Starting XI
over 17 years
Reading13 wrote:
I cannot believe the selfishness of some Wellington people "its our toy, and we arent going to let anyone else play with it". Waah waahh
While I applaud the loyal supporters for what they have done in helping establish a credible NZ football club, I think that 1 game that MAY be out of their reach in 3 years is not the end of life - in fact they should be embracing it.
Yes it is the Wellington Phoenix, but if it wasnt for the whole of NZ you wouldnt have this team! The A-League had every right to say 'piss of NZ' after the Kingz/Knights, but why didnt they? Because the A -League wanted the NEW ZEALAND tv income, and the sponsors wanted exposure in the NEW ZEALAND markets. Hence why they extended and extended and extended the bid deadline.
You are quite happy for the rest of NEW ZEALAND to support your team from a distance, and buy the merchandise but don't think they should have easier access to ONE game in 3 years. Heck, the amount of outsiders for the Beckham game helped balance the books. As the Auckland game showed, part of the success of the Wellington game was that the Phoenix have captured the imgination of the NZ football public.
The Phoenix can't survive on local sponsorship - Sony and Interislander, 2 of the main sponsors came in because of the NATIONAL coverage - if they wanted to support a local Wellington team and local football. then they would have gone for Team Wellington.
Some get upset when the Phoenix are hardly mentioned in NATIONAL radio stations or tv news. Can't have your cake and eat it - like I said, can't crave the attention and the income and give nothing back.
I am a supporter from Palmy and attend whenever I can. Does that mean because of where I live, I have less rights to see the team? Or should it be that we are thanked for making that financial , time consuming and enthusiastic commitment?
Sorry if it sounds a rant, but the childish reactions of some on here on this topic have totally disgusted me.
It's called having a loyal fan base and it works both ways. If you want to have that hardcore of fans, you don't want them to feel disenfranchised.
We didn't embrace the Phoenix because we wanted to supply national NZ income to the A-League. We did so, because we had our own team to embrace for the first time.
I'm not sure why you mentioned the Auckland Galaxy match as evidence of the Nix being embraced? The Nix didn't play in that match and that game was not a commercial success anyway.
Why would we embrace the removal of home games? Do you think Man Utd fans would embrace having home games moved to Essex?
Saying Sony (who are no longer sponsors) et al would have sponsored Team Welly if they'd only wanted Wellington coverage is ridiculous. There are television rights etc in the A-League. And you think the sponsors are thinking that they are finally getting national exposure because home games are being taken away? Huh?
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
SiNZ wrote:

I'm gutted that I will miss a game next season.

Stop whinging and start saving!
Starting XI
over 17 years
HK_Keeper wrote:
Um Interislander is still a sponsor right?

Where the deal at??

But Feverbus on the boat and drive down! Everything costs money but wont the trip be worth it!
Feverbus, boat and drive? I'm guessing you're a student and don't have a family to take down?
The cost of attending the game will be more than our family season ticket. For one game. Worth it? Hardly, not when you factor in the selling of the idea to the other half - "you want to spend how much on going to one match?" Never gonna win that one.
Starting XI
over 17 years
auskiwi wrote:
SiNZ wrote:

I'm gutted that I will miss a game next season.

Stop whinging and start saving!
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
SiNZ wrote:
HK_Keeper wrote:
Um Interislander is still a sponsor right?

Where the deal at??

But Feverbus on the boat and drive down! Everything costs money but wont the trip be worth it!
Feverbus, boat and drive? I'm guessing you're a student and don't have a family to take down?
The cost of attending the game will be more than our family season ticket. For one game. Worth it? Hardly, not when you factor in the selling of the idea to the other half - "you want to spend how much on going to one match?" Never gonna win that one.

Not worth it? And you keep up your Act of saying your passionate for the club yet you wont fork out to go to a one off game?

Did you go to the galaxy game?

Starting XI
over 17 years
HK_Keeper wrote:
SiNZ wrote:
HK_Keeper wrote:
Um Interislander is still a sponsor right?

Where the deal at??

But Feverbus on the boat and drive down! Everything costs money but wont the trip be worth it!
Feverbus, boat and drive? I'm guessing you're a student and don't have a family to take down?
The cost of attending the game will be more than our family season ticket. For one game. Worth it? Hardly, not when you factor in the selling of the idea to the other half - "you want to spend how much on going to one match?" Never gonna win that one.

Not worth it? And you keep up your Act of saying your passionate for the club yet you wont fork out to go to a one off game?

Did you go to the galaxy game?

I did, yeah. But I didn't have to risk my marriage to do so. And that's the issue. No way can I justify buying the flights and a two bedroom hotel room etc to my wife when we've had to defer house maintenance costs* and a holiday. And the option of going on my own - well, the married guys here know how well that sort of idea would go down!
(*for those that don't know us, we lost all power on Saturday, Contact came out and determined the problem is at our end and we're hoping the temporary fix the electrician did holds out for another year as the quoted cost to permanently fix was eye-watering)
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I mentioned the Auckland  Beckham game as being a failure, to highlight that the Nix v Glaxy game worked BECAUSE of NZ's appreciation of the Phoenix (and not the just the Beckham pulling power). This highlights the fact it is not just a local team, but a team that the country in general gets behind.
Do you want the rest of NZ to say "f*** off Phoenix - you are a Wellington team and as such we will treat you like that. Fend for yourselves." I doubt it. Like I said its a win-win situation here between Wellington and NZ football in general. It just requires give and take for it to work.
Comparing it to Man U is stupid to the extreme. Over there, there are 92 Professional teams, here there is ONE. Man U do not get the benefits that Wellington get as a result of being the only team. Here you get the benefits of EVERY game on live (Premiership teams may only be on live 2-3 times a month and lesser teams even fewer). There is no competition for sponsors, crowds and merchandising in the football market, and a high level of press attention that a team such as Bolton Hull and even Everton would crave.
And yes, you are ignorant to say that sponsors would not appreciate a game in another city. Most Nix games I have been to, there are Sony banners in the streets, in newspapers, marketing with the inflatable thngs on the concourse and signage and PA announcements inside. Any sponsor would appreciate a new audience.
Heck this is ONE out approx FORTY home past and present games that may be slightly out of your reach. Put your club before you, otherwise the rest of NZ will not be as supportive, which I would hate to see
over 17 years
Can people just accept that some people, whilst passionate and loyal Nix supporters, might actually have difficulty with the costs of attending the Chch game - especially if they have a family (that they want to keep).
The whinging about the cost prob doesnt need to be mentioned, and neither do the calls that they are not loyal,as they merely need to refrain from spending money on food for the next nine months...
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Turfmoore wrote:
Actually, your cost concerns have got me thinking. Let's charter a train - even with a family carriage or two. Serious. Cheaper way of getting there. Great marketing ploy.

That would be so cool!

Fever Express, I'm keen
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
SiNZ , obviously you are a negative type and happy to complain instead of doing something about it.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Reading13 wrote:
I mentioned the Auckland  Beckham game as being a failure, to highlight that the Nix v Glaxy game worked BECAUSE of NZ's appreciation of the Phoenix (and not the just the Beckham pulling power). This highlights the fact it is not just a local team, but a team that the country in general gets behind.
Do you want the rest of NZ to say "f*** off Phoenix - you are a Wellington team and as such we will treat you like that. Fend for yourselves." I doubt it. Like I said its a win-win situation here between Wellington and NZ football in general. It just requires give and take for it to work.
Comparing it to Man U is stupid to the extreme. Over there, there are 92 Professional teams, here there is ONE. Man U do not get the benefits that Wellington get as a result of being the only team. Here you get the benefits of EVERY game on live (Premiership teams may only be on live 2-3 times a month and lesser teams even fewer). There is no competition for sponsors, crowds and merchandising in the football market, and a high level of press attention that a team such as Bolton Hull and even Everton would crave.
And yes, you are ignorant to say that sponsors would not appreciate a game in another city. Most Nix games I have been to, there are Sony banners in the streets, in newspapers, marketing with the inflatable thngs on the concourse and signage and PA announcements inside. Any sponsor would appreciate a new audience.
Heck this is ONE out approx FORTY home past and present games that may be slightly out of your reach. Put your club before you, otherwise the rest of NZ will not be as supportive, which I would hate to see
I don't agree that we either have the rest of NZ saying f**k Off Phoenix or we put the home games outside the city.
We might not *just* be a local team, but we are a local team.
To suggest that taking home games on the road makes us more attractive to sponsors is just naive. The extant sponsorships are already paid for, on the basis of us being a Wellington team. You think that sponsors will offer more because of road games when deals come up for renewal? And you say I'm ignorant?
The arguable one-off benefits that might accrue have to be balanced against existing members who feel betrayed at losing easy access to games. Unless of course it isn't one-off. But then you merely create more disenfranchisement of those elements of the home support who feel like something is being taken away from them.
You imply that Wellington is not capable of supporting the Nix without taking home games to other cities. If that is the case, then it doesn't matter and our lifespan is limited anyway.
There are more than 92 professional teams in England
(even though that is more a point to your argument than mine)
However, if you can't see the applicability of the example, particularly in light of the Game 39 proposals, as being above the "stupid in extreme" then we're never going to find a common ground from which to discuss anything beyond the throwing out of bombastics.
Starting XI
over 17 years
auskiwi wrote:
SiNZ , obviously you are a negative type and happy to complain instead of doing something about it.
And obviously you have no concept of how tightly balanced some people's budgets are if you think it's that easy to just go. The only something I can do about it, that does not involve me making completely selfish decisions on behalf of my family, is to miss the game. Will I complain about it, damn right. Am I happy about it - again,  - if I was happy to miss the game, I wouldn't be complaining would I?
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
I think your complaining because you think your powerless, but your not, if you take responsibility for your circumstances and do something about it.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I'm complaining because I feel the Phoenix are cheating on me. For the exact same reason we protested when Brighton played home games outside of Brighton. Anyway, as you say elsewhere, it's done, get over it, stop complaining as other countries have bigger problems than football etc. Out.
over 17 years
end of the day - more national interest = more national coverage = more media time = exactly what we need
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Feverish wrote:
end of the day - more national interest = more national coverage = more media time = exactly what we need
, exactly. J.C. theres some selfish bitches on here
over 17 years
As a supporter from out of town it is great.
A big thanks to the Nix....
I think it is awesome when you see kids wearing nix gear...... in Dunedin. 
over 17 years
I can't wait! I have already told a few mates how live in Hawkes Bay and Whakatane to meet me in Palmy to watch the game together. And have 2 mates in ChCh who aren't great football supporters but said that they will go with me.
about 17 years
Think that think the inter islander being a  sponsor of the Phoenix there would surely be some sort of deal for supporters heading down to ChCh.

Lets embrace it and make the best of the situation.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Flights are usually dirt cheap welly to chch.
I am prob just as much of a nix fan as you are kapitinix if not more. I have prob already spent well over 400 bucks on flights from nelson or chch to see games in welly. Stop moaning and be grateful for that youre lucky enough to have NZs only professional football club in the city you live in!

Bring on the game in chch!Drewy2009-04-22 16:46:49
about 17 years
SiNZ wrote:

 And the option of going on my own - well, the married guys here know how well that sort of idea would go down!

Sorry what? You cannot go away on your own as your wife will do a Bobbit or divorce you or something is that what you are saying?

So obviously you are some sort of Leslie Philips type cad then? To the point that your wife can't let you go away for a couple of days as she suspects nay knows you will bed the women of Chch?
When I got married I don't remember the vow "thou shalt not attend th
e footy without thy wyfe"

(pic of Leslie for folk who can't place the name/reference)

Get a grip man!

ForteanTimes2009-04-22 17:06:46
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
, yes i too thought it was very limp.
Who wears the pants?
Starting XI
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
SiNZ wrote:

 And the option of going on my own - well, the married guys here know how well that sort of idea would go down!

Sorry what? You cannot go away on your own as your wife will do a Bobbit or divorce you or something is that what you are saying?

So obviously you are some sort of Leslie Philips type cad then? To the point that your wife can't let you go away for a couple of days as she suspects nay knows you will bed the women of Chch?
When I got married I don't remember the vow "thou shalt not attend th
e footy without thy wyfe"

(pic of Leslie for folk who can't place the name/reference)

Get a grip man!

No, you misread me. I thought it was clear when take in context, but I guess I'l have to break it down. The whole family attend every game, have done since season one. So I was referring to the bit where one is selfish enough to say, sod you lot I'm going on my own without you is too selfish to expect the idea to go down well.
about 17 years
SiNZ wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:
SiNZ wrote:

 And the option of going on my own - well, the married guys here know how well that sort of idea would go down!

Sorry what? You cannot go away on your own as your wife will do a Bobbit or divorce you or something is that what you are saying?

So obviously you are some sort of Leslie Philips type cad then? To the point that your wife can't let you go away for a couple of days as she suspects nay knows you will bed the women of Chch?
When I got married I don't remember the vow "thou shalt not attend th
e footy without thy wyfe"

(pic of Leslie for folk who can't place the name/reference)

Get a grip man!

No, you misread me. I thought it was clear when take in context, but I guess I'l have to break it down. The whole family attend every game, have done since season one. So I was referring to the bit where one is selfish enough to say, sod you lot I'm going on my own without you is too selfish to expect the idea to go down well.

Well get the kids babysatted (word?) and take the wife for a fun weekend with a bit of "Ohh la la!"
ForteanTimes2009-04-22 17:18:53
Starting XI
about 17 years
Nah, ForteanTimes you know that isn't going to cut it either.
For SiNZ its obviously all the family go to Christchurch because that's the family tradition they have and he began..WELL DONE THAT MAN!!
for what its worth mate,that's a family tradition worth just comes down to how much you all want to go.
You and the family still have 9 months to get creative and devise a cunning plan to perhaps finance your family road trip/holiday to Christchurch AND manage the house repairs...All the best.

Here's a thought, maybe the Phoenix marketing dept might like to offer the added incentive of flights and accommodation for the Christchurch game to a couple of families that get or renew season tickets promptly this season..??
a few YF families  would appreciate it I'm sure.
RedGed2009-04-22 19:14:05
over 16 years
getting the stadium to offer decent food like the healthy stuff at the rugby would be a nice gift.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Still don't see why there is a problem here.

The game is at the end of January, that gives you 9 months to plan and/or save for it.

There's more options than just flying - there's ferry/car combo, ferry/train combo.
Plus there are 3 airlines flying between Wgtn and Chch.

You can make it a weekend away, a trip away will be fun for your whole family.
Think of it as a mini-away trip, without having to go to Australia.

It seems like you're saying that because the trip is too expensive for you, thousands of people in Christchurch who have never seen a game of professional football should be denied the chance?
That sounds a bit selfish to me.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Paul wrote:
Steve-O wrote:
And, you could just make a weekend of it, that's what I plan on doing (depending on what this concert is that clashes! If it's AC/DC I will stay here! ).

It is the AC/DC concert!
over 16 years
you can also get tickets on naked bus if you really that money conscious. anywhere from $2 return pp to $50 depends how early you get in
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Unimpressed with away game in Christchurch, and even more unimpressed with suggestion it becomes an annual fixture. 
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
As the RoF wasn't available there was no option but to play 2 home games away - in this context I think ChCh and Palmy were good choices. Despite 2 games being away from the RoF we still have the same number of games at home as last season - 11. I also think it is a great idea for the club to include tickets to the 2 away home games in the season tickets, with prices frozen at last years level for renewing members. I will go to the Palmy game but not the ChCh game but appreciate the thought.
With a further 2 teams added next year I would expect the league to move to standard home and away format i.e. a 22 game season with 11 games at home. If this is a case, and the rugby world cup doesn't affect RoF availability, I would not support any League games being played away from the RoF - but that's a whole season away and we have a great season to look forward to before we have to re-ignite that debate.
In all his communications Tony has made it clear that the season members are the heart of club and looking after us is very very important (learn the lesson rugby unions), we may have varying expectations of what that means in practice but I applaude the sentiment.
Roll on 09/10 - I can't wait.
Whitby boy2009-04-22 20:01:15
Starting XI
over 17 years
Bevan wrote:
Still don't see why there is a problem here.

The game is at the end of January, that gives you 9 months to plan and/or save for it.

There's more options than just flying - there's ferry/car combo, ferry/train combo.
Plus there are 3 airlines flying between Wgtn and Chch.

You can make it a weekend away, a trip away will be fun for your whole family.
Think of it as a mini-away trip, without having to go to Australia.

It seems like you're saying that because the trip is too expensive for you, thousands of people in Christchurch who have never seen a game of professional football should be denied the chance?
That sounds a bit selfish to me.
A bit selfish? But that's the relationship. The club want us to sign up and be a faithful season ticket holder. In return, what you expect is the club to be faithful in return. You don't start thinking about giving your single mates a chance with your wife, so why must we lend clubless cities our football team?
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I have no problem with this, and no I don't live in Christchurch.  Simple fact is that the game is moved due to a scheduling conflict, something that the Nix were aware of when they inputted into the draw, I'm sure. 
The draw already accomodates the turf-laying period with 3 away games (4 if you count Palmy).  Juggling the draw to fit in another 3 away games in a row in January was probably too much to ask the FFA.  If there was another 10-20k stadium in Wellington they might have stayed here but there isn't - the caketin is unavailable and the draw couldn't be changed to accomodate another away game.
Besides the club will go where the revenue is - if Terry and Tony think they can earn money in Christchurch then big ups to them. 
I note from the draw that we're not the only ones - Central Coast appear to have two games relocated away from Bluetongue (against Perth and Adelaide).  At least we know where our matches are going to be played.
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
for those that are able to travel to ChCh for this game and are doing so thats great. For those that cant afford it , thats unfortunate so be it, I understand expense with a family but lets not say its a bad thing that the club is playing in chch just because you wont be going. You should be grateful that you have 10 other home games to attend throughout the season.
The Nix featured in more than half the back page of the Press yesterday, it's all ready getting excellent coverage and I am confident that they will get more than the 12,000 that they are expecting.
The club has  a lot of support here and if they get an excellent turnout (more than the average of last years crowds) then why not make it an annual fixture.
Heck this game is 8 months away - you can get $60 each way airfares - plan ahead and have your xmas holiday in the South Island?
over 16 years
if your gonna cry about it don't go. if your gonna be a true supporter and get behind the nix go
Starting XI
over 17 years
if your gonna cry about it don't go. if your gonna be a true supporter and get behind the nix go

Don't be an ass. The decision to go to Chch, while sensible, made it hella prohibitive. I wouldn't call anyone less of a fan because they don't have the means to get down there.

(I'm going down myself, btw.)
Starting XI
over 17 years
robbwatson wrote:
if your gonna cry about it don't go. if your gonna be a true supporter and get behind the nix go

Don't be an ass. The decision to go to Chch, while sensible, made it hella prohibitive. I wouldn't call anyone less of a fan because they don't have the means to get down there.

(I'm going down myself, btw.)

With you there. It is fair enough to be upset that 2 games are out of Wellington, and one of them is serious money away for a family. But that doesnt mean youre not a true supporter cause you cant go.

Lucky myself to have a sister who lives not far away, will be a good excuse to go say hello 

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