over 7 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Ricardo wrote:

Ricardo wrote:

james dean wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

james dean wrote:

coochiee wrote:

With Wood we have a quality forward line. Without him we seriously don’t. Yes I think Hudson deserves criticism for only picking Brockie at the last minute in these playoff games, and not earlier against say Japan. If AH didn’t have faith in the likes of Bevan, Patterson, Smeltz to do a job in Woods absence he should have given Brockie a go earlier. He should have had a plan for a Wood injury. Though we are talking about a guy in Brocks with one AWs goal in 50 games.

All of these players are miles below Woods ability at the moment. You can add to that mix Kosta and Rojas. No combination of these players was seriously going to trouble Peru away. So yes Hudson had no plan B, but it’s also hard to polish a turd when playing a true quality side like the Peruvians.

Sure, but the question is has Hudson brought the team forwards?  And I question his approach in the away leg when I can't see how the team that he picked could actually score a goal

We were inches from scoring a couple of times. Wood should have and we should have had a penalty early on. The team Hudson put out had a couple of good chances, which is all we were ever going to get against a side like Peru. I have 0 qualms with how he set up, because I don't think there was any other option with a half fit Wood.

We had no shots on target in 180 minutes?

That is misreporting. What about Thomas shot that hit the post in the first leg. If it hits a post it has to be on target....... unless its the corner flag.

The post is, quite literally, not the target. A shot on target is either a goal, or is saved. There none of those from the All Whites in this match (though, as others have noted, Wood did have two that were ruled out for fouls).

Well I would argue that the Thomas shot had the goalkeeper beaten and but for the goalside of the post it would have been a goal. Saved ..... by the post.

Well you'd be wrong. Shots on target has an established definition.

Established definition it is then.
First Team Squad
almost 10 years
over 17 years

coochiee wrote:

Oska wrote:

Also, I don't think any player's feelings towards a manager are a particularly good proxy for how good they are at getting good results.

Have you ever played a team sport? If you have you will have known, when you have had a good coach, and when you have had a sharkhouse one. 

Players shouldn’t yes be the sole judge of a coach, but they are a very important one. No one on this forum, whether they rate Hudson or despise him, would come close to having the knowledge of Hudson’s coaching abilities as the actual AWs players of the last 3-4 years.

All of these guys are in pro football environments - some very high level - and will all have been exposed to good and bad gaffers. They will know whether AH was fit for the job or not. Now that he is highly likely leaving they (Brockie, Durante, Roux, Falloon etc) don’t have crawl up his arse if they don’t want to.

Andrew Voerman (Stuff) has made some good points on this topic.  Hudson has had a far bigger budget and more resources so no doubt in my mind some of this stuff is just the players enjoying the AWs environment a lot more because the set up is just more professional.  That was never really anything to do with Hudson (other than him asking for more money).

The Special One
over 17 years
and 6 others
Not Elite enough
over 17 years

We gonna get this posted on every page now then? ;-)

The Special One
over 17 years

Jag wrote:

We gonna get this posted on every page now then? 

Stats look different to image on previous page. Haven't been in any other threads so not sure about them.

Starting XI
over 17 years

We haven't won a game since Hudson left...

*gets coat*

First Team Squad
almost 10 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

on the one hand "yay"

but on the other hand, we couldn't even retain a coach of this caliber

about 17 years

Ange to take over?

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

I really hope the Harry Redknapp suggestion on Stuff was a joke. 

over 17 years

LOLZ at the suggestions floating around.

Lets face it, no one decent is going to come for this job. 

No games on the horizon, no money, I'd be surprised if they appointed anyone at all for the foreseeable future. 

about 11 years

Thank you Anthony sharkbag hudson for exposing such great talents as Moses Dyer, Kip Colvey etc to international football instead of better players. May your attitude of emotion before talent live on forever in New Zealand football. 

over 10 years

paulm wrote:

LOLZ at the suggestions floating around.

Lets face it, no one decent is going to come for this job. 

No games on the horizon, no money, I'd be surprised if they appointed anyone at all for the foreseeable future. 

We do not  need to pay much  for someone to coach " Route One"  There will be  plenty of local coaches lining up ot play this style for bugger all 

about 12 years

Kip Colvey was ok against Peru... so I'll forgive him on that one.

Dyer, fine give him a game, he's a young talent coming through... but he got too many look ins.

I simply hope whoever comes in, doesn't let the standard of professionalism drop, but builds on it.

One in a million
over 17 years

I thought Colvey was very good against Peru. So well done Anfony on that selection.

over 8 years

Ramon and Jose as co-coaches keeping their ISPS Handa Premiership jobs as well. 

almost 14 years

Would Gallop be bamboozled by the sizzle of Hudson's wiki and ppt prezzo? Probably not; but i wouldn't put it past Ants to give it a crack.

Hay? Not until he's coached successfully at senior men's club level for a few years thanks.

almost 16 years

happydays wrote:

I really hope the Harry Redknapp suggestion on Stuff was a joke. 

If NZF invested in the paper mill be wary

over 17 years

james dean wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Oska wrote:

Also, I don't think any player's feelings towards a manager are a particularly good proxy for how good they are at getting good results.

Have you ever played a team sport? If you have you will have known, when you have had a good coach, and when you have had a sharkhouse one. 

Players shouldn’t yes be the sole judge of a coach, but they are a very important one. No one on this forum, whether they rate Hudson or despise him, would come close to having the knowledge of Hudson’s coaching abilities as the actual AWs players of the last 3-4 years.

All of these guys are in pro football environments - some very high level - and will all have been exposed to good and bad gaffers. They will know whether AH was fit for the job or not. Now that he is highly likely leaving they (Brockie, Durante, Roux, Falloon etc) don’t have crawl up his arse if they don’t want to.

Andrew Voerman (Stuff) has made some good points on this topic.  Hudson has had a far bigger budget and more resources so no doubt in my mind some of this stuff is just the players enjoying the AWs environment a lot more because the set up is just more professional.  That was never really anything to do with Hudson (other than him asking for more money).

Many people have credited this to Hudson but how do we know? In actual fact it might have been Martin and others who did this. 

Many here are quick to slap Martin down but from what I’ve seen, a lot is without substance.  He’s blamed by all for the Olympics fiasco (i think I might have as well) but surely that was someone else’s job to sort.  That person royally f**ked up so Martin should have sacked him (maybe he did, again who knows).

Anyways C U Hudson.  I look forward to seeing you sign on the dole que here in London very soon as I’m sure you’ll be found out... yet again.

First Team Squad
about 11 years

Hudson has done a few good things like bringing up Themiand Marinoivc into the team, if we didn't have him Moss would be in net. Also helping players to secure pro contracts like Lewis.

over 10 years

Reading this thread, one would almost think people are glad we lost, just because they have an axe to grind with Hudson. 

over 17 years

clowns wrote:

Reading this thread, one would almost think people are glad we lost, just because they have an axe to grind with Hudson. 


about 15 years

yeah no surprises there is no by-line on that story cause i’d be fudgeing embarrassed to have that published too. Just an absolute shower of shark and if anyone honestly believes that’s gonna happen, i’ve got a freshly available international superstar coach to sell you. Fudge me
Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years
Marto wrote:
james dean wrote:
coochiee wrote:
Oska wrote:

Also, I don't think any player's feelings towards a manager are a particularly good proxy for how good they are at getting good results.

Have you ever played a team sport? If you have you will have known, when you have had a good coach, and when you have had a sharkhouse one. 

Players shouldn’t yes be the sole judge of a coach, but they are a very important one. No one on this forum, whether they rate Hudson or despise him, would come close to having the knowledge of Hudson’s coaching abilities as the actual AWs players of the last 3-4 years.

All of these guys are in pro football environments - some very high level - and will all have been exposed to good and bad gaffers. They will know whether AH was fit for the job or not. Now that he is highly likely leaving they (Brockie, Durante, Roux, Falloon etc) don’t have crawl up his arse if they don’t want to.

Andrew Voerman (Stuff) has made some good points on this topic.  Hudson has had a far bigger budget and more resources so no doubt in my mind some of this stuff is just the players enjoying the AWs environment a lot more because the set up is just more professional.  That was never really anything to do with Hudson (other than him asking for more money).

Many people have credited this to Hudson but how do we know? In actual fact it might have been Martin and others who did this. 

Many here are quick to slap Martin down but from what I’ve seen, a lot is without substance.  He’s blamed by all for the Olympics fiasco (i think I might have as well) but surely that was someone else’s job to sort.  That person royally f**ked up so Martin should have sacked him (maybe he did, again who knows).

Anyways C U Hudson.  I look forward to seeing you sign on the dole que here in London very soon as I’m sure you’ll be found out... yet again.

Martin, for one, credits it to Hudson.

over 17 years

From what I read in the Italian press (who are quietly hopeful - how low have they sunk) if by chance Peru were disqualified, it would be up to FIFA to decide who to call in their place, e.g. there's no pre-defined way of determining who gets to go.

over 17 years

NZ are not going to the world cup

over 7 years



Should I stay - or should I go? It's a question which has been tearing me up, consuming me for days. And for once Andy Martin has been no help.

There was a strong argument to be made for both options, depending on how you present the evidence or spin the case. It's the sort of massive decision I have had to weigh day-in an day-out as All Whites coach, so I'm well prepared for a big call.

But in the end I elect to stay with Rodney Wayne for my daily facial hair titivation and maintenance rather than switch to Hamilton Brooks in Newmarket.

Luckily it's been a lot more straight forward in deciding my future career options in the wake of that shock second leg away loss to Peru.

Yes, I could easily have stayed, Andy was eating out of my hand.

But it would have done my head in. The Moses Dyer gag has run it's course, Rory Fallon has retired, the Inghams are mental. Sure, Alex Rufer has huge comedy potential, but otherwise I would need to find an awful lot of new piss-take material to avoid being bored sharkless during those long, long, tri-monthly windows between All Whites matches. Changing your Wikipedia page can only kill so much time, you know.


It's been a cathartic experience to have announced my resignation as All Whites coach.

During my time in charge I oversaw a massive change in culture. I got rid of that awful matey environment Neil Emblen had cultivated where everyone mucked in and made the best of what there was. No, I made it far more professional, bringing in the sports scientists and video analysts, the whiteboards, the pseudo-deep philosophy.

I like to think I have showed that same professional touch with my departure, giving no final media statement, explanation, or word on my future. That's how it is in the professional game. You are not answerable to the public, and I should not have to do the media's job for them (apart, perhaps from Veitchy) and people need to realise that.


The players took it well when I told them I was leaving.

"You can't," they replied in unison. "You utter can't," they said.

At least I think that was what they were saying. It was quite noisy with jets flying overhead and those flat nasal Kiwi accents can be difficult.


I look back on my time with the All Whites with immense pride.

When I took over they were lowly ranked enigmas. Nobody knew what to make of them, or how they might play on any given day. 

I have taken that situation and turned it around.

By contrast, when people didn't know how my team would play, that was widely recognised as being a coaching masterstroke to wrong-foot the opposition. By the end our opponents didn't even know if we would play our best players, or leave them on the bench. How brilliant is that? Arsene Wenger level.

On my watch we never lost a game to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, or Papua New Guinea (though it was close a couple of times) and the All Whites are now a refreshing 122nd in the world.

Mine is a proud record. Under me the All Whites won 9 matches and drew 7. Yes, there were some other matches as well, but it's best to stay focused on what is important. Let's not get distracted in a historic analysis by going down blind alleys, otherwise I will need to get the whiteboard out.


Oh, how I laughed when I saw the Stuff story on who might succeed me. I spluttered into my Earl Grey tea. Oh my aching ribs.

Darren Bazeley was the first on their list. Ha ha.

Hilarious. Dazza is a brilliant assistant, a born No 2. Give him a pile of cones and he's happy as a dead pig in the sunshine, as they say up the Colorado Rapids.

But you need to carry the ball off on a stretcher after one of his training sessions, while he often doesn't know whether to check his arse or scratch his watch.

Dazza's the bloke to call upon when you've sacked your first assistant, to appoint your mate, who you've then had to axe because he's just a physical fitness nutter, and replace with a septuagerian based in England who is not much use for an intercontinental playoff.

So, yeah, Dazza's, a fourth choice No 2. Some people thought I was the comedy merchant in New Zealand football, but it just goes to show. And people wonder why I am contemptuous of the New Zealand media?


Whenever you leave a big job you naturally wonder about your legacy. It's not an ego thing, it's just a function of and active and inquiring mind.

Will I be appreciated for what I have done in turning the game around in New Zealand?

Will the New Zealand game at large respect the manner in which I transformed the performance culture into one of ownership, accountability and leadership? I've planted enough seeds, and surely some of them must grow.

Will history recognise what I have done in taking the team from one which had ultimately failed in a two-legged playoff time between the fourth-placed finisher in the CONCACAF confederation in 2013 to one which, erm, just missed out in a playoff tie with the fifth best team in South American qualifiers?

Or will everyone think of me as just a self-serving wanker?

Problem is, New Zealand has never had a cult figure for a coach before. 

I suppose Kevin Fallon came close. He was almost a "cult" figure - there was just one teeny weeny letter different in the word-spelling for him.


But who WILL replace someone as irreplaceable as me?

It will be incredibly tough to find anyone of my ability - and I am first to admit it is not my problem.

And yet, maybe, just maybe I should offer myself as a consultant in finding my own successor.

It would be a shame to have New Zealand Football conduct a full review on planning and preparation, measures of success and activity, resourcing and support, structure of management and performance culture without my guiding hand to give a directional steer.

Traditionally I was always a fan of the fact the NZ Football board retained responsibility and accountability for the strategic outcomes of All Whites plans, with their accountants, lawyers, logistics experts, and management gurus, but nobody capable of asking the hard questions of a coach.

So who knows where that set-up could lead without me at the helm?

What ghastly legacy might endure if they discovered that in retrospect they might just as well have left Neil Emblen in charge four years ago?

and 13 others
Phoenix Academy
over 7 years


You have covered all the bases of Hudsons time with the AW's. I am really looking forward to following Hudsons future career. Especially if he gets a job somewhere like the MLS. It will be interesting to see how he goes week in week out in a league setup.

If I had to give him some advise...which I am sure he would not be interested in. It often helps at a new organisation that you actually remain a little more humble when you arrived. Hudson arrived in NZ with a flurry of powerpoint presentations about how he was going to transform NZ football. Alignment between all the levels with the top team(AW's) playing attractive attacking his guru Bielsa.

Hopefully his NZ experiance has matured him somewhat. He promised Bielsa and we got longball. His sides just could not score goals. Its all very well having all the the theories in the world. The reality is that you have to take the players you have available and devise the combinations and tactics to produce winning football.

The problem I had with Hudson is that he was unable to coach his players to play any sort of the promised Bielsa football...despite the fact that we had a raft of small quick players who could possibly play a type of this style. He also struggled to get his players to play long ball.....we were poor executing this style...and in fact many of the players were physically unsuited to this style. Whatever you can say about Herbert he chose a style and he got his team to play that style very effectively.

So Anthony....maybe when you get your next job you should think about maybe keeping your vision and promises to yourself until you have worked out what players you have and what sort of football these players are capable of playing.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Obviously ranking systems have their issues, but we are in a slightly worst position relative to the rest of the world than before Hudson took over.


over 17 years

Huddo - that is far too good (and very close to the bone).  You have talent, do you write anywhere else?!

about 15 years

What JD said. Thats excellent. Where is part 1 and part 2?

Edit: Found them

over 7 years

I write exclusively for your entertainment on the Yellow Fever forum, James.

Loved your own work in East of Eden.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

On Hudson:

"I can't speak for the general public but I know within the group he was an awesome coach and a really detailed coach. Every camp was very intense and very detailed and structured. You just knew going into every game that you would be prepared. You knew exactly what the other team's strengths and weaknesses were, the training sessions were always challenging and he always pushed us," he said.

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Interesting given the prevailing opinions here...

Starting XI
almost 17 years

It's clear that Hudson set out in this role to try to improve his CV and to get some good references, which he's achieved to some extent. Probably Fallon got picked for the latest squad because he has some good contacts in the UK.

Having the players like you is not unimportant in his role, as we need decent relations to get some of the top players to play games, but it doesn't negate the criticisms on here on how he hasn't improved how we play or perform. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Nelfoos wrote:

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Interesting given the prevailing opinions here...

Yeah, the argument that "no current player will say anything negative about the current coach" can be tested. If people really believe that Anfony wasn't really liked by the players, then surely it will all come out now, as the players' complaints about the final part of Ricki's reign did.

I don't think anyone can dispute, seriously, that the AWs were managed better - as opposed to being coached or selected better - under Anfony, which would be partly to Anfony's credit and partly to NZF's credit. I have no trouble believing that being an AW 2014-2017 was better for the players at a subjective level than in previous years. Of course, that's not all that being a coach requires.

almost 14 years


Durante made a point to talk about how good Hudson was in his retirement statement speaks volumes as well.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

On Hudson:

"I can't speak for the general public but I know within the group he was an awesome coach and a really detailed coach. Every camp was very intense and very detailed and structured. You just knew going into every game that you would be prepared. You knew exactly what the other team's strengths and weaknesses were, the training sessions were always challenging and he always pushed us," he said.

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Interesting given the prevailing opinions here...

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

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