Things that piss you off...

almost 14 years

Miss GG's ITC has to go to FIFA for clearance because the club she joined is classed as professional (senior men's team is semi-pro). 15 year old Kiwi kid playing amateur football in Oz. FFS.

almost 13 years

my new phone's autocorrect. I type "ans" and instead of changing it to "and" it changes it to "Ann's"

"Lukaku" becomes "likely"

But the worst one is it changes "misunderestimate" to "underestimate"

Chant Savant
over 17 years
almost 13 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Flu farken ?

Are you sure it's not Ebola? That starts with flu-like symptoms...
about 17 years

Man flu or real flu?

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Man flu or real flu?

Influenza Masculinis. The deadliest disease known to mankind.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Actual Flu. Doctor said so ?

Starting XI
over 10 years

Players in any level of the game who make bad tackles deliberately.

Hear people talk about guys they halved on purpose, revenge tackles etc...

I've never been that kind of player - dragged the odd player down by the shirt, mouthed off here and there but never tried to deliberately demolish someone.

After being on the receiving end of a late, from behind tackle AFTER scoring on the first Saturday of the season, I'm now on crutches and out of football for 8 weeks. $$$ spent on doctors visits, sick days I'd rather use for my kids days off used up, a week behind on my work and huge pressure added to my partners life with me out of action.

If you're a self confessed "aggressive" player or think a tackle should "warn someone" then think again. You're impacting on peoples lives, enjoyment of the sport and general health. 

and 2 others
almost 15 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Players in any level of the game who make bad tackles deliberately.

Hear people talk about guys they halved on purpose, revenge tackles etc...

I've never been that kind of player - dragged the odd player down by the shirt, mouthed off here and there but never tried to deliberately demolish someone.

After being on the receiving end of a late, from behind tackle AFTER scoring on the first Saturday of the season, I'm now on crutches and out of football for 8 weeks. $$$ spent on doctors visits, sick days I'd rather use for my kids days off used up, a week behind on my work and huge pressure added to my partners life with me out of action.

If you're a self confessed "aggressive" player or think a tackle should "warn someone" then think again. You're impacting on peoples lives, enjoyment of the sport and general health. 

Shark thats awful mate. Hope your recovery is a speedy one
Starting XI
over 10 years

Cheers. Severe sprain, ligament damage and at least 8 weeks without playing.

Doc reckons it'd be easier if it was a fracture - most painful injury I've ever had and I've had a lot.

almost 15 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Cheers. Severe sprain, ligament damage and at least 8 weeks without playing.

Doc reckons it'd be easier if it was a fracture - most painful injury I've ever had and I've had a lot.

I had a leg broken probably 25 years ago now. I was playing as a centre half and and the opposing striker and I had been going at each other all game, nothing too bad, just a bit of sledging odd bit of shirt pulling both ways etc. I was shielding the ball out for a corner and I heard him coming, Whoompha just took out both legs with a basically a roundhouse kick just below the knees. He hit me that hard it actually broke a couple of bones in his foot.  Short story was I ended up in hospital for 8 days, had plates in my leg, which they subsequently had to move as they weren't positioned quite right and then a third opp to remove. Off work for close to six weeks, on crutches for about 8. missed probably a season and a half of football.

I would like to catch up with that bloke again one day.

about 17 years

Trouble is, half the Fwits that tackle like this are under the delusion that they are playing in the EPL. Just stupid behaviour. Never got a broken leg but did my left knee twice and ended up with a 6 inch scar and a ligament removed. And my own surgeon also said i would have been better off with a leg break on the first time.

almost 14 years

I knew a guy who took delight in trying to break peoples legs, he would target the most talented player in the other team and just go for him, shouldn't be allowed to play.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ryan wrote:

I knew a guy who took delight in trying to break peoples legs, he would target the most talented player in the other team and just go for him, shouldn't be allowed to play.

It's just a horrible way to go about playing the game. Some people are wired wrong...

Chant Savant
over 17 years

When your missus takes the kids to stay at nana and papas house and you switch the tv on for the first time in months, only to get excited when you see Antiques Roadshow appear on the guide.

Sick leave over as of tomorrow

almost 13 years

Mentioning football around non-football fans and the very first thing they bring up is simulation.

Next time someone talks about rugby around me I'm just going to fly into a rant about the tackle-ball rules

about 17 years

Mentioning football around non-football fans and the very first thing they bring up is simulation.

Next time someone talks about rugby around me I'm just going to fly into a rant about the tackle-ball rules

Just mention Andy Haden simulating out of the line out - It shuts most boof heads up.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Mentioning football around non-football fans and the very first thing they bring up is simulation.

Next time someone talks about rugby around me I'm just going to fly into a rant about the tackle-ball rules

Yea when that comes up I mention two things:

1) its a blight on the sports culture, but doesn't devalue the sport, its just insanely tough to stamp out efficiently.

2) its happening more and more in league and rugby.  Over reacting to stuff or faking pain to milk penalties, so not just a football issue.

I hate it when people say its called soccer because that's what it was called first, to that I say so frickin what, names for lots of things in life change, the official name for the sport now is football.

almost 15 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Mentioning football around non-football fans and the very first thing they bring up is simulation.

Next time someone talks about rugby around me I'm just going to fly into a rant about the tackle-ball rules

Yea when that comes up I mention two things:

1) its a blight on the sports culture, but doesn't devalue the sport, its just insanely tough to stamp out efficiently.

2) its happening more and more in league and rugby.  Over reacting to stuff or faking pain to milk penalties, so not just a football issue.

I hate it when people say its called soccer because that's what it was called first, to that I say so frickin what, names for lots of things in life change, the official name for the sport now is football.

It always has been in the civilised world
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

I knew a guy who took delight in trying to break peoples legs, he would target the most talented player in the other team and just go for him, shouldn't be allowed to play.

You know Kevin Muscat?

Starting XI
over 10 years

2ndBest wrote:

Ryan wrote:

I knew a guy who took delight in trying to break peoples legs, he would target the most talented player in the other team and just go for him, shouldn't be allowed to play.

You know Kevin Muscat?

Foot update - not just ligament damage and sprain, also a broken navicular bone. Moon-boot ahoy!

about 17 years

Mentioning football around non-football fans and the very first thing they bring up is simulation.

Next time someone talks about simulation around me I'm just going to fly into a rant about Berisha of Melbourne Victory


over 16 years

Two week long headaches and now feeling sick.

Oh and when the meds the Dr prescribes make me feel much worse than I did before I took them

about 17 years

I'd be sending you in for an MRI aftrr 2 weeks of a headache.

about 17 years

Someone not from my address winning $22 Million in Lotto.

One in a million
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Someone not from my address winning $22 Million in Lotto.

yeh why cant it go to a city? I mean, who lives in Ashburton anyway?
about 15 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Someone not from my address winning $22 Million in Lotto.

yeh why cant it go to a city? I mean, who lives in AshVegas anyway?

over 16 years

I had prepared a rant but then realised this thread is not my journal.

In summary: today, the world pisses me off.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Having to wait for landlords to get around to dealing with repairs and maintenance issues. Don't know if buying our own place will be a possibility for us in the foreseeable future but would be nice to be able to just sort out these things straight away ourselves one day.

almost 14 years

ajc28 wrote:

Having to wait for landlords to get around to dealing with repairs and maintenance issues. Don't know if buying our own place will be a possibility for us in the foreseeable future but would be nice to be able to just sort out these things straight away ourselves one day.

That's exactly why we first bought, at least if you're your own landlord and something doesn't get fixed you only have yourself to blame.

almost 14 years

I'm beginning to think that people should have to sit more stringent drivers licensing before driving in Wellington. Drivers are terrible throughout NZ but its made worse by the narrow and winding roads. I live on a fairly narrow and winding street and you get three issues, one is people stop abruptly for oncoming traffic when there is space for them, another is people put their foot down and go through narrow and windy section even though they're blind to oncoming traffic, and the last is if there is only room for one car and you're going through it because you reach it well before the person going in the opposite direction they will come through as well and lay on their horn. Actually that last one there is one person who lives somewhere in my neighbourhood who does it, most people are pretty considerate with each other (i.e. let the person who reaches the narrow part through first and give precedence to people going uphill).

Yesterday I was behind someone turning left on to a two lane road, the person in front of me waited until both lanes were clear before turning into the nearest lane. Sure, wait if you want to turn into the far lane but why wait until both lanes are clear if your turning into the nearest lane? I've seen that a few times as well.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

The standard of driving in this country is appalling.

over 13 years

Pissed off that a person who works for another govt agency goes over my head to daddy to try get something after I have already told them no!

(Thankfully daddy backed me up and I was right not to give that information out)

tradition and history
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

The standard of driving in this country is appalling.

You should try SE Qld.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Leggy wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

The standard of driving in this country is appalling.

You should try SE Qld.

No - you shouldn't... and especially when not when it rains!

(yes Leggy, I got it lol)

about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

The standard of driving in this country is appalling.

Driving up to the East Coast, one sees all sorts of different cars and drivers, for example, I saw a Mercedes, Holdens, Fords, toyotas, Mitzis and several stupid Bastards whom had no regard for my car, wife and two kids. If ever I needed a James Bond built in car extra, I could have used the small rockets on several idiotic drivers. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with driving 100ks in a 100k area. You don't need to go 70 when the road is clear on your side.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

ajc28 wrote:

Having to wait for landlords to get around to dealing with repairs and maintenance issues. Don't know if buying our own place will be a possibility for us in the foreseeable future but would be nice to be able to just sort out these things straight away ourselves one day.

Was a bit frustrated the other day but think it was more the builder they use being unreliable and difficult to get hold of than them not dealing with things. Credit where it's due, they have now agreed to some things we didn't expect to get (and didn't even ask for), sounds like the builder has talked them into some extras to make his job bigger. Fingers crossed it gets done now and doesn't flow through to a rent increase!

almost 13 years

my new phone's autocorrect. I type "ans" and instead of changing it to "and" it changes it to "Ann's"

"Lukaku" becomes "likely"

But the worst one is it changes "misunderestimate" to "underestimate"

changed fanpass to fantasy in a text message today. Completely changed the context "I'm thinking of getting fantasy for the A League final" implies something very different...

On the plus side, now predictive text knows when I type "fudgeing" the next word is likely to be "autocorrect"

over 17 years

Supporting a team in the off season that serves up even more shark than the Phoenix managed to do.I fudgeing hate sport some days.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

ballane wrote:

Supporting a team in the off season that serves up even more shark than the Phoenix managed to do.I fudgeing hate sport some days.


Things that piss you off...

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