$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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Stage Punch
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

You know what they say:

A bird in the hand saves nine.

A stitch in time is worth two in the bush?
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Smithy wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

You know what they say:

A bird in the hand saves nine.

A stitch in time is worth two in the bush?

Save our bush!!! Won't somebody think of where the dogs can whizz?...
almost 13 years

You definitely don't want stitches in your bush


about 17 years

Dont save bush, get a brazilian. It is world cup year after all.

about 13 years
almost 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:

PS I rate the sig (lose not loose ;) ), you may recognise my avatar...

In 2 years no one has called me on this. 2 years. Mods, take control.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
brumbys wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:

PS I rate the sig (lose not loose ;) ), you may recognise my avatar...

In 2 years no one has called me on this. 2 years. Mods, take control.

Maybe they thought the spelling was correct but the quote was just weird
Early retirement
over 17 years

It's Nimby time... so much progress to fight, so little time.

almost 17 years
brumbys wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:

PS I rate the sig (lose not loose ;) ), you may recognise my avatar...

In 2 years no one has called me on this. 2 years. Mods, take control.

Dammit and now the new sig has lost it's sense of humour, loose is meant to be struck through...argh!
Life and death
over 17 years

Flew over it today, what is that place to the north? of it - has a green space there too.

almost 16 years

Upper Hutt. Best keep moving.

Life and death
over 17 years
almost 16 years

At a guess it is North Park.

about 11 years

Thats Petone Rugby Club...Clubrooms & North Park is their practice field

almost 16 years

Not for long!

about 17 years


Sent this:

This “Short Cut” has been long overdue for over 35 years. It was always on the cards that Porirua via Waitangarua/Whitby would grow. And that on the Petone side, this hill would get more utilized. Here is a golden opportunity to take some of the load of the Ngauranga Gorge blockages every morning as well as the Highway between the Petone foreshore and the Hutt Road turnoff at the base of Ngauranga. There are a lot of people that travel in either direction during the day and to have to travel via Wellington is a fuel consuming and time consuming nuisance. I live in Upper Hutt and have family in Porirua, I shop in the Hutt and Petone areas and this road would take 20 minutes off my travel time to Waitangarua where they live.


over 17 years

In answer to Napier Phoenix suggestion:

The grey building directly across the road from the Rec is the Petone Workingmens Club. (13000 members). To the right of the club is the Masoinic Lodge. Behind these buildings are the Petone Rugby clubrooms next to North Park. Behind North Park is the Petone Tennis Club The remainder of the block that is circled is owned by the PWMC.

To the right of the circle is the Central Bowling Club and Petone Swimming Club. If you dont think stirring up a fight with that lot is enough,  I could probably point out a couple of Gang Headquarters for you to visit.

 It would well have helped matters if Petone FC, the code's representative in the area, had  been consulted by Hutt City Council, Phoenix or Yellow Fever before bullets were fired. Petone residents are not all Nimbys.They probably would have been a great deal more supportive for the Arena if more consultation had been made available. With 36 sports clubs in the village, they are very much people who have an interest in sport. There are areas in Petone and surrounding districts that could accomodate a stadium without destroying grass roots sport. Someone might like to post an ariel picture of the Unilever site at the Eastern End of Jackson St.

 As a Life Member of Petone FC and Foundation Member of the Phoenix, I totally endorse Petone FC's  submission which is displayed on the club's website and above on this thread.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
uiron wrote:

In answer to Napier Phoenix suggestion:

The grey building directly across the road from the Rec is the Petone Workingmens Club. (13000 members). To the right of the club is the Masoinic Lodge. Behind these buildings are the Petone Rugby clubrooms next to North Park. Behind North Park is the Petone Tennis Club The remainder of the block that is circled is owned by the PWMC.

To the right of the circle is the Central Bowling Club and Petone Swimming Club. If you dont think stirring up a fight with that lot is enough,  I could probably point out a couple of Gang Headquarters for you to visit.

 It would well have helped matters if Petone FC, the code's representative in the area, had  been consulted by Hutt City Council, Phoenix or Yellow Fever before bullets were fired. Petone residents are not all Nimbys.They probably would have been a great deal more supportive for the Arena if more consultation had been made available. With 36 sports clubs in the village, they are very much people who have an interest in sport. There are areas in Petone and surrounding districts that could accomodate a stadium without destroying grass roots sport. Someone might like to post an ariel picture of the Unilever site at the Eastern End of Jackson St.

 As a Life Member of Petone FC and Foundation Member of the Phoenix, I totally endorse Petone FC's  submission which is displayed on the club's website and above on this thread.


I endorse all of this except for one thing. Don't throw stones in our direction. I spoke to both Kristy Whalen and Barry Pickering about this prior to "firing any bullets" and in fact I suspect that my speaking to them is the only reason the club did anything about making a submission at all.


Edit: Apparently a Petone FC submission was underway before I spoke to anyone. This is great, however my original point stands which is: don't have a go at us for doing nothing when we were just about the only ones doing anything! CFT and Welnix deserve those brickbats, not the Fever.

almost 17 years

Something I put in my submission with absolutely no knowledge- but what are the requirements for the under age group competitions we have been holding? Are any of them likely to be held at the ground? Is it possible to hold Island nation cup games or other international games at the stadium? Especially for games like Tahiti and New Caledonia where a full stadium would be better than the empty spectacle of Westpac or something like that...

What are the crowds like for the age groups and for the Football Ferns? Lastly- is there enough talent in the Wellington region to think that there could be an expansion NZFC/ASBP team that could play at the stadium??

anyway- just questions...all of which might add to the case for the stadium.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Great questions actually. 

Particularly with the all whites v Islands games.

It's also the sort of arena that you could build way more hype for local sport finals, and even convince sky to broadcast for because the facilities would be there. I'd go to a few games like that for sure. 

almost 14 years
martinb wrote:

Something I put in my submission with absolutely no knowledge- but what are the requirements for the under age group competitions we have been holding? Are any of them likely to be held at the ground? Is it possible to hold Island nation cup games or other international games at the stadium? Especially for games like Tahiti and New Caledonia where a full stadium would be better than the empty spectacle of Westpac or something like that...

What are the crowds like for the age groups and for the Football Ferns? Lastly- is there enough talent in the Wellington region to think that there could be an expansion NZFC/ASBP team that could play at the stadium??

anyway- just questions...all of which might add to the case for the stadium.

Well hopefully the Phoenix reserves are an expansion ASBP team.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
almost 17 years

Would hopefully look awesome on television if a qualifier against an Island nation were held there. North Harbour is a one side stadium and not my favourite, though I've been to a couple of good game there...including a Japan-France rugby game actually....Crowd all around the game!

Stage Punch
about 17 years

No reason it wouldn't be suitable for international games. Including full All Whites matches.

Not Boyd
over 16 years
Tegal wrote:

...arena was built. 

Need to charge your phone Tegal

Starting XI
over 17 years


Petone Community Board - AGAINST

This week the Petone Community Board announced that it is OPPOSED to the Petone Arena proposal. This from Board Chair, Mike Fisher:

"At our Petone Community Board meeting this week we have formally resolved to oppose the proposed Petone Arena's inclusion in the draft annual plan" said Board Chairperson Mike Fisher.

"We have also asked that Council take no further steps to consider or investigate the proposal " he said.

"After hearing from residents at two public meetings, considering feedback received by individual members, listening to briefings and discussing the issue at sports events and in the street, we believe that it is not in the interests of local residents and indeed the wider city to proceed any further with this idea".

"The impact on current users of Petone Recreation Ground would be substantial, the effects on residents likewise and numerous issues such as parking, noise, loss of amenity values and traffic make this a proposition that is simply not worth pursuing."

"Let's save everyone, residents and Council alike time, energy and expense by killing this proposal off at this stage and do not include it in the annual plan" said Mr Fisher.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Community boards are generally full of NIMBYs aren't they? In which case that is no surprise. 

Starting XI
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Community boards are generally full of NIMBYs aren't they? In which case that is no surprise. 

Maybe not. I think in this case you'd find the board not terribly NIMBY. They are there to represent the wishes of the community and Mike Fisher is pretty credible.
I thought (anyone confirm?) that there was a certain tension between the PPAG and the PCB Over development in Petone,

Early retirement
over 17 years
dairyflat wrote:


Petone Community Board - AGAINST PROGRESS



Stage Punch
about 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Community boards are generally full of NIMBYs aren't they? In which case that is no surprise. 

Maybe not. I think in this case you'd find the board not terribly NIMBY. They are there to represent the wishes of the community and Mike Fisher is pretty credible.
I thought (anyone confirm?) that there was a caeryain tension between the PPAG and the PCB Over develolment in Petone,



That's a pretty good word for this whole process.
almost 17 years

Question for the YF: is this an opportunity for us to show our community spirit and fill the consultative gap and go on a bit of a PR road show if it get's to the next stage?

Or is it more the case that if YF can do a better job than the Welnix and the Council then this thing is doomed anyway...

The Special One
over 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Question for the YF: is this an opportunity for us to show our community spirit and fill the consultative gap and go on a bit of a PR road show if it get's to the next stage?

Or is it more the case that if YF can do a better job than the Welnix and the Council then this thing is doomed anyway...

The latter for mine. The original pitch from Welnix didnt do this thing any favours. It shouldn't be our job to appease the locals, that should be done by Welnix/HCC.

If you've popped on to the Don't wreck our Rec facebook page you'll see that there's no real reasoning with these people, and I think bridges were burned before they were crossed.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Life and death
over 17 years

To compare apples with apples though, this is hardly the same thing as the Petone Rec. Moore Park is huge with little or no impact on housing. For those that don't know the stadium is right next door to the SCG and next to that is Fox Studios and Centennial Park. No one lives there to complain.....

over 17 years

Sadly, this thing is looking dead in the water

almost 13 years

To compare apples with apples though, this is hardly the same thing as the Petone Rec. Moore Park is huge with little or no impact on housing. For those that don't know the stadium is right next door to the SCG and next to that is Fox Studios and Centennial Park. No one lives there to complain.....

More comparable to the lack of political will to do up Westpac - which is partly why we are looking at Petone in the first place
First Team Squad
almost 12 years
james dean wrote:

Sadly, this thing is looking dead in the water

I am afraid you are right. Which could have some dire consequences for the Nix in the long term. If my reading of the situation is correct there was a distinct possibility, that if the new stadium was built , the Nix could financially come lose to breaking even every year, allowing for an average crowd of 6000 to 8000. In other words the club playing in Petone would become viable.....and would still be around in 20 years time without having to be propped up by rich benefactors.

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.

The Petone Arena was one plan to set the Nix model up as self sustaining. Without an alternative option the long term future for the Nix is not that bright.
Life and death
over 17 years
austin10 wrote:
james dean wrote:

Sadly, this thing is looking dead in the water


I am afraid you are right. Which could have some dire consequences for the Nix in the long term. If my reading of the situation is correct there was a distinct possibility, that if the new stadium was built , the Nix could financially come lose to breaking even every year, allowing for an average crowd of 6000 to 8000. In other words the club playing in Petone would become viable.....and would still be around in 20 years time without having to be propped up by rich benefactors.

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.

The Petone Arena was one plan to set the Nix model up as self sustaining. Without an alternative option the long term future for the Nix is not that bright.

unless they are doing some heavy lobbying behind the scenes, that we don't know about, they are doing a piss poor job in getting themselves a new stadium....
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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix