL were docked 3 points

They won the game in question, which was reversed to a 3-0 loss. They were then docked a further 3 points in the same way the uni have been treated. Like everyone else i think a 3-0 loss is sufficient, no need to take a further 3 points off. Hope the uni survive in Div1, they certainly don't deserve to be relegated off the back of this error. Putting them back to 3 points would have been more than enough punishment.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Well at least there is consistency there.

over 11 years
cheeko wrote:

They won the game in question, which was reversed to a 3-0 loss. They were then docked a further 3 points in the same way the uni have been treated. Like everyone else i think a 3-0 loss is sufficient, no need to take a further 3 points off. Hope the uni survive in Div1, they certainly don't deserve to be relegated off the back of this error. Putting them back to 3 points would have been more than enough punishment.

4 Western MPL Pl:9  W5  D1  L3  GF17  GA14 GD3  P16
Looks to me like they only lost the 3 points for the game being reversed to 3-0? Five wins and a draw = 16. So no they didnt lose 6 points from the looks of things, they only lost the 3 for the loss ruling.
Whereas you look at uni..
8 Universities Pl:6  W1  D0  L5  GF3  GA16  GD-13  P-12
That should read 3 points should it not? One win = 3 points. Where as they are on -12.

Unless I am mistaken, this is mainland football having doubled the punishment for one team for the same crime? The fact that this is happening merly weeks apart is appalling.
almost 14 years
Shearer10 wrote:
cheeko wrote:

They won the game in question, which was reversed to a 3-0 loss. They were then docked a further 3 points in the same way the uni have been treated. Like everyone else i think a 3-0 loss is sufficient, no need to take a further 3 points off. Hope the uni survive in Div1, they certainly don't deserve to be relegated off the back of this error. Putting them back to 3 points would have been more than enough punishment.

4Western MPLPl:9 W5 D1 L3 GF17 GA14GD3 P16
Looks to me like they only lost the 3 points for the game being reversed to 3-0? Five wins and a draw = 16. So no they didnt lose 6 points from the looks of things, they only lost the 3 for the loss ruling.
Whereas you look at uni..
8UniversitiesPl:6 W1 D0 L5 GF3 GA16 GD-13 P-12That should read 3 points should it not? One win = 3 points. Where as they are on -12.

Unless I am mistaken, this is mainland football having doubled the punishment for one team for the same crime? The fact that this is happening merly weeks apart is appalling.

It was Western PDL mate not MPL. They lost 3 points for the win getting reversed then another 3. The uni have been treated the same way.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Here's interesting facts from a mate in Wellington and how Capital Football run it. 

Capital Football do not check cards, trouble only ensues if an opponent complains or (in the most recent case) the player gets booked. Wairarapa will lose their one point they earned when they drew with Wests as their player was booked and it turned out he wasn't legal. 

Teams have 7 days to complain, and the punishment is not backdated. Hence they lost 1 point not all of them.  And they certainly don't get an extra 3 points deducted to rub it in.  

Thoughts for Uni to mention in the appeal.

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