Things that make you go hmmmm

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Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Hope it went (or is going) well Hatter!

I'm back on the interviewing roller coaster and am quite bluddy over it. No pun intended.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Meanwhile I’m not even getting interviews for jobs I apply for. 

almost 14 years

What industry are you working in Tegal? I've never seen so many jobs around when I looked for work before.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:
I actually feel sorry for people who are so stuck in the old ways, there's been a lot of change over the last fifty years but that's nothing compared to what's coming.

Thing is me old mucker, every young generation has held the same lofty ideals and values as you currently do....but where are these idealists now they are older?

The Hippie generation totally sold out once they realised youthful idealism doesn't pay the bills or the fund overseas holidays and perks they start to desire as they get older

The punk generation either totally burnt out or sold out. How many old punks are around?

It's the same with every post WW2 generation from mods and rockers through to punk and grunge and whatever is next.

It's all too easy to rage against the machine from your mums basement, protected from the harsh realities of the world, but people views tend to change with their priorities as they get older and before you know it yesterdays rebel is part of todays establishment. 

Gone are the days of overthrowing the system, now its all about maintaing that comfortable lifestyle while easing their conscience by  thinking they are doing their bit voting for the Green Party.

Look at the likes of Johnny Rotten: from Anarchy in the UK to making butter adverts on TV.

Funny how we make assumptions of how old people are when we're all virtual, I know people in their sixties who are very liberal, I know people in their twenties who are very conservative.

There's a quote from someone that goes something like "if you're conservative and young you have no heart, if your liberal and old you have no brain."

But the recent trend has been every generation has been more liberal than the last which is why society gets more liberal with each passing year. They may get more pragmatic as they experience life, and have assets to protect, but in general every my conservative father is more liberal than his conservative father, etc. 

I don't tend to think along those lines though, I see change as inevitable and my opinion is if we don't plan for it then it's going to be really really hard, it's going to be really hard even if we do everything right.

That was Churchill I think who said that.

Of course there are old people who are liberal, so even you will have to admit that maybe old white men aren't so bad after all then?  

Each generation is getting more weak, flabby, self absorbed and degenerate imo  Just look at the popularity of Married at First sight for instance. People addicted to it.

Generations ago people venerated the likes of scientists, explorers, artists, poets and writers. Now it seems the average person is more interested in following some BS reality TV. Progress? Hmmm.

yes change is coming but it might not be the one you hope for.

So, out of interest I looked up the top rated tv shows of 1970. Unfortunately I couldn't find the statistics for NZ but in the US it was mainly pretty appalling looking sitcoms and dramas and talent and variety shows. I couldn't find one science show among the lot. I think you'll probably find that a good chunk of the younger generation don't actually watch TV at all and the TV watching audience is as diverse as it's ever been.  I've never seen married at first site, but you could argue that the excitement around Joseph Parker and inevitable huge ratings are way more degenerate.

But far out, no wonder the world's gone to shark recently with attitudes like yours. Every older generation hates the younger generation. I hate this idea of generations, it's just another group to put a blanket over and therefore dismiss. You complain about being not having respect as a man of a certain colour and certain age but pretty much the only person I see on here who even talks about age is you and if others talk about it it's because you keep bringing it up, you're putting yourself in your own bucket and getting offended by your own prejudices.

Do you have kids?

Do you plan to have kids?

I’ve got bad news for you, children are the next generation. FACT. 

An idiotic statement such as. “I hate this idea of generations”, goes to show what a pathetic view you seem to have about most things. 

Go and put some big girl pants on, & have a think about some serious SHIT that people have to deal with. 

Generations are stupid, people are individuals and shouldn't be defined by when they were born, also the further away we get from WW1 the less relevant they are as they get spread out.

Gen X for instance encompasses people born from the mid 60s to the early 80s. Someone born in 81 is going to have way more in common with a Millenial than someone born in 65.

Also, chill.

If we are all individuals then why do you want people to get priority for certain things due to their sex/gender etc as with the stance Caroline took with females?

If people shouldn't be defined by things such as when they were born why do you think its ok if they are defined by their gender?

You seem very contradictory at times.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

paulm wrote:

How has the world gone to sh*t recently?

In terms of poverty rates, standard of living, violent crime, and many other key measures, the world is the best it has ever been, and is continuing to improve, literally every day.

I know it's hard to believe with the headlines we get, but this is the truth. 

Doesn't mean we should rest, the situation is far from ideal, but it's important people know this, as it seems most actually don't. 

The world's always been "going to sh*t" it's just that very generation gets a news flavour for their turds.

There's a doco series on TV at the mo about the 70's and its kinda interesting to watch because in many ways nothing has changed: we seem to be stuck in a continual cycle and have been so for the last gosh knows how many thousands of years,

Anyhow in this 70's doco there's hate and war, there are young folk rallying against the establishment, there are people saying the end is nigh, there are people saying a new era is starting, there are good times, bad times, causes to fight for, issues that are divisive. There was a US President everyone hated and so on.

I found it interesting because it really wasn't that different from 2018

It would appear that human nature has remained pretty constant no matter how advanced technology gets

about 17 years

I've always wondered why TVNZ never showed repeats of "Love thy Neighbour!"

Tegal, I know of an occupation that is literally begging for people to join it. Starts off on about $55k.

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:
I actually feel sorry for people who are so stuck in the old ways, there's been a lot of change over the last fifty years but that's nothing compared to what's coming.

Thing is me old mucker, every young generation has held the same lofty ideals and values as you currently do....but where are these idealists now they are older?

The Hippie generation totally sold out once they realised youthful idealism doesn't pay the bills or the fund overseas holidays and perks they start to desire as they get older

The punk generation either totally burnt out or sold out. How many old punks are around?

It's the same with every post WW2 generation from mods and rockers through to punk and grunge and whatever is next.

It's all too easy to rage against the machine from your mums basement, protected from the harsh realities of the world, but people views tend to change with their priorities as they get older and before you know it yesterdays rebel is part of todays establishment. 

Gone are the days of overthrowing the system, now its all about maintaing that comfortable lifestyle while easing their conscience by  thinking they are doing their bit voting for the Green Party.

Look at the likes of Johnny Rotten: from Anarchy in the UK to making butter adverts on TV.

Funny how we make assumptions of how old people are when we're all virtual, I know people in their sixties who are very liberal, I know people in their twenties who are very conservative.

There's a quote from someone that goes something like "if you're conservative and young you have no heart, if your liberal and old you have no brain."

But the recent trend has been every generation has been more liberal than the last which is why society gets more liberal with each passing year. They may get more pragmatic as they experience life, and have assets to protect, but in general every my conservative father is more liberal than his conservative father, etc. 

I don't tend to think along those lines though, I see change as inevitable and my opinion is if we don't plan for it then it's going to be really really hard, it's going to be really hard even if we do everything right.

That was Churchill I think who said that.

Of course there are old people who are liberal, so even you will have to admit that maybe old white men aren't so bad after all then?  

Each generation is getting more weak, flabby, self absorbed and degenerate imo  Just look at the popularity of Married at First sight for instance. People addicted to it.

Generations ago people venerated the likes of scientists, explorers, artists, poets and writers. Now it seems the average person is more interested in following some BS reality TV. Progress? Hmmm.

yes change is coming but it might not be the one you hope for.

So, out of interest I looked up the top rated tv shows of 1970. Unfortunately I couldn't find the statistics for NZ but in the US it was mainly pretty appalling looking sitcoms and dramas and talent and variety shows. I couldn't find one science show among the lot. I think you'll probably find that a good chunk of the younger generation don't actually watch TV at all and the TV watching audience is as diverse as it's ever been.  I've never seen married at first site, but you could argue that the excitement around Joseph Parker and inevitable huge ratings are way more degenerate.

But far out, no wonder the world's gone to shark recently with attitudes like yours. Every older generation hates the younger generation. I hate this idea of generations, it's just another group to put a blanket over and therefore dismiss. You complain about being not having respect as a man of a certain colour and certain age but pretty much the only person I see on here who even talks about age is you and if others talk about it it's because you keep bringing it up, you're putting yourself in your own bucket and getting offended by your own prejudices.

Do you have kids?

Do you plan to have kids?

I’ve got bad news for you, children are the next generation. FACT. 

An idiotic statement such as. “I hate this idea of generations”, goes to show what a pathetic view you seem to have about most things. 

Go and put some big girl pants on, & have a think about some serious SHIT that people have to deal with. 

Generations are stupid, people are individuals and shouldn't be defined by when they were born, also the further away we get from WW1 the less relevant they are as they get spread out.

Gen X for instance encompasses people born from the mid 60s to the early 80s. Someone born in 81 is going to have way more in common with a Millenial than someone born in 65.

Also, chill.

If we are all individuals then why do you want people to get priority for certain things due to their sex/gender etc as with the stance Caroline took with females?

If people shouldn't be defined by things such as when they were born why do you think its ok if they are defined by their gender?

You seem very contradictory at times.

I seem contradictory because a) I'm a human and therefore a hypocrite, and b) you only select what you read. 

As I said multiple times, society is inherently unfair and under the free market it's still unfair. Therefore, because nothing works one solution is to have quotas to break the cycle of endemic inequality and once those cycles are broken allow market forces to resume. I actually don't think this is the best solution and isn't what I would do, but I don't know what the best solution is so I'm not going begrudge someone for trying.

almost 14 years

paulm wrote:

How has the world gone to sh*t recently?

In terms of poverty rates, standard of living, violent crime, and many other key measures, the world is the best it has ever been, and is continuing to improve, literally every day.

I know it's hard to believe with the headlines we get, but this is the truth. 

Doesn't mean we should rest, the situation is far from ideal, but it's important people know this, as it seems most actually don't. 

The world's always been "going to sh*t" it's just that very generation gets a news flavour for their turds.

There's a doco series on TV at the mo about the 70's and its kinda interesting to watch because in many ways nothing has changed: we seem to be stuck in a continual cycle and have been so for the last gosh knows how many thousands of years,

Anyhow in this 70's doco there's hate and war, there are young folk rallying against the establishment, there are people saying the end is nigh, there are people saying a new era is starting, there are good times, bad times, causes to fight for, issues that are divisive. There was a US President everyone hated and so on.

I found it interesting because it really wasn't that different from 2018

It would appear that human nature has remained pretty constant no matter how advanced technology gets

The world has not been going to shark, it's improving every year, mainly thanks to globalisation, we currently live in the most peaceful and affluent time in a very long time.

I think we're lucky enough to be living in what is most likely the peak of humanity.

over 17 years

Interesting discussion.Shouldnt that be most affluent time for just the top percentage  as for most peaceful thats only if you live in certain areas there are many places which are inherently dangerous places to go. Just because there is no global conflict dosnt mean its a safer place.

Something i have often wondered about and rarely see little said about it is if this world is heading closer and closer to an automated society and cashless system not based on  any current models. When things turn to shark ie natural disasters or terrorist attack  on infrastructure which mean loss of all automated systems and power. Just how are some of you reliant on all this new technology going to be able to survive because i cant see anybody selling you food on the promise you will pay with bit coin.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I've always wondered why TVNZ never showed repeats of "Love thy Neighbour!"

Tegal, I know of an occupation that is literally begging for people to join it. Starts off on about $55k.

Squad player for an A league expansion club?

almost 14 years

@ballane, it's funny because we're so connected and see so much that's wrong we think the world is worse than it is.

It's the safest point in history, period. There are always going to be places which are less safe than others but basically less people die today than at any other time (allowing for the fact that things fluctuate, we're looking at trends more than specific points). So, yes, it is a safer place.

It's the most affluent in history in that for the first time the planet produces a surplus of resources, we have enough food that there shouldn't be any poverty, we have enough food to feed everyone and have some left over. The problem is, as you say, the top 1% has it all. But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%.

The point of something like bitcoin is that it's fault tolerant and resilient. No one has cash in this country as is, at least with bitcoin you know that if local nodes pick up the transaction that it's valid (after a couple of confirmations). It's definitely more fault tolerant than eftpos or credit card. Pretty soon we will have global internet infrastructure through initiatives like SpaceX starlink and Google Loon as well.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

@ballane, it's funny because we're so connected and see so much that's wrong we think the world is worse than it is.

It's the safest point in history, period. There are always going to be places which are less safe than others but basically less people die today than at any other time (allowing for the fact that things fluctuate, we're looking at trends more than specific points). So, yes, it is a safer place.

It's the most affluent in history in that for the first time the planet produces a surplus of resources, we have enough food that there shouldn't be any poverty, we have enough food to feed everyone and have some left over. The problem is, as you say, the top 1% has it all. But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%.

The point of something like bitcoin is that it's fault tolerant and resilient. No one has cash in this country as is, at least with bitcoin you know that if local nodes pick up the transaction that it's valid (after a couple of confirmations). It's definitely more fault tolerant than eftpos or credit card. Pretty soon we will have global internet infrastructure through initiatives like SpaceX starlink and Google Loon as well.

About 9 million people die of hunger every year. 

almost 14 years

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Well, there is. The only issue is that we're more willing to throw food away than give it those dying of starvation for free (or for a very nominal price).

tradition and history
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Well, there is. The only issue is that we're more willing to throw food away than give it those dying of starvation for free (or for a very nominal price).

That is not actually correct although there is a lot of waste.  The UN estimates that ending world hunger each year would cost  $30 billion.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Well, there is. The only issue is that we're more willing to throw food away than give it those dying of starvation for free (or for a very nominal price).

That is not actually correct although there is a lot of waste.  The UN estimates that ending world hunger each year would cost  $30 billion.

That's not the same as there not being enough food to feed everyone.

tradition and history
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Well, there is. The only issue is that we're more willing to throw food away than give it those dying of starvation for free (or for a very nominal price).

That is not actually correct although there is a lot of waste.  The UN estimates that ending world hunger each year would cost  $30 billion.

That's not the same as there not being enough food to feed everyone.

Not much point in having enough food in NZ etc if the people in Africa are starving due to lack of money,not sufficient land to grow, drought etc. Just because there is an abundance of food does not mean that people don't starve.It will cost the minority to once again come to the party.

almost 14 years

Please read what I wrote  again.


Woof Woof
about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

And? A bad number of course but that doesn't invalidate anything.

You said we have enough food to feed everyone. Obviously not.

Well, there is. The only issue is that we're more willing to throw food away than give it those dying of starvation for free (or for a very nominal price).

That is not actually correct although there is a lot of waste.  The UN estimates that ending world hunger each year would cost  $30 billion.

That's not the same as there not being enough food to feed everyone.

Not much point in having enough food in NZ etc if the people in Africa are starving due to lack of money,not sufficient land to grow, drought etc. Just because there is an abundance of food does not mean that people don't starve.It will cost the minority to once again come to the party.

Clearly then the issue isn't lack of food but lack of political will to incentivise the resolution of the problem.

almost 15 years

Ryan wrote:

Please read what I wrote  again.


you seem to say that a lot. 
almost 14 years

Yep, this is what I wrote:

It's the most affluent in history in that for the first time the planet produces a surplus of resources, we have enough food that there shouldn't be any poverty, we have enough food to feed everyone and have some left over. The problem is, as you say, the top 1% has it all. But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%.

Pretty clear if you ask me. People seem to go into these conversations with an agenda and with a view to get upset and therefore ignore anything which will sate their umbrage.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

paulm wrote:

How has the world gone to sh*t recently?

In terms of poverty rates, standard of living, violent crime, and many other key measures, the world is the best it has ever been, and is continuing to improve, literally every day.

I know it's hard to believe with the headlines we get, but this is the truth. 

Doesn't mean we should rest, the situation is far from ideal, but it's important people know this, as it seems most actually don't. 

The world's always been "going to sh*t" it's just that very generation gets a news flavour for their turds.

There's a doco series on TV at the mo about the 70's and its kinda interesting to watch because in many ways nothing has changed: we seem to be stuck in a continual cycle and have been so for the last gosh knows how many thousands of years,

Anyhow in this 70's doco there's hate and war, there are young folk rallying against the establishment, there are people saying the end is nigh, there are people saying a new era is starting, there are good times, bad times, causes to fight for, issues that are divisive. There was a US President everyone hated and so on.

I found it interesting because it really wasn't that different from 2018

It would appear that human nature has remained pretty constant no matter how advanced technology gets

The world has not been going to shark, it's improving every year, mainly thanks to globalisation, we currently live in the most peaceful and affluent time in a very long time.

I think we're lucky enough to be living in what is most likely the peak of humanity.

Yes but that depends how you gauge progress.

For example is progress measured by the invention of super slick technology (AI) or is progress a world where everyone has a place to live and food to eat?

If its the former then yes we have progress however if it is the latter then no we are not progressing or if we are it is only by a small amount.

Some people think sending folk to Mars is progress where as I think thats a waste of money, time and resources that could be better spent on earthly issues.

Also, why are you such a fan of globalisation? Thanks to globalisation workers in the 3rd world are exploited by corporations who then go on to make huge profits by selling the goods to 1st world consumers at outrageous prices. Is that how progress looks? 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Yep, this is what I wrote:

It's the most affluent in history in that for the first time the planet produces a surplus of resources, we have enough food that there shouldn't be any poverty, we have enough food to feed everyone and have some left over. The problem is, as you say, the top 1% has it all. But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%.

Pretty clear if you ask me. People seem to go into these conversations with an agenda and with a view to get upset and therefore ignore anything which will sate their umbrage.

It's a football forum, if people are getting wound up over Off Topic Stuff then I suggest just stick to the football because its not worth getting your umbrage sated by comments from people hiding behind avatars on forums.

Out of interest, Ryan, have you ever sat down and had a face to face conversation or hung out with a "racist" or "nationalist" right winger?

I have met and hung out with people from all ends of the political spectrum and was surprised at how similar their respective mindsets were even though politically they were polls apart.

From my experience individual people are all pretty much the same when it comes down to it but a different dynamic arises when people get into group think and mob mentality. Most unattractive.

over 13 years

To simplify matters it is common knowledge and accepted that inequality throughout the world is at record levels

That is not progress in any way shape or form

When you have that inequality you also have a ticking time bomb that will ultimately explode

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

To simplify matters it is common knowledge and accepted that inequality throughout the world is at record levels

That is not progress in any way shape or form

When you have that inequality you also have a ticking time bomb that will ultimately explode


There have been many reports released lately showing that the gap between the haves and the have-nots is more extreme than it ever has been.

You can see this even in New Zealand

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

paulm wrote:

How has the world gone to sh*t recently?

In terms of poverty rates, standard of living, violent crime, and many other key measures, the world is the best it has ever been, and is continuing to improve, literally every day.

I know it's hard to believe with the headlines we get, but this is the truth. 

Doesn't mean we should rest, the situation is far from ideal, but it's important people know this, as it seems most actually don't. 

The world's always been "going to sh*t" it's just that very generation gets a news flavour for their turds.

There's a doco series on TV at the mo about the 70's and its kinda interesting to watch because in many ways nothing has changed: we seem to be stuck in a continual cycle and have been so for the last gosh knows how many thousands of years,

Anyhow in this 70's doco there's hate and war, there are young folk rallying against the establishment, there are people saying the end is nigh, there are people saying a new era is starting, there are good times, bad times, causes to fight for, issues that are divisive. There was a US President everyone hated and so on.

I found it interesting because it really wasn't that different from 2018

It would appear that human nature has remained pretty constant no matter how advanced technology gets

The world has not been going to shark, it's improving every year, mainly thanks to globalisation, we currently live in the most peaceful and affluent time in a very long time.

I think we're lucky enough to be living in what is most likely the peak of humanity.

Yes but that depends how you gauge progress.

For example is progress measured by the invention of super slick technology (AI) or is progress a world where everyone has a place to live and food to eat?

If its the former then yes we have progress however if it is the latter then no we are not progressing or if we are it is only by a small amount.

Some people think sending folk to Mars is progress where as I think thats a waste of money, time and resources that could be better spent on earthly issues.

Also, why are you such a fan of globalisation? Thanks to globalisation workers in the 3rd world are exploited by corporations who then go on to make huge profits by selling the goods to 1st world consumers at outrageous prices. Is that how progress looks? 

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labor long before globalisation and the free trade of knowledge and information helps with other countries own democratic and humanitarian ambitions.

Personally, as I said, I think the idea of nation states is past it's used by date and completely redundant. I'd like to see a borderless world in my lifetime.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fights over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

Do you lock your house at night? Whats different about protecting your personal assets by locking your house (a border of sorts) and protecting your countries assets and people? 

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

almost 14 years

To simplify matters it is common knowledge and accepted that inequality throughout the world is at record levels

That is not progress in any way shape or form

When you have that inequality you also have a ticking time bomb that will ultimately explode


There have been many reports released lately showing that the gap between the haves and the have-nots is more extreme than it ever has been.

You can see this even in New Zealand

That's capitalism for you, it's no coincidence that the most equal countries in the world are the Scandinavian's who are more socialist in nature.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan Out of interest, have you ever sat down and had a face to face conversation or hung out with a "racist" or "nationalist" right winger?

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

And as far as corporations go, when countries work closely together they work to bring human rights to a higher level. Human rights in Eastern Europe are miles better now that those countries are in the EU than when they were in the USSR.

almost 14 years

Ryan Out of interest, have you ever sat down and had a face to face conversation or hung out with a "racist" or "nationalist" right winger?

Why is that interesting? And of course I have, I'm from rural NZ.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times 

Do you not remember the Balkin War? Maybe you're too young ;-) Horrific conflict.

Then Nato Bombed Serbia 

And of course there was a civil war in Ukraine just other year...funded and supported by Nato.

There's been plenty of blood shed on European Soil over the last 70 years actually.

There are still borders to the EU anyhow so your argument makes no sense. When Germany opened their borders up look at the chaos that came with it...and its still going on.

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times

I'll take that as a compliment from you.

If you don't respond to what is written but simply make things up, well, what else can I say?

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times 

Do you not remember the Balkin War? Maybe you're too young ;-) Horrific conflict.

Then Naton Bombed Serbia 

And of course there was a civil war in Ukraine just other year...funded and supported by Nato.

Thank you for proving my point.

Those countries were highly nationalistic and were not part of the EU trading block. In the Ukraine it wasn't a civil war it was an annexing of a Russian speaking area. 

I was actually in the Cuacasus mountains right on the border of the Abkhazia province of Georgia when Abkhazia and South Ossetia was being occupied by Russia. At one point I was about 200 metres from an active war zone between Russia and Georgia, scary stuff at the time.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times 

Do you not remember the Balkin War? Maybe you're too young ;-) Horrific conflict.

Then Naton Bombed Serbia 

And of course there was a civil war in Ukraine just other year...funded and supported by Nato.

Thank you for proving my point.

Those countries were highly nationalistic and were not part of the EU trading block.

haha you're always moving the goal posts

Face it mate you are all over the shop.

One minute you say women need priority treatment next minute you say people are all individuals.

Make your mind up cos you want to have your cake and eat it too. Are people individuals or not?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times

I'll take that as a compliment from you.

If you don't respond to what is written but simply make things up, well, what else can I say?

Did you not read what I said?  ;-) I responded to what you wrote and even included facts to back it up. The world has been at war since 1945

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times 

Do you not remember the Balkin War? Maybe you're too young ;-) Horrific conflict.

Then Naton Bombed Serbia 

And of course there was a civil war in Ukraine just other year...funded and supported by Nato.

Thank you for proving my point.

Those countries were highly nationalistic and were not part of the EU trading block.

haha you're always moving the goal posts

Face it mate you are all over the shop.

One minute you say women need priority treatment next minute you say people are all individuals.

Make your mind up cos you want to have your cake and eat it too. Are people individuals or not?

That genuinely made me chuckle. I can see the confusion, I thought by context of me talking about trading blocks and no borders in Europe that you would take my meaning to be the EU. I forget that I have to spell things out.

As I said about the Caroline thing, I would love to be in a world which is fair and we don't need quotas, but since it's not we need to do something. Quotas are probably a bad idea but they're better than the alternative of not having them.

I have no problem being a hypocrite as long as it makes the world better. I'm a pragmatist not a purist.

almost 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times

I'll take that as a compliment from you.

If you don't respond to what is written but simply make things up, well, what else can I say?

Did you not read what I said?  ;-) I responded to what you wrote and even included facts to back it up. The world has been at war since 1945

I don't doubt the world has been at war since man split into separate tribes. The world is the most peaceful today than it has been since we knew that there was a world.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As I said "But even then in the last 25 years extreme poverty has fallen from 50% to 10%"

There is technological progress, there is progress of peace, and there is also humanitarian progress. A smaller percentage of people are starving than ever before.

I like globalisation because it has prevented us from having major wars. Nationalism breeds conventional war, if we get rid of borders then we don't fight on the same scale. It's no coincidence that Europe was in a state of perpetual war before globalisation started in earnest in 1947 and has had it's most peaceful period since then.

Corporations were using slave and cheap labour long before globalisation.

Where did you get these figures for "extreme poverty"?

Sorry but I have some bad news for you: since the end of WW2 the world has been constantly at war in various locations around the globe.

Actually it is borders that help stop wars. without borders people will go where ever, whenever....and there will ultiamtely be fight over resources. How do you think its going to work out when one million people from Bangladesh decide they want to go live somewhere better in India for example?

Not only that but there will be conflicts between the home culture and the "invading" we see going on right now. Germany opened its borders up to over one million undocumented migrants and look how thats working out for them: crime has gone through the roof, murders, terror attacks, the works.

So because corporations have always been using slave labour it is OK for them to keep doing so under globalisation?

How do sleep at night knowing you support slavery every time you buy from a corporation?

Did you not read the part where I said Europe, countries without borders don't fight each other.

"Did you not read"

Oh ryan you really are such a plonker some times 

Do you not remember the Balkin War? Maybe you're too young ;-) Horrific conflict.

Then Naton Bombed Serbia 

And of course there was a civil war in Ukraine just other year...funded and supported by Nato.

Thank you for proving my point.

Those countries were highly nationalistic and were not part of the EU trading block.

haha you're always moving the goal posts

Face it mate you are all over the shop.

One minute you say women need priority treatment next minute you say people are all individuals.

Make your mind up cos you want to have your cake and eat it too. Are people individuals or not?

That genuinely made me chuckle. I can see the confusion, I thought by context of me talking about trading blocks and no borders in Europe that you would take my meaning to be Europe. I forget that I have to spell things out.

As I said about the Caroline thing, I would love to be in a world which is fair and we don't need quotas, but since it's not we need to do something. Quotas are probably a bad idea but they're better than the alternative of not having them.

I have no problem being a hypocrite as long as it makes the world better.

At last Ryan confesses that he is aware he makes no sense.

I rest my case.

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