over 7 years

Thank god Durante is retired from international, still dont know how he played that second leg in peru

over 9 years

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

On Hudson:

"I can't speak for the general public but I know within the group he was an awesome coach and a really detailed coach. Every camp was very intense and very detailed and structured. You just knew going into every game that you would be prepared. You knew exactly what the other team's strengths and weaknesses were, the training sessions were always challenging and he always pushed us," he said.

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Interesting given the prevailing opinions here...

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

So you were not happy with AWs performances against Peru?

I'd say we exceeded expectations. Our team has limited talent. 

The starting eleven in 2nd leg, had 3 guys playing 2nd/3rd tier US football (Tuiloma, Colvey & Wynne), plus 2 A League journeymen (Durante & Wee Mac), and another A League (lets face it is a weak comp by international standards) player in Kosta who has never shone consistently for the national team.

To be fair both Wynne & Colvey went pretty well against Peru (esp Colvey), and hopefully both can eventually crack the MLS.

Durante's been a loyal servant of both Nix & AWs. He's played his fair share of 'not glamorous' games for AWs in the Islands etc. He maybe well past his prime, but he's vastly experienced, intelligent, a good bloke and I think his views deserve to be respected.

Every time recently when Reid came into the AWs camp, he has spoken (in his usual mumbling quiet way) that he's been impressed with the setup. Him and Wood are now probably way too focused on their club EPL commitments (esp Reid given new gaffer, and Hammers in relegation battle) - to give any quotable thoughts on Hudson's 'legacy'.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

On Hudson:

"I can't speak for the general public but I know within the group he was an awesome coach and a really detailed coach. Every camp was very intense and very detailed and structured. You just knew going into every game that you would be prepared. You knew exactly what the other team's strengths and weaknesses were, the training sessions were always challenging and he always pushed us," he said.

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Interesting given the prevailing opinions here...

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

So one player doesn't agree with you, but surely the ones who haven't said anything do? Yeah, clutch at those straws a little tighter.

We played *well* against Peru. I don't know what anyone else here expected but losing 2-0 over 2 legs and getting a draw in Wellington was well above expectations. The only difference between the teams was two brain farts by defenders and the width of a post. I can see a visible difference and progression in the team since Hudson took over, as can every player who has spoken publicly. Obviously others can't, and that's fine.

over 9 years

Nelfoos I think there was still a reasonable gap between us and Peru - lets not forget in 2nd leg they hit the post in about 3rd minute, and were denied a legit penalty for Reid handball. 

But yeah we in it til near the end - when many on here were predicting we would get slaughtered, and had given up on AWs, ie openly hoping Messi and Argentina would come to the Caketin as part of some football exhibition. Traitors.

Yes it's fudgeing plain to see that the playing group rated Hudson. Yipe for sure he got far greater support & money from NZF than Herbert - but all the cash in the world is useless, if you don't have the respect and attention of the senior playing group.  

Be interesting to see how he goes in the cut throat world of club football coaching. He made some obvious mistakes at the start with the AWs, but he showed at the end that he had learnt from those. His relationship with the media showed signs of improvement. I think he may do alright.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

coochiee wrote:

Nelfoos I think there was still a reasonable gap between us and Peru - lets not forget in 2nd leg they hit the post in about 3rd minute, and were denied a legit penalty for Reid handball. 

But yeah we in it til near the end - when many on here were predicting we would get slaughtered, and had given up on AWs, ie openly hoping Messi and Argentina would come to the Caketin as part of some football exhibition. Traitors.

Yes it's fudgeing plain to see that the playing group rated Hudson. Yipe for sure he got far greater support & money from NZF than Herbert - but all the cash in the world is useless, if you don't have the respect and attention of the senior playing group.  

Be interesting to see how he goes in the cut throat world of club football coaching. He made some obvious mistakes at the start with the AWs, but he showed at the end that he had learnt from those. His relationship with the media showed signs of improvement. I think he may do alright.

Peru is a far better team, I'm just saying that we played well above expectation and with luck in our favour we could've got more. Hudson put us in with a chance and that's all he could do. I can't fault his tactics over the 2 legs, especially being constrained by Wood's injury. We were also denied a clear cut penalty!

I'm looking forward to following the rest of his career. Definitely needs to work on his media and fan relationships!

Starting XI
over 17 years

coochiee wrote:

Him and Wood are now probably way too focused on their club EPL commitments (esp Reid given new gaffer, and Hammers in relegation battle) - to give any quotable thoughts on Hudson's 'legacy'.

The captain and vice captain of our national team haven't said a word, but yeah I get it, they're a bit busy right now.

The football played under Hudson was terrible. It wasn't even long ball, it was a panicked type of hoof ball. He seemed like a reasonable coach, thorough etc, and the defensive structure against Peru was extremely good in the first leg, but other than that he bought nothing to the team.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Wonder if any member of this forum will be applying for the vacant post?

over 7 years

dairyflat wrote:

Wonder if any member of this forum will be applying for the vacant post?

If anybody from here IS applying, I would be most happy to assist with your diary, if that is an extra selling point..


over 9 years

reg22 wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Him and Wood are now probably way too focused on their club EPL commitments (esp Reid given new gaffer, and Hammers in relegation battle) - to give any quotable thoughts on Hudson's 'legacy'.

The captain and vice captain of our national team haven't said a word, but yeah I get it, they're a bit busy right now.

The football played under Hudson was terrible. It wasn't even long ball, it was a panicked type of hoof ball. He seemed like a reasonable coach, thorough etc, and the defensive structure against Peru was extremely good in the first leg, but other than that he bought nothing to the team.

Not 100% sure about Wood, but yeah Reid is pretty busy I'd say. 

As we speak is playing for Hammers v Leicester, his 2nd EPL game since Peru! Plus he's probably had to give a post Peru debrief to NZF, spend a day in airports/flying, navigate London's traffic, say hi to his wife and kids, sleep, meet Moyes his new gaffer, attend a few training sessions............bit going on. Maybe Andrew Voerman or whoever has just never rung him up yet about his views on Hudson leaving.

Anyway who's assessment of Hudson do I concur with? You (like me) a keyboard warrior nobody, or someone like Durante - a vastly experienced player who was actually there. Plus also Falloon, Roux, Brockie etc praising Hudson's work. Easy choice.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

reg22 wrote:

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

This is embarrassing goalpost moving.

"The players probably secretly hate Hudson as much as we do."
"Dura likes him."
"I meant the good players."

tradition and history
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

reg22 wrote:

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

This is embarrassing goalpost moving.

"The players probably secretly hate Hudson as much as we do."
"Dura likes him."
"I meant the good players."

Quite frankly is does not matter whether the players liked him or not. I have had coaches I didn't like but they knew what they were doing.

That is what counts.

over 9 years

Leggy wrote:

Doloras wrote:

reg22 wrote:

if our team were as well prepared as durante says, then our players must be pure ratshark

and with all due respect to durante, he hasn't exactly played under any 'greats'

have chris wood or winston reid said anything? if not, then perhaps that speaks volumes

This is embarrassing goalpost moving.

"The players probably secretly hate Hudson as much as we do."
"Dura likes him."
"I meant the good players."

Quite frankly is does not matter whether the players liked him or not. I have had coaches I didn't like but they knew what they were doing.

That is what counts.

This is what Durante said about Hudson.

"I can't speak for the general public but I know within the group he was an awesome coach and a really detailed coach. Every camp was very intense and very detailed and structured. You just knew going into every game that you would be prepared. You knew exactly what the other team's strengths and weaknesses were, the training sessions were always challenging and he always pushed us," he said.

"In terms of the playing group, I think he will be very fondly remembered."

Yes for sure you can dislike your work boss or sports coach - but still have upmost respect for them as a good operator.

And just sometimes you can both respect them and actually like them as well.

almost 17 years

This is reminding me of the Paston v Moss debate

Starting XI
over 12 years

How much players like or dislike a coach is in my opinion worth very little.

Obviously at a much lower level but I have been involved in the coach evaluation/recruitment process and while it's a good idea to talk to players there is a lot you have to look through or ignore to be honest.

almost 13 years

Many, many pages back on this thread I listed 4 things I wanted from an AWs coach. 

1) Comfortable victories over the OFC sides. Doesn't have to be hidings but with all the advantages we have over them we shouldn't be scraping through, even if weather, pitches, and referees act as levelers. On this point I think Hudson didn't make the grade. A penalty shootout shouldn't be needed to beat PNG if you look at the quality difference right across the board. We had some narrow wins and draws where we should have at least managed a 2 or 3 goal buffer too.

2) Credible results/performances in friendlies. I give Hudson a pass, but barely. We had good games against Mexico, USA, Japan and South Korea but some absolutely terrible hit outs against teams like Myanmar, Thailand, and the pre Confeds games against Belarus and Northern Ireland. Those last two might not look bad on paper but God we were awful.

3) Not getting embarrassed in competitive games against non-OFC sides. Hudson did well on this front.

4) Sensible tactics and team and squad selections. I think Hudson failed miserably on this count. He became obsessed with playing wingbacks but our fullbacks being asked to do that role were among the weakest links in our squad. He played Rojas at CM. He kept picking Dyer for no apparent reason. He decided to bring Brockie back for the Peru games after leaving him out for a year, rather than giving him time in the camp for the Japan game, for instance. Then when he decided Wood couldn't start (he said he only had 60 minutes in him but then only gave him 45 anyway) he didn't start a genuine striker despite having Brockie and Smeltz in the squad. In the first leg Rojas and Kosta had combined alright to counter but he dropped Rojas for Tuiloma and left Kosta completely isolated up top. In all, there were just far too many times Hudson did something unexpected and random with his lineup and it didn't work. 

So in all, I'd say he's hovering around a pass mark from me but that's all. I still feel like we haven't reached our potential. It doesn't mean playing like 2010 Barcelona, but I think we could play decent counterattacking football in a 4-3-3 with the players we have. We should be beating the Island sides every time too. I don't think a 2-0 loss over 2 legs to Peru is sufficient to compensate from the other issues with Hudson's tenure.

and 1 other
Starting XI
over 17 years
over 17 years

In four years under Hudson we never won a game we weren't expected to... 

over 9 years

Can we please choose the next manager of the AW's to be a manager who wants us to play a style of football that long terms sets us up with more of a chance of competing with the higher ranked teams. Long ball doesnt and hasnt worked in 30 years as a tactic that has a consistent chance of success. It may work in isolated cases but the need is that we  play pass and move to progress. Despite some that believe otherwise we have players who can play that way and given more exposure to it will improve over time. 

I fear the likes of Danny Hay etc who will under pressure revert to lump it long football will be the sort of coach we end up with. 

Just give us pass and move instead of the tried and proven failure of long ball.


about 15 years

I think like a lot of things, your view depends on how you view the glass - half full or half empty

There is some very good view points here which have made me re-evaluate my own thoughts. I also saw a piece from Enzo which I thought was quite good. I think some of the media have been writing from a position that they disliked Hudson because he was a unit at the beginning, and fair enough too. He created that.

Hudson did talk a big game and the problem with that was HE set out the minimum expectations. As some else remarked earlier, we will play a certain way that is undeniably ‘us’. That was not something we created - he did that and those were his words.  We have a culture that Kiwis don’t like big noters but if you walk into the room talking about swinging the biggest dick, when it comes time to unzip, you have to have it or you get laughed out of the room. When it came time to unzip, he had all the excuses as to why he was not swinging the biggest dick and didn’t like it when he was called on it.

I think more than anything he came in and said this this and this. And then promptly did not deliver on them. That’s all on him.

He may well be a very good coach but he is a very young coach and if anything, I think hindsight tells us he was too young for the role and quite immature. I bet you dollars to donuts, if he could go back 3 years, he would not be talking about swinging a big dick. Hell he did a reversal on the Confeds performance not 3 months after it was done finally agreeing with what everyone else had told him that it was poor. It sounds like he is rated by his players (after Ricki was probably not too hard but however) and is very well organised. I wish him well for the future but if has learned one thing from this gig, he needs to shut he gob and let the results do the talking - talk the talk and walk the walk. If he had not come in with the approach he had from the get go, I suspect others may well view him in a favourable light. In this case that’s all him so if he walks away from this job feeling unloved or given a rough ride, he created it from day one. Literally the only thing he did not say was ‘we are gonna win the world cup’. He should be better for the experience after this and learned a few tricks but because of the ‘drama’ he created, he had to move on so I say ‘good luck Mr Hudson, but please go quickly so we can move on the next man that might approach the role with a bit more maturity’

over 13 years

so on the domestic violence show it came out today that Hudson's relationship with Martin was legally toxic 

Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years

so on the domestic violence show it came out today that Hudson's relationship with Martin was legally toxic 

Was Hudson on the show? What time was this mentioned?

over 13 years

somewhere between 4 and 5 I think.

Some panel discussion. A few seemed in the know. Chris Mirams, the producer and Gifford 

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

Andy wasn't there but I don't think he would want this to break if he hasn't  signed his new contract. It's never great for your future  employment prospects if you have had to bring in the lawyers in your last job

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

so on the domestic violence show it came out today that Hudson's relationship with Martin was legally toxic 

Not surprised at all that Martin needs to be threatened with lawyers, and Anfony gets a tick in my book if he did so. More detail on this story?

Starting XI
over 9 years

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

is this right? I though Veitch was Anthony's best mate (not Andy's) - he seemed to be on the show a bit and Veitch was the one who broke the news that Wood wasn't going to be starting in the first game against Peru and he could only have got that from one source

almost 14 years

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

is this right? I though Veitch was Anthony's best mate (not Andy's) - he seemed to be on the show a bit and Veitch was the one who broke the news that Wood wasn't going to be starting in the first game against Peru and he could only have got that from one source

Accidental this.

He got it from Piney who was at the stadium

Starting XI
over 9 years

Ryan wrote:

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

is this right? I though Veitch was Anthony's best mate (not Andy's) - he seemed to be on the show a bit and Veitch was the one who broke the news that Wood wasn't going to be starting in the first game against Peru and he could only have got that from one source

Accidental this.

He got it from Piney who was at the stadium

Piney got it at 3:15 same as everyone else at the stadium, before that there were rumours going around that Wood was on the bench and these came from Veitch

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

is this right? I though Veitch was Anthony's best mate (not Andy's) - he seemed to be on the show a bit and Veitch was the one who broke the news that Wood wasn't going to be starting in the first game against Peru and he could only have got that from one source

Accidental this.

He got it from Piney who was at the stadium

Veitch 100% had that first

over 17 years

somewhere between 4 and 5 I think.

Some panel discussion. A few seemed in the know. Chris Mirams, the producer and Gifford 

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

Andy wasn't there but I don't think he would want this to break if he hasn't  signed his new contract. It's never great for your future  employment prospects if you have had to bring in the lawyers in your last job

Can you expand - this is fascinating given Martin seemed to say that he and Huddo were best buds

almost 14 years

james dean wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

is this right? I though Veitch was Anthony's best mate (not Andy's) - he seemed to be on the show a bit and Veitch was the one who broke the news that Wood wasn't going to be starting in the first game against Peru and he could only have got that from one source

Accidental this.

He got it from Piney who was at the stadium

Veitch 100% had that first

I was listening to the Radio (I usually avoid Vietch but was listening to the buildup) and Vietch got it from Piney, they were talking to him from down at the stadium before 3 about it. The rumor was that he wasn't starting because he wasn't warming up but then there was some confusion because he apparently won some award and was inside on Skype.

almost 7 years

Tony Veitch??

A father's advice to Tony Veitch.

Let's hear you excuses for continuing to listen to him. 

How can you? Don't you have sisters, mothers, friends?  

White Ribbon.

Time for this forum t become a Veitch Free Zone.

Starting XI
over 12 years

eddiewilson wrote:

Tony Veitch??

A father's advice to Tony Veitch.

Let's hear you excuses for continuing to listen to him. 

How can you? Don't you have sisters, mothers, friends?  

White Ribbon.

Time for this forum t become a Veitch Free Zone.

Without trying to sidetrack this thread, I believe you have to allow each person to make up their own mind about this issue.  Personally I'm all for never hearing about him for the rest of my life but I appreciate everyone does not see it that way.

about 12 years

Whist I deplore what he has done (and I am thinking wider than him here) at what point in time do we (society) say that someone has paid their dues / done their time.

This happened 10 years ago - he's paid publicly / financially / socially and probably by every other measure... does he never get to truely move forward. All of us I am sure know people who have done bad things, made bad choices.

Don't get me wrong I hate what he did (I refused to play cricket with a player who beat his girlfriend) - just curious the thinking?

about 12 years

On a positive note, with Hudson going we look likely to lose Beazley who, whilst a nice guy apparently, I hated his style of play with the u20s.

almost 13 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Whist I deplore what he has done (and I am thinking wider than him here) at what point in time do we (society) say that someone has paid their dues / done their time.

This happened 10 years ago - he's paid publicly / financially / socially and probably by every other measure... does he never get to truely move forward. All of us I am sure know people who have done bad things, made bad choices.

Don't get me wrong I hate what he did (I refused to play cricket with a player who beat his girlfriend) - just curious the thinking?

When he genuinely appears remorseful. When he apologizes directly to the victim. When he takes responsibility for his actions rather than blaming the relationship or the circumstances. When he uses his considerable wealth and influence (which got him a comparatively light sentence for the severity of the crime) to try and promote anti-violence campaigns and charities.

Everyone deserves a second chance but only once they've earned it.

and 3 others
over 13 years

james dean wrote:

somewhere between 4 and 5 I think.

Some panel discussion. A few seemed in the know. Chris Mirams, the producer and Gifford 

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

Andy wasn't there but I don't think he would want this to break if he hasn't  signed his new contract. It's never great for your future  employment prospects if you have had to bring in the lawyers in your last job

Can you expand - this is fascinating given Martin seemed to say that he and Huddo were best buds

To avoid any confusion the above reference to Andy is Andrew Hudson.

In short they said that certain people at nz football tried to fire Hudson (implying the big boss) but Hudson lawyered up in mediation and kept his job as a result. Found it fascinating that all these non football types knew. Veitch expressed great surprise, but that cod is so transparent I think he knew what was going on more then anyone

If anyone can be assed listen between the above time frames between the above hours on demand on Sunday online and it will be there.

One in a million
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

somewhere between 4 and 5 I think.

Some panel discussion. A few seemed in the know. Chris Mirams, the producer and Gifford 

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

Andy wasn't there but I don't think he would want this to break if he hasn't  signed his new contract. It's never great for your future  employment prospects if you have had to bring in the lawyers in your last job

Can you expand - this is fascinating given Martin seemed to say that he and Huddo were best buds

To avoid any confusion the above reference to Andy is Andrew Hudson.

In short they said that certain people at nz football tried to fire Hudson (implying the big boss) but Hudson lawyered up in mediation and kept his job as a result. Found it fascinating that all these non football types knew. Veitch expressed great surprise, but that cod is so transparent I think he knew what was going on more then anyone

If anyone can be assed listen between the above time frames between the above hours on demand on Sunday online and it will be there.

I thought the big boss was Anfony Martin

over 9 years

james dean wrote:

somewhere between 4 and 5 I think.

Some panel discussion. A few seemed in the know. Chris Mirams, the producer and Gifford 

Andy's best mate Veitch expressed great surprise 

Andy wasn't there but I don't think he would want this to break if he hasn't  signed his new contract. It's never great for your future  employment prospects if you have had to bring in the lawyers in your last job

Can you expand - this is fascinating given Martin seemed to say that he and Huddo were best buds

To avoid any confusion the above reference to Andy is Andrew Hudson.

In short they said that certain people at nz football tried to fire Hudson (implying the big boss) but Hudson lawyered up in mediation and kept his job as a result. Found it fascinating that all these non football types knew. Veitch expressed great surprise, but that cod is so transparent I think he knew what was going on more then anyone

If anyone can be assed listen between the above time frames between the above hours on demand on Sunday online and it will be there.

The AWs coach of the last 3 and a bit years, had first name Anthony. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

In short they said that certain people at nz football tried to fire Hudson (implying the big boss) but Hudson lawyered up in mediation and kept his job as a result.

Wait, Martin tried to sack Hudson? Doesn't this mean that a lot of people on this forum will be changing their minds about Martin? ;)

almost 14 years

No,  because if that's the case he talked crap about trying to keep Hudson so he's even more conceited

almost 7 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Whist I deplore what he has done (and I am thinking wider than him here) at what point in time do we (society) say that someone has paid their dues / done their time.

This happened 10 years ago - he's paid publicly / financially / socially and probably by every other measure... does he never get to truely move forward. All of us I am sure know people who have done bad things, made bad choices.

Don't get me wrong I hate what he did (I refused to play cricket with a player who beat his girlfriend) - just curious the thinking?

For me it's the fact that he has put out self-serving statements in which is has never put his hand up for what he did. He keeps trying to excuuse himself.

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