about 17 years
SiNZ wrote:
Seems to be Platini's baby to get the nations who don't normally qualify a taste of tournament football.

Like England?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Stop being a juvenile c**t and let the grown-ups have a conversation for one. We're trying to discuss the impact on the Euros and you want to change the subject to get your little punchline in for the umpteenth time. I really don't see why you are intent on ruining decent football conversations - are you really that self-centred? You don't see us gate-crashing the Gunners thread to force single topics, so do the sensible thing and f**k off.
about 17 years
SiNZ wrote:

I wasn't going to rise to it Tigers. Just the usual predictable blx in an attempt to wind up. Yawn.


[QUOTE=SiNZ]Stop being a juvenile c**t and let the grown-ups have a conversation for one. We're trying to discuss the impact on the Euros and you want to change the subject to get your little punchline in for the umpteenth time. I really don't see why you are intent on ruining decent football conversations - are you really that self-centred? You don't see us gate-crashing the Gunners thread to force single topics, so do the sensible thing and f**k off.

Calm down mate.
Arsenal2008-09-29 07:09:42
Starting XI
about 17 years

Then stop going for it and show some consideration for the other members of the forums. Either you are a self-centred f**k looking to wind-up people with your sole topic of conversation (regardless of the actual topic of the thread you go into) or you are a retard with a short term memory problem unable to recall that this is the umpteenth time you've posted the same thing.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years
As an aside, does anyone know which countries are bidding to host the 2016 tournament?
Starting XI
about 17 years
When I put together the Euro2008 sheet, I had the following info on 2016:
Several countries are reported to be considering bids for 2016:
- Greece: are bidding after failed bids for 2008 (joint with Turkey) and 2012.
- Scotland: had a failed joint bid with Ireland for 2008. Not yet confirmed.
- Northern Ireland & Wales & Ireland: may be invited to join Scotland in a bid for a 'Celtic 2016' championships. It is very unlikely that UEFA would support so many co-hosts though. Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond has hinted Scotland will go solo.
- Sweden & Norway: Swedish newspaper G�teborgs-Posten claims that Sweden and Norway are considering co-hosting the championship.
- France: On 18 April 2007, the President of the French Football Federation declared France's intention to bid
- Denmark & Sweden: Denmark were the original co-hosts selected for Sweden.
- Turkey: The head ofthe  Turkish Football Association, Haluk Ulusoy, has declared that he will try to bring 2016 to Turkey.
I'll see if I can find any update since then.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Looking at Wiki, there seem to have been a few updates:
- Scotland & Wales: Scottish first minister Salmond and Welsh first minister Rhodri Morgan are supportive of a joint bid.  It does seem like Scotland are considering any and every partnership to get at least co-host status.
- Hungary & Romania: there are no cited sources, so I don't know how valid is the claim that these countries are considering a bid.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Scotland/Wales and Scotland/Ireland would be really good. But would they have enough stadia to support a 24 team tournament?
That's another thing I've been thinking about, expanding the tournament now means that there's fewer countries that could actually host the tournament, as the number of games in the tournament will almost double. And that's bad news for smaller countries, who at least had a hope of co-hosting the 16 team tournament (Croatia had bids with Bosnia for 2008, and Hungary for 2012).
Starting XI
about 17 years
That's a good point. Still, UEFA have never issued a statement like FIFA saying they wouldn't co-host again (though FIFA have since given conflicting signals on that too). I think we will see more co-hosting in the Euros. With a 16 team tournament, co-hosting took away an additional qualification spot - not especially popular with those trying to qualify. With 24 that shouldn't be a concern.
Six groups of four, so you need, what, 12 venues? So six per co-host? Doesn't seem too bad. If they stick to two games a day and don't go to three during the group phase then you could do it with 4 per co-host as now*. Two games a day with the usual 2 days rest between the latter few rounds would fit into a 31 day tournament schedule. UEFA have said 2016 on would be 29 to 31 days.
*It's worth noting that 6 is in the minimum number of venues for 2012. See
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Well, I think it doesn't sound like a lot, but really even 4 good venues is a challenge for smaller countries - was certainly for both Austria and Switzerland this year. Add two more, and both those countries would have really struggled.
6 to-class venues would be impossible for Croatia for example, and many other countries with the population, let's say, under 15 million. Given the way Europe's fragmented over the last 20 years or so, I think expanding the tournament would likely rule out more countries as potential co-hosts, let alone stand-alone hosts.
For example, looking at the Scotland/Wales or Scotland/Ireland scenarion, is it realistic to expect those countries to provide 12 top-class venues between them? I think it'd be very difficult. I just think it's another issue that should have been discussed before this decision was made.
Starting XI
about 17 years

Do you think they could do it with 8 venues? And if so, would Croatia have 4 that are potential venues?

I was just reading through the potential venues for Wales. Apart from the Millenium Stadium, it seems like a stretch for the others. Even Scotland have only 4 at the moment and 3 of those are in one city. For their 2008 bid, they included an additional Edinburgh stadium plus Aberdeen and Dundee with redevelopment plans. What surprised me is that Ireland have quite a few options. I never knew they had seven 30,000+ stadiums.

I wonder if UEFA would seriously entertain three co-hosts. Previously, you would have to say no way. 24 teams in the finals might open up the possibility for three hosts?
I wonder if they did discuss it? You would hope they would consider all the aspects.
about 17 years
SiNZ wrote:

Then stop going for it and show some consideration for the other members of the forums. Either you are a self-centred f**k looking to wind-up people with your sole topic of conversation (regardless of the actual topic of the thread you go into) or you are a retard with a short term memory problem unable to recall that this is the umpteenth time you've posted the same thing.



Calm down

Starting XI
about 17 years
It is disingenuous, at best, to spend your forum time winding people up and then to merely say "calm down" when you get the result you've been looking for in the first place. From the emails I have received, I am just saying what many people have been thinking. Now if you don't mind, El Grap and I were having an interesting conversation on topic to this thread.
about 17 years
From the emails you've been receiving? Wow.
about 17 years
You're a popular lad Arsenal. But then again why wouldn't you be, being a gooner and all.
Starting XI
about 17 years

Being a Gooner is irrelevant. Crashing threads, changing the topics to his favourite punchline and killing any existing discussion in an attempt to wind up is what does it. Way to enhance the forum and piss people off. Most people hold their tongue. I have most of the time, but let him get under my skin this time and managed to get several messages of support (though they also said to not let him provoke as that is what he wants).

Why ruin discussions for other people? Sign of being a self-centred immature idiot, surely?
about 17 years
Early retirement
about 17 years
Back on topic or I shut it down and wave ban sticks.
almost 17 years
Wow quite intense..
But I (half) agree with Arsenal, not having teams like England make it to the Euro's would see a major loss in profit for UEFA and Platini wouldn't like that now would he. Or maybe it is just really convenient timing and I'm too much a skeptic of their motives. More teams, more coverage, more cash?   
Starting XI
about 17 years
Arsenal wrote:
Keep the personal attacks coming SiNZ.
Personal attacks? It's not fun being on the receiving end of provocation is it? I'm just providing the only two alternative diagnoses I can think of for your behaviour. You previously admitted when I asked in another thread that you're looking to wind people up on this topic. You even named me in another thread (yes I saw that, but chose on that occasion not to bite). If you're not trying to create such rows, why do you persist with the wind-ups? It was only funny the first few times - after that it seems like deliberate provocation. Are you surprised to have got it?
SiNZ2008-09-30 10:06:01
Early retirement
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Back on topic or I shut it down and wave ban sticks.
Starting XI
about 17 years
NZgooner wrote:
not having teams like England make it to the Euro's would see a major loss in profit for UEFA and Platini wouldn't like that now would he. Or maybe it is just really convenient timing and I'm too much a skeptic of their motives. More teams, more coverage, more cash?   
Well if we're not good enough to qualify, we're not good enough. However, it is rare for us not to since it went to 16 teams. As discussed in the original posts when we were still on topic, it did not come from England - it came from Scotland, who have struggled to qualify of late (but were somewhat unlucky in 2008). All 53 nations voted yes, which I found a little surprising. I would have thought someone would have been against it.
Is it more teams, more revenue? I'm not sure how that works? Certainly, ticket revenues should increase. What about advertising and television? Do you think they'll be able to charge more? Probably, though perhaps not straight away as it might be seen as a jump in tournament charges. Not sure, but you're probably right.
Starting XI
about 17 years
And as a PS, UEFA have been looking at the proposal since at least Jan 2007 at the latest:
so the 2008 tournament was not part of it, but an interesting corollary to NZgooner's mention of money from that article:
Although a 24-team tournament would increase the number of matches and the demands on the players accordingly, UEFA may have a brilliant hidden agenda in their planning department.

Europe's governing body has 52 member associations -- just under half of whom could take part in a 24-team finals.

It would be very simple for UEFA to abandon long-drawn out qualifying groups and, after eliminating four teams, pitch the remaining 48 countries against each other.

They could play home and away legs with the aggregate winner going through to the finals.

At a stroke, UEFA could cut hundreds of matches, have a finals every year and earn vast -amounts of television money.

about 17 years
Surely England are one of the richest nations that could participate in Euro, along with one of the largest population bases of football fans.

No England = lower ticket sales and, more importantly, lower television revenue. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Not that this is all about England, is it? The lack of England at the last Euros did not appear to have any impact on the financial performance of the tournament, whatever the English tabloids would say.
about 17 years
Certainly it's not all about England, but being such a relatively large market I would say that, equally, it is probably relatively largely about England. 
Starting XI
about 17 years

Europe is big enough financially to not notice the absence of one country that usually qualifies. It would take a series of surprise non-qualifications to reach that status. No one country has that much financial muscle.

Returning to the impact of the increase, look at the teams that are in the bracket that will mainly be affected by the change by breaking down the qualification records of Europe:

Never been past qualifying
San Marino
Quite a few of those are going to fancy their chances of sneaking into the top 24 now and then, but would rarely entertain thoughts of breaking into a 16 team tournament.
Rarely make it past qualifying but have done it
Austria 10
Greece 9
Hungary 9
Iceland 9
Ireland 11
Latvia 3 of 4
Luxembourg 11
Malta 10
N Ireland 11
Scotland 9
Slovenia 3 of 4
Wales 10
Norway 10
Poland 10
The number is the amount of failed attempts. Most of these are the nations that will benefit and who will be chasing the additional spots. They can make the final 16, but generally don't and will find final 24 a more attainable target.
Occasionally get past qualifying
Belgium 6
Bulgaria 8
Denmark 5
Portugal 6
Romania 6
Serbia 5
Sweden 7
Switzerland 8
Turkey 8
Again the number is the times they have failed. These guys are also looking to benefit by reducing the chances of another miss. They can make the final 16, but only manage now and then and will find final 24 a more attainable target.
Usually get past qualifying
England 3
France 4
Italy 3
Netherlands 3
Russia 3 (includes USSR)
Spain 2
Number means the same as before. For these teams the only impact is in providing a greater margin of error, but it is not a major change for any of them as they only occasionally miss the top 16 anyway.
Nearly always get past qualifying
Croatia 1 of 4
Germany 1
Only one miss means these guys are hardly likely to notice apart from likely having more meaningless games (from their perspective) towards the end of qualifying.
Have always gone past qualifying
Czech Republic 0 of 4
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Have been off-line the last couple of days, so I'll try to address all the issues raised lately in one poat:

1. The co-hosting - I think Scotland and Ireland could provide 8 venues. I think they have enough population centres and stadia that could be upgraded to do so, but I think they would really struggle to provide 12 venues. Not sure about Wales - I think Swansea is a big enough city, and may have a stadium that could be upgraded, but don't know much about their other options (Wrexham, Llanelli?). Croatia's plan for the 2012 bid (as a co-host with Hungary) was to provide 4 venues: Maksimir in Zagreb (the upgrade is still on, aiming for a 60,000 capacity, current one is 39,000), Poljud in Split (pretty good at the moment, 35,000 capacity), re-develop the stadium in Osijek (currently holds about 25,000, would have pretty much been torn down and re-erected as a 30,000 all seater, but probably won't happen now), and build a new one in Rijeka, which also won't happen now. Six venues are practically an impossibility for Croatia. Given UEFA's willingness to employ co-hosts for the 3 of the last 4 tournaments, I guess it's probably not too much of a stretch to see them have 3 co-hosts, but that could be very difficult to organise. It would be the only way a country like Croatia could ever hope to host a 24-team tournament.

2. As for Arsenal's mention of this being about England, both UEFA and FIFA are obviously interested in having big footballing nations in the finals tournaments (by this I mean big national teams with big populations, such as Germany, Spain, Italy, England, France, Argentina, Brazil) because of revenues raised through TV rights, advertising, and other such things, but this has always been the part of the way these organisations work. I mean, it's in vogue to take pot shots at England now because they didn't qualify for EURO 2008, but the same could go for the last expansion in 1996, after Spain and Italy had failed to qualify for EURO 92. Is there a co-relation between the expansion and failure of some of the bigger teams to qualify for the tournament occassionally? Probably, because of the financial reasons, but I don't think the point needs to be laboured. Another example I just remembered: in qualifying for WC 2006, Spain just barely scraped through to be second in their group and earn a right to a play-off. Then FIFA all of a sudden decides that they'll seed the European play-offs (for the first time!) so that Spain ended up playing Slovakia, rather than the stronger teams in Czech Republic and Turkey. It's just the way it goes, it's not England's or Spain's fault, it's just that UEFA and FIFA like to maximise their revenue intake without resorting to cheating.

3. It's a very interesting list you've posted SiNZ, but I think it's a bit skewed given how many new times have emerged in Europe over the last few years. Looking at it, I can see maybe 5 teams in the first group who are very good (Bosnia, Finland, Israel, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Montenegro are more than decent too), they should be ahead of many of the teams in the second group in terms of actual expectations of qualification.
Starting XI
about 17 years
el grapadura wrote:

3. It's a very interesting list you've posted SiNZ, but I think it's a bit skewed given how many new times have emerged in Europe over the last few years. Looking at it, I can see maybe 5 teams in the first group who are very good (Bosnia, Finland, Israel, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Montenegro are more than decent too), they should be ahead of many of the teams in the second group in terms of actual expectations of qualification.
Indeed, but I didn't want to skew the list with any subjective judgements. The idea was to keep it completely objective by merely giving the numbers. For example, Luxembourg's one appearance beyond the qualifiers came by beating the Netherlands and is unlikely to be repeated - yet it would be biased for me to dismiss it as not counting.
On the other hand, I could have expressed it as a percentage of qualification attempts - but I didn't have that data already prepared and couldn't be bothered to invest the time in calculating it!
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
I understand mate, it's just that I'd just tried to make a similar point on a similar topic on a different forum and they just didn't/couldn't get it.

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