over 17 years
So Clive has got his fat buddy to stick it up the FFA as well.Another Palmer puppet.Have heard from some people in Newcastle and can tell you that Tinkler isnt popular by making this move.Think this is just the start of what could get pretty bitter in Newcastle especially if the Knights members dont stick up for the Jets supporters.
First Team Squad
almost 14 years
ShowUsYaNix wrote:
rjmiller wrote:
I think Buckley's response saying Tinkler can't hand back the license is too aggressive. He was ambushed but now is the time to be diplomatic. This isn't like Palmer, Tinkler is not acting like a prat. He seems to have a valid grievance and has been good for the game in that area, they should be wanting to keep guys like that on board.

I'm not so sure about the validity of his grievance and that he's not acting like a prat. Sure, he's by no means in the same league as Tinkler the fat sh*t, but this does seem like a total ambush. Buckley is spot on that it's pretty rough on the fans and the players etc.

At the moment it's all 'he said, she said' and I wouldn't go rushing to defend either side.

We have seen the community involvement in Newcastle go up. Tinkler has tried to get more fans along to games with low prices and big community investment. At Gold Coast Palmer capped the admission at 5k so he would have a cheaper fee. There is a massive difference in attitudes between the two of them.

I'm convinced the acquisition fee is a fact, the FFA have not denied that. I believe it when HSG have said there has been no satisfactory explanation about where the money went. I believe that other owners have not had to pay anywhere near that amount because doing so would be extremely unattractive to get guys on board. There may be (probably is) more to this but I really think Tinkler is good for the game as opposed to Palmer who wasn't.
over 14 years
rjmiller wrote:
ShowUsYaNix wrote:
rjmiller wrote:
I think Buckley's response saying Tinkler can't hand back the license is too aggressive. He was ambushed but now is the time to be diplomatic. This isn't like Palmer, Tinkler is not acting like a prat. He seems to have a valid grievance and has been good for the game in that area, they should be wanting to keep guys like that on board.

I'm not so sure about the validity of his grievance and that he's not acting like a prat. Sure, he's by no means in the same league as Tinkler the fat sh*t, but this does seem like a total ambush. Buckley is spot on that it's pretty rough on the fans and the players etc.

At the moment it's all 'he said, she said' and I wouldn't go rushing to defend either side.

We have seen the community involvement in Newcastle go up. Tinkler has tried to get more fans along to games with low prices and big community investment. At Gold Coast Palmer capped the admission at 5k so he would have a cheaper fee. There is a massive difference in attitudes between the two of them.

I'm convinced the acquisition fee is a fact, the FFA have not denied that. I believe it when HSG have said there has been no satisfactory explanation about where the money went. I believe that other owners have not had to pay anywhere near that amount because doing so would be extremely unattractive to get guys on board. There may be (probably is) more to this but I really think Tinkler is good for the game as opposed to Palmer who wasn't.

Well fair enough, but I still think he's acted like a prat with today's announcement. All of that community buy-in could evaporate overnight if this is just him throwing his toys.

I agree that he's head and shoulders above Palmer though, and before today was possibly seen as one of the best owners in the league, if not the best. Here's hoping this can be resolved.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
2ndBest wrote:
rjmiller wrote:
I think Buckley's response saying Tinkler can't hand back the license is too aggressive. He was ambushed but now is the time to be diplomatic. This isn't like Palmer, Tinkler is not acting like a prat. He seems to have a valid grievance and has been good for the game in that area, they should be wanting to keep guys like that on board.
Another way to think about it is that Tinkler was an idiot for not doing due diligence.
Kevin Airs ?

Buckley presser: The acquisition fee was $3.5m, licence fee $1m payable over a period time. HSG purchased a going concern. AF was agreed.

Buckley: HSG were granted an interim period to allow due diligence but HSG chose to cut that short to secure a 10 year licence.
over 17 years
"During this period the club has been unable to resolve a variety of issues with the FFA including a $5 million acquisition fee, the Jason Culina insurance matter and continued request to address the competition�s unsustainable financial model."[/quote]

The 5 mil fee is something they agreed to before hand and they thought was worth it, the FFA can't interfere in an ongoing employment dispute (of the Jets/GCU's own making - the two most disgruntled owners), and if he wasn't well aware of the financial situation under the current TV deal he is just a terrible businessman.

If these are his issues, I have little to no sympathy with him. Seems more like he has got his Knights now that he always wanted, and has lost interest in the Jets.

[quote]"We have attempted to organise meetings with the FFA to discuss our $5 million acquisition fee, with our only condition being we must be advised what other clubs have paid, if anything, why acquisition fees vary, how much of a success fee was paid to the FFA�s agent and how the money was used,"

What others have paid seems like commercially sensitive information that the FFA would have no right to release, and my understanding is they have made public why, in principle, an acquisition fee may vary.aitkenmike2012-04-10 17:03:22
First Team Squad
over 15 years
From Twitter
Buckley: We have sought legal advice,. We will be issuing a legal letter to HSG this afternoon.

And this too, also from Twitter
BennyONeill: GvE to head up new Newcastle-based, Tinkler funded academy.
asmodeus_822012-04-10 17:22:45
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
almost 14 years
@DanGinnane (Retweeted by @Andrew_Gourdie) wrote:
Draw announced for Clive Palmer league. Rd 1: Gold Coast United v Newcastle Jets. Rd 2: Newcastle Jets v Gold Coast United. Rd 3: Gold C..
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Rich people are stupid.
I am sure there is more to this situation than what we see. Palmer, Sage and Tinkler have all had issues with the FFA, so there must be underlying issues will the way the A-League is being managed by them.
Starting XI
about 17 years
It was noted that Tickler and reps from HSG didn't attend the meeting of the owners the FFA hosted a fortnight or so ago..remember thinking it was an interesting "no show" then,with on going issues being mentioned too.

Watching the big boys playing "winner-takes-all " poker with the premier australasian football league (and potentially the livlihoods of every single worker and player in every club, PLUS the future and credibility of OUR game in the region ) in these last few months is fascinating,scary, unbelievable ....and really pissing me off, all at the same time , right now.
over 17 years
RedGed wrote:
It was noted that Tickler and reps from HSG didn't attend the meeting of the owners the FFA hosted a fortnight or so ago..remember thinking it was an interesting "no show" then,with on going issues being mentioned too.

Watching the big boys playing "winner-takes-all " poker with the premier australasian football league (and potentially the livlihoods of every single worker and player in every club, PLUS the future and credibility of OUR game in the region ) in these last few months is fascinating,scary, unbelievable ....and really pissing me off, all at the same time , right now.

Right, so while pulling out screaming 'no communication' they don't turn up to a forum specifically held to communicate.

Yep, must be the FFA's fault.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Rich people are stupid.
I am sure there is more to this situation than what we see. Palmer, Sage and Tinkler have all had issues with the FFA, so there must be underlying issues will the way the A-League is being managed by them.
The FFA execs come under the umbrella of 'rich people' too with how well they get paid.
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Rich people are stupid.
I am sure there is more to this situation than what we see. Palmer, Sage and Tinkler have all had issues with the FFA, so there must be underlying issues will the way the A-League is being managed by them.
Many from Newcastle are suggesting it goes further than that,more to do with his wanting to aquire the Knights and using the Jets as a vechile.Also an attempt to paint himself as a good guy in an attempt to get a coal loader located there.
That has been turned down so he takes it out on the Jets,reckon Knights fans  will be watching on nervously.Mind you they have at least got  $20 million waiting.
about 13 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
taranix wrote:
a-leagues screwed
Gareth for FFA CEO, we are the only stable club in the league.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
taranix wrote:
a-leagues screwed
Gareth for FFA CEO, we are the only stable club in the league.
uh oh.
Tegal2012-04-10 18:35:02
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
over 17 years
asmodeus_82 wrote:
Christ not even a 10 team league if there is a league at all next season!!
I can't believe another club looks to go down the gurgler.
Even if Tinkler is legally bound to control the club until 2020 it doesn't mean he can't field a team of cheap with no resources and no promotion. GCU all over again.
This is crazy, I'm shocked that another club is failing.
How long can we keep this up, the list of failed clubs will soon be longer than the list of clubs that still exist.
easy to see why A league teams are going down the " gurgler "...crowds are so poor game after game.....the A league is on very slippery slope...heading down, shame but it is hard too see the costs getting cheaper for clubs,only increasing without any pay back...
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they?
Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...
almost 13 years
asmodeus_82 wrote:
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they?
Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...

COMMUNIST!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU HATE FREEDOM???????????????
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Interesting to note, the Jets fired the Culina's on the day of the offical A-League launch. And today is the Awards dinner, and they drop this bomb.
First Team Squad
over 15 years

asmodeus_82 wrote:
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they?
Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...[/QUOTE]COMMUNIST!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU HATE FREEDOM???????????????

Freedom? I see no freedom, only costdom, expensivedom and freedumb. Capitalism sucks.

[QUOTE=Ryan's Rovers] Interesting to note, the Jets fired the Culina's on the day of the offical A-League launch. And today is the Awards dinner, and they drop this bomb.

Yeah noticed that. He has a sense of timing. Funny how 18 months ago he loved football and had all these good things to say about the future and now is shafting the entire footballing public...
Whats changed since besides him acquiring the Knights?
Starting XI
about 17 years
As Ballane noted above, Tinkler may have had an alterior motive to look good in the Newcastle public eye.The plan didn't work out apparently and he's spat the dummy.
Another short sighted,self interested individual who couldn't really give a stuff about the football and the A-League.

RedGed2012-04-10 20:09:35
Starting XI
over 15 years FC2012-04-10 20:48:45
over 17 years
i've seen some bad ones in my time, but this has to be the most oddly written opinion piece;

what is he getting at exactly?
Starting XI
about 17 years
If the FFA had some balls they'd be taking Palmer and Tinkler to court for bringing the FFA into disrepute, threatening the future viability of the League and sabotaging the rights negotiations.
What's more, I'll bet evidence comes to light that proves they were working together, maybe even in collusion with the NRL??
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
The NRL is disturbingly linked. Interesting conspiracy theory.
Starting XI
over 17 years
paulm wrote:
i've seen some bad ones in my time, but this has to be the most oddly written opinion piece;

what is he getting at exactly?

That there is a crisis in the A league - 3 clubs gone in 2 seasons.
Life and death
over 17 years
On the license fee issue, isn't that subject to market forces? the fee for the Jets is worth 5m because Tinker was willing to pay it. Maybe the new owners of other franchises didn't want to spend that much and negotiated a deal. No one held a gun to his head and said you've got to buy the bloody club...
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
That and he can hardly pay it, then retrospectively moan about it.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
asmodeus_82 wrote:
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they?
Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...

Mining is pretty much the only sector making any (real) money over here - mainly thanks to mineral resource sales to Asia... hence the govt gets shed loads of tax revenue which has isolated the economy from much of the GFC felt in the rest of the Western World.

Very simple overview, but in essence no - all they need to do is get Rinehart onboard and the four of them (incl Sage) can do what they like... their resources (pun intended) will p!ss on Uncle Franks.
over 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:
asmodeus_82 wrote:
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they?
Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...

Very simple overview, but in essence no - all they need to do is get Rinehart onboard and the four of them (incl Sage) can do what they like... their resources (pun intended) will p!ss on Uncle Franks.
That might be the case but unless they get FIFA to sanction whatever they do all money will be worth sh*t.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
ballane wrote:
SurgeQld wrote:
asmodeus_82 wrote:
Aren't there any nice millionaires in Australia who love football prepared to form a consortium to fund and develop the league? Do you really need mining billionaires? None of our guys have a hit a billion have they? Why not take all the owners and interested investors and pool them into a one A-league consortium to fund all the clubs? A socialist A-league...
Very simple overview, but in essence no - all they need to do is get Rinehart onboard and the four of them (incl Sage) can do what they like... their resources (pun intended) will p!ss on Uncle Franks.
That might be the case but unless they get�FIFA to sanction whatever they do all money will be worth sh*t.

That was tongue in cheek.

Where's that sarcasm font mods?
about 13 years
RedGed wrote:
It was noted that Tickler and reps from HSG didn't attend the meeting of the owners the FFA hosted a fortnight or so ago..remember thinking it was an interesting "no show" then,with on going issues being mentioned too.

Watching the big boys playing "winner-takes-all " poker with the premier australasian football league (and potentially the livlihoods of every single worker and player in every club, PLUS the future and credibility of OUR game in the region ) in these last few months is fascinating,scary, unbelievable ....and really pissing me off, all at the same time , right now.

about 15 years
Interesting to note, the Jets fired the Culina's on the day of the offical A-League launch. And today is the Awards dinner, and they drop this bomb.

I noticed that symmetry also

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Jets players told not to show up at the awards, Brockie is sitting at the Blings table and James Brown floating around.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Lowry took a dump on every one of the Jet's plates? Impressed
Life and death
over 17 years

Jets players told not to show up at the awards,
Told by who?
Starting XI
about 17 years
On a similar note, Ryan Griffiths says he was told the club was dead and buried, and to start looking for another club pronto.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Jets players told not to show up at the awards,
Told by who?
Kevin Airs

HSG apparently told Jets players not to come but at least one Jets W-League player still on guest list.

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