over 17 years
over 17 years
Stop calling rugby supporters 'thugbyheads' and other derogatory terms. Stop putting down anyone that supports rugby or other sports that don't have the words 'foot' and 'ball' in them.

Football supporters have a tendency to be their own worst enemy - especially in New Zealand. Rugby is the dominant sport in NZ (at least in the 20+ age group, anyway) and you simply have to accept that and move on.

Those damn 'thugby' supporters that a lot of you guys insult make up the bulk of the sport watching public in New Zealand. These supporters are also people that could be persuaded into coming to a few Phoenix games. By insulting the majority of the sport watching public, you are doing a disservice to the Phoenix and NZ football in general.

It is possible to like more than one sport - shocking, I know. You don't have to deride one code to further the cause of another.

I know it's frustrating when certain journalists and other people in high places do the same to football - but this isn't kindergarten. The rule of 'but they did it first' doesn't apply anymore.

I guess this is something that has annoyed me for a while. You can ignore me if you want.

One in a million
over 17 years

Yeh go for it valeo. You're right. One guy I had a chat with at the very last Knights home game came along with his three kids for the first time. He is a league fanatic, but he said the atmosphere at North Harbour was just great. He loved the singing and humour and said it was so much better than at the league. He was keen to come back.

We need to encourage everyone.

over 17 years
I agree. We need to stop pointing fingers.
I have played football all my life, I have never played rugby.(except Touch Rugby) But I am guessing, being brought up in New Zealand, I have watched and been to more rugby games than football. It is the way of life there. There is no point hassling rugby fans who are actually our growth target market for phoenix fan
over 17 years
To be honest, most rugby fans are actually pretty accepting of football. Perhaps not the ones in my age group that play rugby (15-19) but the older ones and the ones with families usually are.

Hopefully rugby fans can go along to Phoenix games without die hard football supporters getting prepared to lynch them.
valeo2007-06-06 23:12:12
Starting XI
over 17 years
To be fair, they hassle our 'puff sport' so I dont see why we cant do the same back.

A good old 'noone else cares about rugby apart from NZ' never goes a miss
over 17 years
Nembo wrote:
To be fair, they hassle our 'puff sport' so I dont see why we cant do the same back.

Congrats on missing the point of my post. My point is that this doesn't achieve anything, especially not for football in nz.

I'm not saying that some rugby supporters rubbish football. Of course they do.
valeo2007-06-06 23:48:24
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
As Nembo said, alot of rugby supporters refer to footballers as "poofs". If footballer supporters can take the hammering, why can't "thugbyheads".
I thought you guys were supposed to be tough ... and what has this got to do with "Wellington Phoenix Discussion"
god bless
First Team Squad
over 17 years
 Cry me a river...
And if you didnt know valeo Football is the WORLD game.
over 17 years
I think most of you are missing the point - yes we all get called "poofs" n' "pansies" or wotever.....but we NEED the sports fanatic population of NZ (most of which rugby supporters) for this to be succesful.

And if a comeback is needed for rugby "heads" just ask them to do the math on Dan Carters Salary vs David Beckhams.........whos the "poof" now?
over 17 years
 Cry me a river...
And if you didnt know valeo Football is the WORLD game.

What's that got to do with NEW ZEALAND who mostly support RUGBY.

Of course some rugby supporters are morons - and as we can see from this thread a few football supporters are too..

Most of the insults/comments don't come as a retaliation to something else. Don't you understand that this completely excludes a huge potential fanbase?

By the way, I support football just as much as I support rugby.

valeo2007-06-07 11:59:34
First Team Squad
over 17 years

So by making this thread you were trying to prove that we should stop calling rugby supporters thugbyheads because it it derogatory?

Football is critisied in NZ as second to Rugby and i can think of alot more terms that people call football supperters than somthing as stupid as thugbyheads.

To me making this thread in the Wellington Phoenix Disc, and the other was thinking that we should feel a sense of appreciation towards rubgy supporters becuase theyll come to our games out of pity? Theyre more than welcome, but no need to make it look like football supporters are idiots.

Dont wanna sound like a dick but thats where i stand.

over 17 years
Egg chasers.  That's what they are.  Once, a couple of years back, I was wearing a Kaapa jacket in a pub - and some egg chaser came up to me and said "You're one of those soccer poofters aren't you?"    I love football.  Rugby is as boring as batsh*t, but at least once every ten years a game is watchable.  As for sailing.........don't get me started.....
First Team Squad
over 17 years
I agree with everything Valeo has said. Pisses me off too.
Like it or not we need rugby fans supporting both sports for football to be successful in NZ.
It cracks me up when I watch rugby and league games (and I am a fan of both - behind football) that you never seem to hear the crowd singing. Even in the build up to a try the silence in the stands can be deafening. If the Phoenix can attract 10,000 + raucous fans to each home game this year, and the team does well, then I reckon that can only attract rugby fans to come along too.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
I'm not sure on this one. While I do understand the points being made by Valeo - primarily that the Phoenix need rugby fans to become converts if they are to be successful - I myself absolutely hate the game and the way it is pushed into our faces 24/7 in this country. If talking to a rugby fan about soccer means that I then have to reciprocate the conversation then frankly I'm not going to do that. I'd rather spend my time with like-minded individuals. Call me a snob if you like, but that's me.
My point? Valeo is probably right, just don't ask me to join in. Old dog - new trick. 
over 17 years
The more people who go the better. It doesn`t matter what other sport they follow. My back is like a ducks.
over 17 years

There are going to be a lot of guys/girls coming along to games who have not followed footy  in the past, and hopefully they can be converted. There have been loads of rugby followers who have gone on OE to the UK and come back with a love of the round ball, which is great, and hopefully something the Phoenix can emulate. We will need this to happen in order for it to be a success.

There are some hardened rugby fans however who will never be converted, as they simply dont have an open mind. I remember being at sports cafe in '02 watching a brilliant world cup game, and having a group of rugby heads grumbling because they couldnt listen to the commentary of the some obscure rugby game. That is the kind of closed-minded attitude that ticks of footy supporters. I got a letter to the Ed in the Dom (with colour picture of the world cup game) on the back of that and a annoying peice of journalism by a Dom rugby writer (similar to the Capital Times one).

over 17 years
Quite right Feverish. For me i don`t see the point in petty name calling.That goes for all things not just sport. sanday2007-06-07 14:21:55
over 17 years
"Thugbyheads" is one of the most poor, useless and downright pathetic insults I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

I agree we need to get rugby fans to come to games as well as they can boost our crowd attendances.

I was talking to this guy at school about sport (he play's rugby and I play football) and we were arguing over which sport was better, and he goes,"If rugby players and soccer players had a fight, who would win?" I mean, that's the most stupid reason to play a sport. Who cares who would win a fight, it's not like pro football and pro rugby teams would ever be playing against each other, thus, they would never be able to start a fight.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I can't believe such a big deal is being made over such a school-yard problem. Valeo makes a new thread in the middle of a Wellington Phoenix Discussion forum and pleads that football fans act kinder towards rugby fans. He or she (I'm thinking the latter) is turning a traditional rivalry that has been around for decades into a serious case of discrimination, telling us that we should hold hands and pick daisies and write poems.
Do you seriously think calling someone a "thugbyhead" is going to turn them off from watching football? Whoever is reading this, how many times have you heard football players been called "pooftas"? Has this name-calling stopped you from wanting to watch rugby?
No. If you are a football fan and enjoy watching rugby, you will continue to watch it. Same with rugby fans who enjoy watching football. If a silly name makes you so upset that you don't want to watch a sport anymore, you seriously need to get your head checked.
Keep political-correctness out of a football forum. If you want to preach about discrimination go on a hunger strike or go have a chat with Helen Clark.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
King Douglas, you da man. Well said. I will continue to hate the game with a rare passion.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
I can't believe such a big deal is being made over such a school-yard problem. Valeo makes a new thread in the middle of a Wellington Phoenix Discussion forum and pleads that football fans act kinder towards rugby fans. He or she (I'm thinking the latter) is turning a traditional rivalry that has been around for decades into a serious case of discrimination, telling us that we should hold hands and pick daisies and write poems.
Do you seriously think calling someone a "thugbyhead" is going to turn them off from watching football? Whoever is reading this, how many times have you heard football players been called "pooftas"? Has this name-calling stopped you from wanting to watch rugby?
No. If you are a football fan and enjoy watching rugby, you will continue to watch it. Same with rugby fans who enjoy watching football. If a silly name makes you so upset that you don't want to watch a sport anymore, you seriously need to get your head checked.
Keep political-correctness out of a football forum. If you want to preach about discrimination go on a hunger strike or go have a chat with Helen Clark.
Some ones been studing for a little to long today.
uncle steve2007-06-07 21:46:38
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Ha !..Primal Tribalism at it's best !
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
TheJam wrote:
I'm not sure on this one. While I do understand the points being made by Valeo - primarily that the Phoenix need rugby fans to become converts if they are to be successful - I myself absolutely hate the game and the way it is pushed into our faces 24/7 in this country. If talking to a rugby fan about soccer means that I then have to reciprocate the conversation then frankly I'm not going to do that. I'd rather spend my time with like-minded individuals. Call me a snob if you like, but that's me.
My point? Valeo is probably right, just don't ask me to join in. Old dog - new trick. 
  You are so rightTHE JAM. And KING DOUGLAS is on to it as well. I am sick to death of rugby, but fear not my fellow haters of that game for I can see it descending in to the depths of oblivion while I type.   Rugby is dying. That is good news cause "Radio (Auckland & Rugby) Sport will have to talk about the beautiful game even more,
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
The Wellington sporting community is the best in NZ. Wgtn supports teams and events on a greater % than most offer big centres(even when lossing). look at the Hurricanes, Shakers, Team Wgtn support as a percentage of population in the region.
This style of support prompted the Australian V8 Supercar organization to court the Wgtn city council to reinstate the street race. Yes it fell over but it should not have benn left to the council, as the number of knockers will always respond in greater numbers than any group of supporters even when the supporters out number knockers 2 to 1.
This is why private promoters was the only way for th Nix's.
No sporting could should knock the other as the uneducated just see- sport kicking it self in the backside.
Blew2007-06-07 22:12:57
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
 Cry me a river...
And if you didnt know valeo Football is the WORLD game.

What's that got to do with NEW ZEALAND who mostly support RUGBY.

Umm, maybe the fact that New Zealand is a part of the World. Dipsh*t.

Football fans having a go at other sport codes and their fans isn't the problem in NZ, the problem is the racism and general abuse that takes place within football in NZ.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Blew wrote:
The Wellington sporting community is the best in NZ. Wgtn supports teams and events on a greater % than most offer big centres(even when lossing). look at the Hurricanes, Shakers, Team Wgtn support as a percentage of population in the region.

Yea and their all lame teams. Wait till the Nix get on a roll. You ain't seen nothing yet! Bye Bye rugby!
Starting XI
over 17 years
sanday wrote:
The more people who go the better. It doesn`t matter what other sport they follow. My back is like a ducks.

Wooaaa! To Much info Sanday. I never realized ducks had hairy backs!
Ronaldoknow2007-06-07 22:52:42
Starting XI
over 17 years
Interesting thread. I actually have never felt the need to defend myself or my sport when accosted by a Thugbyhead accusing me of being a Pooftah for playing football. I have come to realise that it is just a reflection of his single cell existence and I generally feel sorry for him. The thing with sport in New Zealand is that because of our small population and our great outdoors lifestyle most people have followed or been involved with many sports so the Nix should have no trouble attracting good crowds providing they are a quality outfit and I think this will be the case. Their is a false perception in this country that rugby is the dominant sport. This is a myth perpetrated by our mysogynistic media. Statistics show that football is truly the countries favourite game. The general public generally follow sport through the media so their perception of which sport is dominant is guided by a bunch of self interested media buffoons. The winds of change are upon us and they are blowing out of Wellington on the Wings of a Phoenix!!! Ronaldoknow2007-06-07 23:02:49
Starting XI
over 17 years
Hmm picture the scene..

Last Friday night at the Thistle, almost every one from the fever event has drifted away, and me and Hard News and are talking in the middle of the room when two older rugger buggers who had been sitting at a side table all evening come over to us.

ORB: "We've got a question for you?"
HN & ME "Yes?"
ORB "In the evolution of man, from climbing down from the trees, standing upright and picking up a ball and running with it, where does soccer fit in?"

Gobsmacked - I think we said something along the lines of Man would be more likely to kick a ball than pick it up and run with it.

Thats the kind of endemic mentality we're up against with your run of the mill rugger bugger, and I'm a former rugby player and fan!!
Starting XI
over 17 years
No-one holds it against you mate. Just 'cos we love the beutiful game doesn't mean we are restricted to only supporting our sport. in fact in this regard I think footie fans are much more "rounded" if you catch my drift. Rugger buggers have never had to consider supporting any other sport unless they wanted a break over summer. The times they are a changing ....
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
i just think rugby is boring, seriously i tried watching the game on last week but after 5 or so mins i just went and played pro 6.
the 2 dont compare although i find it ironic that the violent game has soft fans and the soft game has violent ones
over 17 years
I'm not saying that a lot of rugby fans aren't morons and insult football. What I am saying is that the 'fence sitters' that mostly support rugby aren't likely to warm to the sport if they come to a forum like this and and every third comment is making some lame insult towards rugby.

f**k you guys are good at taking sh*t at out of context and then whining about it.

and if you think that rugby isn't the dominant sport in New Zealand then you are seriously deluded. Sure, football is extremely popular in the 5-18 age group but above that is sadly lacking.

Meh, that's my opinion - I can't change yours.

Oh yeah, and to the guy that said that theres no singing at rugby games - I agree with you. It's pretty pathetic. Rugby viewers are known for simply watching watching the game and not really getting into it - it annoys me too and is one of the great things about football.

Buffon II wrote:
valeo wrote:
 Cry me a river...
And if you didnt know valeo Football is the WORLD game.

What's that got to do with NEW ZEALAND who mostly support RUGBY.

Umm, maybe the fact that New Zealand is a part of the World. Dipsh*t.

Wow. I can't believe you said that. It may be the 'WORLD' game and New Zealand is a part of the 'WORLD' but rugby is seen as being 'NEW ZEALAND's game. Do you need me to type this in big bold letters?

I find it kind of weird that people don't see the hypocrisy of complaining about people insulting football then doing the exact same back...

Oh well, debate is good anyway. (the lull in signings and all that..)

p.s. nice over reaction there King Douglas.
valeo2007-06-08 01:15:09
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
valeo wrote:

f**k you guys are good at taking sh*t at out of context and then whining about it.

Look at your first post of the thread and see if it comes under the definition of "whining".
Well done you've made your point Valeo. It was unfortunate you got ripped to shreds along the way, but 10/10 for effort.
Remember that this forum is for football, so there is bound to be a little criticism of rugby... it's only natural.
over 17 years

the 2 dont compare although i find it ironic that the violent game has soft fans and the soft game has violent ones

One problem, football isn't a soft game, it's a hard game for men.
over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

the 2 dont compare although i find it ironic that the violent game has soft fans and the soft game has violent ones
One problem, football isn't a soft game, it's a hard game for men.

Right you are, every football player and every fan is as hard as nails (Roy Keane, Patrick Vierra, Stig Tofting, Marlon Harewood etc), with the notable exception of the players in La Liga who continually dive.
over 17 years
Yeah there are some who taint the name of the beautiful game but it's still a hard game and you have to be bloody fit to play it.
The Special One
over 17 years
Do you not think that  the people that bash soccer and the people who bash rugby are at the outer extremes of the general sport fan population? im sure you'll find the vast majority would get into any sport as long as its a local team.

and not everyone calls soccer players poofs, just certain people probably from similar back grounds (most likely small town new zealand).
over 17 years
Yeah, I guess I was in idealistic mode. Meh.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Most NZ spoting supporters support many sports.
The crazies who bag another sport are the types that you see in the stadiums pissed out of there trees watching the other piss heads fall down the stairs trying to tak another 6 pack to there seats.

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