over 17 years
over 17 years
I don't live in Welly so haven't been to any games but I was talking to someone who was at both and said you wouldn�t have known Yellow Fever was there. Come on guys, we should be out in force and making ourselves known at these games!!
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Yep thats a good point - I am expecting when the first game rolls around that there will be an abundance of Yellow fever - Ricki Herbert retro shirts visable in the caketin. Mind you, would be a brave man to wear just the tshirt today in Wellys cos its absolutely freezing me b*lls material here!
Early retirement
over 17 years
Time and place lads, time and place...

(Having said that, I suspect that if the weather had been a little toastier we'd have been trying to move some shirts)
over 17 years
Yep, I've been to both games so far and it has been dead quiet!!! Was hard to get into the game on friday cos of the terrible weather and huddling up in the stands meant people were too far away from the action.... Hopefully will get some great weather this weekend and a much bigger more vocal crowd.
I think it will just take 1 person to start the ball rolling and then it will be all on!!!
Early retirement
over 17 years
When were you last at Harcourt Dennis ?

It's not exactly a venue for crowd atmosphere.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I posted these comments on the review of Friday Night:
the crowd was pretty bloody passive. I know it was only a training run but jeeeess fellas. ..  Luckily my bruvva showed up and yelled a bit ;0.  Everyone seemed a bit nervous, and maybe scared to stand up and let it rip,  perhaps worried that some dick is going to shut it down (typical Kiwi mockery attitude).  . . Without some leadership, I'm not convinced that it's going to fly. Let's hope we get organised before long, otherwise its giong to be a quiet season up in the stands "
Me brother and me was a little bit noisy. And so were the lads at the top right of the stand - well done whoever they were. But there was no organisation to it, just random outbursts - we might as well have been at the ruggers. . . .  I get the feeling that anytime someone yellled out there would have been fuive others hopign they would shut the hell up! Please don't mind me for being a cynic but it seems like typical Kiwi cutters attitude to me ;)
Now I kow that the likes of nightz and some others seem to be dead set against all organised crowd participation (claming that it will happen organically) but if the efforts so far are anything to go by . . . . .  [shudder]. . . .
phil_style2007-06-25 15:00:48
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
When were you last at Harcourt Dennis ?

It's not exactly a venue for crowd atmosphere.
Wouldn't hav a clue mate, haven't been there since junior soccer days!
As long as there is a sideline to stand on and get a bit rowdy then i'm happy....
Dosen't matter where we play, can still get stuck in HN!
over 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
I'm keeping my powder dry for the Basin... then we'll do some Farken Firing up...
over 17 years
over 17 years
Oh the angst!
If you lot are going to spend the next three months worrying about this you are all gonna get hernias and be so uptight when it matters that you will crush yourselves under the weight of your own expectations.
Relax. Enjoy the build-up. And remember, nothing kills an atmosphere faster that some tit hell-bent on creating an atmosphere.
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
phil_style wrote:
Now I kow that the likes of nightz and some others seem to be dead set against all organised crowd participation (claming that it will happen organically) but if the efforts so far are anything to go by . . . . .  [shudder]. . . .
Where did you get that idea from? You obviously never saw me at Erricson
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
i think a few games before and after the preseason bash would be a good place to practise/get people chanting because we will be laughed at if we are not prepaired, we have to have some chants in time befor the melbourne game
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Our first season will not be the most vocally in-syned supportive due to the freshness of it. But with games well start getting the hang of things. No rush guys. We have 3 years...
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
i dont agree uncle steve i think that we must be vocal these teams are coming to OUR HOME we must not be outchanted by away fans, i asume at least 500 people on this site will be at the games and they understand that we must chant, 500 people is enough to make a good noise
over 17 years
I doubt whether you'll get more than 30-50 away fans, so being outchanted by them shouldn't be a concern, surely?
Starting XI
over 17 years
How did Bloc 5 run. They seemed to be relatively organised and got good exposure. Would going down this path be the right thing to do?
One in a million
over 17 years
They used to hand out song and chant sheets in the early days. You need someone who is perpared to be loud and a leader like Ric. Funny chants help with the fun of it, not too serious.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
phil_style wrote:
I posted these comments on the review of Friday Night:
the crowd was pretty bloody passive. I know it was only a training run but jeeeess fellas. ..  Luckily my bruvva showed up and yelled a bit ;0.  Everyone seemed a bit nervous, and maybe scared to stand up and let it rip,  perhaps worried that some dick is going to shut it down (typical Kiwi mockery attitude).  . . Without some leadership, I'm not convinced that it's going to fly. Let's hope we get organised before long, otherwise its giong to be a quiet season up in the stands "
Me brother and me was a little bit noisy. And so were the lads at the top right of the stand - well done whoever they were. But there was no organisation to it, just random outbursts - we might as well have been at the ruggers. . . .  I get the feeling that anytime someone yellled out there would have been fuive others hopign they would shut the hell up! Please don't mind me for being a cynic but it seems like typical Kiwi cutters attitude to me ;)
Now I kow that the likes of nightz and some others seem to be dead set against all organised crowd participation (claming that it will happen organically) but if the efforts so far are anything to go by . . . . .  [shudder]. . . .

Haha phil that was me and my mates over in the right hand corner, funny thing is alot of them only play social soccer, indoor etc but just enjoy a decent game of footy and all things sport in general! got some good support from a few lads from petone who showed up as well lol. yeah i agree with your comment about typical kiwi mockery, its hard to yell out something you know theres always gonna be that dickhead sitting near ya that's gonna be a wank about it
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
tend to agree with the below comments
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I will be in melbourne when you guys come over twice.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
i dont agree uncle steve i think that we must be vocal these teams are coming to OUR HOME we must not be outchanted by away fans, i asume at least 500 people on this site will be at the games and they understand that we must chant, 500 people is enough to make a good noise
I didnt say we wont TRY, i said it would sound that n-sync.
By all means, scream your voice out, and so will i, but the first years was always going to be a learning year.

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