almost 15 years

Fair enough. I can understand that.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Paolo wrote:

it's not fair and not good for the game to negatively portray why they make those decisions as if they make them for any other reason than what they think is best.

Who said that tho?
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Capital Football seemed to think ignoring the rules and doing whatever suited them was the right thing to do. 

That was one of many cracks at CF that I have read in a few different forums. As I say, in my opinion it's fair enough to question them on rules etc.. But I don't think it's ok to question the people who give up their time to do these roles integrity. 

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Your surely not saying that a lot of people on these forums don't do that are you Smithy? 

Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Paolo wrote:

Capital Football seemed to think ignoring the rules and doing whatever suited them was the right thing to do. 

That was one of many cracks at CF that I have read in a few different forums. As I say, in my opinion it's fair enough to question them on rules etc.. But I don't think it's ok to question the people who give up their time to do these roles integrity. 

Right. I said that. So let's look at the facts.

1. CF made a decision that was contradictory to their own rules.
2. NZF upheld an appeal against that decision.

So isn't it fair to say that CF ignored their rules and did whatever suited them?

How is it "not good for the game" for me to say that? 
Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Let's not lose sight of the fact that the CF Board could have run this whole 11 team league idea past their own Men's committee for a bit of discussion. They didn't need to make a unilateral decision. But they did, with no consultation, which is interesting because they usually consult very thoroughly on rules changes.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

Oh right. Yeah that's totally fair enough. I didn't really mean "whatever suited them" in the way you took it. 

I'm sure they did what they thought was appropriate, but I don't think it's good for the game to have a climate where you can't question the decisions because you might hurt someone's feelings.

Split Personalities
over 10 years
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

fair argument Paolo
but will they be big enough to admit their mistake/error of judgement and correct it?
this is the question that will make or break your argument
Split Personalities
over 10 years
Chelseanut wrote:

Arh now it's an attack against the coach then, now we are getting to the point of the matter!! So you don't like the fact that the coach/ club appealed twice against teams who played players who who weren't registered or eligible to play? And if I remember one of those clubs was your club, so now we are getting to the bottom of this personal crusade.

your appeals were valid, and to the rules set out that we all knew, and so were upheld and that makes it a fair playing field….
Nae Nae and Whalfie's did the same but at a higher level….
your team is not the only one who thought they were safe from relegation but them are the breaks and you get on with your development to get back up.
11 teams and 9 teams is the problem not NW

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Smithy wrote:
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

Oh right. Yeah that's totally fair enough. I didn't really mean "whatever suited them" in the way you took it. 

I'm sure they did what they thought was appropriate, but I don't think it's good for the game to have a climate where you can't question the decisions because you might hurt someone's feelings.

Yea as I said, I agree its healthy to be able to question decisions and this case is a perfect example of doing that and getting the right result in the end.  Doesn't really have anything to do with hurting anyone's feelings.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

fair argument Paolo

but will they be big enough to admit their mistake/error of judgement and correct it?

this is the question that will make or break your argument

I hope they do!
But if they don't, I would still like to think its because they think it's whats right and not for any other reason. So I don't think my argument really hinges on them doing that.
Am I wrong here though, is there a story I'm missing around this decision and how it was made? Other than CF not really consulting people as well as they normally would have? 

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Without knowing much about it, and purely speculating. But it just seemed like they bent their own rules to try and keep everyone happy. Something of a cop out, Which NZF obviously overturned. 

Also, you say its fair enough that smithy questions the decision, but then criticise him for doing so saying it's not good for the game? Confusing. 

about 17 years
Paolo wrote:
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

fair argument Paolo

but will they be big enough to admit their mistake/error of judgement and correct it?

this is the question that will make or break your argument

I hope they do!

But if they don't, I would still like to think its because they think it's whats right and not for any other reason. So I don't think my argument really hinges on them doing that.

Am I wrong here though, is there a story I'm missing around this decision and how it was made? Other than CF not really consulting people as well as they normally would have? 

I think that the fact there was (abnormally) zero consultation (as you mention) on this led to people in the football community conjuring up the usual chinese whisper conspiracy stories involving donkeys and photography etc,  but as far as I know none of these were included in the legal appeal documents submitted. 

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Paolo wrote:

Capital Football seemed to think ignoring the rules and doing whatever suited them was the right thing to do. 

That was one of many cracks at CF that I have read in a few different forums. As I say, in my opinion it's fair enough to question them on rules etc.. But I don't think it's ok to question the people who give up their time to do these roles integrity. 

If you read this again Tegal you will see that I didn't criticise anyone for questioning and ultimately appealing the decision. I was criticising people for questioning CF's integrity which Smithy has since confirmed was not his intention. 
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Feverish wrote:
Paolo wrote:
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

fair argument Paolo

but will they be big enough to admit their mistake/error of judgement and correct it?

this is the question that will make or break your argument

I hope they do!

But if they don't, I would still like to think its because they think it's whats right and not for any other reason. So I don't think my argument really hinges on them doing that.

Am I wrong here though, is there a story I'm missing around this decision and how it was made? Other than CF not really consulting people as well as they normally would have? 

I think that the fact there was (abnormally) zero consultation (as you mention) on this led to people in the football community conjuring up the usual chinese whisper conspiracy stories involving donkeys and photography etc,  but as far as I know none of these were included in the legal appeal documents submitted. 

Yea sounds like the sort of stuff that really annoys me. People in our football community conjuring up stories about our own governing body based on very little fact and generally painting them in a bad light, further hindering the development of the game in our own area. 
If there is a story behind things like this then by all means tell it and tell it accurately, but if there isn't, then don't negatively speculate/shitstir and we all might get through these sorts of things quicker and be able to spend more of our time on the development of the game in our area. 
Just my opinion ofcorse though.
over 10 years

Let also understand that the majority of clubs from Cap 1 and 2 were canvassed on this issue and the overwhelming response was in full support of appealing an 11 and 9 team league which Cap Footy board "prescribed" without consultation. This led to Wharf and Naenae actually leading the appeal process the NZF.

 If they are reading this they should take on board the ground swell of support for a 10 team league and move on. 

Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Paolo wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Paolo wrote:
Paolo wrote:

They did make a decision contradictory to their own rules. 

NZF did overturn their decision.

Still don't see how its fair to say they did what ever suited them? Nothing suited them, it was a loose loose situation for them, in that people were always going to be pissed at them.

So I don't think its good for the game in our area to have people suggesting that they make decisions for any other reason than they thought it was what was best unless they have some sort of reason or evidence. In my opinion some of the comments that are made are just promoting a negative attitude towards our governing body. A bad decision is just that and that's all.

fair argument Paolo

but will they be big enough to admit their mistake/error of judgement and correct it?

this is the question that will make or break your argument

I hope they do!

But if they don't, I would still like to think its because they think it's whats right and not for any other reason. So I don't think my argument really hinges on them doing that.

Am I wrong here though, is there a story I'm missing around this decision and how it was made? Other than CF not really consulting people as well as they normally would have? 

I think that the fact there was (abnormally) zero consultation (as you mention) on this led to people in the football community conjuring up the usual chinese whisper conspiracy stories involving donkeys and photography etc,  but as far as I know none of these were included in the legal appeal documents submitted. 

Yea sounds like the sort of stuff that really annoys me. People in our football community conjuring up stories about our own governing body based on very little fact and generally painting them in a bad light, further hindering the development of the game in our own area. 

If there is a story behind things like this then by all means tell it and tell it accurately, but if there isn't, then don't negatively speculate/shitstir and we all might get through these sorts of things quicker and be able to spend more of our time on the development of the game in our area. 

Just my opinion ofcorse though.


But shit stirring is the life blood of the YF forums!
Don't think anyone's claiming any conspiracy theories here though. I pointed out way back in this thread that Helen Mallon was on both Boards (NW and CF). I still don't think that's best practice, but it's a small volunteer pool in Wellington so is almost inevitable. Helen told me that she stepped out of CF discussion on this issue, and I absolutely believe her.
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

One will learn that what is fair or best is not always right.   I have on many occasions used the saying "there is no commonsense in sports administration" and believe me, I know what I am talking about.

The only thing that is "fair" is following the rules, whether the decision seems right or not.   An old sports administrator once told me when I was starting out that "when you make a judicial decision, you will only be 50% right - one side of the argument will think that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, the other side will think that you are a $%#$@^&**( tosser."

I think that CF's biggest mistake was trying to be fair, and it came back and bit them on the bum.   They will learn.

First Team Squad
about 17 years
RetiredLefty wrote:

Let also understand that the majority of clubs from Cap 1 and 2 were canvassed on this issue and the overwhelming response was in full support of appealing an 11 and 9 team league which Cap Footy board "prescribed" without consultation. This led to Wharf and Naenae actually leading the appeal process the NZF.

 If they are reading this they should take on board the ground swell of support for a 10 team league and move on. 



over 11 years

What is incorrect Teza?

over 10 years
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Let also understand that the majority of clubs from Cap 1 and 2 were canvassed on this issue and the overwhelming response was in full support of appealing an 11 and 9 team league which Cap Footy board "prescribed" without consultation. This led to Wharf and Naenae actually leading the appeal process the NZF.

 If they are reading this they should take on board the ground swell of support for a 10 team league and move on. 



Correct. Fact ! We have email confirmation from the majority of Cap 1 and 2 clubs who fully support a 10 team league over what was originally prescribed without consultation. NZF clearly also saw the logic in this argument. A 9 and 11 team league will cause more problems than solutions. Wake up and move on. NZF have spoken.  
over 10 years
Teza wrote:

Correct. NZF refunded the application fees because the appeals by Wharf and Naenae were upheld. 

Maybe the refund came out of Teza's fortune cookie. I suspect not - enjoy Capital 2 where you belong after scrapping and appealing your way through 2013. Best you visit a Genie next Teza !

Sad little man.

Rumour has it you should look in the mirror before dishing out "little man" quips !
First Team Squad
about 17 years
RetiredLefty wrote:
Teza wrote:

Correct. NZF refunded the application fees because the appeals by Wharf and Naenae were upheld. 

Maybe the refund came out of Teza's fortune cookie. I suspect not - enjoy Capital 2 where you belong after scrapping and appealing your way through 2013. Best you visit a Genie next Teza !

Sad little man.

Rumour has it you should look in the mirror before dishing out "little man" quips !

Oh you have wounded me with your wit. 

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Hey Teza I ran into Matt West last night. He said he'd joined nw's board. Nice bloke Matt he'll be great value.

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Hey Teza I ran into Matt West last night. He said he'd joined nw'sboard. Nice bloke Matt he'll be great value.

Yes Matt is going to be great value.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Just a reminder, North Wellington senior men's  pre season training starts a 6pm this Tuesday at Raroa Intermediate, all welcome.

number of good new players have already committed to the club, come along and join them. New artificial pitch for 2014 guarantees a great playing surface for those that like playing the ball on the deck. 

Join a club committed to helping you develop your game to its highest level.

Added bonus of the best toasted sandwiches of any club in Wellington thanks to the cheesy kids :)

Split Personalities
over 10 years

lets hope we don't loose those cheesy kids like the pies we used to have…

but thats not your problem or in your control. So good to see you are back doing what you are good at…football training and development.

forget the politics as it is not helping you achieve your potential …….

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Teza wrote:

Just a reminder, North Wellington senior men's  pre season training starts a 6pm this Tuesday at Raroa Intermediate, all welcome.

number of good new players have already committed to the club, come along and join them. New artificial pitch for 2014 guarantees a great playing surface for those that like playing the ball on the deck. 

Join a club committed to helping you develop your game to its highest level.

Added bonus of the best toasted sandwiches of any club in Wellington thanks to the cheesy kids :)

Brilliant love a good toastie me.
Who are some of the good new players who have committed to the club?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Paolo wrote:
Teza wrote:

Just a reminder, North Wellington senior men's  pre season training starts a 6pm this Tuesday at Raroa Intermediate, all welcome.

number of good new players have already committed to the club, come along and join them. New artificial pitch for 2014 guarantees a great playing surface for those that like playing the ball on the deck. 

Join a club committed to helping you develop your game to its highest level.

Added bonus of the best toasted sandwiches of any club in Wellington thanks to the cheesy kids :)

Brilliant love a good toastie me.

Who are some of the good new players who have committed to the club?

Toasties are the backbone of the world:)  
Can't say to much about them as you never know who is looking to pinch them (you know how some of the higher ranked Wellington clubs are i.e. You're to good for them we will give you a few dollars under the table if you play for us etc.). Suffice to say I expect one of them if he pans out to be  a cut above in the league (but if course you never know how they will gel or if they have what you think they have). I could be proved completely wrong :).
Definitely a stronger squad for North Wellington this year IMO 99% of last years players back bolstered by the new ones should make for good competition to get In to the1st team and also will make the reserves stronger.
Looking forward to the season but wouldn't mind a bit of summer before hand though :)
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Paolo wrote:

Just a reminder, North Wellington senior men's  pre season training starts a 6pm this Tuesday at Raroa Intermediate, all welcome.

number of good new players have already committed to the club, come along and join them. New artificial pitch for 2014 guarantees a great playing surface for those that like playing the ball on the deck. 

Join a club committed to helping you develop your game to its highest level.

Added bonus of the best toasted sandwiches of any club in Wellington thanks to the cheesy kids :)

Brilliant love a good toastie me.

Who are some of the good new players who have committed to 

Edited because of double post.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

lets hope we don't loose those cheesy kids like the pies we used to have…

but thats not your problem or in your control. So good to see you are back doing what you are good at…football training and development.

forget the politics as it is not helping you achieve your potential …….

I'm sure they will survive (I'll starve if they don't )

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Teza wrote:
Paolo wrote:
Teza wrote:

Just a reminder, North Wellington senior men's  pre season training starts a 6pm this Tuesday at Raroa Intermediate, all welcome.

number of good new players have already committed to the club, come along and join them. New artificial pitch for 2014 guarantees a great playing surface for those that like playing the ball on the deck. 

Join a club committed to helping you develop your game to its highest level.

Added bonus of the best toasted sandwiches of any club in Wellington thanks to the cheesy kids :)

Brilliant love a good toastie me.

Who are some of the good new players who have committed to the club?

Toasties are the backbone of the world:)  

Can't say to much about them as you never know who is looking to pinch them (you know how some of the higher ranked Wellington clubs are i.e. You're to good for them we will give you a few dollars under the table if you play for us etc.). Suffice to say I expect one of them if he pans out to be  a cut above in the league (but if course you never know how they will gel or if they have what you think they have). I could be proved completely wrong :).

Definitely a stronger squad for North Wellington this year IMO 99% of last years players back bolstered by the new ones should make for good competition to get In to the1st team and also will make the reserves stronger.

Looking forward to the season but wouldn't mind a bit of summer before hand though :)

Ohh so they haven't really committed yet. I should hope North Well will have a few players a cut above Capital 2? I would also be surprised if they maintain 99% of last years team after being relegated. 
Not having a crack here, just doesn't seem right.  
P.s theres not much to be gained from keeping secrets, if bigger and better senior clubs are gonna come for some of your players, they will.

First Team Squad
over 15 years

Good on ya teza enjoy cap 2 justice has FINALLY prevailed

First Team Squad
about 17 years
horseshead21 wrote:

Good on ya teza enjoy cap 2 justice has FINALLY prevailed

Unless you've heard something that I haven't today then we are still in Cap 1.
First Team Squad
over 15 years

Keep telling yourself that you might start believing it sometime soon 

over 10 years

are you playing in the central league this year horseshead21....?

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

I predict NW will end up in Cap 1. NZF were clear that Capital Football can bend their own rules as much as they want, as long as they follow the correct process (which they haven't so far). I'm sure they'll do what they think is "fair" in the end. And I'm sure it'll be a shambles.

Rode past Alex Moore last night, construction is underway. Don't think anyone will be sorry to see it dug up and replaced with plastic. Hope they do what they didn't do at Wakefield and plant a windbreak at the same time.

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Smithy wrote:

I predict NW will end up in Cap 1. NZF were clear that Capital Football can bend their own rules as much as they want, as long as they follow the correct process (which they haven't so far). I'm sure they'll do what they think is "fair" in the end. And I'm sure it'll be a shambles.

Rode past Alex Moore last night, construction is underway. Don't think anyone will be sorry to see it dug up and replaced with plastic. Hope they do what they didn't do at Wakefield and plant a windbreak at the same time.

Are you saying that Alex Moore has a wind problem. How you dare you. .... a more sheltered Park in Wellington you could not find.  :)
I think it won't be to bad as the new pitch will be a bit more sheltered than the old number one. On the plus side with all the dirt going to Raroa Park that may finally be flat.  It will still be a bog but flat bog. 

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