First Team Squad
almost 17 years

And to think we could have had him several (5?) seasons earlier if Ricki had recognised his potential when he first trialed for the Nix.

about 13 years

Still one of the best chants, which is not heard enough:  "Feed The Roy, Let them know it's Krishna Time"

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

scribbler wrote:

And to think we could have had him several (5?) seasons earlier if Ricki had recognised his potential when he first trialed for the Nix.

... and then he might have been poached by the Vucktree before he got really good, just like Rojas. Counterfactuals are endless.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Dare anyone say it? Okay, I'll say it.

Welnix are doing the right thing by not letting Anfony buy Roy for anything less than TOP DOLLAR.

If anyone moans about them "not letting Roy follow his dreams", I will ask them if they also moaned when we let Kosta go out of the goodness of our hearts.

Also, even more reason to hate Anfony.

Moar stars
over 12 years

Fudge off Hudson. Jesus Welnix just give Roy what he wants.

over 13 years

He would see more money and be a first to go from Fiji to the MLS. Wouldn't be a bad move for him.

Of course I'd like to see him stay and the Nix are trying to get him too stay, he is been given an offer I believe so it's not like WelNix aren't trying. This Rapids stuff would have just been a spanner in the works while they are negotiating. 

almost 14 years

I hope they keep him. Also seems like Darje saying anyone who wants to leave could leave was a bit of bullshark

over 10 years

Ryan wrote:

I hope they keep him. Also seems like Darje saying anyone who wants to leave could leave was a bit of bullshark

That is the  problem when you make threats  " if anyone does not want to be here then you can go"    Then the players who you do not wish to go will put their hands up.

over 13 years

So now we know why his demeanour on the field after scoring goals has not been the same. 

Why the hell cant Hudson take the great Rufer

over 6 years

I'm a bit confused. Krishna is off contract at the end of this season right? So if he wants to go to MLS, won't he just wait until end of season and then sign with MLS during a transfer window, and we'll get $0 cash?

If that's the case, then why not get a little bit of cash for him now? Playoffs basically dead anyway.

over 17 years

Better to get the money before his contract expires as long as they pay the money and no discounts are given. As much as I would hate to see him go good luck to him. After all shouldnt we be just a stop off for some players  as they try to advance their careers.

over 10 years

wouldn’t it be better to take the 6 figure offer that Hudson has made rather than 0 at the end of the year... this would also open up a import spot... one player who would be worth a look is Tade, in understand some people don’t like the guy but his stats are higher than Roy’s were when he was in the ISPS Prem. People always say that Prem players aren’t up to it but if you look back at history all the players that have gone from ACFC to the Nix’s have done pretty good...Siggy, Riera and Roy have all done pretty well.

Surely Tade is worth a look until the end of the season given he would be a free transfer...

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Is there any evidence that there's actually an offer on the table. Dome doesn't mention one specifically, and "US sources suggest" isn't exactly a firm sauce.

almost 17 years

When does the transfer window shut in the States. Pretty sure it's still open..I reckon his agent has released this to the media to put more pressure on the Nix for an improved deal either way!

almost 14 years

It also depends on the six figures, if the Nix want a million and Colorado offers 100K then it's worth nada.

over 13 years

Dome lost what ever cred he had a long time ago. 

I don't think him not mentioning an offer means much.

Moar stars
over 12 years

one_eyed_nik wrote:

When does the transfer window shut in the States. Pretty sure it's still open..I reckon his agent has released this to the media to put more pressure on the Nix for an improved deal either way!

I think it just opened or is about to. The MLS kicks off early March.

about 17 years

Jay Emmanual Thomas is available,could probably get him and money from QPR just to get rid of him and the A League is about his level too.

Life and death
over 17 years

They've got to let him go if there is a transfer fee involved that is fair. If its not fair then its fine for the Nix to say No and may a better offer. We are not in a position of negotiating strength though are we? with his contract almost up.

No wonder clubs think they can muscle the Nix on transfer matters, after how we've rolled over a million times in releasing some of our players that have buggered off to other A League clubs. I know there are no transfer fees between A League clubs but not once does it seem we have said "No, he stays here until his contract ends or you give us something in return"

Life and death
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Jay Emmanual Thomas is available,could probably get him and money from QPR just to get rid of him and the A League is about his level too.

And stop trying to hawk off all of your deadwood from QPR, you're always doing it, we can manage to find our own deadwood from other sources thank you.
over 17 years

Unfortunately even if the rumours are true, we are not going to command a good price as why would anyone pay any decent money when the guy gets off contract in a matter of weeks?

almost 15 years

Interesting he was sent to Auckland for another scan.

Is he now playing silly buggers saying he is not fit to play when medical evidence suggests otherwise ?

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Interesting he was sent to Auckland for another scan.

Is he now playing silly buggers saying he is not fit to play when medical evidence suggests otherwise ?

That could be quite an interesting sub-plot. Especially if there is an automatic extension caluse in his current contract. 

over 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Interesting he was sent to Auckland for another scan.

Is he now playing silly buggers saying he is not fit to play when medical evidence suggests otherwise ?

Would be disappointing if he is playing this card given the support given to him by both the fans and the club.In the club taking preseason to Fiji and the support given in Roys to an appeal for help to the fans.
Life and death
over 17 years

Could be necessary for the Colorado move. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

It would be a shark way to treat the club that is the sole reason he has a pro career if true.  

He'd failed to make the grade in the USL and with A-League clubs before the Phoenix took a punt on him.  A little more respect for the club, his team mates and the supporters might be in order.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Players who sign contracts then don't think they have to honor them are the worst.

over 13 years

At the Rapids their two top forwards last year earned US$1.6 and $1.0 million respectively 

Their million dollar man has retired.

If Roy could get half of that, you could sort of see why he wants out and will play hard ball to make it happen

What's he going to do, score a couple of goals and maybe make us 9th and not 10th?

He ain't going to be here next year regardless so we may as well take some coin from Andrew

Starting XI
over 9 years

Tegal wrote:

Tegal wrote:

Players who sign contracts then don't think they have to honor them are the worst.

thing is if he's in his last 6 months of his contract he's allowed to talk to other clubs

maybe will go to Rapids anyway, but wanted out early and Rapids were willing to offer 100k, if he goes at end of season Nix get nothing - so in a way he could have been trying to help out Nix (given that DK has written the season off)

or its just his agent putting around a story to get the Nix to up any offer they have made

don't really believe he is putting on the injury thing

almost 14 years

When have they said they've written the season off?

about 10 years

Sorry, just had to. 

I hope there's more to this story than what's being played out at the moment, but money will talk. The guy's 31 before next season starts, even if he does re-sign for us, probably gives him a 2-3 years to maximise his earnings and set himself up for the future. Can you blame him? 

Love him to pieces and wish him well with whatever he chooses, but I just can't see WelNix offering him anywhere near what it sounds like he could get in the States, and if that's the case we should probably look to cash in (it will probably be too late by then and he'll sign for the Rapids on a free)

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
I feel like Johnny Warren. Tough situation for all. Hope everyone is representing themselves professionally. Footballers are a long time retired, got to make hay, right?
about 17 years

If this is all true and he could go anytime, I hope the owners have plan B sorted as in investing in a replacement at the end of the season. IE have someone in mind and lined up.

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Tegal wrote:

Players who sign contracts then don't think they have to honor them are the worst.

I don't know. I think that clubs that want to get rid of a player and don't play them, force them to train with the reserves/youth teams etc. are much worse.
about 17 years

ballane wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Interesting he was sent to Auckland for another scan.

Is he now playing silly buggers saying he is not fit to play when medical evidence suggests otherwise ?

Would be disappointing if he is playing this card given the support given to him by both the fans and the club.In the club taking preseason to Fiji and the support given in Roys to an appeal for help to the fans.

I don't know about support- Roy has as good as carried the club for a lot of the last two seasons, so the reverse could be true. 

But certainly he is a player who has developed with us and done well for and with us. 

I don't think he is indispensable, but there would be a lot of sadness if he was dicking us around and if he takes off. So much sub par in the last season, it would be sad to learn that the last of the 'Nix gunslingers was being a jerk, especially given that our season could be looking so much brighter if he had played more after Burns and Ljujic arrived. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

The idea that Roy Krishna could make huge money in Colorado is not certainty. A lot of MLS players are on similar or even lower wages that some A-League players, especially if you look at what the All Whites in the league earn. I can't see Krishna getting a salary of $1million a season when he's a 30-year-old coming from the A-League.

about 17 years

law of diminishing returns now..let him go unless this is fake news

over 17 years

Who let him get down to the last 6 months of his contract?  Madness

about 17 years

james dean wrote:

Who let him get down to the last 6 months of his contract?  Madness

Krishna? He has strengthened his bargaining position.

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