over 17 years

Didnt mean for you to do it all im more than happy to make phone calls if required.

over 13 years

ballane wrote:

Didnt mean for you to do it all im more than happy to make phone calls if required.

All good, I'm happy to do it and am really excited about this. Have contacted them through Twitter DM but if don't get a response can follow up with a phone call  they are aware of what we are doing as I've been linking them into our tweets.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Will donate some coin over next few days. My new nephew just arrived into the world today so going to meet him tonight :-)

Is it linked to Twitter/Facebook yet? A few shares and likes may help things along here.

Loving the passion here guys and gals. Makes me proud to be a Phoenix Supporter!!!

over 13 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Will donate some coin over next few days. My new nephew just arrived into the world today so going to meet him tonight :-)

Is it linked to Twitter/Facebook yet? A few shares and likes may help things along here.

Loving the passion here guys and gals. Makes me proud to be a Phoenix Supporter!!!

Congratulations on the nephew. 

I have been tweeting it from twitter and put it on facebook linking in Yellowfever and Wellington Phoenix, but it has been from my own personal account. If the people that run the Yellow Fever twitter and Facebook account can put it out there from that, then it will be able to reach more people.

over 17 years

Bloody hell $205 and its only early days 

over 16 years

Hey team

I dunno the thoughts of the YF Elite on this one but if RMH don't have a family each week maybe Canteen is an option?

In the past we have sold bandannas for them, so it is a YF "charity of choice" so to speak.

Not wanting to step on any toes here, just a thought :)

over 13 years

Cheers for that, I'd like to start with Ronald McDonald House. RMH are keen to start this Sunday anyway and will be getting back to me about a family. I only mention above that there may not be a family each week but I don't know if that is the case and I guess we can just see as it goes. 

Hoping to raise enough now for the season tickets so we can see each week

about 13 years

bwtcf wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

ballane wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Good idea, but really this sort of promotion should be taken up by the Phoenix. Each home game they could invite two or three Wellington schools to have a free ticket per pupil as long as they brought an adult with them

Surly they give away enough tickets already.I know some people who only attend if they are given sponsors tickets and they lap up all the associated giveaways and ground access and meeting the players etc.Gets pretty grating at times to see some of the things they score especially when they havnt paid out of their pocket for anything.

Yep full aware there are perks for being a sponsor but these people only use the product they are not part of the sponsors staff.

As an aside do these freebies get counted in attendances or is it only tickets that have been paid for,

You're right. I just think if tickets are to be given away,the Phoenix should be doing it.  

Oh well. I am already wrong for going to the football to sing. 

Might as well be wrong for handing out tickets because I want to and not being the Phoenix. *shrug*

Hey Brandon I didn't say you were wrong, I actually said what you were doing was a good idea. 
Who said you were wrong to go to the football to sing? Your 'sing' is my 'chant', it's not a reason for disagreement.
I come in peace my friend :-) 
I am certain that no one questions your support for football and the Nix 

This is who...

Warwick Hunt

October 14, 2014 10:32pm


Chants vs Songs. You go to a football game to chant, you go to the shower, karaoke, church to sing songs :-)

Despite the little smiley face, that seemed to me a pretty clear declaration that in your opinion there is a right way to go to football, and it involves chanting, NOT singing. 

And that people who sing should be getting in the shower, going to a karaoke bar, or going to church, but that they should not being going to the football. 

It absolutely did NOT read that my 'sing' is your 'chant'.

On the back of your vitriolic email about how a 'love song' like Riera The Only would be received at a football match in the North East of England (i.e. where people knew how to support a team 'properly') that made my blood boil. I found it bloody offensive. 

I read that and thought: "Okay, didn't realise that there was only one correct way of supporting a football team. Now I know. Must have been doing it wrong all this time. Good to get educated!" It really pissed me off.

You say you come in peace. Cool. Let there be peace then. Sorry if I have over-reacted.

Just catching up on posts and despite my better instinct of not replying to this post...
Yes you have over-reacted  :-) 
My use of 'You' ('Ya' or 'Ye') is a vestigial feature of my Geordie upbringing. I realise that my Nucassel ancestors are turning in their grave because I used the term 'vestigial', but youse can gan an f&ck yersel
Brandon you're a good bugger :-) 
Chant Savant
over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Will donate some coin over next few days. My new nephew just arrived into the world today so going to meet him tonight :-)

Is it linked to Twitter/Facebook yet? A few shares and likes may help things along here.

Loving the passion here guys and gals. Makes me proud to be a Phoenix Supporter!!!

Congratulations on the nephew. 

I have been tweeting it from twitter and put it on facebook linking in Yellowfever and Wellington Phoenix, but it has been from my own personal account. If the people that run the Yellow Fever twitter and Facebook account can put it out there from that, then it will be able to reach more people.

$20 in!

Awesome work all!

Love it!

over 13 years

I can't believe this, we are up to $385 now, so looking good for season tickets.

If this keeps going, I'm hoping for a Yellow Fever scarf for each kid that uses the ticket!

Well Done Guys!

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Will donate some coin over next few days. My new nephew just arrived into the world today so going to meet him tonight :-)

Is it linked to Twitter/Facebook yet? A few shares and likes may help things along here.

Loving the passion here guys and gals. Makes me proud to be a Phoenix Supporter!!!

Congratulations on the nephew. 

I have been tweeting it from twitter and put it on facebook linking in Yellowfever and Wellington Phoenix, but it has been from my own personal account. If the people that run the Yellow Fever twitter and Facebook account can put it out there from that, then it will be able to reach more people.

Sorry somehow I missed this. Let me get onto it.

over 13 years

2ndBest wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Will donate some coin over next few days. My new nephew just arrived into the world today so going to meet him tonight :-)

Is it linked to Twitter/Facebook yet? A few shares and likes may help things along here.

Loving the passion here guys and gals. Makes me proud to be a Phoenix Supporter!!!

Congratulations on the nephew. 

I have been tweeting it from twitter and put it on facebook linking in Yellowfever and Wellington Phoenix, but it has been from my own personal account. If the people that run the Yellow Fever twitter and Facebook account can put it out there from that, then it will be able to reach more people.

Sorry somehow I missed this. Let me get onto it.

Thanks Dale!

Chant Savant
over 17 years

bwtcf wrote:

I want Phoenix crowd numbers to grow.

I know I am not the only one.

I am lucky. I have disposable income.

I am going to buy a ticket to every home game this season, and give it away as a random act of kindness on Lambton Quay on a Friday before the game.

If anyone else wants to do likewise, perhaps we could do it together in a coordinated way? If not, I challenge anyone else who can afford to do so to do what I am doing. 

It might help get a few people hooked.

From little things, big things grow!!!

Chant Savant
over 17 years

bwtcf wrote:

I want Phoenix crowd numbers to grow.

I know I am not the only one.

I am lucky. I have disposable income.

I am going to buy a ticket to every home game this season, and give it away as a random act of kindness on Lambton Quay on a Friday before the game.

If anyone else wants to do likewise, perhaps we could do it together in a coordinated way? If not, I challenge anyone else who can afford to do so to do what I am doing. 

It might help get a few people hooked.

From little things, big things grow!!!

over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

I want Phoenix crowd numbers to grow.

I know I am not the only one.

I am lucky. I have disposable income.

I am going to buy a ticket to every home game this season, and give it away as a random act of kindness on Lambton Quay on a Friday before the game.

If anyone else wants to do likewise, perhaps we could do it together in a coordinated way? If not, I challenge anyone else who can afford to do so to do what I am doing. 

It might help get a few people hooked.

From little things, big things grow!!!

I bloody wish.LOL
about 13 years

ballane wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

I want Phoenix crowd numbers to grow.

I know I am not the only one.

I am lucky. I have disposable income.

I am going to buy a ticket to every home game this season, and give it away as a random act of kindness on Lambton Quay on a Friday before the game.

If anyone else wants to do likewise, perhaps we could do it together in a coordinated way? If not, I challenge anyone else who can afford to do so to do what I am doing. 

It might help get a few people hooked.

From little things, big things grow!!!

I bloody wish.LOL

Increase of crowds will come from a winning sequence of results.Sadly widespread support of most if not all NZ sports is based on success.
Charitable efforts from individuals, Yellow Fever and the Phoenix is a beautiful thing and must be encouraged and applauded
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Yakcall, you are an absolute, dead-set legend. As is everyone who has donated.

over 14 years

You're a good bugger too Brian. Again, sorry for flipping out.

about 17 years

Pay day on Wednesday. Will put something in then.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

I just bumped it to the $500.00. Consider it penance for buying an Adelaide scarf last weekend. 

about 17 years

Top man, congratulations and may you get good karma.

over 13 years

Wow, so amazing to wake up this morning and to see we have raised $500. Very proud to be part of the Yellow Fever, you guys are awesome.

So do we keep going? I was thinking it would be good to buy a yellow fever scarf for the kids for each game. So that's 2 scarfs times 10 games!

Or if we set our heights higher we could go for two season tickets and one for Ronald McDonald House and one as suggested for Canteen.

Either way, it feels amazing to even think we can do this and as I said, I'm very proud to be part of Yellow Fever.

over 16 years

That's ambitious, that would be $700 on RRP. I say keep going though! Would be great to be able to do that for the kids

over 11 years

Just donated, let's keep going!!!!!

over 17 years

My thoughts why not just the one season ticket and scarves any left over gives us a head start for the  future.It also then gives you the ability to do extras such as pay for parking or food if the stadium dosnt come to the party.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Wow, so amazing to wake up this morning and to see we have raised $500. Very proud to be part of the Yellow Fever, you guys are awesome.

So do we keep going? I was thinking it would be good to buy a yellow fever scarf for the kids for each game. So that's 2 scarfs times 10 games!

Or if we set our heights higher we could go for two season tickets and one for Ronald McDonald House and one as suggested for Canteen.

Either way, it feels amazing to even think we can do this and as I said, I'm very proud to be part of Yellow Fever.

Brilliant effort by everyone involved.

For what its worth, I think at the moment we should stick to the original plan of purchasing a Family Season Pass for RMH with the proceeds raised so far. Also I think maybe the YF Exec may need to be involved for subsequent purchases from any revenue raised as The Yellow Fever name has been associated with this.

Also, if possible I think we should leave the fund open and people van add what they like when they like throughout the season which opens the opportunity to explore different ways the funds can be distributed (ie Merchandise, Matchday experience etc)

over 13 years

Thank you for the advice, yes I agree lets go for the one family season ticket and extra could hopefully be used towards Yellow Fever merchandise. Any extra funds will go to Yellow Fever account to be used for charity things and as Ballance suggested we may have to look at parking and food.

I'm going to ring Wellington Phoenix today and discuss purchasing the season ticket. I will put it on my credit card until the funds are released from Give A Little. I also wanted to discuss with them about maybe putting "Ronald McDonald House" as the names on the cards so they know they are shared membership cards.

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

Not sure what your intentions are but it might be good to hang on to the tickets ourselves and present them to the individual families week by week.  I'm picturing someone from YF in scarf & t shirt (pants too) making the presentation, maybe take a photo for posterity.  That way YF get a bit more exposure and we know the tickets get used instead of getting forgotten about and sitting in someones top drawer.

Also, if you get the season ticket in the name of Yellow Fever Charity or something ambiguous like that you can keep control of them should a RMcD family not be available.

over 13 years

Rosco wrote:

Not sure what your intentions are but it might be good to hang on to the tickets ourselves and present them to the individual families week by week.  I'm picturing someone from YF in scarf & t shirt (pants too) making the presentation, maybe take a photo for posterity.  That way YF get a bit more exposure and we know the tickets get used instead of getting forgotten about and sitting in someones top drawer.

Also, if you get the season ticket in the name of Yellow Fever Charity or something ambiguous like that you can keep control of them should a RMcD family not be available.

That is a much better idea. Will get them in Yellow Fever name instead. I had thought about holding onto them as you say, as would hate for them to go missing and/or not be used.

Had thought also about the customry photo in Yellow Fever Tee and scarf.. (and yes wearing pants also, maybe shorts if it is warm)

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

Cam will happily do the photo thing Matt

Also, I mentioned this to Thomas Ben from the Nix last night at the CF awards, so at least him fro  the Nix is aware of it

almost 16 years

Yakcall wrote:

Rosco wrote:

Not sure what your intentions are but it might be good to hang on to the tickets ourselves and present them to the individual families week by week.  I'm picturing someone from YF in scarf & t shirt (pants too) making the presentation, maybe take a photo for posterity.  That way YF get a bit more exposure and we know the tickets get used instead of getting forgotten about and sitting in someones top drawer.

Also, if you get the season ticket in the name of Yellow Fever Charity or something ambiguous like that you can keep control of them should a RMcD family not be available.

That is a much better idea. Will get them in Yellow Fever name instead. I had thought about holding onto them as you say, as would hate for them to go missing and/or not be used.

Had thought also about the customry photo in Yellow Fever Tee and scarf.. (and yes wearing pants also, maybe shorts if it is warm)

Hmmm.  Can I take my donation out?

almost 16 years

Rosco wrote:

Not sure what your intentions are but it might be good to hang on to the tickets ourselves and present them to the individual families week by week.  I'm picturing someone from YF in scarf & t shirt (pants too) making the presentation, maybe take a photo for posterity.  That way YF get a bit more exposure and we know the tickets get used instead of getting forgotten about and sitting in someones top drawer.

Also, if you get the season ticket in the name of Yellow Fever Charity or something ambiguous like that you can keep control of them should a RMcD family not be available.

This way you could give the pass to another charity if RMH does not have a family for a particular week - as per I<3Nix's idea.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Great work Matt, keep it up... and to everyone who's donated and has/will contribute/d in other ways - high five!

almost 14 years

Can you transfer a season pass between people like that?

over 13 years

Ryan wrote:

Can you transfer a season pass between people like that?

I'm waiting to hear back from Wellington Phoenix to ask that and also want to see about Phoenix Lounge also. As someone suggest to me on Twitter, if it starts raining etc we want them to be able to still watch the game but get out of the weather.

I know the passes aren't meant to shared, but I would hope they would allow a one off for charity pass.


Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

Would it be easier just to get 10 x family passes if season ticket not transferable?  The last thing we want is for the families to have hassles at the gate

over 14 years

Rosco wrote:

Would it be easier just to get 10 x family passes if season ticket not transferable? The last thing we want is for the families to have hassles at the gate

Totally agree that we don't want hassles at the gate, and there won't be. The advantage of getting a season pass is it is cheaper than 10 x family passes...

Matt (Yakcall) and I have been discussing this privately and will progress it with the club. 

There are lots of ways it can be done including (in no particular order):

1. We get the pass, we hold the pass, we meet them at the ground and we scan the pass to get them in. Next game we do the same with another family.

2. We agree a way to produce paper tickets and send them to RMH to be given to the selected family.

3. We give the season pass to the staff at RMH and they act as custodians giving it to whichever family is selected each week.

4. We give the pass to the Club, who hold it, and have paper tickets that the family can either (a) pick up at the ground when they identify themselves and get "meet and greeted" by someone from the Club (and perhaps Nixie) or (b) get sent to RMH to be given to the family in advance.

We're also thinking about how to distribute the non tickets parts (car park passes, scarves and other merchandise) etc. that we may or may not end up providing some or all of.

over 13 years

Yes there will be some logistics that will be needed to work out between us, Wellington Phoenix, Westpac and RMH, so I am working on them but I am also open to any suggestions you may have to please keep providing ideas as that will be helpful when I come to speak with them.

I have just had a reply from Westpac asking for my email, so they maybe on board for something too.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

while transferring season tickets isn't technically allowed, I doubt there will actually be a problem. It's not like security check their ID. 

Would just have to make sure the kids use the kids tickets. 

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Tegal wrote:

while transferring season tickets isn't technically allowed, I doubt there will actually be a problem. It's not like security check their ID. 

Would just have to make sure the kids use the kids tickets. 

Im pretty sure I've seen a option on the memberships website to get paper tickets instead of a season pass card.

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