Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

10cc wrote:

reddevil11 wrote:

Chchfb wrote:

Does anyone know what is happening at IFANZ? 

A couple of days ago we had this -

Then a check of their website shows that Allen, Padmore, Brown and Walker have all been removed form the our-people page on their website


Looks like the replacement has been found out at IFANZ

Great to see another UEFA A licenced coach in  Christchurch. Doesn't say what football involvement Brian has had since arriving in NZ 10 years ago. Quick google comes up with Papakura  City FC. Will be interesting having someone with same qualification as Tetso in an opposition Academy using the same facility at  Yaldhurst. 

Selwyn Talent Centre

Update here...

over 10 years

of interest will be how many existing ifanz players stay onboard. Long way to travel from rolleston and rangiora and CFA cost a lot less. The drama of the past month will have almost certainly damaged the owners reputation and inhanced the previous coaches who kept on volunteering to help. Give it 3 months tops

Starting XI
over 17 years

I still can't work it out.  There's one at Waimak and one at Selwyn and one at Yaldhurst?  Which is which is which?

over 10 years

8 think Selwyn and waimaks affiliation is over. Selwyn have set up there own thing

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

Padmore, Walker and Brown have huge respect amongst the players and the people who pay the bills. The relationship is with them not the IFANZ administration. The coaches have a huge knowledge of the game but more importantly they have created relationships and earned the trust of the players ( FTC could benefit from this approach). Maybe the IFANZ owners think that the lure of a Spanish relationship gives them the right to treat people however they like. Fortunately there are plenty of opportunities and pathways for young footballers with the right attitude and work ethic. For my children and I believe most from Waimak the former IFANZ is now not one of these.

over 11 years

Heard a rumour that CFA kids are going to be told not to trial for canterbury rep sides. How odd.

almost 16 years

might have something else planned for the school holidays. 

over 17 years

what's the story behind this IFANZ? Do they own the artificial I see on their website?

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Feverish wrote:

what's the story behind this IFANZ? Do they own the artificial I see on their website?

Apart from a website, IFANZ own nothing/owe plenty. Not a registered company, although owner has had plenty of those struck off over the years, last one less than 6 months ago before heading to Spain.  

To say they haven't made many friends in Christchurch of recent would be an understatement. Concerns around deposits paid for trip to Spain later in year.

Ask Waimak and Selwyn FC and their district councils. If they end up needing to use the artificial at Yaldhurst, Slava might want payment up front.     

about 11 years

IFANZ will turn to even more s$%t after getting rid of the only people who had any respect within the company. There is no way they will be able to replace Lee, Chris and Nick in terms of their coaching value but also for how they worked with the kids/parents and gave up so much of their time for very little reward from the bonehead in charge of IFANZ. The guy should do everyone a favour and go back to Spain for good and take his other two mates with him. I wish their new academy director a lot of luck because he has joined a sinking ship. This is the problem when people who think they know about football and get involved because they "have" money. I for one hope everything works out ok for the three coaches and we can continue to use their quality coaching within Canterbury football. 

almost 16 years

Private Academies 0, Mainland FTC 2.

over 9 years

The whole IFANZ debacle is a mess isn't it? I don't know too much about it or the coaches other than Lee.

The only thing I would say is that you would find it hard to get a more respected coach than Lee Padmore in the area. If you get the chance to speak to anyone who is/has been coached by him then there is never a bad word. He is also humble when you speak to him.

The relationships and development opportunities he has given teenagers in the area is second to none and surely this is what it is about?

I am sure the other two coaches are of exactly the same mould?

over 10 years

Sparepart wrote:

The whole IFANZ debacle is a mess isn't it? I don't know too much about it or the coaches other than Lee.

The only thing I would say is that you would find it hard to get a more respected coach than Lee Padmore in the area. If you get the chance to speak to anyone who is/has been coached by him then there is never a bad word. He is also humble when you speak to him.

The relationships and development opportunities he has given teenagers in the area is second to none and surely this is what it is about?

I am sure the other two coaches are of exactly the same mould?

Couldn't agree more sparepart! Lee is an absolute top class coach and a top person away from football. IFANZ was only successful because of him, and partly the other two coaches too, and no chance it will survive without him/them. I feel massively for the kids in all of this too! I hope the Selwyn Talent Centre kicks off well so all those kids can continue to work under these three top coaches. IFANZ should just shift to Spain and leave everyone here (players and coaches) alone. They're a disgrace 

over 9 years

mainland juniors - please play nice

over 10 years

Sounds to me that the Christchurch Football Centre is going to be the place to train in Christchurch, 2 A licence coaches within 2 football academies with world class facilities, hopefully it will build from there.

I suspect we are not hearing the full story here, some of the above comments seem more than a little sufc bias. I have heard the other side of this story and think time will put some egg on the faces of some of the comments above as well as some of the powers to be at sufc.

over 10 years

Sorry Dan but you are ill advised, there are reasons the coaches are not allowed to coach and that has absolutely nothing to do with IFANZ. but I do agree with you regarding high quality coaches.

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

kpkrew wrote:

Sounds to me that the Christchurch Football Centre is going to be the place to train in Christchurch, 2 A licence coaches within 2 football academies with world class facilities, hopefully it will build from there.

I suspect we are not hearing the full story here, some of the above comments seem more than a little sufc bias. I have heard the other side of this story and think time will put some egg on the faces of some of the comments above as well as some of the powers to be at sufc.

  There will be a definite SUFC bias to these comments as the 3 coaches involved are all involved heavily with the club. Also 2 of the leading people from IFANZ are also Selwyn based. There is no choice but for there to be a bias of comments supporting Lee, Chris and Nick from SUFC people as the SUFC people are supporting friends and colleagues. If they were to be based at any other club and the same situation happened then there would be a bias from that club involved. I myself am involved with SUFC, but I am supporting Lee, Chris and Nick as friends and colleagues.

  Yes there is a thought to SUFC when I say my comments, but that is because I know the importance of the 3 guys to the club. I have gone through the changes at SUFC over the last few years from a 'social country based club' to a well run organisation. All with a lot of drive and passion from Lee, Chris and Nick

  I am also involved with coaching 1st kicks football on a Saturday morning down at Brookside. I see the joy and eagerness in the kids to come down and have fun, and the change in them from timid, shy kids, to ones who hang on your every word is one of the most rewarding things I have ever had in my life. This is why I cannot understand why Lee, Chris and Nick have been banned by Immigration authorities from VOLUTEERING their time to help coach kids. Yes, one thing while everything is going on is to not let them undertake paid work, but to shaft the kids by not allowing them to VOLUTEER their time is one of the worst things I have heard in a long time. Why shaft the kids? Honestly, if anyone can give me a good, valid reason why the kids should suffer I am willing to hear it, and if I agree with it I will change my point of view on the matter.

  It would be interesting to see if Lee, Chris and Nick were volunteering their time at the City Mission, or SPCA or somewhere like that whether there would be the same issues with not being allowed to. To be stopped from volunteering because it 'benefits' the coaches is ludicrous. Would it benefit a person to volunteer at a City Mission or SPCA? Well probably by making them feel good about themselves, but it would be more beneficial to those getting the help. Surely it is the same for coaching. It would make Lee, Chris and Nick feel good about themselves by helping others through coaching. Are they meant to be depressed?

  kpkrew seems to have good information to hand about why everyone supporting Lee, Chris and Nick are wrong. We are all interested to hear these thoughts to balance any argument or bias from people. An old saying mentions people need to 'walk the walk' when they make comments insinuating something. Please provide the voice of reason you seem to have so we can all make informed choices

over 10 years

I would guess that they were stopped from volunteering because in doing so they were taking coaching jobs off people that are allowed to work in the country, but only immigration know for sure their reasoning behind that decision and possibly the boys them self, I am sure they would have been given a reason for the decision .

At the end of the day I don't think any one is disputing that the 3 boys did a fantastic job, and I am sure their hearts are in the right place, equally I don't think anyone can argue that it is anyone but the boys responsibility to ensure they are allowed to work here. To try and blame IFANZ for their visa issues is misguided and wrong. They cannot train the kids right now because of their own actions, they have no one to blame for their current situation but themselves.

I don't want to go into more details on this public forum, it is not the proper place, what I will say though is that there is a lot I have read on here that I know to be untrue and could be seen as defamatory. I would suggest that people be careful what they post, it is one thing to have a strong opinion on something and another to publicly say something that is untrue. (this comment is aimed more at 10cc than you chris, someone in his position should know better)

One final thought on the matter, IFANZ have said all along they can no longer use the boys because of visa issues, others (including the 3 coaches themselves) denied that this was true. Who was right?

almost 16 years

It's got a bit Don Henley.

over 17 years

10cc wrote:

Feverish wrote:

what's the story behind this IFANZ? Do they own the artificial I see on their website?

Apart from a website, IFANZ own nothing/owe plenty. Not a registered company, although owner has had plenty of those struck off over the years, last one less than 6 months ago before heading to Spain.  

To say they haven't made many friends in Christchurch of recent would be an understatement. Concerns around deposits paid for trip to Spain later in year.

Ask Waimak and Selwyn FC and their district councils. If they end up needing to use the artificial at Yaldhurst, Slava might want payment up front.     

So was this what they just showed in 3 News? A Russian millionaire who loves footy and now lives in ChCh who built the two turfs?

over 14 years

Nope, that's something else entirely. Edit: Assuming you mean is it IFANZ. It is Slava's (Russian) turf at Yaldhurst.

over 17 years

inafoxhole wrote:

Nope, that's something else entirely. Edit: Assuming you mean is it IFANZ. It is Slava's (Russian) turf at Yaldhurst.

Ah ok. I think I looked at IFANZ and it said they were using that turf.

Who is this legend Russian?!

over 14 years

This would probably do a better job of explaining than I could:

Basically, was heavily into football back home, came here, looked for the kind of academy for his kids there'd be back there, there was none, decided to build his own. Have been out to his turfs a couple of times now, they're very nice, and was a good job getting the PM/Andy Martin there today.

over 10 years

KPKREW you are obviously heavily involved so maybe you could shed some light on the following:

- Why IFANZ members failed to appear for the mediation meeting involving the 3 mentioned coaches?

- Whether IFANZ will show its face at the upcoming ERA hearing?

- Why IFANZ are pushing for these 3 coaches to be deported before any of the above can happen?

- When parents will receive their refunds from IFANZ?

- Will others who have put good money towards the Spain trip with IFANZ receive any refund?

- Is it true both councils are owed money from IFANZ for ground hire?

- Why a member of IFANZ is calling individuals threatening them? Nothing to hide?

I'll keep my phone ready for a phone call, must be a big phone bill for IFANZ with all these overseas calls from Spain

Starting XI
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
over 9 years

No need to ask KPKREW, you can have it from the IFANZ Direct.

- Why IFANZ members failed to appear for the mediation meeting involving the 3 mentioned coaches?

// There was no need for us to attend.

- Whether IFANZ will show its face at the upcoming ERA hearing?

// Should IFANZ be contacted by the ERA then we most certainly will attend, we would be required to attend. To date we have received no request to do so. 

- Why IFANZ are pushing for these 3 coaches to be deported before any of the above can happen?

// IFANZ are not pushing to have these coaches deported, as a past user of these coaches services I can tell you that all three coaches are now in breach of there visa status, they cannot be in NZ let alone work here or even offer there services for free, this was the reason IFANZ can no longer use them, if anyone has any doubts about this then instead of spreading rumours on here and if it is of any concern to you then maybe you should ring the immigration department yourself, pretty simple really :)

- When parents will receive their refunds from IFANZ?

// Rumours

- Will others who have put good money towards the Spain trip with IFANZ receive any refund?

//  Rumours

- Is it true both councils are owed money from IFANZ for ground hire?

//  Rumours

- Why a member of IFANZ is calling individuals threatening them? Nothing to hide?

// Rumours

I'll keep my phone ready for a phone call, must be a big phone bill for IFANZ with all these overseas calls from Spain

// All partners in IFANZ are currently residing in New Zealand if any one would to call them then our phone number is 03 928 1275.

It is pretty obvious that there are people out there having a go at IFANZ, making up rumours about us because we had to terminate the services of three coaches due to immigration issues, IFANZ are happy to take any phone call or email from anyone that has any interest in our business, we will not be replying to any more rubbish on here, I suspect only the same people that are posting this are reading it and starting to believe there lies.

03 928 1275 

[email protected] 

over 10 years

Thanks for clearing some of the questions up. 

over 10 years

- When will parents receive their refunds from IFANZ?

// Rumours

- Will others who have put good money towards the Spain trip with IFANZ receive any refund?

//  Rumours

- Is it true both councils are owed money from IFANZ for ground hire?

//  Rumours

- Why a member of IFANZ is calling individuals threatening them? Nothing to hide?

// Rumours

Not sure how the top two can be answered with "rumours" but that's nothing to do with me. The last question however i can GUARANTEE is not a rumour! Either you are completely lying or you need to have a word with certain people in your "company" and find out what these phonecalls were about.

over 9 years

Not that we really had too but since you are so interested in making public our affairs then we feel the need to comment, how ever we will not be commenting futher as the people on here spreading poisen can just keep doing it if they get a buzz out of it, must have very unhappy lives some of these people.

over 9 years

As we said if you have a problem Dan Ede give us a call ? 03 928 1275 funny the phone is not ringing :)

over 9 years

As we said if you have a problem Dan Ede give us a call ? 03 928 1275 funny the phone is not ringing :)

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

ifanz2 wrote:

No need to ask KPKREW, you can have it from the IFANZ Direct.

- Why IFANZ members failed to appear for the mediation meeting involving the 3 mentioned coaches?

// There was no need for us to attend.

- Whether IFANZ will show its face at the upcoming ERA hearing?

// Should IFANZ be contacted by the ERA then we most certainly will attend, we would be required to attend. To date we have received no request to do so. 

- Why IFANZ are pushing for these 3 coaches to be deported before any of the above can happen?

// IFANZ are not pushing to have these coaches deported, as a past user of these coaches services I can tell you that all three coaches are now in breach of there visa status, they cannot be in NZ let alone work here or even offer there services for free, this was the reason IFANZ can no longer use them, if anyone has any doubts about this then instead of spreading rumours on here and if it is of any concern to you then maybe you should ring the immigration department yourself, pretty simple really :)

- When parents will receive their refunds from IFANZ?

// Rumours

- Will others who have put good money towards the Spain trip with IFANZ receive any refund?

//  Rumours

- Is it true both councils are owed money from IFANZ for ground hire?

//  Rumours

- Why a member of IFANZ is calling individuals threatening them? Nothing to hide?

// Rumours

I'll keep my phone ready for a phone call, must be a big phone bill for IFANZ with all these overseas calls from Spain

// All partners in IFANZ are currently residing in New Zealand if any one would to call them then our phone number is 03 928 1275.

It is pretty obvious that there are people out there having a go at IFANZ, making up rumours about us because we had to terminate the services of three coaches due to immigration issues, IFANZ are happy to take any phone call or email from anyone that has any interest in our business, we will not be replying to any more rubbish on here, I suspect only the same people that are posting this are reading it and starting to believe there lies.

03 928 1275 

[email protected] 

  Hmm seeing I was the individual called up last Thursday 11th June about lunchtime at work with an opening line of "Hi its xxxxxxx xxxxxxx here, why are you posting shark about me on Yellow Fever" I thought I would confirm there was at least 1 phone call made from a member of IFANZ. I was also told that their "lawyers" were looking at the comments I made and I should watch what I am writing.

  Luckily for everyone involved I'm only speaking the truth, so everyone should save money on lawyer bills, phonecalls etc as there is no need to be worried about the truth. The other issues raised by Froggit I have no idea about, so I can't comment. However a quick call to family members in the Department of Corrections and also the Selwyn District Council could clarify a few of the other points.

  I always take advantage of the good weather in winter to air as much of my laundry as I can. Never know when you will get another good day. Stunner outside today here in Rolly

almost 16 years

Not sure that any of this actually helps the three workers currently struggling.

I am sure if I had employment and/or immigration issues I'd appreciate not having it bandied around an Internet forum.

It is also clear that  either wires are crossed/bridges burnt or some pretty serious untruths are being publicly aired. 

I reckon time out from this line of conversation.

almost 16 years

Cancelled youth training tonight, crikey dick it has packed in here. 

For the truly brave Presdidents A 8:00 PM at ASB

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

foal30 wrote:

Cancelled youth training tonight, crikey dick it has packed in here. 

For the truly brave Presdidents A 8:00 PM at ASB

Yeah - Not flash. Indoor footy looking really good right now.  I wonder if this will have a knock on for this weekends games.  Quite a bit of the wet stuff forecast to fall. (Maybe the white stuff too)

First Team Squad
over 14 years

This from Nomads site, and $$$ for seven hours of kicking a ball in front of a Julian Dicks fan.

West Ham United Oceania Academy - Player ID Camp 2015

The camp will be overseen by coaches from the West Ham United Oceania Academy. Players excelling at this camp will be invited to the 2015 West Ham United Academy New Zealand National Residential Camp.

The NZ National Camp will be overseen by Paul Heffer, who now has more than 40 years of association with West Ham United, including playing alongside Bobby Moore and over 20 years as Assistant Academy Director. Paul has played a pivotal role in the success of the academy.

When: Monday 13th July and Tuesday 14th July, 2015
10.00am – 12.00pm & 1.00pm – 2.30pm
Who: Boys & Girls, Age U8 – U18
Where: Tulett Park, Claridges Road, Christchurch
How: AU$150 for all Players – includes an Oceania Academy T-shirt
** Please bring packed lunch, hat, water bottle, shin pads and sunscreen

Please click on the link below to sign up today!…

To view the flyer, please go to our website

Early retirement
over 17 years

Can the user posting as Dan Ede please send me an email to [email protected].


almost 16 years

All grounds shut.

almost 15 years

Hard News wrote:

Can the user posting as Dan Ede please send me an email to [email protected].


Being asked to report to the Principals office after lessons?

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