"Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down"

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
"Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down"
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Read page D3 of this morning's Dom Post. Some Mr. Jamie Douglas is ripping into the Yellow Fever forum.
I'm expecting heated comments.
almost 17 years
Read page D3 of this morning's Dom Post. Some Mr. Jamie Douglas is ripping into the Yellow Fever forum.
I'm expecting heated comments.
havent got the paper yet, so wont get too hot under the collar just yet
but what the hell is he doing sticking his beak into other peoples business  (oh, silly me,  i forgot he's a journo??? isn't he?)
 he's just sold another copy for them (shame to reward his behaviour but curiosity etc etc) 
i expect he might have a hope that we'll all sl*g him off in here and then he could pontificate about that too
whatever he's said my guess is he either doesn't understand the concept of banter - or he's got an axe to grind
i stop guessing now and have a read of his pearls of wisdom
First Team Squad
about 17 years
He said Yellow fever is really good and its good how the phoenix are going and all but he thinks the message board needs to be moderated better and stuff like that. I only glanced at the article
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Jamie Douglas  censorship and quality  control football boards and chants dept Dom post,as we say in the auld country" away an bile yir heed"
You get a much easier right of reply on this board than you will ever get with the Dom post ,no football board on the planet and there are hundreds of them(its called research mate) have people using there own names its all about giving as good as you get ,sure the comments sometimes" lack class "its true that we have not all  been to journalism school .
As for putting the boot into players in your own team terribly sorry old chap but thats what happens on footy boards when your own team or players  are not coming up with the goods!
I will always criticize , condemn, praise, sl*g off, take the piss, abuse,rib ,not only the players but fellow fans ,opposition players ,fat stewards ,people who like sailing,the NPC,wanky up them selfs sanctimonious  journos etc etc
Anyway as the song says "come and have  ago if you think your hard enough"
Kiwi Jambo keyboard warrior!!
Im away for a lie down now

Kiwi Jambo2007-07-28 09:22:16
about 17 years
Obviously we all have strong opinions on Mr Douglas' article but let's try and keep a level head because it is important to keep a good relationship with the Dom Post and it's clear that they read our site.  Just don't want to give them any more ammunition.
But I would say does he have a problem with radio sport talkback?  Because that is just as nameless and faceless and people have all sorts of opinions on there, many of them negative.
Please read this as well before posting.
james dean2007-07-28 10:36:06
almost 17 years
james dean wrote:
Obviously we all have strong opinions on Mr Douglas' article but let's try and keep a level head because it is important to keep a good relationship with the Dom Post and it's clear that they read our site.  Just don't want to give them any more ammunition.
But I would say does he have a problem with radio sport talkback?  Because that is just as nameless and faceless and people have all sorts of opinions on there, many of them negative.
I agree that we need to be aware of the Dom Post's current importance to the club. And as i suggested earlier, sl*gging dear Mr. Douglas off is not in our best interests.
So i guess we just read his piece (if we want to) and continue to run our board to meet our needs and (indirectly?) those of the club.
I'll get the Dom in due course, and in the meantime i'll continue to enjoy the wonderful YF board and the varied opinions of its stalwart members (not all of which i agree with, some of which slightly 'worry' me - hell some of my own might not fit my public image as a caring human being!) and just accept and rejoice in the fact that we are not all the same. Might be called democracy i guess.
I wonder if the passion and 'wit' associated with football fans , confuses/worries some people??
CMON YOU NIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Starting XI
almost 17 years
"I wonder if the passion and 'wit' associated with football fans , confuses/worries some people??"
Not to mention the contradictions!
Yes i suppose your right ,its all about about power really,i await the free Dom Post pull out guide to etiquette for football fans in NZ!
One city one news paper its all a bit Fiji is it not!!

almost 17 years
maybe the Dom are a bit jealous that you guys have got your sh*t together, and can produce things such as central league reports, gamecasts, etc, better than they ever could.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Just read the article,
As far as I can tell Dounglas has three main points of issue with YF.
1. The use of pseudonyms, which he claims is "gutless"
2. The fact that players are criticised by so called "supporters"
3. Lack of monitoring of comments
In response to this I would offer the following,
1. Try and fit your full name into the box mate. . . . . Besides, what do we do if two people have the same name? Does he know that many of us know who other are becasue we meet at the games, and at the pub? I am persaonlly of the opinion that pseudonyms are benefitial to discussion, becasue it allows the content of the argument to be discussed on it's own merits. Bringing the personality of the writer into a discussion is a classic fallacy. The argument should be dealt with inj any debate, not the identity of the arguer. What's "gutless" is attacking the person without dealing specifically wih their argument.
2. What is wrong with supporters criticism players? Is Douglas trying to suggest that we should not be critical of things we love?
3. Personally I've got no major issues here. A couple of time when moderation has been clearly called for I think it has been done. I thinkg Douglas is making too much of some of the silly banter that goes on here.
On the other side od thngs, the Article was full of praise for the strength and influence that YF has developed. It also was encouraging of the relationship building that has begun with YF and other media. I think the article on the whole was quite balanced, but still contained some statemens which are close to erroneous.
phil_style2007-07-28 11:01:06
about 17 years
He's entitled to his opinion as well!  I thought the headline was a little harsh, but let's look on the bright side - the main opinion piece in the Dominion Post has been dedicated to us!!  So I think it's a good sign that we're having an impact on and off the field.  And you'e right Phil, the majority of the piece was praising everything that has goe on so far!
Pseudonym's are a fact of life in forums.  Let's put it this way, how would he feel if we all were forced to use our real names and someone started mouthing off having signed up as Jamie Douglas?!
Starting XI
about 17 years
I find it interesting that the media can "influence" a forum such as ours. What is the point of having the forum in the first place if a bit of criticism (warranted or not) influences the way it is moderated? Isn't this the unofficial supporters site? In which case any suggestion on his part of poor behaviour is unjustified. This site does have rules & standards but is also available to all who profess to support the Phoenix & football in general. As such I believe we all understand what that entails (all forums have there pros and cons) and this site provides a much needed boost to the game in NZ. In a country starved of good media coverage of football who is he to tell us how it should be done?
Still Believin'
about 17 years
The fact that Yellow Fever is even being discussed at such length in the media is fantastic! Seriously, it is a credit to all the YF "staff" and contributors that YF is even worthy of such attention after such a short time in existence. The article is mostly positive and offers a few points of criticism - so what? He's only doing what everyone else here is doing - expressing an opinion.

As for the headline - that was probably written by a sub-editor and not Jamie Douglas himself. It does highlight the most negative aspect of the story but if it gets people to read it then it has served it's purpose. It will almost certainly lead to more people checking out this site so who cares?

I did think that the criticism of pseudonyms and the level of moderation was a little bit off. That's just the internet generally these days and also reflects something quite specific about football culture around the world. Fans are very passionate about the game and express themselves very clearly in all sorts of ways! From forums to fanzines to having a go at the players/ref/coach/each other at the games, it's all part of the passion that elevates football above any other sport in the world.

You've got remember that this "football" stuff is all pretty new to a lot of local sports journalists who have spent years having to make a living primarily writing about rugby (whether they've wanted to or not). It's also a long time since football has had anywhere near this sort of coverage in the local media - so maybe we're also just a little bit over-sensitive? Give it time, they'll get used to us and we'll get used to them. We need each other, after all.

terminator_x2007-07-28 12:11:21
about 17 years
The whole fans forum thing is kind of unknown in rugby as well...I mean all of the premiership clubs have forums attached to their websites!
about 17 years
I find it interesting that the media can "influence" a forum such as ours. What is the point of having the forum in the first place if a bit of criticism (warranted or not) influences the way it is moderated? Isn't this the unofficial supporters site? In which case any suggestion on his part of poor behaviour is unjustified. This site does have rules & standards but is also available to all who profess to support the Phoenix & football in general. As such I believe we all understand what that entails (all forums have there pros and cons) and this site provides a much needed boost to the game in NZ. In a country starved of good media coverage of football who is he to tell us how it should be done?

i think this is spot on...it's the pot calling the kettle black - we're not allowed to criticise players but the dom post can criticise the whole team if they want? bollocks. at least, as pointed out, we can all respond directly to stupid comments instead of sending in a belated email complaining about something stupid written in an article
about 17 years
I think Yellow Fever is doing a great job. I find it very informative and enjoy reading most of the opinions. The fact that Yellow Fever is making such an impact in the media is great. All power to us. Good to see they are paying attention. Maybe the tv stations will take a look. Maybe they already have. How do we compare to other sporting forums in N.Z. 2000 members could be achieved by august 26th. Just keep pushing the media and they will listen.
about 17 years
Welcome to the world of football Mr Douglas!
Good to see you are finally writing a piece about football in your column for the first time in living memory. We must have stirred some deep down round ball passion in those rugby loving loins of yours.
Given your evident lack of exposure with the world game - maybe you should first familiarise yourself with how football fansites generally work.
To take ONE random example, Fulham FC (that's the English Premiership Jamie (a top league in the sport of football)) operate a messageboard similar to ours (though not as good) on their OFFICIAL CLUB WEBSITE. Here they let supporters discuss anything and everything - as they are of the opinion that at the end of the day, it is the fans that drive a club. No fans, no club.




If you followed the code, you would know about the uphill struggle we have in order to get our fair share of the media spotlight, so you would not criticise the YF members who are not happy with the status quo and are preparred to fight the system by challenging the media to step up their game. They have merely reproduced on this forum the letters and emails they are sending (and attributing their name to) to the media in order to alert them to their shortfalls.


Look forward to more football articles in future from you Jamie.








Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
How great to see an entirely football related opinion piece in such a prominent position in the sports section of our local usually completely rugby-dominated paper.  It doesn't really matter about whether you or I agree with the opinions expressed or not - opinion pieces that didn't express any opinions would be pretty boring to read after all!! - the fact that it appeared at all should be celebrated by all those who love football.

Those involved in setting up YF in the first place, and all of us who are now members, should be very proud of getting such prominent coverage - it's impossible to imagine anything like that ever appearing in an English paper about a local club's unofficial fanclub website!!!   As someone once said "all publicity is good publicity".

BTW as it happens Paul is my real name, but there can only ever be one member with that name - Paul6736 or whatever doesn't quite seem the same!!    
Starting XI
about 17 years


The Dominion Post has been great to us at Yellow Fever and has provided a heap of publicity to the Phoenix.  This morning, Jamie Douglas has said some very complimentary things about what we are doing and raised some very good points about some of the 'negative' aspects as well. 


Jamie is correct to question our willingness to criticise players.  Why do we do this!?  Why do I do this!?  I don't really know; I can only imagine that my passion runs so deep that I cannot help myself.  Then again, maybe, like some couch potato criticising Ma'a Nonu for not being able to tackle, or Jeff Wilson for being a show boat, it just plain interests me!  Whatever the reason, this forum provides the game's stakeholders with a forum for expression, debate and discussion.  Sometimes the content is tripe; but, just like radio sport, you take the good with the bad.  Over-moderation would kill the discussion, which in turn kills the community....


As for the use of pseudonyms; what a fascinating social phenomenon this is!  Some come to these forums seeking anonymity, but I think you'll find that there are a great many of us with our names published, who have no such desire.  For others, it provides them with an internet presence that's differs from the Joe Blo people are at work and home - I'll save the sociology lecture for another day.  The point is, once again, if you kill the right to anonymity; you kill the community....


After years of football being shunted out of the spotlight, for reasons right or wrong, of its own making or not; killing the community is not what Yellow Fever is about.  Jamie has opened the debate about football fanaticism to a wide public sphere; this is dreamland for those of us who have previously had to read the fixtures section to find anything published about football!


In amongst the abundance of positive coverage, several members of the press have recently questioned several aspects of the Phoenix.  Many supporters have been upset by this; understandably, they don't like the criticism of their sport, their passion.  But these people are entitled to their opinion and more importantly, they are taking the time to have one.  So, Yellow Fever members, and proud supporters of the Phoenix, welcome to the sporting spotlight. 


about 17 years
I'm going on Newstalk ZB at 2.30 to discuss this on air - feel free to listen in!
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Cnut wrote:
I'm going on Newstalk ZB at 2.30 to discuss this on air - feel free to listen in!

Bugger we kick of at Centennial Park at 2.30 good luck anyway!
about 17 years
I just get a feeling that Jamie Douglas is just trying to fill a few more column inches - after a good start the article seems to meander into the pros and cons (mainly cons) of internet forums and the general debate about moderation of  forums.
Can't see anything there that particularly applies to YF as much as any other forums ....

btw -
I notice the thread was started by someone with the name Douglas ... and the Dom article was written by someone called Douglas ....

...... coincidence?

You work it out
about 17 years
Is there a copy of the article online at all?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I just get a feeling that Jamie Douglas is just trying to fill a few more column inches - after a good start the article seems to meander into the pros and cons (mainly cons) of internet forums and the general debate about moderation of  forums.
Can't see anything there that particularly applies to YF as much as any other forums ....

btw -
I notice the thread was started by someone with the name Douglas ... and the Dom article was written by someone called Douglas ....

...... coincidence?

You work it out
haha yeah it's just that ... a coincidence.
about 17 years
... have just re-read the 'mossy gives us a wave / chanter' thread that seems to be the one to invoke Jamie Douglas' ire.
The way I read it the journalist (Chanter) was bagged for an incorrect statement and  a couple of YF'ers then emailed said journo seeking a 'please explain'.

The emails were courteous and were sent under real names  - and the journo replied with a reasonable explanation.

So what was wrong with that?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Douggy's just trying to stir up the YF Forum.
If anything we should be flattered at his attempt to critisise.
Guarenteed hes posting under a name...maybe journeywhotakesitwherethesundontshine, thats a good one.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
I dont get the Dom, I'm an Aucklander and the only decent site in the whole country for soccer is this one, YELLOW FEVER.
It beats the balls off any other form of publication.
Yes it has some gross comments at times
Yes the players are criticised at times
Yes, it is alive
Praise the Lord
almost 17 years
Some of you guys are way too over-sensitive. jamie raised some very good points in his article, which was extremely well-balanced I thought. In fact, his praise of YF was the underlying theme in my opinion. So what if some of you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have to sl*g him off. I think it was great for YF and long may it continue.
By the way, when it comes to Phoenix stuff the Dom (and the local radio) is leading the way, so instead of laying into guys like Jamie Douglas and John Chanter, we should be praising them and focussing our demands on the likes of the pathetic coverage TV stations are giving the team and certain other papers - eg, auckland herald, which never has anything in it up here
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
phil_style wrote:
Just read the article, 
As far as I can tell Dounglas has three main points of issue with YF.
1. The use of pseudonyms, which he claims is "gutless"
2. The fact that players are criticised by so called "supporters"
3. Lack of monitoring of comments

I haven't read the article as living up in Auckland I don't buy the Dom, but from the sounds of it Jamie Douglas does not understand how the internet works.

Of thousands of Internet forums I have visited I can't recall even one where people don't use pseudonyms, if Douglas would pick out any other supporters forum, for any sport I would be very surprised if he found one where people had to use the real names. Simply this criticism is staggering, and suggests that Douglas only stumbled accross the internet yesterday.

The lack of moderation is also a good thing, once again, it's the internet where freedom of speech is encouraged! It's one of the things makes the internet so awesome. If he thinks this forum has a lack of moderation someone should point him in the direction of the World Game forums or any other A-League supporters website.

Welcome to the Internet and 2007 Mr Douglas.

siac2007-07-28 15:04:42
about 17 years
James28 wrote:
Some of you guys are way too over-sensitive. jamie raised some very good points in his article, which was extremely well-balanced I thought. In fact, his praise of YF was the underlying theme in my opinion. So what if some of you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have to sl*g him off. I think it was great for YF and long may it continue.
By the way, when it comes to Phoenix stuff the Dom (and the local radio) is leading the way, so instead of laying into guys like Jamie Douglas and John Chanter, we should be praising them and focussing our demands on the likes of the pathetic coverage TV stations are giving the team and certain other papers - eg, auckland herald, which never has anything in it up here

yes but not in a sycophantic "ooohh they wrote about the football" kind of way.The Dom Post caters to the welly public, and yellow fever/wellington phoenix have a pretty large audience so the fact that  the phoenix should get coverage should be a given. By and large, they've done well, but it's a good thing that people on this forum get riled when they print crap, it's called PASSION and without it this site wouldn't be the success it is. ok rant over
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
about 17 years
What can it matter....
We are a foootball forum, since when did football fans say nice thing?
about 17 years

ps. the things he takes issue with are crap...what, you can't be a supporter and criticise a player?? so when an all black has a bad game, everyone's like, 'oh well, everyone has an off day'? i don't think so
about 17 years
I don't have a scanner so I took pics for those without the Dom.

Scroll >>>

Brock2007-07-28 15:37:38
Starting XI
about 17 years
As I was saying to Hard News this afternoon, the press aren't exactly whiter than white when it comes to football forums (perhaps not so much in NZ), but certainly in the UK there have certainly been plenty of incidences of stories, rumours and opinions being lifted straight out of football forums and ending up in the press - uncredited.
Life and death
about 17 years
Just his opinion, like many of the things written on here are our's. I thought it was a generally pro-YF article. Maybe he doesn't quite accept/understand that the 'forum medium' concept where it is open season for any comments. Moderation is also a tough one, personally I don't like some of the stuff on here but accept people have the right to air those views or make peurile comments. If something written leans towards libellous I trust our moderators to take the right steps. A danger of censoring people's opinions is that people stop contributing. I've seen that happen to a lot of club boards that are run by the clubs themselves - look at the Knights last year when they closed theirs. I didn't bother visiting their site much after that, if at all.
Early retirement
about 17 years

Been around for years.  Has exactly the same issues but never warranted an article, wonder why ?

Cheers for the notice though Jamie.  I'll bet our membership and hits today have sky rocketed. 

Forza Phoenix !
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Managed to pick up the DomPost in Auckland. Jamie Douglas appears to be feeling his way through what is an untried phenomenon in New Zealand. An actual sporting community. Rugby sites seem to be full of out of control 14 year olds and homesick New Zealanders; and don't talk rugby except before the big match.
YF gives me a chance to talk about what I love. Its great to talk about talent and prospects. Frankly, I criticise what I love because I understand the effort the players make and the sacrifices I make getting to the matches in all weather and most of all because I want the best for our team.
The media don't provide me enough football coverage to satisfy my basic needs. The Herald's 'two-lines' this morning was insufficient for the thousands of followers.
So in the vacuum of information that exists, only a community of comment can counter this inequality.
As with any community group starting out, we face prejudice and a lack of support. It will literally take years to change. In the meantime, players need to jump on that plane to a professional career, be it St Albans XI or the Wellington Phoenix. We need to carry on building the pool of talented players who can take us back to THE World Cup. And hopefully some sponsors on the way.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Perhaps if us Jaffas start buying more DomPosts and then the Herald will start giving us what we want. Nah, they are a sh1te paper, with sh1te writers and don't give a sh1te about their readers.

But I can get the DomPost from my local FoodTown in the evening, so I will be picking it up every night.
I think we can be a little precious at times with what is written, although the treatement the football public have gotten from the media in recent times is the reason for that.
Was there any new on TVNZ last night, I saw the goals on TV3, which was good, but I was flicking over and didn't see anything on ONE.
about 17 years
edward l wrote:
Managed to pick up the DomPost in Auckland. Jamie Douglas appears to be feeling his way through what is an untried phenomenon in New Zealand. An actual sporting community. Rugby sites seem to be full of out of control 14 year olds and homesick New Zealanders; and don't talk rugby except before the big match.
YF gives me a chance to talk about what I love. Its great to talk about talent and prospects. Frankly, I criticise what I love because I understand the effort the players make and the sacrifices I make getting to the matches in all weather and most of all because I want the best for our team.
The media don't provide me enough football coverage to satisfy my basic needs. The Herald's 'two-lines' this morning was insufficient for the thousands of followers.
So in the vacuum of information that exists, only a community of comment can counter this inequality.
As with any community group starting out, we face prejudice and a lack of support. It will literally take years to change. In the meantime, players need to jump on that plane to a professional career, be it St Albans XI or the Wellington Phoenix. We need to carry on building the pool of talented players who can take us back to THE World Cup. And hopefully some sponsors on the way.

well said
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I say that most comments have some merit! I,m yellow and proud!

"Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down"

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