Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
over 16 years
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
over 16 years

The item below is the labour parties policy on Football if elected.

What is interesting is that football is starting to demand respect from government by numbers of players plus forcasts benefits to the country.
If elected the government would provide 8 million per year in extra funding and put the Socceroos back on free to air TV instead of pay only.
To those running NZF, and not wishing insult or disrespect but talk to FFA about  how they have turned gov around from not giving a............... well you know.............. to .......... providing help and support.
There is a video link as well the senator makes it very clear a labour government would out bid libs.
Over to you guys to start the journey and lobby, given Nix in Wellie, not to far to travel even.

> Senator Kate Lundy speaking last year at the National Press Club Photo AAP

Federal Labor has unveiled plans to pump $32million in to football over the next four years and also add the Socceroos' World Cup qualifiers to the anti-siphoning list - which should see the Australian national team back on free-to-air TV.

:: VIDEO - Senator Kate Lundy on TWG

Speaking EXCLUSIVELY to SBS TV's The World Game, Senator Kate Lundy, Shadow Minister for Local Government and Sport, Recreation and Health Promotion, detailed Labor's spending on football.

"Labor is committing $32million towards football in Australia," Senator Lundy said.

"This will include four elements. The first element is of course supporting grass-roots local clubs with a facilities fund."

"The second element is supporting our national teams."

"The third element is supporting a televised national women's league, and the fourth element - very importantly - is supporting our coaches, administrators, referees and volunteers through both education and recognition programmes."

Senator Lundy also confirmed that Labor would 'support' FFA's bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

"We do support that bid. We think it would be a fantastic outcome for Australia," Senator Lundy said.

"We are not in a position to put any numbers to that at this stage, but obviously if we are in Government we will be in a position where we have to come to terms with what that commitment will look like pretty quickly."

Much of the money pledged by Labor will go towards FFA's National Football Development Plan aimed at 'Making Australia a World Leader in the World Game', which Senator Lundy called 'a very important vision'.

"This funding will be guided at least in part by the aspirations of that forward thinking that the FFA has put out in their strategic development plan."

The Liberal Party have recently announced plans to put $16million over four years into football.

Both Labor and the Liberals are also committed to paying $2.25million per year in to the sport in government grants.
Midfielder2007-11-19 15:30:38
about 17 years
Can't see any 'Friends of Football' here sorry.  Farting in the wind.  If only football was played in a yacht...
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Parakura Horomia (from row, second from right) is about the same shape as a football, surely that counts for something?
In fact he looks a bit like a cross between Paul Henry and Jabba the Hut.
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
over 16 years

Could you lobby for your under 23 sides who should make the olympics in 2006

about 17 years
As a general rule, NZ pollies can't stand sport (except for the odd rugger tragic).  For example, Helen Clark's position as 'Patron of NZ Rugby League' is such a con it's laughable...it would take something extraordinary for a NZ politician to invest a cent into NZ football (i.e., WC qualification with the bandwagon overflowing that even football ignorant politicians can't ignore).  So-much-so, that it'll be a miracle if Winston pays back our rightful cash that he owes us...
Starting XI
about 17 years

We'll be coming, we'll be coming ...

NZ Parliament, company boards etc still dominated by rugbyheads. How many ex ABs, or ex provincial rep rugby players (and cricketers) are now in positions of influence? Lots.  
Football has never had a look in at the corporate and political influence level. It was still a game played by working class immigrants in the 60s and 70s. But, the 80s generation of NZ-born footballers will come through in the next decade to fifteen years and start to change things.
On top of that, the professionalisation of rugby will mean there wont be as many David Kirks in the future.
We'll be coming, we'll be coming ...
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years

I only have one policy - football - which might stretch credibility during those panel debates

Marius Lacatus2007-11-19 16:05:18
almost 17 years

I only have one policy - football - which might stretch credibility during those panel debates

I think that policy would be sufficient! - well, with this constituency it would!!
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Only sports that have a chance at winning their respective world championships get funding in this country. So, sports like rugby, league, netball, rowing etc get all the funding...where global sports like football, dont get a cent

almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Only sports that have a chance at winning their respective world championships get funding in this country. So, sports like rugby, league, netball, rowing etc get all the funding...where global sports like football, dont get a cent

so much for that approach - this year

if the government gets its head out of its arse (fat chance) they might figure out that their whole obesity paranoia might just get dealt with by funding football - which anyone can play (boys and girls, young and old, rich and poor, pretty much any body type - and at younger ages than netball) and is growing despite the funding advantages that get given to rugby etc ,

government funding that sees us  watching NZ lose the rugby world cup, the netball, the league, the yachting, the cricket etc etc ain't going to do much for the nation's health

and, I wonder if they even realise that in world-wide terms that having Beckham here for just 1 game will get the name NZ in front of far more people world -wide than the entire fake/mini world-cup did

a while back there was a thread that Hard News punted up with a brilliant aussie guy explaining it in really simple terms that even a bone-headed ruby loving MP could understand
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
over 16 years
Midfielder - here agian with no offence  or seeming to be bragging, but NZF needs to look at OZ teams last weekend,  both mens senior teams played being Socceroos and Olyroos. With Socceroos 23 man squad all playing in Europe most with top div clubs, from 18 player s in Olyroo squad 8 from Europe and 10 from A-league.
This is not  counting the 8 players in both Socceroos & Olyroos in top clubs who could not play but would have normally been picked . Nor A-league Socceroos like Aloisi, Archie, Elrich etc. Nor about another 80 players playing in European not considered good enough to make either squad
Socceroos beat number 19 ranked country in friendly, All Whites and well done beat island nation 2-1. Olyroos i.e. under 23 side played to a near sold out stadium and won 2-0 in an olympic qualifer. Yet untill late 80's OZ & NZ always a close game NZ winning no surprise.
You have been left behind for various reasons over the last 20 years, don't get me started on reasons but face the fact of the position.
Football in Asian is steaming ahead and they have lots and lots of dosh and football is by huge margin almost like rugby in NZ the main code. Australian gov because of lobbying by  officials see warning signs and thus a lot of dosh put in by gov as can be seen big amounts in orginal post,  to keep OZ in the race.
To keep up with the rest NZ gov & NZF needs to invest in developing players for every dollar spend many more will come back. Some simple sums in Asia 4 billion people 10% is 400 million, 1% is 40 million, 10% of 1% or 0.10% is 4 million.
Take half the 4 million that is 2 million or get this 0.05% of the viewing audience to come over  to NZ spend on average $ 1, 500 each and per head you become one of the worlds richest countries full employment.
It has taken us in OZ football years to argue this case against AFL & NRL, but it has to start somewhere. 
I hope you can also because warning signs about your juniors are there and if you see what China, Japan Iran etc are putting into training and youth development makes the OZ figures look sad.
Good luck you have a lot to do and maybe some suggestion on this thread could be how to get some gov backing, agian good luck guys
Copied from another thread is the  Email address for the Minister for Immigration & Sport and Recreation to start the lobbying is;
 Clayton Cosgrove and he's at [email protected]
Midfielder2007-11-19 22:08:55
Starting XI
about 17 years
Good call, I think NZ is right now where Aussie was in the late 80s early 90s.  Most of the teams you mentioned we used to whip in the 80s (China etc) and I personally think we're going backwards.  We have less pros now then in 99/00 and most of them are in the A-League.
about 17 years
Yep we are definately a long way behind. I think we need to qualify for the WC as a catalyst for change - a big sign saying "you have to take notice now". Unfortunately, I don't think this team has it in them. (i'd very much love to be proved wrong)
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
I think most of u are to negative about NZF. There is some major key factors that u all missed -
1)NZF can/should have 2 teams (men/women) at the next Olympics -win/lose or draw u will get some recognition form the Gov/public to push for more funding.
2)The NZFC will have a team playing at the Club W/Cup (In some part of it anyway)that brings money and publicity also it gives the team from NZ experience
3)NZ will be the top dog in OFC which brings more money and publicity for Confed-Cup + U17/U20 W/C etc. 
Its not all doom & gloom - At the moment the ball is in NZF hands and it can only get better.
Almost forgot about the Nixs,But theres not much i can say about them that u don't already know.
convict2007-11-21 04:29:51
about 17 years
Speaking of the Olympics, has any NZ team qualified/are currently qualifying for the Beijing Olympics?

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