Things that piss you off...

almost 15 years

3 more years of "Teflon" Key...more mediocrity etc..

over 17 years

Buggars who dont vote,nearly 1 million of the idiots.wouldnt mind betting more than a few of them will bitch and moan in coming years.Idiots

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

about 700,000 didn't vote. 77% turnout. I expected higher with advance voting, though maybe the horrible weather on the day contributed to the low turnout. 

about 13 years

Tegal wrote:

about 700,000 didn't vote. 77% turnout. I expected higher with advance voting, though maybe the horrible weather on the day contributed to the low turnout. 

Time for eVote - They send you a unique # so use that on line to cast vote and block double voting. IT get onto it 
about 17 years

ballane wrote:

Buggars who dont vote,nearly 1 million of the idiots.wouldnt mind betting more than a few of them will bitch and moan in coming years.Idiots

Yes because the difference between the main parties who make a difference is so astonishingly diverse.

over 14 years
Blew.2 wrote:
Tegal wrote:

about 700,000 didn't vote. 77% turnout. I expected higher with advance voting, though maybe the horrible weather on the day contributed to the low turnout. 

Time for eVote - They send you a unique # so use that on line to cast vote and block double voting. IT get onto it 

eVoting will be ready for the next general election, aparently.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Internet mana to do well next election then. Hack hack hack.

One in a million
over 17 years

Rather than being just Hacked off like this year

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Reckon at least 48.1% of New Zealanders (who voted) are happy enough with the result. 

over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

Reckon at least 48.1% of New Zealanders (who voted) are happy enough with the result. 


...but I also suspect that in addition to that 48.1%, at least the 0.69% who voted for ACT, the 0.22% who voted for United Future, and the 4.12% who voted for the Conservatives willl be pretty happy.

And that's 53.13%. 

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Tegal wrote:

about 700,000 didn't vote. 77% turnout. I expected higher with advance voting, though maybe the horrible weather on the day contributed to the low turnout. 

Time for eVote - They send you a unique # so use that on line to cast vote and block double voting. IT get onto it 

Not sure that will fix it. Voter apathy isn't because it takes to long to vote, its cuz they just dont care about voting.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I am against forcing people to vote too. It is their right to choose not to vote, and surely if you're forcing someone to vote who doesn't want to...then their (probably random) vote only serves to skew results away from being representative. 

The key is to educate people about voting, and making it as easy as possible. Advance voting was a good idea in this election, though I imagine those that took it up were the ones who were keen on voting, and the rest were still put off by the weather on the day. Hopefully as each election passes, more people will be aware of (and get into the habit of) being able to vote early. There were a few messages put out during the last week encouraging people to avoid the bad weather on Saturday and to vote early, but more could be done. I was unaware there was advance voting until the last week, and a few people didn't know at all. 

There also needs to be more readily available information comparing different policies of parties, that are easy to read. There were a few tools here and there, but nothing that was very useful. I struggled to find an easy summary when I decided to research, having to rely on little bits of information I came across through various resources.

A big improvement is needed here, and this would increase the vote of those who think "They're all as bad as each other" or those who just got tired of the campaigns mostly revolving around mudslinging (I believe the Greens benefited from easily available policy this election, and staying out of most of the mud slinging) and stayed away. 

There were plenty of polling booths on the main election day, so that was positive. While the process of voting is incredibly simple, it wouldn't hurt to have more information out there like a step by step of how to vote. As silly as this seems to people who have done it plenty of times before, it probably does put people off. I'm not ashamed to admit I was struggling to recall if it really was as easy as I remembered or if there was something I was missing - this made me a tiny bit anxious as I looked on the internet on my way to the booth, without finding what I wanted. This is my 3rd election, so can only imagine that some 18 year olds really wouldn't have a clue, and may decide not to bother as a result. 

I'm sure these are all things they're looking at for the next election anyhow. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

Yeah the enrolment does seem pretty poorly organised actually. Could you do it online this year or is that just the census I'm thinking of? (which was also shambolic). 

almost 16 years

Can anyone explain why we have a three-year term government for a population of 4 mill?

A 4- or 5-year term would be better surely?

about 17 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

How friggen hard is it to go in, check your name off and tick two boxes? I'd changed address, quote my previous one and my full name and bingo, I was given a voting slip. Not rocket science really.

almost 13 years

EPL fantasy football. Buy a guy who's scoring heaps, he hits a dry patch. Sell a guy who couldn't hit a barn from 5 yards and all of a sudden he's Gert Muller

FFS. Had Naismith as my captain and he played 27 minutes and got a yellow card, so zero points.

What's all this about an election?

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Tegal wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

Yeah the enrolment does seem pretty poorly organised actually. Could you do it online this year or is that just the census I'm thinking of? (which was also shambolic). 

I think you could but you had to go through some extra identity verification process. 
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

TopLeft07 wrote:

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

How friggen hard is it to go in, check your name off and tick two boxes? I'd changed address, quote my previous one and my full name and bingo, I was given a voting slip. Not rocket science really.

You missed the point. I'm not saying it's a difficult process. The point was if there are people who don't really want to vote, who are being bombarded by everyone saying "you must vote it's your god given right etc etc etc", they might do it if it's a really easy process. But I also said if that's happenening these people probably don't even know what they are voting for. What's worse, a silent monkey or one with a hand grenade?                       
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

Tegal wrote:

TopLeft07 wrote:

I think it's a bit of both. 

"I probably would have voted if I didn't have to do that niggly enrolment and then go to a voting stall" was something I heard said by a few people. But on the other hand those people probably don't really know who they want to vote for or if they do are likely just 'sheeping' it.

Yeah the enrolment does seem pretty poorly organised actually. Could you do it online this year or is that just the census I'm thinking of? (which was also shambolic). 

I think you could but you had to go through some extra identity verification process. 

Do they still go around high schools signing up the 7th formers? That is when I enrolled.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

ballane wrote:

Buggars who dont vote,nearly 1 million of the idiots.wouldnt mind betting more than a few of them will bitch and moan in coming years.Idiots

I didn't vote, for various reasons including the fact that the party I voted for the last 2 elections was always going to win, theres no way to vote online and ive been busy last minute with shit to do this weekend (the last thing on my mind was finding further time to take out of my day), Im sick of all the crap in the media and that fat fuck Kim dot Com, all this dirty politics bullshit - and ultimately I just couldnt be fucked. And im glad ive pissed people like you off in the process. Lol.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Do they still go around high schools signing up the 7th formers? That is when I enrolled.

What exactly are we talking about here? Sounds a little creepy.

Starting XI
over 14 years

hlmphil wrote:

Do they still go around high schools signing up the 7th formers? That is when I enrolled.

What exactly are we talking about here? Sounds a little creepy.

The Electoral Commission going to 7th Form classes and enrolling people at 17, I am pretty sure they did this at my school in 1999 as well (I was pre-enrolled, but couldn't vote in 1999 as was still 17)

over 14 years

I puzzles and /or bugs me too that so many people don't bother voting, especially when advance voting meant this time you had weeks to do so...

Tegal wrote:

about 700,000 didn't vote. 77% turnout. I expected higher with advance voting, though maybe the horrible weather on the day contributed to the low turnout.

Interestingly, that was an increase on 2011 (74.1%). See:

about 15 years

I respect peoples right not to vote and if they choose to exercise that then fine. Just don't complain about politics/politicians if you do choose not to vote.

about 17 years

Exactly, and the point about advanced voting too. It took me 5 mins to vote, surely everyone could have spared that? Have we become that reliant on tablets and cell phones and laptops that we cant make the effort?

The one thing we should all a knowledge is that people died to preserve our way of life and our democracy. They allowed us to choose to vote and for whom and they allowed us the choice of not taking part. I'd like to acknowledge those people.

over 17 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

[What's worse, a silent monkey or one with a hand grenade?                       

A monkey with a hand grenade. Jesus, how could you not work that out for yourself?

I am comfortably middle aged and don't think I have ever voted either in NZ or the UK. If I could vote using my phone or on the internet, I still doubt that I would. To make sure that I don't puzzle or annoy anyone, I don't have conversations about politics (aside from the obvious "would you do it with Edwina Curry/a pre-death Maggie Thatcher/Helen Clarke" discussions).

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

I wasn't asking for someone to inform me, I know where I stand. I was asking what other people think. Ironically, I thought you might have been able to work that out for yourself too.

about 17 years

what the fuck is a "geo-bloc" ?

tried googling - nothing.

"India has successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars, becoming the fourth nation or geo-bloc to do so."

One in a million
over 17 years

something to do with Lego

almost 13 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

what the fuck is a "geo-bloc" ?

tried googling - nothing.

"India has successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars, becoming the fourth nation or geo-bloc to do so."

I'm guessing they mean "group of nations" - the European Space Agency sent stuff to Mars I think
over 14 years

I suspect the Commonwealth of former Soviet States was a "geo-bloc" when it competeed at the Olympics.

I think the Eurpeoan Space Agency (which has put a satellite into orbit around mars) is a gro-bloc, as opposed to a country...

I suspect that Pakistan - India - Bangladesh - Sri - Lanka and Afghanistan are a "geo-bloc" when it comes to Asian Cricket Conference politics

Chant Savant
over 17 years

So what or who were Geo-Bloc 5?

Starting XI
over 14 years

A group of Count-ries

about 17 years

Lol, so India now has a satellite around Mars, Nuclear power and 90% poverty. Must remember this come the next plea to send money there or Bangladesh or Pakistan when the floods come in on their yearly cycle.

almost 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

what the fuck is a "geo-bloc" ?

tried googling - nothing.

"India has successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars, becoming the fourth nation or geo-bloc to do so."

I'm guessing they mean "group of nations" - the European Space Agency sent stuff to Mars I think

'tis simples really: It is a bloc that has been geo-ed.

You're welcome, no thanks needed.

about 17 years

LOL So Geo-Net is the same?

almost 16 years

I wouldn't think so.

That would be a "net" that has been geo-ed.  Quite different to a "bloc" I would say.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Maybe we need a new show about a group of couples from neighbouring countries renovating a house in New Zealand...

The Geo-Bloc NZ

Chant Savant
over 17 years

People who line up for the midnight launch of a new (but not really that new) telecommunications product.

Maybe you should all ask Siri what "Brainwashed" means!!!

Things that piss you off...

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